Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current Getting that I'm feeling watched feeling again...who are all these people stalking...err...visiting my profile? Ahhhh stranger danger.
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6 mos ago
I just wanna sleep...
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9 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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1 yr ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
2 yrs ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous


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little better boss? @Su

Changed the alignment, and expanded on the personality somewhat. I believe I touched on the areas you recommended.

Hey boss.


Think I'm done if you wanna take a look.
So updat eon my CS, working on that background, but still have the whole equipment section to go. Hard to keep focused been really tired today. I'll work on it somemore tomorrow.

Alright thanks boss. I'll keep working on it. Tonight.

Hey boss just making sure my race choice is okay. I wanna continue working on it After work but wasn't sure about the race yet. Lemme know?

This is also very much a work in progress. But I have the start of something here.

EDIT: I think I'm done!

I am going to throw my hat into the interested pile...
@Dark Cloud

so this kinda fell through?
@Kumbaris@13org@King Cosmos

The exhausted Shaman and his troupe of performing Gods

Michael sat there a time letting his pipe st eagle whistle rest across his chest. The three gods spent a moment rubbing the surface of the drum. Something oddly respectful in the action. After a moment Michael smiles at Faye. He nods "The shaman of the Americas have tried very hard to retain the rituals and magic of the old times. It's more caring I think more appreciative of what we have and thus can say we lived well with what we have."

He gives another big smile "And then..." He trailed off watching the tail end of the young girl being lead to the afterlife. As the girl reaches the door he calls to her "Nimis, I'm happy I met you. You really helped us. Rest well." The girl smiles and giggles then with a little skip she follows Madeline. Michael hums at Faye's comment. "Magic is magic. It's the intent not the source." He nods then looks about.

As the drum shrinks back down to hand held size he begins to pack up everything. Except for the pipe stem he actually breaks out the carved Jade stone bowl that has been shaped into am eagle theme with outstretched wings and taloned feet. As the gods finish cleaning up Michael packs the pipe bowl with Indian tobacco. The pure stuff. Attaches stem to bowl produces a box of matches and with a swipe lights match sets flame to tobacco and begins to pray in Cree. An aura of peace and calm pulsing from the man. The pipe smoke billowing about him. A prayer to those lost and to the grace of friends and family. Closing put the ritual he had performed. The magic of it kept the residual portal in view but the ritual he performed appears to be complete.

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