"Awesomeness is next to godliness~"
![]() _______________________________________________ Jasper Kim He/Him | 24 | Korean-American | 5'10" | 180lbs _______________________________________________ Polarized. _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "I guess I have a couple minor talents." ___________________________________ [Leadership] ⫻ Jasper is well-suited to being put in a leadership role. He's attentive, empathetic, and keeps a cool head in almost all circumstances. His tendency to treat everyone and their circumstances with respect, and his odd sense of wisdom almost regardless of the subject at hand, leads many to trust his judgement - at least in the various congregations he's been part of. [Fitness] ⫻ Jasper is pretty fit across the board. He's pretty strong, light on his feet, and has good stamina. Perhaps surprisingly, considering his line of work, he's more than capable of throwing hands due to his continued interest in mma sports, and even some training mostly from his late-teen years. [Multilingual] ⫻ Jasper is a fluent speaker of English, Korean, and Spanish, and is currently working on adding Mandarin to the list. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I make the cassock work, no?" Jasper is relatively difficult to pick out of a crowd while in plainclothes - standing at 5'10" and weighing about 180lbs, he is pretty average in his dimensions. His medium-short, dark-brown hair is most usually lightly kempt, and kept in no particular style. His eyes - which sit beneath dark, expressive eyebrows - are a warmer, calm caramel color. His face is readily capable of expressing his emotions, and often does so even if he doesn't intend to. Said face possesses fair, smooth skin and soft yet angular features, which leads him to regularly be described as a pretty attractive guy. When it comes to his frame, he obviously takes care in keeping himself in shape. When not hidden under sleeves or whatnot, it is clear that he works out, with ample definition especially pervading across the muscles of his torso, arms, and shoulders, while still maintaining a light frame. He carries himself with a casual, carefree air - any tenseness in him being a matter of note. He tends to fill his wardrobe, without taking into account his various Cossacks and clergy-attire, with clothing that he thinks looks good on him or just feels nice to wear, without any particular palette. The oddest thing one can always depend on about his appearance, though, is the presence of some sort of light source he carries with him - most usually a small, electric lantern. |
"Mn, well, I suppose I could be worse.. but I could also be better."
MAIN GOAL ⫻ As a whole, Jasper's goal in life is to leave the world a better place than he left it. Not every deed he does is good - and God knows that he is far from perfect - and he's perhaps one of the more unorthodox pastors resting under His gaze - but he does his damned best to offset his sins with acts that will, in the end, leave his neighbors and his faith off for the better. In recent times, his attention has been drawn to the southern district of Cloverfield - a stark contrast from the north side that he was raised in. His sense of empathy has led him to split away from the sense of luxury he's used to, and instead begin a path to try and stem the bleeding, at least socially, of the lower district - as much as he can hope to, no matter how minutely.
PHILOSOPHY ⫻ Jasper sees good in everyone, and can almost always find the silver lining. He's open-minded, and always sees things as having a purpose - but not always a purpose that one can comprehend. Misfortunes are just a part of how the world is, and fortunes and revelry are to be thoroughly cherished. Being of faith, he is not stranger to adversity in himself or others - people suffer, but he will do what he can to mitigate that, even if he has to shoulder a couple sins to do so.
SECRETS ⫻ Jasper tries not to reveal the nature of his affliction with The Shadow. He fears people will not trust him as strongly should they know he is not in control of such a dangerous thing. Additionally, while he isn't entirely secretive about being sinful, he tries to make a good example for others and hide such things when he can.
SEXUALITY ⫻ Bisexual.
FEARS ⫻ Jasper has a great fear that The Shadow will hurt someone using his body, and he won't be able to stop it. Were he a more careless person, maybe he could work towards harnessing it - but the thought of what might happen is something that truly scares him.
WHAT DID THEY DO DURING THE CATACLYSM? ⫻ Before and during the cataclysm, Jasper lived in the northern district of Cloverfield. When hell came to earth, while he wasn't exactly suited to fighting paranormal beings, Jasper did what he could to uphold the psyche of those he could in such trying times. Using the faith, alongside his social skills, as well as what resources he could muster for those whose homes were decimated in the destruction, he did what he could, be the help mundane.
FLAWS ⫻ One could say that, in some ways, Jasper is held back by his faith - in that there are some things he will not do which others might. Though, he doesn't see it that way, of course. Additionally, he is always loomed over by his fear of The Shadow that resides with him - an apparition which he has seemingly no control over.
