The great hall echoed with footsteps as Prince Althor walked down towards the throne. A group of people stood near a table, behind them the throne sat vacant as always but after today that would be his position. Finally turning eighteen he would rule the Kingdom of Etrid as his father had intended, rather than custodianship falling to the Order of the Third Moon. The Order had significance, however, it had too much power. Althors father had spoken to him about it at length, and how the future of Etrid required separation between religious zealots and the state. You couldn't be fair to all your people if you could not treat them all equally after all. As the Prince approached the group they all stood to the side of the table bowing their heads, at their centre was a man dressed all in white who offered little more than a courteous head bow. Althor returned the gesture in kind.
"Grand Inquisitor."
"My Prince."
"How goes the preparations for the coronation?" As Althor moved closer to the table to see the plans they were quickly rolled up by an aide who then clasped them in his free hand while he just looked at the prince nervously. "What, do I not get to see my own proceedings?"
The Inquisitor looked amongst his aides before speaking. "We just feel it best that you focus on your own part of the coronation, such as the oath of allegiance. All you need to know is that the parade shall leave the palace at noon and arrive at the stadium an hour later. You do battle in the arena with a hippogriff and upon your victory, you recite your oath and take the crown. We shall deal with the minutia that is below you." Althor looked upon the Inquisitor's plain face, hard to read as ever before merely nodding.
"Very well-" And the sooner I am rid of you the better was how he wanted to finish that sentence. The Prince wasn't even sure who he would fill his court with, the only advisors that he had consulted since his fathers death all had ties to the Order of the Third Moon though that was quite likely the point. His fathers journals had warned him about the intracies of not just noble politics but of those of normal birth and how they sought to obtain power. "-if anyone needs me I shall be in my chambers. Preparing." Turning without a further thought it wasn't beyond his notice that the moment he was out of earshot the conversation begun anew. Whatever they were plotting, he would be ready for it and once he was King he'd be rid of them. Of this much he was certain.

The guard barely made a noise as he was lowered to the floor, his throat gushing with blood from the freshly opened wound. The man dressed all in black returned to the shadows, they accepted him as if they were one of their own. The shadows billowing around him and hugging the cloak. He continued down the corridor for another ten metres before he turned to the wall, removing a piece of chalk and inscribing a symbol upon the wall. He then placed his hand over the symbol and spoke, his voice deep and throaty. "Gebind alfuhl gemengan cbeft" The symbol glowed for a second before he wiped it and it disappeared. Smiling to himself he continued down the corridor for a further ten metres before performing the same ritual and so on and so forth.
He had to be quick however, soon the guards body would be noticed and if he did not complete his work before then well. Everything was in jeapordy.