Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current I just wanna sleep...
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4 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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9 mos ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
1 yr ago
My community needs an enema -.-
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Done and done.
Will we be inflicted with kilts and bagpipes?
Will there be haggis?
Will there be whiskey?

We can only wait and see.


Lemee go find the Haggis speech, and maybe it will happen.

EDIT: I'm also going to need to make a few additions to my character sheet because this is gold

Feckin A then. Your wish is my continued joy.

*evil Scottish cackle*
I do apologize folks. I was a third through my post when I just decided "feck it I'm going full Scots" and broke out Scotranslate.

Actually no I don't apologize this is going to be great. If the Scots gets to hard let me know. I'll try and make it easier.
Doc Dar

"Crew to the bridge for a meeting."

That had been the request earlier. Darien had done as asked. Heading up to the bridge and parking himself at a window. He looked out and sighed, "Taxore." He said simply and as they waited for the briefing to begin he peered out the window, "Polux Base...workers revolt" He muttered as they passed over some mountains on the surface. After abit he rumbled, "And there's Tank Town 1918...Hostile take over..." He shook his head sadly. And a little while later, down below the irregular form of a Hive city can be seen on the surface, "Hive City Vorkun...Corp Inflitration." He spat to the side, then stomped on the wet spot on the deck and scrapped it clean with his boot, "Some auld lang syne ought tae bade bottled up."

He gave a sniff and turned in time to hear the beginning of the briefing. He really didn't want to look down at the planet that he'd been on a few times doing Corp dirty work. He crossed his arms and listened carefully. So the Captain had found them another job. Praise any deity who wants to listen. But then the other shoe drops. He blinks, and clears his throat, "Captain..." His slight scottish accent in evidence, "Captain, urr ye saying that oor contractor is aff tae be a gang leader sur? 'n' yin that seems tae be fairly weel-kent if he's git a moniker even?" He clears his throat, "Juist wanting tae mak' sure ah heard ye richt." He doesn't sound to be naysaying or anything, but sounds cautious. "We didnae gie muckle mynd tae gangs 'n' th' lik' back in th' asf, juist odd trying tae wrap mah heid aroond workin' wi' thaim." He shrugs, "Bit na maiter whilk wey ye cannae git rid o' me. Sae a'm in lik' Flynn."

The older feline nods then gives a shrug, all good to go either way.
If this was a warship, there would also be alternative trauma stations in those sections away from sickbay, basically a wall cabinet that opens up to reveal a fold-down treatment table, with portable med gear and meds tucked on shelves on either sides of the beds, and lamps that switch to battery should power be disrupted.

The dining area would be a perfect place for one, but I suspect it's also next to both hiberation and sick bay.

Likely what's available is a large med cabinet that can be found in the cargo hold, engineering, and bridge. Near the hatch.

Honestly in the era this RP takes place all these points are probably standard but have varying levels. A full ship of the line warship, a Dreadnought or what have you, would be exactly how you said. But down in a 10 person independent hauler, like there to be first aid kits everywhere but all the big and intricate medical stuff is under the watchful eye of the ship doctor in the medical bay. Not to say a crew member doesn't have something stashed away. Prepare for it to get commandeered though.
Medical Bay: Located just off the Hibernation Room. Domain of the Ship Doctor. For the type of ship it's very well stocked and machined. No less then three medical beds, an Auto-Doc suite for emergencies, and a medical stasis pod for the really bad cases. All stocked with medicine, and materials for many of the woes faced by spacefarers the universe over. An alcove off the main Medical Bay room doubles as a medical office and a bedroom with a arm chair, pillows and blanket for when the Doctor can't or won't be able to go to the living quarters. A comms and work station in the alcove can have it's operations transferred to the bridge if need be.
Does the ship have a dedicated medbay? Just curious.

Totally agree with the supposition of employment length. Want to say Dar is a recent addition but quickly made a niche.
Darien is equal parts friend, professional and psycholgist/psychiatrist for the ship most like.

Imagine he'd be everyone's straight man and friend.

Just be prepared for doctor mode to kick in.

This charrie is equal parts my real fursona and me playing healer on ff14. Worlds of fun.
How we all doing folks? Good I hope.

As an aside, I fully expect the GM to slip in an attempt by the many armed forces we have on this ship to come back and try and poach them atleast once each.
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