Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current Getting that I'm feeling watched feeling again...who are all these people stalking...err...visiting my profile? Ahhhh stranger danger.
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6 mos ago
I just wanna sleep...
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9 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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1 yr ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
2 yrs ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous


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Banard Kegborne
Dwarven Brewmaster

"Alright me lads." The voice is clear and loud. "Let's give these poor sods something to lift their spirits." It's a Dwarf, a golden haired son of stone. But his clothing and mannerisms say he's not a local. A ruddy tan rather then the slight pale skin says this dwarf spends a fair amount of time outside. Along with him is a full company of dwarves. Squat strong folk from afar it seems.

And as those around watch the four wagons the dwarves came in are opened cloth covers pulled back and behold! Barrels and barrels upon barrels and barrels of good prime hooch, beer, ale and whiskey. Stamped with the sigil of the Kegborne Brewery. South Hold Dwarves from south across the sea come from a far with gifts.

As the unloading begins a delegation of Kogani Dwarves approaches. The leader the one with the shaved pate and golden beard greets them heartily, "Cousins! I bring a gift of fine spirits to liven the mood before battle." As the Kogani start in the leader watched and is suddenly entranced quite suddenly. Few pay him need as he walks past one of the wagons. Just there a strange butterfly, beautiful yet somehow terrible as well. Whispering "Fair life what are you..." He reached out grasping almost taking hold. But nothing. Nothing to grab. Bit then from the camp "Master Banard Kegborne! A word?"

Bernard turns his attention returning. It's a stout Kogani Dwarf there in half plate. He growls, "Fine gifts young master. But what of the fight? Will any of your company stand?" It's quiet for a time Banard stands and strokes his beard. Look in past the Dwarf before him. Looking at the recruitment posters and announcements about. Bernard then nods "Of my company here Lord? None, they came to help with the drink. And will return to the south holds within the week. But my wife and sons and daughters rain at the holds. And thus I can be spared."

He nods grabbing a pack and an axe from one of the wagons then males a beeline to the recruiters. There the questions are asked, Name - Banard Kegborne. Age - 34. Affliated with military, no. Guild? Sure, damn sure. The International Brewers Guild of the South Dwarven Holds, proud paying member damn it. Seemingly satitsfied the card was handed too him. And the sharp dwarven shout of annoyance exits the golden bearded dwarves mouth. <<That Feckin' well hurt you arse grabbers...what the feckin' hell you tryin' ta pull!>> A brief tirade. But soon he's moving off to choose his tent. Eventually choosing tent C 4. And there he plants himself with a few barrels of Kegborne mead. And several of his company gathered about to toast his courage.
Interested as well. I remember darkest dungeon fondly.
This RP I can understand. We all seem chill and willing to wait.
I could go either way on the discord thing. I check mine every other day or so, and most of my servers are actually partially muted. But yeah either way.

Thank you kindly. And now we wait for everyone else to come join in.

Blatant Inspiration: Samuel and Josef Bugman from Warhammer Fantasy: The World that Was


So how much trouble would I get into for nearly blatantly plagarizing one of my favorite characters in another IP and bringing them here?
@DesperatePerson I'm going to put a sub on this thread. And see here it goes.

Q'Ral Dinrah

It's a steady gait that takes the tall being to the grounds of the circus. And to it's untrained eye, no surprise really, he saw only the glitz and glamour of the circus, and no undertones if there were any. The tall person enters the edges of the circus with a rubber necking look as he peers about at the tent and any of the attractiosns about grounds. Truly could be an easy mark. Who knows in the end. The big man hums, hearing the sounds of beasts in the back, and the chatter of the circus crews.

Yes this is one of the things that Q'Ral came to see. A soft-folk circus. Marches of the soft-folk style. Try and get an idea of the soft-folk culture and lifestyle. And since getting to Etrid, this is the most interesting these he's seen since watching a man several days to the south breaking a wild horse to the saddle.

But this, this seemed quite nice indeed. Perhaps he'd get to see a show. A performance of some kind. Any kind really. Get to know these soft-folks amusements. Q'Ral himself could settle for an evening of sculpting but a circus sounded lovely. So he started to roam the grounds curiously, wanting to see the sights.
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