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Shaman Crane and the Trickster Trio

The drum continued to thunder. The steady beat having drawn in spirits of the germanic indigenous peoples as well as a variety of North, Central and South American spirits who appeared in regalia and are circling the drum dancing and moving with the heat.

The ritual drum and ceremony has been going on for a few songs now. But it's clear the quartet are tiring. Yes even gods can get tired. Michelle brow is boring with sweat and he appears to almost be smoking or steaming with the effort and magical focus he's dishing out. The gods are looking tired too. Who knew a god could sweat? And by now the sacred offering of sage sweet grass and fungus have almost burned out. Michael and the gods trade a look. Then look about at any one gathered. Michael nods and starts a new song. He holds up a finger and before beginning to sing he calls "Hoka!"

About half way through the song. Raven and Manabozho suddenly whip off their headdresses. Several spirits in the dancing circle take caps or hats off. And moments later Micheal produces one of the most powerful tools he has. His pipe but without the bowl. Taking a deep breath he blows into the st producing a low pitch whistling tone. Another wave of power flaring out. And through the song he does that a total of four times.

But soon the song comes to an end. The last of the ritualistic magic swirling about keeping any local magic glowing and showing clear. But the four at the drum seem to be tapped at the moment. Michael makes one last long drawn out blow on the whistle in his pipe stem. Then he sits. The ritual having taken put quite abit out of him.
A long reach and one of his last pieces of semtex is placed in the under carriage of the Linebacker, this thing would be the worst problem for the incoming tilt rotors. A pair more pieces, that he can rig up to his last remote detonator. And those for the fuel tank. Really rock the house. Eric looks over to make sure he's in the clear then darts across the tarmac. He knelt beside a stack of ammo crates. These would add to the blast later. He looked arouned then spotted the two on the hill. He brought out a small flashlight, red in color, just bright enough that as he flashed it a few times.

Nolan scanned the tarmac and his eyes set upon a small red flashing dot. He reached out and patted Andrew, "Our boy is ready for us." Nolan rolled over and settled next to his rifle. "Now then Mr. Support. You make the count." He grins at Andrew, "Don't you ever think you're not an integral part of this team brother." He lines up his shot, "Holding on guard on the left, the one with the engineer pack." He checked his wind and range finder gauge, "Yo...conditions changing. East-west wind, 7 knots, slight updraft. Counting about 970 meters to targets." He sniffs then looks out again and just before Andrew begins the count he hums, "You know, there's this story that ran the length of the Pats and the Regular infantry some years back. JTF-2 sniper, can't remember the guys name. Was out in Iraq, picked off an ISIS fighter at three thousand five hundred and forty meters. That's Three and a half kilometers. Said he had to fight two cross winds to do it. Now we're shooting at less then a third of that. But look at our cross winds." He points down towards their targets and thanks to the snow they can see they have no less then four crosswinds to deal with, and one of them appears to be a downdraft, "We're not making history on this shot, but I don't think a sniper has ever had to deal with this much additional elements." He sniffs and adjusts his scope, "Hold...two pips up...and..." He looks out again, "I'd say if you're brave two pips either side to compensate for those cross winds."

Eric in the meantime readied himself, his karambits slipping out of their holsters just in case...

Nolan hums, "Ready when you are Andrew..."

Skyside Victor's face split in a grin, "Wisest choices we ever made was each other I think min kjærlighet." A rare moment of Norwegian from the Iroquian-Norwegian mix. He laughs and wraps an arm around Natalie as she's leans in close, his own painted cheek resting against hers. This is the best part of this relationship, she cared, he cared, they both loved. They could die any day from a rocket or missile hit, the roar of a heavy gun cutting them down, but this here, now, is the part that matters most. he let her go and he finished prepping, sliding a belt of grenades into the Denel.

Meanwhile Carl looked up, and smiled flashing Natalie a thumbs up, "Suited and booted Ma'am." He looked down at his phone in his lap, "I may have taken a picture of you and the Sargeant-Major over there, but I'm likely to just keep that as a memory. Not everyday a guy walks with Gods." He grins. "Ready to rock and roll though." He slings his arms around Jenny and Ross' shoulders, "We're here, and ready to roll."

