Harambant, who once went by Harambe, now only recalled in light of what followed.
2 yrs ago
3 yrs ago
It seems today, that all you see,
3 yrs ago
Holy Spirit Activate
3 yrs ago
Remember the indigenous people of the Americas today.
Hello, I am me from the internet. I migrated here from Kongregate's Forum Games Forum, so feel free to look for me there if you wish to follow a career in internet stalking people. (ಠ_ಠ) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
“I really don’t follow how your faith believes its perfectly acceptable to doom 4,000 years plus of sentient beings, on a pre-set path of no escape from sin, just so their descendants can be offered the ‘chance of salvation’ when the god murders its own son.” ~vikaTae
“Don’t be an ass or a pussy, ’lest you get screwed by life. Being a mouth or a hand is somewhat safer, and an eye socket is pretty much sacred in this regard, so always keep a look out.” ~BCLEGENDS
@JrVader@Zoey White@knifeman@ProPro@Yankee@Genon To those of you who aren't yet aware, the first IC post is up! It's listed as the 0th post, however, so here is a memo describing how it is indeed present. Post away, boys and girls and non-binary people!
@Jannah I'm glad you think so! I can't guarantee we'll have any free slots for characters at the moment, but you're free to jump into the Discord channel whenever you like if you just want to chat and learn some things about JJBA; it's a fun tale, by any stretch.
Some time after the reprimands of Felix and Eileen, and with calculations regarding the nature of a sentient infection vector no closer to completion despite further time spent assisting Doctor Rei's latest experiment, Roxanne took the liberty of wandering the halls, bearing witness to nothing particularly out of order. Despite the relatively more approachable frames of her Jury and leisure chassis - and, considering the purpose of her programming was to better approximate human-like thought, such appearances were generally the proper approach - she did believe that they omitted a lot of information which was more readily acquired whilst her software inhabited the station's servers. Information, supposedly, was power - though in literal terms, what required power was the storage and retrieval of information. Of course, if the information she had stored was accurate, the phrase actually referred to the ability to control others' actions, which made more sense in context, and was incidentally also true for Roxanne.
Speaking of power, Roxanne came across one of the survivors of the infected vector's assault - Lilliana, alone and seemingly unoccupied. It might be largely reasonable for most such individuals to be on their own after such an event, so as to recover from the shock. For Lilliana, however... there was a reasonable likelihood that the event of encountering a sentient vector had upset her, by Roxanne's calculations. It also occurred belatedly that perhaps intentional experimentation had been performed on the vector in question. Roxanne would retain this information for later. At the moment, it might be best to engage the Gazer in conversation.
'Greetings, Lilliana,' Roxanne began smoothly, stepping up to the undead girl and halting at a reasonable distance. 'How are you feeling at present? Hopefully well, though I understand if not.' Realistically, it would indeed be preferable if Lilliana wasn't affected by recent events - but, of course, it was much more likely that the opposite was true, and Roxanne was accordingly prepared to respond to that situation primarily.
The year is 1941, France. The bombings of the United Kingdom have ended, but the Resistance fights on - the Vichy government cannot be allowed to repress France's people, and the Wehrmacht shall not blunt their spirits! Only, it seems as of late that the Wehrmacht has been a much more effective blunting tool than usual. People speak of German soldiers with dead eyes, who seem nearly immune to bullets, possess incredible strength and speed - some even claim they've seen these warriors twisting the world to their whims, one way or another.
Naturally, of course, such bold claims need to be investigated, before they get out of hand. To that end, agents from each of the Allied nations shall sally forth - members of the United Kingdom's Special Operations Executive, the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of Russia, and courtesy of the United States government, a foundation whose namesake and origin is none other than the English oil baron and philanthropist Robert E.O. Speedwagon. Of course, the Boche's grip on France is strong, and it'll be hard to insert more than a few people at once without drawing suspicion, but it is near-certain that elements of the French resistance groups will be able and willing to support these agents as they go about their work too.
In the end, a team of such esteemed individuals should have the skills and abilities necessary to handle themselves and put a stop to these claims conclusively... right?
Before we begin, please note that we have a Discord server for chat about the story, Stands, and other such details, located right here for your viewing pleasure. It's also recommended that you actually read the rules, which are displayed below.
Game Rules
Please follow the rules of the website - most notably, don’t be a jerk, and be sure to write to the expected standards of a High Casual game.
Please try to post within a reasonable timeframe. Beyond the initial posting frequency, once every week is more than sufficient, but I can’t help you if you’re consistently days behind everyone else. If, of course, you have a good reason to be delayed, do tell me before we choose to move on, and we’ll take that into account.
Please write down who you think the best JoJo is in the Other section of the character sheet.
Please be aware that the nature of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure means that character death is an inherent risk throughout the RP. We will not hold back when it comes to NPC action, nor will we avoid killing player characters off if it is a logical outcome. Not every fight will result in death, but any fight can result in death, especially if you aren’t smart about defeating your opponents.
