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Current I just wanna sleep...
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Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
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Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
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My community needs an enema -.-
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Scions Stride

The drum is the heart of the native people, or so an Elder said long ago.

But sometimes you need another beat.

So somewhere between one beat and the next. A near iconic sound changed coming out of the speaker on Jamie's armor. He slowed his dancing and took a few steps back, stepping over the prone form of a fighter who had tried to.jump him a few moments earlier.

A few enemy looked out as the sound of the drums began and the sound a historic guitar solo began.

And much to their horror as the guitar took front stage and as the drums.kickrd back in Scion had unshipped the devil contraption of his linked dual HMGs. A pull on the linked loading handle and by the time the lyrics began a steady roar from the paired barrels began to growl.

As the likes of Knopfler and Sting began to belt out the sound of Money for Nothing began. Jir strode forward. Keeping to his lane. Lead flying from his guns. The big man could only Bob his head in time to the music. As much psychological warfare as it set a nice tone to what's happening.

As he walked he reached the other end of the souk. Taking a moment to look over the situation. And as he strode on he came around a corner far too late to help take out the heavy. He gave a pout. But soon the call that things are moving ahead urges him on. Hitting his comms paddle with his chin, Jamie responds, "Scion copies. Proceeding."

He walked along falling into the rear position for the heavies, calling to Nord and Boomer, "Take the spear point. I'll cover the rear." He put his back to Nord and Boomer and walked backwards steadily ripping rounds at the fighters still remaining behind the in the ravaged souk. Clearly it still held some significance as fighters still fired from within it, ducking when the raking fire from Scions guns neared them.

He stepped into the compound proper, planted his feet and for a moment looked like some pillar of a bastion against a hail of fire against his smooth almost icthythian armor in that moment. Channeling his father maybe he roared and randomly targeted into the area behind them, the rocket pod onnhis shoulder opening and two whole rows of the small high yield rockets hissed off. Plumes of dye, fabric and other goods blossoming up into the air moments later as the rockets hit out among the souk exterior.

And only then did he start walking back to follow the other heavies into the building and beyond.
Posted, needs some editing but will do that later.
Honey Badger

The Pack, Scavenger Party Theta

"That you believe we are superior vexes me."

"Are we not? We permeate near all levels of society."

"Thisss doesss not mean we are sssuperior. Merely ssspread out."

A clang as a sheet of metal is dropped at the foot of a 4 foot high pile of scrap and debris. Several members of the Pack Scavenger crew inch forward as the short burly being bearing a warthog mask wipes at his neck. The warthog looking around and giving three who were just debating a look to pay attention.

There are actually sixteen Pack members here. Four members of the Bear style, a grizzly, two black bears and a polar bear. Their masks looking around, alert looking for danger. Decked out in combat gear, rifles and other weapons festooned their outfits. Bears, the Packs defenders and sentinels. A trio of rodentia, two mice and a rat, skitter about and into the pile, small, petite and agile they search the debris pile for good salvage. A pair of warthogs, burly and powerful, perfect for hauling and moving things. A viper snake mask attentive and quick tallying what's been found. Five lupine or canine masks. A collie, a husky, two grey wolves and a hyena. Helping to bag up the things that are found, and working with tools to bag up their salvage. And rounding out the group standing tall, hood up and jacket hanging open a singular figure.

Honey Badger kneels looking over the slab of metal. His voice clicking, causing the Pack took over at him. Actting as lead for this Scavenger job, Honey Badger clicks abit more before speaking, "Analysis shows traces of magnesium, palladium and iron in this slab."

The early debate put on hold the viper hisses, "Good with some work the elements can be separated out. Palladium is good for making augments. Magnesium can be used in the forges for heat. Yes a fine find." Honey Badger nods, getting to his feet, pulling a tablet from inside his jacket, "Yes a fine find indeed. Hyena start to break this up and get it into the bags please." Honey Badger starts cataloguing the find as the rodents dive back into the pile.

The tablet lit up ad a stylus slid out of HBs left arm and began to peck away at the screen.

As he did a notification popped up on the tablet, connected to ghost web conduits, gang news came through it often. Taking a moment HB clicked the notification open. And quietly muttered, "A dead runner, atop the Spire." Honey Badger turned his head and looked left and up, that great spear of glass and metal rising high into the sky in the distance. Soon other members of the Pack got the notification. And all looked to Honey Badger, "We wait, and listen, until the Burners come asking for our aid. The Pack has other concerns."

Honey Badger looked at the message again, "Fascinating..." The machine man whispered, them turned back to the task at hand. One of the warthogs crowing as a large piece of silver likely a piece of some damaged accelerator is unearthed. The rest of the Pack cheers as the find is bagged up.

"So as I was saying, we are superior in the city."

"Great, here we go again."

To play a little advocatus diabli here.

