Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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Current I just wanna sleep...
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Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
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Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
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My community needs an enema -.-
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Yeah a time skip might be okay. I didn't know what else to do after that post and I also got swamped at work and didn't have the energy to post.
Iqaluit Airport, Nunavut
Gate 27-A
Requisitioned Briefing Area

Eric sat with the Navy and Army Grunts. Those very same grunts still giving him looks. As alot of them couldn't believe that Team Osprey, slightly well known even with Vic and Nat around, had lost a good man, and the remaining member of the team had gone from Frontline Light Infantry, to this whip thin, grey in the hair before his time, grey, dark blue and black camo-armored up man with a novelty Canadian Toonie for an eyepatch over his missing eye. The novelty toonie had been dulled down of course, so as not to give him away. He's Vic and Nat's stealth, unofficial third man after all. That's why he sat with the grunts. Either way Eric sat, head cocked to the side as the first bit of information is shared, "The Numbers site and the Nuke Defense are almost common knowledge." He muttered this mostly, Thule is known to a few people in the gathering and this much is known. Victor hums and runs a gauntleted hand on his chin, his helmet set in his lap, damned small chairs barely able to fit him and Nat, he mutters side on to Eric, "Hacking that Nuke defense site could be a swell move. The States though have their ways."

Carl raises his hand to speak, getting a nod, "So you're telling us, there's a Black Bio-weapons site here? That's going to make things even worse Sir."

Nolan hummed rubbing his chin as the briefing continues. He shakes his head, "Feelers in all kinds of nations and places. Wouldn't surprise me if they have connections to AQ, even Hezbollah, I'd bet they've even funded them in the past for some things." He sniffs, "This is going to be a tough nut to crack." He leaned back abit to listen as more information is dealt out.

And now the nitty gritty of it. The plan.

Nolan leaned forward and nodded, "Inflitration, quiet, no witnesses." He hums, "We can do that." Eric in the meantime, single eye half lidded nods, "Coming in from the East. I can do that." He pats Brute on the shoulder, "I'll clear you and the Major there a path big guy." Victor grinning broadly, "Much thanks. When it's our time to go in we bulldoze into the underground section and deal unholy hell to the ones who remain."

Nolan looked to Eric and Andrew, "We dive our needle in first, and when the spear tip reaches us we watch the edges." Eric nods, "I'll ghost around the edges of the compound while the others are inside, make sure no one tries to sneak out behind the heavy team."

There are affirmations around the room at the plans. And people start to shift. Nolan looks to Andrew, "Let's get our kit squared away. That Snowstorm will make it harder for them to register the shots we're going to have to take. We better also bring Ruafoss and either Incendiary or Explosive rounds. Make short work of our targets." Eric gets to his feet and shifts to the side as Natalie and Victor also get to their feet. Causing their dinky little terminal benches to squeal lightly in protest. With all the weight on them the benches have been bent out of shape. He nods, "I've got to source some semtex, I'll get in and set some of the charges on emplacements our sniper friends can't reach. And provide a few packs for the exit cave in." He walks off, following the snipers.

Victor stretches, then looks at the rest left in the room, the Juggernauts near by. And the command elements. Carl looks back with narrowed eyes, "This isn't going to be a simple Smash and Out is it big guy?" Victor gestures at his fiancee, "Just like Nat said, this is going to be something we can't tell anyone about. This isn't going to be something simple. This is a save the fucking world and hope no one ever finds out about how close it came to human extinction deal." He groans and nods, "In the end, we'll be silent heroes. Of an operation everyone will be sworn to secrecy about. And no one will ever learn about, because if someone does. We failed." He looks around, letting that hang, "I don't intend to fail boys and girls." He sniffs and nods, "None of you better intend to fail either." He turned and made his way out, towards the hanger they had been lent to kit up.

Carl hums, "He's got a way with words huh?" He said to the remaining troops in the terminal.
Work has left my muse kinda quiet. I've been working on a really big post I've owed a friend for awhile now. Besides that I'm doing okay. I'll try and get a post in I swear. Just not sure on what at the moment.
Mistihkoman spotted the two riders making their way forward. And narrowed his eyes. Then was shoved forward. It's then he spotted Sparrow. He caught his balance and shouted, "You! You mock the honor and the pride of the First Nations people! I am Mistihkoman! Big Knife! Scout, Hunter and Brave of the Plains Cree peoples!" He then started to run, his gunstock club held low, "Your scalp is mine to take Traitor!" He shouted as he stumble-ran onto the platform, lowered his stance then unleashed an almighty rising upper cut with his heavy club up at Sparrow Hawk's jaw. The weapon, shaped literally like the stock of a rifle, with a mean looking arrow-head spike on the angled leading edge almost whistles through the air.
Oli Cinter

