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5 yrs ago
Current And so when you have one player who plays both of the characters, that means they are dictating and creating their own character growth rather than it being dependent on someone else's writing.
5 yrs ago
I think the failing of most Fate RPs is that they have each person play both a master and servant. The problem with this is that the bonds between the servant and their master are the deepest growth.
5 yrs ago
Little busy with Christmas and whatnot over the next couple days. And driving. A lot of driving.
1 like
5 yrs ago
I'm sorry to people who had put effort into the RP I was starting a few months ago. My father passed away unexpectedly on the 1st of July, at the age of 56. So I haven't really been on here much.
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8 yrs ago
I don't care what anyone says, I'm having the most fun with FFXV that I've had with a game since Metal Gear 5.


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The Time? Who knows... Place? Same problem... you awake alone in the rain, stepping from a pod that feels both familiar, and so very alien to you. It is embedded in the ground, and as you look up to see where it could have come from, where you could have come from, you see a sky covered in glass, a dome covering the world around you so high in the sky that you can't imagine touching it. And around you, buildings that tower into the sky. And yet you are alone, with nothing but the sound of rain, and the flickering neon lights that reflect off the black asphalt beneath you. There isn't a soul in sight. So why do you feel so, in danger?

Every nerve of your body tells you that you shouldn't be here, that you need to be careful, that you don't belong... what does it mean? The only feeling that comes to your mind, is 'Enemy Territory'. But who is your enemy? Who is your faction? Who are you?

Your only hint, a number on the pod you stepped out of. And something tells you that it's not the only one, a gut feeling perhaps, that you aren't as alone as you feel. You miss something, someone... you just need to find them, perhaps more like you, and you can find out where you are, who you are, and what is going on in this unfamiliar place.


This is a RP I've tried to run in the past, but due to time issues, it never really got going anywhere. So that being said I'm going to be keeping some restrictions on this version of the RP, and try and make it so everyone that is interested knows exactly what to expect from it, at least in general.


You play some form of unknown soldier. They have extreme amnesia. They know basic things. They know what a gun is, what an enemy is, what a door, a window, a car, all these things are. But they don't know who they are, who their enemies are, or why they are in this place they have no knowledge of. Even with their amnesia, things feel familiar to them, but this place they are in, this massive city, feels so unwelcoming, and so alien to them in its nature. There is no doubt even despite their memory issues, that they have never been here before, and that it is a dangerous place.

Nothing should be assumed in this RP. You do not know your own character's history, you don't know where they came from, who they are, if they had a family. You don't know if they are soldiers from another city, mutants from the wastelands, or genetic experiments who have escaped to the surface from an underground facility.

All of this and more will be explained in time, through the RP itself.

Here is what you need to know about your character:

You will decide their 'class', their weapon, their personality, their name, and their appearance.

They are very advanced, wearing high-tech armor, wielding advanced weaponry, and they are unnaturally powerful. In what ways they are powerful, is entirely up to you within the limits of the RP. As in, are they physically strong? Fast? Incredibly aware of their surroundings? That being said, strength goes up to being able to single handedly flip a car over for example.

This brings us to the RPG elements of the RP.

The RPG:

As the title says, this will be a 'light' RPG. This means you don't have hp points or stat points. You don't have an inventory or anything like that. For the most part, it just comes down to you will be picking a core idea for the 'class' of your character. Imagine, Sniper, Assassin, Brawler, Tank, Duelist... In that order, they would likely use a Sniper Rifle, SMGs, Power-Gauntlets, Shield (Physical and Energy), Sword. But, you can also decide the weapon they will be using. And I'm not going to give you a list of classes, I just want you to decide a 'class name' that describes your idea for your character.

Throughout the RP your character will unlock abilities they can use whenever you wish, unless there are restrictions for the specific ability. For example, perhaps one character gets access to night vision, while another has boosters on their legs that give them a burst of movement allowing them to leap incredible distances. Night vision would not have a restriction on use, but the boosters would be something I simple expect you to understand, should not just be used over and over and over again. I will not restrict the usage of abilities as a 'rule', but rather, I expect you to write the usage of abilities 'realistically', so to speak. But you won't be gaining 'Fireball which you can cast once every turn' or anything like that.

You can also design the general idea of your character's 'class' and I will create the abilities from that, however they will be starting out with next to nothing but the weapon at their side.

The RP:

This is in the advanced section, this means I expect grammatical competence, a good grasp of the English Language, and the capability of regularly posting without making incredibly small posts.

I'm not big on post length requirements, especially in a RP where you don't know what your character is capable of until you learn IC, so you are limited to essentially responding to what is happening around your character. So if you're one of those people who goes "Ugh, this was supposed to be advanced but people are only posting 2-3 paragraphs, this should be in Casual." then pardon my French but fuck off and go find another RP.

This is in Advanced because I expect everyone to be on an advanced level of writing skill. And despite what some people will tell you, that doesn't mean you have to be capable of pulling an essay out of your ass every time you go to post.

The Rules:

People tend to do these things a lot around here I find, so just putting this out there right away so we can try and avoid this.

If you join the RP, and then say it's "Not what you thought it would be" as far as your control over your character's backstory, abilities, things like that... I have made it abundantly clear that you will not know these things, and will learn them as time goes on. Please read, and understand everything there is here before you decide you are interested.