PHILOSOPHY ⫻ Jasper sees good in everyone, and can almost always find the silver lining. He's open-minded, and always sees things as having a purpose - but not always a purpose that one can comprehend. Misfortunes are just a part of how the world is, and fortunes and revelry are to be thoroughly cherished. Being of faith, he is not stranger to adversity in himself or others - people suffer, but he will do what he can to mitigate that, even if he has to shoulder a couple sins to do so.
SECRETS ⫻ Jasper tries not to reveal the nature of his affliction with The Shadow. He fears people will not trust him as strongly should they know he is not in control of such a dangerous thing. Additionally, while he isn't entirely secretive about being sinful, he tries to make a good example for others and hide such things when he can.
SEXUALITY ⫻ Bisexual.
FEARS ⫻ Jasper has a great fear that The Shadow will hurt someone using his body, and he won't be able to stop it. Were he a more careless person, maybe he could work towards harnessing it - but the thought of what might happen is something that truly scares him.
WHAT DID THEY DO DURING THE CATACLYSM? ⫻ Before and during the cataclysm, Jasper lived in the northern district of Cloverfield. When hell came to earth, while he wasn't exactly suited to fighting paranormal beings, Jasper did what he could to uphold the psyche of those he could in such trying times. Using the faith, alongside his social skills, as well as what resources he could muster for those whose homes were decimated in the destruction, he did what he could, be the help mundane.
FLAWS ⫻ One could say that, in some ways, Jasper is held back by his faith - in that there are some things he will not do which others might. Though, he doesn't see it that way, of course. Additionally, he is always loomed over by his fear of The Shadow that resides with him - an apparition which he has seemingly no control over.
"Nothing much to note, really."
The story of Jasper's life is mostly a mundane one. He was born to a widowed mother who passed when he was born, and as such was raised by his grandparents, who were taken care of by the local church. This made the faith a big part of his life. Every Sunday, and very often more days than even just that, were days fully devoted to the faith for him. He grew up contributing quite a lot to the church, and he grew up thoroughly enjoying the sense of community that this setting gave him. Everyone watched out for one another, and the ugliness of the world was easy to forget in the comfort of faith.
Of course, he was still young - so while he was devoted to his faith even from a young age, he did explore areas outside of it(and still does, tsk tsk). He found trouble more than a few times in his younger years, and never really grew out of being an adventurous spirit. Starting his own number of fights then, he has since tempered himself quite a deal - and it would be quite the rarity to witness him starting a fight.
As he grew older, he began to become one of the strongest pillars of his community. And not just for his community -- soon, his influence began to spread to neighboring churches, which he began to support as well. Whether it be through supporting community fundraisers, aiding in refurbishing downtrodden churches, helping the misfortunates in any particular community, or any other numbers of things, he grew to esteem even amongst people who weren't of faith. This was all, fortunately, aided by the sizable inheritance left to him by his parents - an inheritance that he has known only to use for the benefit of others. He has never needed for comfort, but he has done his best to utilize his means to do the best he can for others.
Despite his blessings, however, everyone has their moments of weakness. Their own crises that warp their perception of the world, for better or worse. Seeing the destruction of the cataclysm was indeed a warping thing for him - he had never seen destruction at such a level.. and it made him question why it was that such tragedy was allowed to burden innocent people. For a time, he questioned his faith, and while he eventually steeled himself and restored the depth of his belief to its full state, it was in these moments of weakness that an apparition dug its claws into him. The Shadow, from that point on, has become a threat that looms in his very own shadow.
He has, however, persisted nonetheless. In the past year especially, he has made it a goal of his to put his means to use in the southern district of Cloverfield more personally. He has moved into the district and now is more involved with the suffering and aftermath that still hurts the area all this time after the cataclysm.
Of course, he was still young - so while he was devoted to his faith even from a young age, he did explore areas outside of it(and still does, tsk tsk). He found trouble more than a few times in his younger years, and never really grew out of being an adventurous spirit. Starting his own number of fights then, he has since tempered himself quite a deal - and it would be quite the rarity to witness him starting a fight.