Oli called everyone into the center, and as he does every PE class he gets everyone to take a seat in a circle. Letting them catching their breath for abit after those laps. After a short bit comes the stretching. Getting back, shoulders, arms, legs and ankles in there to make sure everyone is nicely loosened up. Oli may show off just a little bit as he gets back up to his feet by performing a handstand then up to his feet from there. Doing a lap around everyone to make sure they are doing their stretches correctly. Correcting a few here and there. Showing no favorites it seems. In fact he treats everyone near equally, going a little easy on Hailey this class after what she went through with the Dread.

After everyone is nice a limber Oli walks over to the white board, "Alright folks, behold our topic for a class or two. Now I know you guys may find this strange. But this kinda thing had to happen. Sure you have classes based around this. But I'm going to mesh abit all around." He whirled taking up the mantis fighting stance, "Eventually, everyone of you is going to have a moment of combat. We're all Noble Arms users, and in some way we're going to end up as warriors, protectors or soldiers." He whirls again taking up a Mafia-style boxing pose, "And though it sounds so easy, actually learning how to move during a fight really isn't as easy as it sounds." He walks over and stands behind Nath, "Even one of our ranged Arms users, maybe find themselves up close and personal with an Arms user like Henry. What's the first thing you can do in that case?" He looks around and not seeing any hands coming up he continues, "As a character once said in a movie, "We run, dodge, hide, the highland way." He nods. And steps away.

Then throws a hand into the air, "On your feet. Find a spot, no one within 3 feet of another give yourself room. First exercise. Minds eye now." He points to his head, "Imagine, your worst possible circumstance if you were to get into a fight. Is is a rifle like Jordan's, a scythe like Hailey, or a sword like Pablo. Think about it. And making sure you don't bump into someone. I want you to do everything you can to keep out of the way of your imaginary opponents attacks. Run, jump, duck, find cover, dive, hurdle. But make sure to stay on the move. Envision your opponent. And if you fall. Realize your dead." He looks at everyone as they make room. He watches everyone, "Ready..." He watches everyone then makes room himself so he doesn't get trampled, "Three minutes...go..."

Oh it was hectic. Students leaping and diving, rolling, running. By sheer luck no one was hurt. And through the whole thing oli is shouting, "The enemy is right in front of you, or they are so far away that you can barely see them. You need to get away. You need to survive. Don't trip, don't fall. That one moment is all they need!" Variations of this through the whole three minutes.

It's interesting how someone can work up a glow or a sweat while trying to dodge for their lives even in a simulated situation. When he calls, "Time!" He tells them all to walk to cool down abit, "Combat can be hectic, chaotic. People have lost their minds to blood lust, or become statues in fright. But I tell you here and now, the thing that saves lifes in combat." He stomps and almost seems to teleport right in front of Hailey, just almost appearing there in front of her, a flicker of movement and coat, "Is movement. Plain and simple. If you can move, you can jump, if you can jump you can run. If you can do any of those you have a chance at survival young lady Strassen. And the same for you all." He says as he steps away, "Movement is key. Speed, defense, offense, all stems from movement."

He grins as he makes his way through their ranks, "I know I seem intense. But other Noble Arms PE teachers like me, all stress this to their classes too. Because I for one, 8 years from now, want to look at a news paper and read about Nikolay besting several minor Arms users to save lives. Or hear about the RCMP and Jordan Quinn ended a hostage situation because he had placed himself in the best spot and landed that downing shot." He stops in the middle of the gym, then takes a deep breath, a charge on the air, "Now, we're going to do a crash course, pair up, only pairs. Find someone you don't usually work with. No ranged against ranged Mr.s Quinn and Gregario." He lets out a breath and holds up his fists, a pair of leather gauntlets, The Great Ali having formed, "Summon your Arms, we're going to have a little sparring practice." He spaces them out, so no one will get in each others way, handing out padded vests, and head protection, enough to take the brunt of a few good hits from a Noble Arm, "Now as per usual, I don't want you using your more fancy abilities. And no going for those debilitating blows. You know the ones I mean. But one proviso. Keep moving as much as possible. Line up a blow, then move. Find a shot, then move. You've got Free Real Estate in your sparring areas. Use it. We've got another half hour until class gets out. We'll switch every five. Let's rock and roll. Ready?" He claps his hands together, putting some force behind it, The Great Ali producing an almighty SMACK! on the air, to signify the session start.

