Avatar of BCTheEntity


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8 mos ago
Current Harambant, who once went by Harambe, now only recalled in light of what followed.
2 yrs ago
3 yrs ago
It seems today, that all you see,
3 yrs ago
Holy Spirit Activate
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3 yrs ago
Remember the indigenous people of the Americas today.


Hello, I am me from the internet. I migrated here from Kongregate's Forum Games Forum, so feel free to look for me there if you wish to follow a career in internet stalking people. (ಠ_ಠ) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

A link to some of my past characters, which I need because static tabs do not take up internet.

Infamous Quotes From People Who Exist

“I really don’t follow how your faith believes its perfectly acceptable to doom 4,000 years plus of sentient beings, on a pre-set path of no escape from sin, just so their descendants can be offered the ‘chance of salvation’ when the god murders its own son.”

“Don’t be an ass or a pussy, ’lest you get screwed by life. Being a mouth or a hand is somewhat safer, and an eye socket is pretty much sacred in this regard, so always keep a look out.”

Most Recent Posts

A.L.M.A. Unit "Roxanne"

Having the capacity to very rapidly switch into a new body was an extremely useful ability. Roxanne's Judge chassis proved this quite adroitly: at fifteen meters tall, it might have taken ten minutes to prepare the mech for any biological pilot. A mere five seconds was all that she required to enter it and properly calibrate it for use, and two of those were spent returning to the Mainframe first and issuing a command to retrieve the Jury chassis. No faults detected, all systems online. A smooth transition all round.

Ray's team dropped first. Problems weren't anticipated, but potential issues were planned around: both teams had some capacity to contact one another, for starters, so they could reunite once the lost targets were found or reaffirm their plans if one drop team was uncertain of their objective; if both teams failed to find the targets within a reasonable timeframe, they would regroup at a specified drop point to discuss further options, and likewise if casualties were suffered or a team member became too aggressive; and if worst came to worst, and an entire drop team lost contact, the second team would be capable of tracking their mechs to survey the damage.

Regardless, Roxanne would lead the second team's drop. Despite their construction, none of her combat chassis could survive an unprotected combat drop, and so she had to enter into a drop pod the same as every other mech present. Of course, she didn't particularly "feel" the extreme G-force of re-entry into Triad 5's atmosphere, nor the softened but still heavy impact with the planet's surface. Not the same way as a biological being would, anyway, even contained and protected inside of a mech. Regardless, stepping out would reveal that they had landed in a somewhat dry patch of land - not necessarily "arid", but plant life was relatively sparse, and the heat was as intense as one might expect, at least outside of the mechs themselves.

'Standard search pattern, kilometer-long steps,' Roxanne's voice announced from the speakers mounted within the chassis' body, hovering above the ground just slightly. A moment later, it began to move forward at decent clip, directly north, and would only stop to turn east at the kilometer mark. Essentially, they would travel in "steps" a kilometer long each, keeping track of everything to both sides of them as they progressed and shifting to the next compass notation at appropriate marks, forming an increasingly-large rectangular spiral and examining as much ground as possible until further notice gave reason to do otherwise, be it a physical obstacle or signs that the lost pilots had been present in the area.
Raymond Haywood: The Airport

Hmm. Definitely a Tinker, then. And if he wasn’t mistaken, Alloy’s electrical blast had shorted not just the green-robed villain’s gadgets, but also whatever was causing the airport’s phasing issues to begin with in their entirety.

Unfortunately, he managed to phase out before Raymond could get a clear bead on him. Fortunately, Headhunter’s power was otherwise back to normal functionality, at least within this area. Contacting the others briefly, as Chatterbox spoke to Whimsy and Thunderbolt tried to attack the man, he rapidly uttered ‘He’s a Tinker. If you can make him phase back into reality, I can knock him out. Either trick him, force him, disable the unit phasing him out, or keep shocking him.’

And shock Alloy did. Meanwhile, Headhunter shifted his weapon to its M16A4 form, and took aim at the dimension-shifting Tinker without immediately scoping in. He’d find his moment to fire, though from his current distance, he wasn’t perfectly sure he’d be able to make the shot. He’d have to wait and see.
Alessa Heather: PRT HQ

Oh. His expression was painful to see. Certainly, he had been a friend... but, sadly, betrayal tended to ruin friendships soundly. That said, Elliot’s taunting of the boy was a bit much, especially the arm gesture, and Alessa glanced over quizzically, gently nudging him with her elbow as if to say “cut it out”.

Then came the word from Decoy. The Community was attacking the city en masse, in forces great enough to completely take over the Protectorate's entire attention - an unsettling- nay, terrifying thought, one that had Alessa’s eyes widening before she realised her fear was showing through. And though she would have protested at the idea of knocking Collin out, for all sorts of medical reasons, not least that he’d been knocked unconscious once before, worse yet was who they had to defeat to clear the PRT wholly of moles.

Protean. Their trainer. And as Decoy reminded them that he was the trainer for every Ward, the old adage ran through her mind: “I taught you everything you know, but I didn’t teach you everything I know”.

Plus, he was freaking powerful. At least physically. She imagined defeating him would be an all-or-nothing affair.