A moment later Victor stands and looks to the rest of the unit with them, "Alright listen up ladies and gents. Fifteen!" The group calls back, "Fifteen aye!" Victor continues, "Remember your pathing, keep your actions clear, get off this bird ASAP, and steer clear of the fire works. The Major has the plan, follow on us. Use the Juggs and us two as cover as we roll forward. As soon as we're clear, the bird leaves. This isn't low-jack, so be ready for close and personal. Do you get me?" The soldiers signal their understanding in various ways from calling out confirmation to nodding. Victor looks back at Natalie and the other Juggs, "Another thing, I don't want to see people coming back from this with full magazines. Don't shoot yourself dry too quick, but don't fret to use your ammo. Someone points a gun at you from the other side you mow them down and put a round or two extra into them to make sure." He scans everyone, "You don't need me to tell you this is Important." He nods, "Hoorah!" An echoing, "Hoorah!" Roars through the plan as Victor walks towards the back of the tilt rotor and the closed ramp, "Check your kit. And make ready." He reached up and placed a hand on the cieling of the tilt rotor to brace himself and grinned at his fellow juggernauts, "Onward onto glory once again!"
Suggestion: Start fleshing out the ideas some. There are a fair few elitist folks here who won't even take a second look at RP ideas unless there is more meat to them. As is there isn't alot here for anyone yet to really get in on.

I will admit to some of them in here peaking my interest. But well I don't have alot to go on quite yet. But you won't have to write out a 20 page essay to get my interest.

Just flesh the ideas out some so we have some more broader idea of what to expect.
The Shaman

Micheal knelt beside the shade of the girl until Amanda joined him, "I'm afraid it is indeed a child. She's not of this world. And as we were setting out the ritual elements she didn't react to them badly so she's not a wight or something like a skinwalker. So she's not here to cause ill intent." the girl suddenly bursts out, "Stop talking like I'm not right here...or...wait...you said...not of..." She looks at herself and begins to cry, "Mama...Dad...are we..." She looks up at Amanda and Micheal. Micheal sniffing then nodding, "I'm afraid so nîtim." The girl whimpers, "Can you help?" She asks. Micheal hums, "I'm not exorcist, but maybe you're still here because there is something you need to do, or something you can impart. Can you remember anything?" The girl looks in thought for abit.

After abit of silence she looks at the pair, "We...were on vacation. Dad always wanted to come back to Germany. Said his family was from here." She licks her lips and continues, "Well dad was driving and you know how guys in a car can be." She looks at Micheal almost meaningfully, "Hey I got a Harley back at home. I don't drive a car if I can help it. I'm my own navigator." He chuckles softly. the girl giggles, "Well we were lost. And well wanted to know how to get back to the main area of the city...I mean no hotels around here right?" She looks around and sighs, "Dad stopped here because he saw a bunch of guys outside. Mom went out first and when she didn't come back Dad and I came over to check and found the guards kicking and beating Mom..." she winces and grabs her shoulders, "When dad cried out in horror they saw us and one of the guard did something with his baton, there was this...blue light. It hit dad in the shoulder and he fell and hit his head..." She starts to cry. And suddenly Whiskeyjack is there gently wrapping his arms around where he figures she is. The girl leaning against the god, "Mom was on the ground...and that's when I noticed this big glowing...swirling...I don't know door? Yeah a door in the air." She looks out one of the main doors out the east entrance to where they are, "It's out there." Micheal looks over, then calls back to Manabozho and Raven, "Pack up the stuff again! I think there's a better place."

He turns back to the girl, "Can leave this area? Can you show us the place?" He looks up at Amanda, "If there was a portal there, the eddies of magic will be particularly strong. The ritual will take alot better." The girl hums pulling free of Whiskeyjacks hug and dashes out the east entrance and towards the doors. She can ghost right through but Micheal, the gods and maybe Amanda if she's of the mind, have to race after and pull the doors open. The girl is standing in the parking lot on the other side of the building from where the police are still working. She stops beside a mountain of old rotting crates and gestures, "It was here!"

Micheal smiles, "Can you smell it Amanda? The magic is strong here. It's like rain and wet earth, a pure smell, like a cool wind over a lake or river. That's magic on the air. Or atleast how I sense it." He waves to Manabozho and Raven, "Over here! Set it...here." He walks to a point, "It's strongest here." The girl calls out, "I think...I feel a pull over there." She points towards a section of what appears to be dug up earth in a corner of the lot. Micheal looks over then to Amanda, "Graves? So...the guards may have panicked then murdered the three, and to hide it buried them there do you think? I can't send souls on. It's not something I've been strong at. But helping us may help her move on. Do we know anyone who can help her? I've got a ritual to perform still but the child deserves some peace." The girl perks up, "I...can leave?" Micheal looks over while helping the gods put the ritual items in the proper places, "I hope so nîtim." the girl giggles a little, "What's that mean anyway?" she asks of Micheal who is just sitting down on the bear skin, "It's the Cree word for my female cousin." He smiles, "Didn't think you'd mind." He grins as he picks the drum up.