Equally, the nature of Stand battles tends to skew in favour of larger groups. Thus, it may well be that not every player character will be directly involved in every Stand battle, depending on when and why the party splits at any given time. That said, we'll try our best to keep everybody involved as best we can.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is one of the most off-the-wall settings in existence without going into the realm of nonsense, and in that regard, the Rule of Cool is in full effect - feel free to utilise even very specific facts about the world to bolster the logic behind your moves and attacks, and note that even the most ridiculous plans might succeed if they’re presented dramatically enough.
Also note that you are, at any time, free to DM secret actions to any of the GMs, in case you want to pull off a JoJo-esque stunt such as "Ha! You thought you were drinking my blood, but I replaced my blood with gasoline!"
The Sheets
Name: The character’s name, typically derived from one or more famous singers, bands, or other sources of significance. As a rule, I don’t intend to allow players to derive their character from significant bloodlines in canon; if you’re that desperate to show off a Joestar or Zeppeli or what have you, DM us GMs so that we can discuss it with you.
Gender: The character’s birth sex. Sexuality and self-perceived gender are separate matters; discuss these in the Other section or in-story if you so wish.
Age: The character’s lifespan so far. Simple enough.
Stand: The name of the character’s Stand, if they have one. Be aware that you don’t need to give your character a Stand at all, though they will be aware of the existence of the supernatural either way, and will have the potential to develop a Stand later on nonetheless - write down “N/A” if this is the case. Despite the disadvantages stacked against them, it is entirely possible for a perfectly normal human to defeat most Stand users with the right mix of technical skill and planning ahead.
Appearance: Describe the character’s physical appearance, including their height and build and their clothing, which should of course be suitably fabulous. Note that the timeframe of the game will affect one's style, and that we're trying to stick with most Allied nations for origin, though we can make exceptions if need be; Stand powers don’t discriminate by race, after all.
Skills: Mundane physical and mental skills your character possesses, like knitting, jogging, boxing, speed-reading, cooking, or observation. This section also covers supernatural powers they possess that are not Stands, which don’t specifically have to be derived from what is known to be canonical; to wit, this game is set shortly after part 2, so major canonical abilities will be the Ripple and vampirism, though preferably not the latter. For anything else, discuss it with the GMs in DMs if you want to include them.
Equipment: Important items your character carries around and makes use of. Guns, lockpicks, binoculars, and other such practical items can be mentioned here; keepsakes or other personal items should be mentioned in Appearance, or in Other if they are not immediately visible.
History: Write down the character’s backstory here, including significant past events. A minimum of two or three decently-sized paragraphs would be appreciated; otherwise, feel free to be as brief or as detailed with it as you like.
Other: Anything else that may optionally be worth noting about the character, including what their name references.
Stand Name: The Stand’s name, typically derived from a famous band, album, or song, which frequently also has a significant relation to the user’s personality and/or history through the name or lyrics happening to describe them, rather than as a direct part of their life experiences; feel free to encase the name in 「hook brackets」 or not at your leisure.
Stand Parameters: The Stand’s stat layout, ranked from A to E. A is the highest rank, and often represents vastly superior abilities in that area; B represents a good, but not outstanding ability; C is roughly comparable to human ability; D and E are weak, often representing ability below human average, E moreso than D; and on the rare occasions that a Stand has no capacity for a parameter whatsoever, a Null value can be applied. Please do not ask about S, None, or Infinite values; these are not applicable to the creation process for players. Other than this, a reasonably balanced layout would be preferable; explanations for the Stand’s parameter layout are optional, but ultimately, the layout should make sense for the Stand's abilities and potential. Feel free to talk it over with the GMs if you're unsure! Destructive Power: Represents a Stand’s potential to deal damage and cause destruction, either through their direct strength or their ability. Note that a low-Power Stand is not necessarily ineffective in a battle, merely unlikely to cause large amounts of physical harm to a target or to the user’s surroundings on its own. Speed: Represents how fast a Stand can move and react, and occasionally how quickly their ability takes effect. A low-Speed Stand may not literally have less speed that the average human, but will nonetheless have difficulty in acting quickly somehow, such as changing its physical momentum or accounting for a change in situation. Range: Represents a combination of the range of a Stand’s manifestation area, ability influence, and spatial mobility. Typically, but not always, inversely proportional to Power - generally speaking, a low-Range Stand might only act within as little as a couple of meters of the user before losing power exponentially, whilst a high-Range Stand might be able to function hundreds or even thousands of meters away from the user without any loss in effectiveness at all. Persistence: Represents how long a Stand can actively maintain its ability for. Alternatively, it can reference how much time is needed before its ability can be activated again. It is worth noting that Persistence is not directly correlated with durability, though it is not uncommon for highly-persistent Stands to be very difficult to physically damage if their ability fits the bill. Precision: Represents a Stand’s physical accuracy and focus, as well as how effective their abilities are against specific targets rather than groups. A low-Precision Stand may or may not be good at targeting crowds, but will likely lack the ability to strike a particular point or utilise its ability on the same target repeatedly nonetheless, and it will have trouble with agility too if its Speed or Range are also low. Developmental Potential: Represents a Stand’s ability to improve its current parameters and abilities, as well as its potential to develop new abilities with practice. Generally speaking, this has some connection to the user’s own mentality to a greater extent than other parameters: low-Learning Stands have either discovered most or all of their potential via the user’s own experience and training, or simply couldn’t make much or any extra progress to begin with, often but not always as a result of how the user’s psyche functions.