‘Do it, Lyn,’ she ordered, firmly but not harshly, and only after a moment of frenzied hesitation. ‘We don’t have time to waste. Once he’s handled, everyone follow me.’ Her last statement to Collin was a barely-audible ‘I’m sorry’, complete with regret plastering her face, regret that things had to be this way and for agreeing that he had to be knocked out cold once again; after that, she spun on her heel and began to power walk away from the scene, halfway to a run. They needed a plan, and they needed it very quickly indeed.
@Jbcool Any word on an update in the near future?
Hero Name: Arete
Civilian Name: Maceroy Falthon
Age: 48

Power(s): Flight with four wings, clawed feet, "super-science" of various sorts, telekinetic exoskeleton nearly twice the size of a normal human.
Jan Valley

Jan received the message as they were dragging a whole car battery out of a car that had been half-buried under a house, and took their time to check the battery for damage, twisting it round in the claws of their suit. 'Aw yeah, that is legit,' they eventually muttered, placing the heavy object down on their cart before grabbing their phone. By now, they actually had two messages, one from Pale Horse, and the other from the CDA. Both were... eh. Firefights. The same firefight, actually. The idiots thought they were both doing some reasonable things, but in the end, it all came down to money.

Jan, frankly, couldn't really care less. Ten thousand could be a lot of money, but they knew they would get better pickings from the bodies they looted. The grand irony was when you could sell an organisation's guns back to them... but actually, if they were going to be there anyway, they might as well go in on one side or the other and get the money *as well.* What, were they gonna get them killed, in the sort of armour they were wearing? Not likely. But which would be preferable... both paid the same, and the CDA offered £2000 in advance... buuut, Jan would have more guns to loot if they were on the ground, and if all went well, they'd wind up getting the guns inside too.

The claws of their suit tapped back over to the Pale Horse's message, and accepted the mission. After that, they grabbed their cart, and continued on their merry way. There was always more stuff to appropriate, after all.
@Old Amsterdam
‘Blue, Blue,’ her boss uttered soothingly, ‘rest assured, you’ll have your chance to properly execute those who need executing. For now, the fact that you managed to take a target in without needing to use violence is something I’m pleased to hear. Also understand that I had nothing to do with that girl’s incorporation into your team...’ He trailed off, falling silent for a moment as he occasionally did, his thoughts inscrutable over the voiceline.

‘And remember that she is, ultimately, a Stand user,’ he eventually reminded her. ‘Whether or not she knows it, under that frail exterior is a core of iron, and if you wish to avoid babysitting her, forging that core into an edge of steel might be worth your time. Think of it as a way to further your social abilities,’ he suggested congenially. ‘You’re able to persuade others to give in to your desires, but what about persuading them to change themselves? To become something more useful to you? Mastery over others, which can easily be turned to put them where you need them for a kill.

‘In any case, you’ll want to head back to HQ,’ he informed her. ‘Mister Armstrong has plenty of work for you, or at least plenty of work to defer to you, and I imagine he’ll want to debrief you on your overwhelming success.’
@The Fated Fallen To be fair, literally just me and Stormflyx have posted so far. You're probably alright, relatively speaking.
What is the foot?!

Which one? I have two, you have two, Beren also has two...
Name: Jan Valley

Age: 32

Nationality: Aracial English. May or may not speak with a chav accent. It's hard to tell under the EOD suit they always wear.

Gender: Person In Heavy Armour. Seriously, the EOD suit totally hides their frame and features, and nobody can tell from their voice either because it's so muffled.

Allegiance: CDR, Pale Horse, themself.

Personality: Jan has wares, if you have coin! They are pretty relaxed, wandering very nearly as they please, and will generally sell even to the scummiest of buyers. Even with guns pointed in their direction, they're not generally too fussed about things. On the other hand, those who threaten to steal any of their goods will not be shown mercy, even long-time customers, and the fact they are contained within an incredibly dense and intimidating protective layer generally deters most from trying to attack them anyway.

Weapons: Loads - But mostly, they're for sale. Jan can use them, however, so best not to try and take any of that by force.
Heckler & Koch MG5 - This is kind of Jan's baby. It's a good weapon for defending themself with, generally speaking, especially since most of the mercenaries in London are sort of not as heavily armoured as them.

Gadgets: EOD Suit - An advanced variant of the Advanced Bomb Suit, very similar and extremely resistant against anything from small arms gunfire up to significant explosive ordnance. Aside from being generally more capable of protecting the wearer from harm and somewhat improved mobility, major upgrades from the ABS include a layer of material designed to halt and minimise the threat of gamma radiation, an air filtration system to ensure no radioactive particulates make their way into the suit, a darkened faceplate protecting the wearer's face from alpha, beta, and gamma radiation, sealed sleeves with dextrous artificial hands directly controlled by brain impulses, and an advanced cooling system that automatically recharges from the user's own movements and emitted body heat, allowing them to move around relatively freely at walking speed without suffering symptoms of heatstroke.
Mercantile Cart - A wooden cart, complete with wheels, able to contain all the stuff Jan is selling. The sign, easily hidden if need be, reads "Jan's Mobile Mercantile".

Role: Gunrunner - Officially, Jan's role is to acquire equipment scattered throughout London for both the CDR and Pale Horse, ideally reacquiring gear from fallen soldiers if possible, and bring it to them, receiving a regular wage as appropriate compensation for their efforts.
Merchant - Unofficially, Jan finds all sorts of stuff, or buys it from others, only to sell it to the highest bidder for a tidy profit.
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