Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current I just wanna sleep...
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5 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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9 mos ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
1 yr ago
My community needs an enema -.-
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Woot woot!

Thanks for the acceptance of the CS and all.

Also looking forward to this.

So I think I finished Zurvan's CS. And marked it with a mention for you there king. Let me know if there is anything that needs changing.

Okay think I finished him.


If I remember correctly there was the Lightning Gun mode that shot a barely controlled bolt of lightning. And then there was the Lightning Ball mode that spat a ball of electricity.

I remember a scene of boring a hole through a solid block of steel. And another to fry nearly an entire room. It was stupid ass fun.

Oh yeah Antoine's Tesla Cannon. I remember that. Yeah.

Interesting my friend. Would you have me again?

Honestly when I saw the IC I didn't even see your name at first until I had read some things.

Lo and behold look who thought it up.

If you'll have me could I call the male heavy maybe?

Koglan looked at Gurs, but didn't try to force him, the offer was there. He nodded to the others as they left, and started to examine the items, armor and weapons left to him.

He lifted his gaze though, "Twig." He nods slowly, "As you have likely heard I am Koglan Ironweaver, Master smith of this tribe." He hums and sets some of the weapons onto the heat so he can work them while warm. He hums and quirks his head to the side, "A Druid...stories from my mother many years ago spoke of them. One with Nature, strong in mind and body." He nods respectfully. he places the axe he was working on back on the heat to get hot again.

It's then the sickle is offered to him, he hums and takes it almost reverently. A smith can tell alot about a weapon just looking at it, holding it. "Metal when it's shaped and forge gains a life of it's own." He turns the blade, rolling the handle in hand. Running a practiced and careful hand over the blade, edge and curve. And carefully making a few somewhat experienced movements, cuts, slashes, jabs and lashes with it. He nods, "A fine weapon, who ever or whatever made it was a master of their craft indeed." He flips the blade and offers it back to Twig handle first.
Uh, hi there. Just looking this over, P5 AU RP? sounds interesting.

Would love to throw my hat into the ring if that's okay.

Koglan hums lifting the axe head with his tongs, looking it over before placing it back into the flames to heat again. He then turned, nodding slowly, "Ah good your gear from the patrol." He waves those hunters and warriors forward. clearing a section of one of his work benches for the items, "Place them here. I will look at them."

He looks up and narrows his eyes, looking Twig over, "Huh a new face." He starts to look the gear, weapons and armor over. Picking up Gurs' breastplate. He looks at Gurs then at the breastplate, "This, will not do." He hefts it and with deft and strong tugs rips the leather straps from the armor that would hold it together. He then looks at Gurs, "We may not see eye to eye young warrior. But I am not a mean goblin." He turns and points to the wall adorned with weapons, "One weapon, and..." He points next to the wall where there are several pieces of armor on display, heart plates, goblin chainmail, iron half plate, and a few choice pieces of full breast plate, "One piece of armor. Take one Gurs."

He then turns back to look at Twig, "I have spent many long years practicing this trade." He sniffs looking the new goblin over, "No warrior are you, or hunter no." He sniffs again, "I smell...canine...I smell..." He sniffs again, "Water, and air, and earth and nature." He nods, "Hmmm I know not your trade. or your disposition, but if you are welcome in the camp, then welcome." He waves again, "If you need a weapon or armor, I am the one to come too. For now..." For just a moment the old Goblin looks as old as he really should be, and as tired as he should be after so long, "If you need repairs I shall do them." He nods, "Those of you who have come for repairs, I shall have them done within the week." He looks at Brendan, Griz, Vox and the rest, "Now tell me, when did this new face, who's name I have not yet learned, come to our camp? Tell me, introduce me." And again that big bomb, "I have spoken on this."
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