I expect people to post regularly, and not have to be constantly poked to post. If just 1 post into the RP, we're poking you asking if you're still with us, and you say "Yeah just been super busy with work". Maybe you shouldn't have signed up for a RP... I'm not saying you have to post multiple times a day, but too many RPs die because a week goes by and people are still waiting to clear the first round of posts. Be active please.

We will be going for a group of 3-4 players, no more.

Feel free to post any questions you have here.[/center]
That's the SW Slave Wraith, you rolled a WR Full Armor Slave Wraith for me, which is an upgraded Slave Wraith, and includes more weapons

Those being:

Vulcan Gun
Missile Launcher
75mm Gatling Gun
Short Shield (w/Double Machine Gun)
BLASH XBR-M-79E Beam Rifle
Leg Missile Pod
FADEGEL RGM-M-Sh-007 Shield
Gotta say, I like the big gatling gun on the Slave Wraith.
I didn't so much mean a reroll, more like, if I don't like the roll, can I then pick one of the 'grunt units' listed in place of what you roll?

Either way I'd be interested in this, and at least seeing what I get for rolls.
So are we allowed to ask you to roll for a Mobile Suit, and if we don't like what we get from that, then pick one of the 'standard picks' so to speak?

I'm also curious about the general theme of the Beloth Empire, since more often than not in fiction anything with the word 'Empire' in it tends to take the role as either the villains, or the ones willing to go to extremes to do what needs to be done. So I'm just curious if this is the sort of Empire where you have the rank and file charging into the enemy line screaming "FOR THE EMPEROR" or if it's a pretty standard 'country' so to speak.

Because right now I'm imagining a Militaristic Dictatorship.
Anyone up for a Slice of Life Futa x Female Smut-Driven RP? I'd be playing the futas, most likely. Looking for someone to play the females. The themes include cheating/adultery. If this sort of scenario interests you, then here's the rundown:

"So I've been dating this girl all school year long. We got together on the first day of first semester, and Summer is starting soon. Needless to say, we've been together for quite a while. But I hadn't met her parents yet. That was to change today, as she invited me over to meet them. There's just one tiny little issue... She's got the hottest mom in the world, and I don't know what to do about it!"

So a bit silly but the idea is, you play a girl (Sarah is a placeholder, you don't have to play a girl named Sarah) who is dating my character. You will also play her mother, who is one of those "Giga hot super Milf" types, and all kinds of silliness ensues. The RP won't just be one visit, but will revolve around our character's relationship, how this affects them, and we will also be throwing in other characters along the way. For example:

Bully who has a thing for 'Sarah'
Neighbor who has a thing for 'Sarah's' mom.
'Sarah's' older sister who comes home from college.

There are many possibilities to be thrown into this, and I'm looking for someone who is open to two things:

A: Playing immensely busty girls. I know that's rather specific, but it's what I enjoy.
B: Someone willing to work with me on characters we would like to see included, and throw them in whenever and wherever.

If you're interested, drop me a PM and we can talk in more detail that I dare not bring up here.
I'm interested in finding a partner interested in doing any of a few sorts of Fate based RPs. First, let's get the important stuff out of the way.

I play FxF but prefer one of the characters involved to be "A girl and some extra". If you don't know what that means, feel free to ask. I can play them, or you can play them, but someone will be playing them.

I am capable of anything from a 30/70 smut/story ratio to a 90/10 smut/story ratio, but that being said in this case, I would prefer sticking somewhere closer to the former. Even if just an even 50/50.

I am around pretty often, but that being said, sometimes I just don't feel like RPing. Sometimes I sit around, stare at Youtube all day, and then drop dead in bed. I understand the same goes for other people. We all have some degree of lives to live beyond the screen. But, I can often post once a day, or multiple times a day. I am also capable of back and forth on platforms such as Discord and... okay just Discord.

In other news, I'm interested in character setups where either you play a master, and I play a servant, or we both play one of each, where the characters have good reason to interact with one another. Think me playing a Mordred and Artoria's master, while you play an Artoria and Mordred's master.

Side characters will also likely become involved

Some examples of Servants I would play:

Merlin Prototype

Honestly the servant I would play would be slightly dependent on the gender I play. So if anyone interested or wants more details, feel free to send questions my way in PMs. I won't respond to anything here... if you'll take the time to post you're interested here, take the same amount of effort and just PM me please.
Can you chill on the post spam please. 8 of the posts on the first page of the 1x1 checks are yours. Just put them all into one place.
Going to keep this short, I'll put more effort into an OOC if there's enough interest.

Basically just wondering if anyone is up for a Star Guardian RP. A mix between slice of life/Academy RP and general Star Guardian 'save the world' kind of stuff, ranging from fighting off little critters that pose little threat to anyone, to facing off world ending threats. I do have some actual plots in mind, not just 'alright today we're fighting this enemy', though there will be that too.

The question I do have for anyone interested is which group we play (As I don't want to mix and match the groups together). Lux's group, or Ahri's group.

I'd be looking for people dedicated to this sort of thing, as in the past my RPs that died off were always (Except in one very personal case) when people just, stop responding. I'm looking for people who can take the initiative, not a full group of "I'll wait until someone posts" people.

Unplayables Regardless: Xayah, Rakan, Zoe

If someone REALLY wants to play Xayah or Rakan we could find a way to make it work.
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