Artoria Stanko

Personal Stats
Age and Date of Birth: 32 (tells everyone 25) January 2252
Gender: Feminine
Species: Third gen Synth
Profession: Institute Bio-Science Department Virologist, on long range assignment
Psychological History
Motivations and Outlook (Personality):
Driven to prove herself and dedicated to her work. Fiercely loyal and appreciative of the trust and work she has been given. She feels pride and happiness for the assignment she's been given.
Generally speaking Artorias has a huge disliking of things that are disorganized. And knowing how the surface is, with it's ruins and broken down items it's a daily occurence that she might have a little bit of a temper tantrum over seeing people on the surface just ignoring things that could be so easily repaired and used again.
Another pet peeve tends to be the ignorance of embracing science and technology. she can see it clearly again almost everyday, as just the most basic of technology and science is used in some places. And even willfully ignored and shunned in others.
She will gladly gush over any piece of scienctific gear, tool or practice that she can add to her notes. And will often go into abit of a fangirl moment as she will try and examine the item or practice from all angles and compare it to the tools or practices from the Institute.
Again generally speaking she finds almost all of the surface people very much backwards. But having grown up in the Institute, she knows she can't change everything in a day, as much as she'd like too. And sadly the two main factions who have continued to embrace science and technology are the Legion of Steel and the Enclave who she just does not get along with what so ever.
It's a perfect society, a perfectly safe and healthy place to be. Down in the Institute. The home of some of the greatest minds in the entire former United States wasteland.
Other advanced factions say they are the smartest or the most advanced. But the Institute knows better.
It was in that environment that Artoria was born. Some 32 years ago born as a bouncing pale-pink bundle of joy to Jon and Cricia Stanko. A healthy baby, who upon being swatted by the helper boy, had let out a hearty wail. She was cleaned and handed to her mother to learn the beat of her heart. And that was the first few moments of Artoria Stanko.
Attention, new batch of synths to be printed, sleeved and activated. ETA, Nine minutes. Advise build team to be on hand to head off any problems.
Attention Synth case Alpha Romeo Tango Oscar Romeo India Alpha One Sierra next in queue, sleeve for female form, prepare history tapes.She would grow up peacefully and happily. Being taught by some of the best minds among the Institute staff. It was a good young life at first. A young and thoughtful child who absorbed information like a sponge. Almost seeming to have an encyclopedia in her mind that filed away facts with ease.
Throughout her young life this would persist a gluttony for knowledge. Her parents urging her on. With all that confidence she sought excel and as the years went by she matched on the idea of medicine and viruses. She was 18 when she began an apprenticeship with the Medical sub department in the Bio Sciences section of the facility. And that was the point where she found her passion. Beginning her studies to become a Virologist.
Attention: Endo-skeleton assembly complete. Third Generation chassis has been completed. Unit ARTORIA 1-S, unit proceeding to memory engram implantation. ETA to completion seven hours. Memory team be ready for delivery. For about a decade Artoria would study and work, gaining no real notice, but still a diligent student and researcher. Compiling notes and helping to create the medicines needed to keep the enclosed city healthy and hale.
She'd work hard, creating a new database to keep track of the sicknesses that would come through the enclosed community, to help the medics and researchers to keep track of what worked and what didn't.
Some time later one of the Directors would point out that though The Institute had a supply of FEV, they had only done studies on what they had managed to create and what is nearby in the Commonwealth. They had little information on areas outside of their immediate area.
So they sent out word, "Who would brave the wastes outside to retrieve information on FEV mutations? Several will be sent out who is brave enough?" And Artoria put her name forward. An endeavour to help out more? She's take it gladly.
Attention: Data and memory engram at 97% completion. Begin equipment and item placement. Surface team make ready for transport. Courser Juliet Oscar India 19-Hotel, on standby. ARTORIA 1-S to be deployed immediately.The fateful day came and Artoria Stanko set out, with a set of Institute survival gear, a full body set of science containment armor, a companion hover droid, her gear, weapons for protection and the directive to learn as much as she can about the FEV and other viruses, bacteria and things that could add to the Institute's knowledge base.
High levels of personal insecurity in her ability. Having spent the majority of her life in the below ground portions of the Institute and unknowing of her synthetic origins she has a complex over her perceived inadequacies.
Unknowing of her Synth origins. Memories implanted say she was born to a pair of scientists, one working in Medicine, the other working in Robotics.
Relationships and Reputation:
Jon and Cricia Stanko - Her Parents, both still alive but getting on in age, still working in the Institute. Jon in Medicine and Cricia in Robotics.
The Institute and the Board of Directors - Noted down as a special assignment Virologist, has very high positive reputation with the organization
NCR - Virtually unknown, seen as an oddity in fact, Neutral reputation
Legion and Enclave - Holds slightly bad reputation with both factions as The Institute continues to be outside their control.
Raiders and Slavers - High negative reputation. She will usually run, but in a combat situation she will not hesitate to kill these factions
Tribals - Neutral Reputation generally. As long as they don't try to attack her while she's going about her work she has no problem. But there has been a few problems here and there so she tends to be wary.
Opinions on Team: (To be filled out whenever you feel like your character has enough information on fellow player characters.)
Skills and Equipment
Virology: Practiced and educated extensively in the study of viruses, trained to understand what sicknesses viruses can cause.
Researcher: Note taking, specimen collection, record keeping, all meant to bring back as much information as possible.
Energy weapon training: As per Institute protocol all Institute personal are trained in the use of energy weapons.
Institute Gear repair and care taking: Mostly self explanatory, she understands the care and repair of her equipment.
- Primary: n/a see Misc.
- Secondary: Institute Plasma Defender
- Melee: Survival Machete
Full body enclosing Institute bio hazard suit with armor plating and shielded bubble helmet. Air tight and designed to keep the wearer safe from most biohazard problems. Everything from acid protection, to radiation protection, but is very light on ballistic protection but has a rather good rating against stabs, cuts and slashes.
Personal belongings: A picture of her parents, a picture of her room back in the Institute and her mission orders in the form of a small disk.
Misc: Drone A2, a research and defense drone with a small 12.7 SMG built into the chassis, functioning in place of a primary weapon. The Drone also has various science and research tools built into it.