The idea of an Undercity had warrant boss man. And it's technically not on the surface. It's below the surface. I can honestly see The Pack making use of the Undercity. A maze of under street and below ground level passages, old sewers, un-used ancient subway tunnels, maintenance tunnels and the like. Places that the current regime has no use for because they have their gilded maglev stations, hover car landing areas and soaring bridges.

These could be places very rarely patrolled by Corp sec. Places the homeless and hopeless have access too. Could even be home to Pack Warren's and storage locations. Demonia meeting spots or E street gang black markets.

But to help with the fact its a grey area, Corp sec make periodic forays into the Undercity. Tac teams with heavy gear and riot kits to cleanse areas of it. Keep thr rabble from getting complacent. Could even become a story point or story arc pin.

Just adding a third view to it.
low key advertisement

Come visit thr Badger Sett, all we will take is your first born for the best Pack equipment this side of the spire no joke
Scion in action

Its a tight fit honestly three large bodies and their kit. Scion twisted his upper busy slightly turning his head within his armor to peer at the others. Such a novel crew this time around. So many interesting souls. His first stint with Raven had been an absolute hoot. And here they are again. It's a pity about Skye, he'd kinda looked forward to working with her again. Ah well sometimes things happen that you just have to work with. Like right now for instance.

His parents had hammered in Thena, Frey and himself that you really ought to get to know your team before you work them, and despite the meals, and chats leading up to the operation, Jamie is still an Outsider. But he can work with that. He can still make himself of use.

Jamie is humming a pow wow tune, Northern Cree's Hop to the Drop. If he had room he'd even dance, his style during the circuit favors the crow hop after all. So he settles for swaying abit in place. Jamie looked towards the front then at the door as Chuck and Duke stepped out preceded by Tiny Nord. Scion followed them out. And as they all.split up to cover different approaches Scion stopped for abit facing down his given path. Canting his head within his armor "For those who wish to leave, you have five seconds to do so, if you don't feel free to shoot at me and see how well it goes!" Scionncan get behind that. And then the scattering began, as people who didn't want in on the fight ran. But there are still people in the souk, and he can see weapons coming out.

Scion sighed, reaching back and pulling the double headed axe off his back. The handle clicking into a longer form, as Scion held it like a proper great axe. "And the correct tunes..." He looked through his suits storage, really the small computer was supposed to bebused for combat purposes but the assistance routines only took up a small amount of space. It was Athena with Uncle Nolans help that helped him set up a section of the computer to carry music.

With abit of effort a high power mini speaker popped out on his left chest. And the resounding sound of First Nations drums and voice broke the air of the souk.

Scionn stepped forward and the enemy opened fire, even as thr music of his heritage thundered. The enemy fighters tried to slow his advance, and for a moment they stopped firing as Scion began to nto dance. He honest to God began to pow wow dance, a buck skin traditional step, so elegant and slow looking but he covered the ground to his first unfortunate target quickly. Bringing the axe around, and striking the fighter with the flat of it. His first strike, sends the person sprawling. And as the singing of the music begins, Scion songs along, even as he dances into the battle.
The Shaman Lives!

Kind of at any rate.

Even after the ministrations of the elven medic, and being kept over night in the medical wing. Here sits the great Shaman.

And he dozes. Sitting in a chair, arms crossed, chin resting on his chest. Not quite snoring. But nearly there. The meeting goes on around him. Whiskeyjack sitting directly beside him keeping Micheal steady and not falling over. While Manabozho stands nearby with a medical pack over one shoulder. While Raven sits and takes notes on what's going on.

The news of Mr. X potentially being a diety seems to make the three tricksters fairly unhappy. Most dieties hate the idea of other dieties working against the Common Order. Gods and Higher Beings being there to help their people. If a Diety is trying to work against the world, what kind of situation must they be in?

Manabozho nudges Micheal, and the Shaman murmurs something, and lifts his arm, the one with the magical burn on it. the trickster god taking a looking at it, then lowering it. Raven looks over then back at the rest of the team and raises a hand the single digit over his mouth asking them to let Micheal rest. He says softly, showing that the three tricksters aren't always loud and boisterous, "He needs a little more rest. He'll be right as rain in abit." The god smiles, "As for Mr. X. Dieties are...hard to pin down. See Whetigo...when he goes up against us, it's because he's hungry. And needs to feed. Other dark dieties in other places, they work on different principals. Apophis comes to mind in this. The Shadow Beast of Egypt. Only wishing to devour the world. If a god or higher being of some type, wants to go against the Common Order, they must have a reason." Raven gives a frown then, "Finding out what that is may also help."

And Micheal seems to be out again. Though he seems to be nodding in agreement if very sleepily.
@Fading Memory


*cue confused blinking and sudden eureka moment*

I get it! Coolio.
@Fading Memory@TheNoCoKid

Well thank you both. I just kinda grabbed on to the idea that Honey Badger atleast is a heavily augmented service bot/person. So heavily that there is little left of the person and far more of the machine. Hence the still biological heart.

Now Fading again thank you, not sure what you mean by goalpost but hey if it helps someone then Aces.

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