Micheal is about to start in on his handdrum when Whiskeyjack stops him takes the drum and with a burst of magic only a god can pull off turns it into a full size drum. Three feet across, two feet deep and thick. Micheal hums and looks at the gods who are producing chairs and proper drum sticks. Micheal snorts, "Some times you all surprise me. Alright..." He takes a seat and lights the sweetgrass, the sage and fungus. Setting them burning in sea shells beside the drum. He sniffs and takes a drumstick. Looking at the three gods then at Amanda, "Wanna see something cool?" He grins brightly. Then turns to the gods, "Alright Hoka! Let's go!"

The first beat of the drum sends a wave of magic out from it. And then the four begin the Indigenous ritual. The pow wow is one of the strongest rituals. Not just a gathering of the peoples together for fun and celebration. But when used as a ritual, a grouping of singers and the drum produced powerful magic indeed. As Micheal takes the lead in singing, it starts small, a kind of general pull. Magic about them swirling, eddying. As the ritual and drum continues, the magic answers. Spreading around the warehouse grounds. With every heavy beat that Manabozho lays to the drum more magic rises, with every high note that Raven hits, every harmony note that Whiskeyjack meets and every new stanza that Micheal sings the magic in the area answers, until there they can see the glimmering remains of a former portal. More magic flaring about the warehouse and the grounds as he goes.

And the four play on to keep the ritual going, assisting the others as best they can with the flowing magic of a aether stabilizing ritual picking out the magical from the mundane.

@Kumbaris@King Cosmos
@Paradoxial So is this a No go?
Micheal Crane

Micheal made his way into the warehouse looking around, nodding, "Place should be condemned really. But maybe I can get something out of this." He takes a quick tour of the ground floor of the place and after a few short minutes picks a place among the still standing shipping containers. A near perfect circle made of several crates and containers. With four openings leading into it. The significance is paramount atleast to the ritual magic of the indigenous peoples. The Circle representing life. And the four entrances the four directions. The four winds. The Four Prime elements. Spectacular really that such a spot would be here.

As Micheal went about setting up the spot he'd use for the ritual he looks to the left suddenly. The three gods who followed him look at him in surprise. Micheal then looks to the right, "There's someone here..." He says this loud enough that any of the other team who heard him might be able to hear him. He stands up his hand going for his tomahawk at his left hip, "What...who's there!?" He turned. And his godly friends came up beside them. Micheal spun again catching a glimpse of something or someone darting out of sight, "Who's out there?" He whipped around again, using his tomahawk to carve the cree syllabic runes for fire into the air beside him, a woosh and a orb of fire appears above his left shoulder. Then he spins again, and spots it finally. A child. Peering at him from between some of the crates. He blinks, "A child..." The gods turn and look the way he's looking. Manabozho whisper, "Micheal there's no one there..." Micheal blinks, "A sprite?...No...a spirit." The child a young girl no older then 14 or 15 edges out of her hiding spot, "You can see me?" Her voice is soft and wispy. Micheal nods, "I can child." the girl lets out a slow breath, "I'm lost...my parents...and I...we got lost on a trip...they...I think they went somewhere. But I can't leave." The three gods and shamans eyes go wide a little in surprise. This couldn't be what Micheal thought it could be...could it?

The quartet of gods and shaman trade looks. The gods can faintly hear the words. But not as clear as Micheal. Micheal turns and shouts back the way they came, "Hey! Amanda! We may have a problem here." He looks back at the spirit of the child, "I'm going to try and help you hunny. Just wait a short bit alright?" The girl nods and sits down by a crate.

In the meantime while waiting for Amanda or anyone else to show up, the gods begin to set up Micheal ritual gear. A cured buckskin sage, sweet grass, drum, and pipe set out correctly. They'd been watching Micheal do this alot, so they knew his set up. At the same time Micheal is going around and sprinkling tobacco at the entrances to the circle. Leaving room for people to come in and out, but still having the correct warding up just in case. While sprinkling some tobacco near the girl he looks at her, "None of this is making you uneasy is it kiddo?" The girl shakes her hear, "No...should it?" Micheal hums, "If it does...just let me know." Raven comes by, "Not causing the kid any pain?" Micheal shakes his head and whispers, "Atleast that means she's not malicious, the tobacco would be painful to her if it was." He sniffs and heads to the buckskin and starts to clean the bowl of the pipe, "Gotta let the boss lady know before I continue."

