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In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Pfft, but I’m a valuable asset to this team.
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Something about having another god IC refer to Grimloq as the Lizard God sounds really silly and makes me grin.
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
First came fungus, then came dragon eggs. Very logical order of the origin of life.
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Birth of the first Coldblood

Existence without thought, being without existing. The still-developing conscience of a slumbering, yet-to-be-born god dwelled in it's limbo-like state. It sought heat, warmth, energy to be born from. Not a conscience desire, not one born of thought or reason, but of mere extinct. A warm call came to the unformed god, drawing it closer, and closer, until it found existence.

From the oblivion within a door, Mater Lei's invitation caused a small white egg come into existence and enter into the realm. The egg rolled briefly on the cold sand floor. For some time once it's path had ended, the egg had remained in a still, lifeless state. Eventually, the egg stirred. It rolled, and in it's stirrings flames began to crack around the shell. Intense heat forming from within. Then it had burst. Flames erupted from the shattered egg as a monstrous figure grew with the flames. Blue scales covered in filmy yolk slowly made it's appearance through the brilliant fire, unaffected by the burning heat, the god took full form.

When the flames cleared, a beast that stood upright, clad in blue scales, stood in the new world. Eyes glared like dim candle flames. He was now self-aware, capable of thought, capable of reason. The emotions were overwhelming. Like a wildfire he felt a rush of confusion, joy, anger, and passion. Yet the cold-blooded creature was still, did not express any resulting action to these emotions, or any expressions to read. Like a statue, these conflicting and new feelings resonated until they inevitably settled down.

There was much to do. Much to create, much to destroy. But first, there would have to be creation. He looked around, the new world was barren. The first lives were created by another deity, fungi that germinated around the door that brought him into existence. Cells that adapted and expanded, ripe with souls waiting to be tapped into.

He scooped a handful of the newly born life, just as he had recently come alive. He breathed his essence onto the collected biomass, golden flames bathed the fungi. The divine fire did not burn them, but rather, shaped them. Forced them to evolve, to change. They writhed, grew, and convulsed, until they formed into 8 individual, large eggs. Each the size of a skull.

These new creations were still yet to be born. They still needed time to grow, still needed to wait for a world to thrive in. To give them life, he needed a realm to let them rule over.

So he walked away from the door. He moved far, away from it, desiring distance away from his kin. He wanted to be alone in his works of creations. Finding sufficient space, the scaled god raised his claw to erect a new landmass. Molten stone rose by his will and towered above. The earth cooled all but the center of elevated island, where a pool of magma boiled as a pool within the tallest peak. The landmass was without life. It was barren, composed of cooled rocks and earthly soil.

He moved to the top of the volcano, and dropped the eggs into the scalding pool of molten rock. There they would wait and incubate until it was there time to rise. He turned to the horizon. He stood valiantly on his perch. Atop his throne that was merely a peak to a volcanic mountain, the new God announced to the heavens, monstrous voice in all:

"I am Grimloq, and this, will be my kingdom."

In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Yes yes, fight amongst yourselves. While you quarrel, Grimloq will lead the Lizardmen to mass conquest.
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I disagree, While ive seen rps that keep in touch with discord die off on the guild, one of the rps I’m still active in from here has been kept alive thanks to discord, and it’s been active for almost 2 years now and still runnning.

Discord helps keeps roleplays lasting, but that in of itself won’t keep it alive.
In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

In Godspeed! 7 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Well here's my lizard God, I await a review! (The warhammer ripoff is a bit on the nose I apologize.)

{EDIT: Didn't mean to post still WIP}
@Antarctic Termite

Can Gods start off with some creations when making a sheet? I/E, races, monsters, etc.
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