It's the crack and pop of swords against vests, a boom of a rifle, a pop of a pistol. Crack crack crack of fist weapons. The hiss through the air of a blade of some sort. Oli making his way through the sparring groups. Giving impressions on certain situations, opening up new ideas for one fighter or the other. More options to move, more options to attack or defend.

Soon class is coming to an end and he claps his hands together again, "Okay cool down, desummon, relax. Sit or stand, close your eyes, arms at your sides, big breath in, hold it...big breath out. Calm and kind. Big breath in, no stress, rest." He nods, "Well done all of you. In summary ,remember,movement is key. move, jump, dodge and run." He smiles, "I'm proud of you all. We're going to to be working on this for abit. and through our the year to strengthen your reactions. Take a moment, relax, come down from the high. Take a moment the showers are open if you need it before next class." He smiles then bows to them, "Class dismissed my young friends."

@Landaus Five-One@The Man Emperor@Th3King0fChaos@Letter Bee
Bows deeply

My deepest and most sincere apologies. I would have had this post up much sooner.

If work didn't decide to take a great big bite of my stamina.

But it's here finally! I swear! I won't let this happen again.
Brother Bik

Seung Bik smiled and bowed to Haoran from where he sat, "We shall endeavour to not let you down Brother Li. We all bring something interesting to the table one could say. We are White Lotus it's true. And our range of Bending will triumph I'm sure." He bows his head to Haoran Li respectfully.

He looks up in time to see their Waterbender Tikaani splashed their Firebender Ayuka. He chuckled, "And thus it begins." He chuckled a little more and turned to study the Sky bison somemore.

But Hinra caught his attention. And upon revealing her talents. Bik had quite suddenly scuttled forward, "Wait, Sister Hinra are you saying what I think you are saying?" He looked at her, "You're a Chi Blocker?" Seung has the biggest grin on his face, "A real Chi Blocker, I can honestly admit and with great humility, that I have not yet had the chance to meet one of your folk. I've read much of you. In the journals and stories from Avatar Aang and Avatar Korra's times of course, but to actually meet one." He pulled back realizing he's gone into utter fanboy-scholar mode, "Ah your pardon. Perhaps while we're out here we can discuss your abilities? To add some more first hand knowledge on the Chi Blockers, and maybe experiment how your skill work first hand, yes I indeed mean you can smack me around abit. I hope you will grant me the honor of chronicling you and your abilities some Sister Hinra." He bows to her respectfully.

The First Nations man sat looking out the window, running his fingers down his braid. He could hear that woman trying to be preachy, and trying to get the last word in, but he paid it little mind. It was of no import.

Mistihkoman took some time to look about the passenger car. his eyes slipping over the people, examining them. He hummed softly spotting the two of the scruffier men, dirty, slightly unwashed. He wondered about them. The rest of the passengers would be of no worry he figured.

And then the shooting started. He looked out the windows, "Outlaws." He growled out. Then grabbed his bow, quiver of arrows and his gun-stock club. Tying the quiver to his back and slinging the bow over one shoulder, "The Wild West..." He growls, and starts towards the front of the passenger car, holding in his hands the gun-stock club. He calls to the others, "If they try to board at the front of the car I'll do my best to stop them." Oh he did not sound happy, "Two fights in the span of two days. I'm going to take someone's scalp for this." He reaches into his vest to thumb the bone handle of his large knife.
Ranger Krait

Lex watched the three through his window screen really hoping they won't run.

But there they go...of course they wouldn't stop.

He sighed deeply, and Wasteland looked over at him as if to say, "You really thought they'd stop?"

Lex just shrugged, then gunned the engine. The up-armored jeep roared forward and into the tunnels, following the motorcycles. The first straight-aways were a breeze, Lex could fit the jeep down through the tunnels with ease. And the turns in the tunnel weren't so bad.

Then they started to encounter containers. The bikes could get around them just fine. But the jeep, not so much. He crashed through several sending their contents flying. Stacks of scaffolding and other things stacked in the tunnels were hit and sent flying as well.

And then came the first hard turn. There's a crunch, and a cloud of what looks like powdered cement in the air for awhile, as the cloud settles the jeep is stuck. Lex hums, cranking the jeep into reverse, nope back end is wedged. Forward, just a little off can't quite get the movement. He hums, then just guns it, shifting up down, up down again and again. Working at it until with a roar and a bang of a little backfire he's through. Lex laughing, "If there isn't a movie about a moment like this there should be!" He returns to crashing down the tunnels gaining ground on the bikes again.
you could always put the pictures in Hiders. would cut down on what's shown at one time.

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