Shaman Crane

At the OMR HQ

Micheal blinks, "Under my control?" He chuckles. And looks over at the three gods who came with him. Now that the attention is off the projector, well the three are making a good go on it. Experimenting with buttons, lamp intensity, all kinds of interesting little things with the projector. At one point Raven crying out painfully as Manabozho blazes the lamp into his eyes. Whiskeyjack bursting out laughing at that a moment later.

Micheal snorts, "I wouldn't say under my control." He hums then reaches over to his duffle bag and from it he brings out a hand-drum and pulls the drum stick from inside it. The three trickster gods are so involved with the projector they don't see it. But they react when the first beats of the song reverberate from the drum. And it's not the music itself, or the beat of the drum. But it's a combination of his intent, the music and his voice and the drum that makes the three gods cover their ears and scramble back and away from the drum suddenly. They look a little affronted actually at Micheal. And once they are off the machine he stops playing, and puts the drum away, "We just have an understanding, if they wanted, and they know it, all three could easily over power me. I'm just one shaman. And they are three childish..." Raven flips Micheal off at that, "Gods." Micheal finishes, "Come on then you lot we got work to do." As if the bad moment is passed Micheal lets out a shout of surprise as he gets swarm-hugged by the three gods at once, "Ahhh hey!" The shaman shouts out.

At the warehouse

The ride over was pretty good really. But he'd somehow lost the gods along the way. Ah well, the city had the OMR headquarters nearby they were certainly to have a few people who could contain a few wayward gods.

Micheal looked out the back backseat window as they pulled up to the warehouse. He hummed softly, "That's alot of police..." He muttered. Not waiting for orders he got out of the car and while Amanda went to talk to the commander of the force on site. Micheal in the meantime went to the trunk of the car where he had put most of his gear. As Amanda went inside and reconed the building Micheal suited up. Part of being a ritualist is you need to have the tools. So as the others waited Micheal went for his gear. But as soon as he opened the trunk three shrunk down gods tumbled out with cries of relief. Micheal sighs, "You three...just...stay out of trouble and don't break or move anything. Do you understand? This is serious." The three sighed and nodded. Micheal let out a breath as he gathered his things and started to don his gear. The gods going to sit on a curb and watching.

Micheal tied his hair back into a pony tail and waited for Amanda to return. Then went to join the group as they all gathered up to look over the holographic model of the warehouse. He hummed, "I'll find a place in the warehouse to perform a scrying and ritual. Perhaps I can see something or get the magic in the area going enough to find something. There are always eddies and currents about. With a little time maybe I can stir something up." He smiled and nodded to Amanda and the rest of the group.
pîhtokahânapiwiýin, The Shaman

Micheal pushed off the table he's leaning on and grabs Whiskeyjack by the back of the neck as he dances by. Leaning in to look the god in the eyes, "Stop...for now. Later you can be silly but we need to get serious." The young-looking god pouts a little and nods, going to sit on a couch for now. And yes he does very much sulk and pout where he sits.

Micheal walks up closer to watch the presentation. He hums softly, one of his hands pressed to his cheek as he watches and listens. He hums. Weapons shipments...illegal weapons shipments. Sure not good juju, but why would the OMR...all the groups getting these weapons and ultimate Mr. X. "How cliche..." He said outloud, not realizing he did so. And casually reached out and smacked Whiskeyjacks hand as the god tried to reach out from behind Micheal to play with the projector. A second later Micheal did the same thing for Raven who reached a slightly feathered hand over too. And then a THIRD time when Manabozho did the same thing.

Micheal shook his head, "I have a trio of kids following me..." To which Manabozho grumped out, "Hey!"

Micheal nods, "Well I'll do my best to help out. Not sure what my skill set will help with." He grins, "But I'll help." He shrugs and nods, "So what next then?"

Sorry for the double post, but just want to go on record, I love the way you started your post with the rot munchers, maggot eaters, skid marks line. Really reminded me of one of the best lines from Mad Max 2. Smegma crazies to the left! The gate! Gayboy berserkers, to the gate!

Just want to say well done.

I would be interested in joining in on this.

Maybe the Scrapper perhaps. I like the idea of that.
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