As he grew older, he began to become one of the strongest pillars of his community. And not just for his community -- soon, his influence began to spread to neighboring churches, which he began to support as well. Whether it be through supporting community fundraisers, aiding in refurbishing downtrodden churches, helping the misfortunates in any particular community, or any other numbers of things, he grew to esteem even amongst people who weren't of faith. This was all, fortunately, aided by the sizable inheritance left to him by his parents - an inheritance that he has known only to use for the benefit of others. He has never needed for comfort, but he has done his best to utilize his means to do the best he can for others.
Despite his blessings, however, everyone has their moments of weakness. Their own crises that warp their perception of the world, for better or worse. Seeing the destruction of the cataclysm was indeed a warping thing for him - he had never seen destruction at such a level.. and it made him question why it was that such tragedy was allowed to burden innocent people. For a time, he questioned his faith, and while he eventually steeled himself and restored the depth of his belief to its full state, it was in these moments of weakness that an apparition dug its claws into him. The Shadow, from that point on, has become a threat that looms in his very own shadow.
He has, however, persisted nonetheless. In the past year especially, he has made it a goal of his to put his means to use in the southern district of Cloverfield more personally. He has moved into the district and now is more involved with the suffering and aftermath that still hurts the area all this time after the cataclysm.
"It's.. maybe better if you don't know.."
TYPE ⫻ Aberration (Adjoined)
ABSTRACTION ⫻ The Shadow - "The Shadow", as Jasper calls it, is an apparition that latched onto the priest in his darkest moments. He knows not why the apparition chose him as its victim, but it now skulks over Jasper's shoulder, waiting for its opportunity to assume control of his body, for reasons unknown. It is kept at bay only by sources of light, and seeks to engulf its victim in darkness.
ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻ The Shadow is an apparition that resides within Jasper, and seems to express its Abstraction through sheer physical prowesses, and the ability to domineer Jasper's body and shadow. In the few sparing moments that Jasper has faltered in keeping it at bay, The Shadow has displayed power tremendously surpassing human capabilities. The Shadow, while its intents and character are largely unknown to Jasper, seems to take care in preventing his demise as much as it can while in its dormant state. The Apparition frequently possesses Jasper's shadow in physical form, and manipulates the environment around him at its own whim - and through this method can even stave off danger from him in tiny, fleeting bursts of strength.
Despite the rather adverse nature of The Shadow's occupation, its presence within Jasper does confer onto him a small measure of the apparition's abstraction - an abstraction which seems to be largely animalistic in nature.
Ever since The Shadow's presence, Jasper has noticed that he possesses sharply enhanced senses. His vision is sharper, more focused. His ability to react to things around him is also heightened, and he feels more.. coordinated in his movements. His sense of smell is also rather good - though he often wishes it wasn't. Furthermore, his hearing is exceptional - surpassing human standards alongside his other senses.
Apart from these small boons, there is another avenue through which Jasper can acquire more strength from The Shadow's abstraction. While the apparition is kept at bay by the light, Jasper can allow himself to enter more dimly lit areas -- the darker his environment, the more access he has to The Shadow's abilities - but also the more he feels control of his own body slipping away. And as such, he never entertains the idea of utilizing this method. At least.. not yet.
If he were to immerse himself completely in pitch-black darkness, he would acquire a level of strength and speed which would monstrously surpass the capabilities of even most apparitions - warping his body to grow more and more shadowy and beast-like, even if only until he sees light again.
LIMITS ⫻ The Shadow's abstraction seems to be almost completely repelled by the presence of light of any kind, be it artificial or otherwise - making it almost completely inaccessible during the day. Jasper, additionally, imposes limits upon it himself by refusing to use these powers for fear that The Shadow would take over his body - and nothing short of preventing a massacre would sway him to use even half of the potential power in his hands.
ABSTRACTION ⫻ The Shadow - "The Shadow", as Jasper calls it, is an apparition that latched onto the priest in his darkest moments. He knows not why the apparition chose him as its victim, but it now skulks over Jasper's shoulder, waiting for its opportunity to assume control of his body, for reasons unknown. It is kept at bay only by sources of light, and seeks to engulf its victim in darkness.
ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻ The Shadow is an apparition that resides within Jasper, and seems to express its Abstraction through sheer physical prowesses, and the ability to domineer Jasper's body and shadow. In the few sparing moments that Jasper has faltered in keeping it at bay, The Shadow has displayed power tremendously surpassing human capabilities. The Shadow, while its intents and character are largely unknown to Jasper, seems to take care in preventing his demise as much as it can while in its dormant state. The Apparition frequently possesses Jasper's shadow in physical form, and manipulates the environment around him at its own whim - and through this method can even stave off danger from him in tiny, fleeting bursts of strength.