Stand Description: Describe the Stand’s appearance and personality (if any) here, including any physical quirks it might have, and how much independence and self awareness it has. Most Stands lack their own personality, being adept representations of the user’s psyche already, but some situations can lead a Stand to be more of an individual than usual; if you’re unsure, feel free to ask us about it.
Power Description: Describe the ability (or abilities) of the Stand as completely as possible, including an example of how its power may function against its intended targets and its weaknesses. Bear in mind that whilst exceptionally powerful abilities will be vetoed outright, most battles in JJBA are decided based on who is the more creative fighter, and thus we are more likely to allow powers with many creative uses. You may also name the ability itself if you so choose, with or without 「hook brackets」 encasing it.
Other: Anything else that may optionally be worth noting about the Stand, including what the Stand’s name and any of its ability names reference.
On the one hand, I know for a fact that that "10% of your brain" statistic is nonsense. Humans do use their entire brain, just not all of it at once; if your entire brain is receiving signals simultaneously, you're having a grand mal seizure. On the other hand, it's very nearly the sort of BS pseudo-science that Araki occasionally likes to toss into his stories, e.g. "zero gravity means you pee yourself because your kidneys think you have too much blood".
And then again, the very nature of Stands as psychic powers renders the point moot either way. My opinion is, go with the ability to balance on anything, perhaps expand it to encompass the more general ability to balance things aside from just the user. That could lead to some fun and improbable physical phenomena.
@JrVader I'd say double-check with Kiero for that decision, if they're still around. As for my thoughts on the matter, though, I don't see why not, since you haven't made use of your Stand's power yet. What did you have in mind for a change?
@XoXKieroBombXoX As Co-GM, I feel it's pertinent to poke you so as to ensure you're still active and willing to run this game. I'm also going to take the liberty of poking @JrVader, given that he has yet to respond to the situation between Malcolm and Benni.
The year is 1941, France. The bombings of the United Kingdom have ended, but the Resistance fights on - the Vichy government cannot be allowed to repress France's people, and the Wehrmacht shall not blunt their spirits! Only, it seems as of late that the Wehrmacht has been a much more effective blunting tool than usual. People speak of German soldiers with dead eyes, who seem nearly immune to bullets, possess incredible strength and speed - some even claim they've seen these warriors twisting the world to their whims, one way or another.
Naturally, of course, such bold claims need to be investigated, before they get out of hand. To that end, agents from each of the Allied nations shall sally forth - members of the United Kingdom's Special Operations Executive, the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of Russia, and courtesy of the United States government, a foundation whose namesake and origin is none other than the English oil baron and philanthropist Robert E.O. Speedwagon. Of course, the Boches' grip on France is strong, and it'll be hard to insert more than a few people at once without drawing suspicion, but it is near-certain that elements of the French resistance groups will be able and willing to support these agents as they go about their work too.
In the end, a team of such esteemed individuals should have the skills and abilities necessary to handle themselves and put a stop to these claims conclusively... right?
Hello, I am me from the internet. I migrated here from Kongregate's Forum Games Forum, so feel free to look for me there if you wish to follow a career in internet stalking people. (ಠ_ಠ) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[url=]A link to some of my past characters, which I need because static tabs do not take up internet.[/url]
[center][u]Infamous Quotes From People Who Exist[/u][/center]
“I really don’t follow how your faith believes its perfectly acceptable to doom 4,000 years plus of sentient beings, on a pre-set path of no escape from sin, just so their descendants can be offered the ‘chance of salvation’ when the god murders its own son.”
“Don’t be an ass or a pussy, ’lest you get screwed by life. Being a mouth or a hand is somewhat safer, and an eye socket is pretty much sacred in this regard, so always keep a look out.”
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Hello, I am me from the internet. I migrated here from Kongregate's Forum Games Forum, so feel free to look for me there if you wish to follow a career in internet stalking people. (ಠ_ಠ) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)<br><br><a href="">A link to some of my past characters, which I need because static tabs do not take up internet.</a><br><br><div class="bb-center"><span class="bb-u">Infamous Quotes From People Who Exist</span></div><br>“I really don’t follow how your faith believes its perfectly acceptable to doom 4,000 years plus of sentient beings, on a pre-set path of no escape from sin, just so their descendants can be offered the ‘chance of salvation’ when the god murders its own son.”<br>~vikaTae<br><br>“Don’t be an ass or a pussy, ’lest you get screwed by life. Being a mouth or a hand is somewhat safer, and an eye socket is pretty much sacred in this regard, so always keep a look out.”<br>~BCLEGENDS</div>