@FourtyTwo@StarlanceAs the meeting broke up the four made their way out and finding the Caddilac. Hayden standing there for a moment to look at it, "I just wanna go on record I have never seen a Cimarron in my life and I'm not sure how to feel that this is the first one I've ever seen." He hopped into the back seat and winced, "Fuck...something's sticky..." He sighs and starts to check the back of the seat in front of him and the door pockets, coming up with some old gum, and a pamphlet. He doesn't quite look at it immediately, as his attention is taken up front as maps and dossiers and phones are found. He reaches up to grab one of the burners. Looking at the venerable thing, "Huh, haven't seen once of these since high school." He pops his open, powering it on and checking the setting, noting down that all the phones have only their contact numbers on it. He nods, "Alright kids then this is what we can do with it. We can find ourselves something better later." He looks out the window as they go.
After abit he nods, "Okay, yeah I like this idea. Once we get to the slums dump Sean and I off somewhere, we'll tail the car. We sketch the truck first, and any security it has. If we can, we want to take out outliers first, maybe jack their weapons too, just to have something that we can use in the long run." He hums as they come around a slight bend in the road to see a fire fight on the side of the highway, between what looks like some SAMC mercs and COGS mercs. It's nothing big maybe five people a piece hiding behind their vehicles. And looks more like a gang situation then two potential army units. He shakes his head, "Course. Not an actual conflict. More like two fucking gangs picking at each other." They drive on and he shakes his head, "Fucking hell reminds me of insurgencies." He sniffs and looks ahead road signs alerting them to coming turn off. He nods, "The way I understand it, these slums out here are almost like the drug favelas of South America, or places like Jaurez in the states. High crime rates, run maybe by gang lords, or community militas. No real police presense unless it's something like a triple murder. So all we're going to have to worry about are the Dry Trail Mercs, the driver himself and maybe some nosy community reps with a pistol or shot gun, maybe a surplus WW2 rifle even. So unless we stay too long and make alot of noise, maybe, maybe," He emphazies the second maybe, "We'll come out of it without too much trouble. And our first payday."
After some driving and some planning the turn off for the slum appears. Hayden finally reaches into the inside of his coat and brings out his Hi Power going through a check on it carefully, popping the mag, checking the chamber, ejecting the round in the chamber, and adding it back to the magazine. He then slots everything back into place with a practiced click pop. and out of his duffel that be brought with him, an evil looking tomahawk axe with a spear point head, that he hides inside his right sleeve. He grins at Sean as he catches the other man looking, "Just in case." He winks.
And then it's like they just entered the wild west. The slum is super different from the well to do area they came from earlier. But it's still got it's flavor. Hayden nods, "Alright pull over. Sean, let's go. Beth, Yek, roll forward, we'll do this grid like until we find the truck. Don't get more then a block away from us. We'll scout on foot, and once we find the truck we wait until everyone is one is in sight before we move." He waited until the car stopped them popped the door, getting out and looking up and down the street, waiting for Sean to get out. He then reached for the phone, trying one number getting Sean's to ring, he then tried again getting Yekaterina's. He nods and motions, "Let's get moving folks. Let's get a pay day." He chuckles and playfully flicks the car's occupants off as he started up the street motioning for Sean to follow him. "Fuck is it ever easy to just fall into old habits..." He's already got a hand around the grip of the pistol inside his jacket, and he's scanning about already. Giving the car another bird as they roll by.