Despite the rather adverse nature of The Shadow's occupation, its presence within Jasper does confer onto him a small measure of the apparition's abstraction - an abstraction which seems to be largely animalistic in nature.
Ever since The Shadow's presence, Jasper has noticed that he possesses sharply enhanced senses. His vision is sharper, more focused. His ability to react to things around him is also heightened, and he feels more.. coordinated in his movements. His sense of smell is also rather good - though he often wishes it wasn't. Furthermore, his hearing is exceptional - surpassing human standards alongside his other senses.
Apart from these small boons, there is another avenue through which Jasper can acquire more strength from The Shadow's abstraction. While the apparition is kept at bay by the light, Jasper can allow himself to enter more dimly lit areas -- the darker his environment, the more access he has to The Shadow's abilities - but also the more he feels control of his own body slipping away. And as such, he never entertains the idea of utilizing this method. At least.. not yet.
If he were to immerse himself completely in pitch-black darkness, he would acquire a level of strength and speed which would monstrously surpass the capabilities of even most apparitions - warping his body to grow more and more shadowy and beast-like, even if only until he sees light again.
LIMITS ⫻ The Shadow's abstraction seems to be almost completely repelled by the presence of light of any kind, be it artificial or otherwise - making it almost completely inaccessible during the day. Jasper, additionally, imposes limits upon it himself by refusing to use these powers for fear that The Shadow would take over his body - and nothing short of preventing a massacre would sway him to use even half of the potential power in his hands.
The.Shadow | |
![]() ??? | "The Shadow" | ??? "..." | Description: The Shadow, as Jasper calls it, has no true name. It is an old apparition which lurks in the shadows, ever-watching all events that play out before it. An apparition permanently shrouded in darkness, one would be safe to assume that Jasper is the only being to know of the apparition's existence. As such, virtually nothing is known of the creature that now resides within the priest. Over the past year or so, it has remained a silent threat looming over Jasper's head and, as far as he knows, it has no means with which to communicate with its host. Behaviorally, there have been some observations that Jasper has made, even if small. Once, when Jasper put together a plan to test The Shadow's nature, he took himself deep into the woods at night. He found a place miles away from civilization, and waiting there until sunrise was a mere thirty minutes away. And then he shunted his lantern off. When Jasper regained his senses, he found himself slathered in blood and gore - of what he did not yet know. Around him, in a patch of woods unfamiliar to him, trees were gouged and torn from the earth, snapped like twigs and laden with bloodied claw marks. As he looked further into the morning haze, he saw a great number of woodland animals, from those as small as a rat to even a deer, splayed haphazardly across the earth, numbering in multiple dozens. From this, he at first gleaned that the apparition was a bloodthirsty beast who seemed to kill only for sport and glee. Yet.. there was something he was feeling that he couldn't immediately understand. As he knelt in the field, his body quivering - whether out of fear or exhaustion - there was a sense of.. unhappiness within him. Yes, he felt a spell of sympathy for the poor creatures that he had unwittingly slaughtered, but there was something else.. there was.. remorse. But it wasn't his. From this, he could only decipher so much - but the only thing he did know was that The Shadow was dangerous. And from then on, it has been locked away. Aside from a dull pulling sensation that instills in him an unwilful desire to step into the darkness, Jasper hasn't heard or felt anything from The Shadow since - at least not that he can tell - and the apparition has only, oddly enough, protected him or idly prodded at the environment around them. Abstraction: Stygian Savagery The Shadow, in its own element, is an immensely powerful being. Its physical strength and speed when engulfed in darkness are, in most likelihood, unmatched by any apparition or abstraction known or unknown. It seems to have complete domain over its environment when it is free to act as it pleases. It seems almost as though nothing escapes the apparition's notice - almost like it has some kind of third eye which allows it to root out what others could never hope to know was there. In its full form, The Shadow doesn't have much of a traditional body to speak of - it appears as a wispy shadow in the form of some sort of canid head, and shapes its body out of the shadows that surround it as it needs. In the absence of light, it can control the environment itself as if just the area around it was part of The Shadow's body - allowing it to form attacks or move from any infinite number of angles. Claws, jaws, and crushing weight all loom within the shadows in this apparition's preferred environment. But, of course, once the sun rises.. the apparition must slink back to obscurity. |