Event:Cold Comfort.
Present: Esmii @BlackRoseSiren,Marz @Th3King0fChaos, Roslyn @Fallenreaper, Khaliun @YummyYummy.
Present: Esmii @BlackRoseSiren,Marz @Th3King0fChaos, Roslyn @Fallenreaper, Khaliun @YummyYummy.
The Bloodsucker Attacks
Marz went charging at Dmitry as he aimed to strike the bloodsucker in the head.
The hammer came down with obscene force, and Dmitry leapt out of the way, chittering like a maniac. "All muscle," he mocked,
"No skill." he avoided a second colossal swipe effortlessly. "All speed," he wailed, "Hahahaaaa! No brains."
It gouged a massive furrow in the ground, such was Marz's fury. "All rage," he laughed one more time, standing firm and - he caught the hammer as if it was a toy. His eyes narrowed and his grin became toothy.
"B R O N Z E B L O O D"He licked his lips and dived in for Marz's neck.
After drinking his fill, he licked his fingers off and decided to... go for the healer. An unsettling laugh echoed through the warehouse. He was gone and then he was there, right in front of her. His teeth were sharp and white and his mouth unnaturally wide. He sniffed.
"M o O D c a S t E r" He went for her neck. His teeth clicked shut on... nothing and the sanguinaire snarled and whirled.
When he appeared in front of her, hearing him say her mana type sent shivers down her spine. When she tried to speak there was no sound. Just before his mouth reached her neck, her body reacted and she was able to quickly dodge out of his way. That was close. she thought.
"Feeling brave, are we?" He glared the Yasoi's way. She'd been fast - really fast.
Roslyn fought her flight impulse, her form moving from the monster. Words echoed in her head as she watched Marz's attack, seeing him miss not once but three times.
“Shit, Blessing of Fortitude.” With a sharp inhale, Roslyn snapped her fingers at Marz.
Fritz tried next, attempting to shove his gun in the sanguinaire's mouth. It was all style over substance and easily dodged.
Dmitry whirled immediately and sunk his teeth into the mercenary's neck. Or so he tried. A quick shove of the shoulder had the animal bite onto the magus jaeger's collarbone instead, giving little blood yield and an opportunity to shove the foul being away.
"Feisty!" Dmitry hissed, licking some of the blood off of his lips.
The banquet wasn't over, however. Esmii was, once again, his target. He bowled into her, full force, and sent the girl sprawling, his slavering mouth open, ready to bite down but, just as he was about to taste blood, he was flung away with incredible force by her second wand.
Esmii found herself being targeted by him again, he was almost able to bite her this time, but luckily her wand created a kinetic blast that sent him flying. Her heart was pounding, and because she was trembling with fear, she found it hard to calm herself and stand back up.
"Oh, don't you worry. I'm going to get my M o O D c a S t E r one way or another." He scowled and spat, circling and turning his eyes to Khaliun. "What are you looking at, bitch!?"
Foul air conjured by Khaliun by disassembling the nearby walls surrounded the Sanguinaire. It was radiation, after a complex conversion from one type of matter to another, and then unleashed as a substance she carefully controlled to swirl in a bubble around Dmitry. It filled his lungs and entered his pours, rotting him inside out if he simply let it. But of course, he did, but the lasting damage was not to be ignored.
Esmii finally managing to pull herself back to reality, decided that she would buff Fritz, instead of attack, as he was the better fighter. “Fritz, isn't much but hopefully that helped.”
Marz swung with ferocious force and Dmitry's eyes widened. He put everything that he had into defending the attack and it still pushed him back. The sanguinaire staggered and his palms smoked. He breathed heavily. "Spicy," he grated, shaking his hands out.
“Blessing of Vigor, ” Roslyn shouted as she gestured at the mercenary, letting her magic boost him.
Esmii, noticing Marz was in trouble, quickly decided to help Roslyn to defend Marz. She froze the moisture in the air, to create a wall of ice between Marz and Dmitry.
He was angry, though, and it expressed itself in a corrosive mist that surrounded Marz. He had no chance to defend it on his own and it took a group effort to dispel the evil acid. Dmitry shrugged.
Fritz vanished, suddenly. In the midst of Dmitry's rampage, he positioned himself perfectly to trap the Sanguinaire in a trap of ice laced with a soporific substance. It was just enough to immobilise the monster.
Enough for Khaliun to strike with her hypercharged hammer. Cose close, and yet ... The mortifying bloodsucker put his all power beyond even his gruesome norm, and just narrowly escaped.
Such was his power that he resisted even this, though his eyes were wild now. He hurtled at Esmii. "If you won't give me moodcaster, then you're gonna DIE bitch!" A colossal shaft of steel formed in the air, out of nowhere, and it hurtled at Esmii with irresistible force. Only... it was resistible. It took Khaliun's intervention, but she survived the attack that surely would've been lethal otherwise.
Esmii noticed that Dmitry was angry at her, since he was unable to bite her twice, for her mana type, so he decided to attack and kill her instead. However with Khaliun's help they were able to defend the attack. “Thank you so much Khaliun.” Esmii noticed that she had a small cut on the right side of her neck, after Dmitry’s attack.
From the heavy hammer blow, Marz was slightly shifted back. The madcap was then changed, he turned his body to mist and anger, but it was Esmii and Roslyn to assist him. Marz was then snapped from his anger, he saw what was happening. Marz took in the energy from all the power he found around him and funnelled it to Khaliun.
He was absolutely relentless, attacking Fritz next, and then, when rebuffed, Esmii, whose rare mana type he seemed to have fixated on. Again and again, though, they worked as a group to rebuff the monster. He became ever wilder, snarling and thrashing. He hurtled towards Esmii yet again.
Marz jumped in front of Esmii the moment she was to be attacked as he hit the air as he cracked and waked the space and destroyed the attack that was coming for Esmii, as with the breaking of all that energy, Marz pulled it in and aimed all the power into Fritz as he was filled with static energy to make his body move faster and stronger.
Esmii got herself ready to defend against Dmitry yet again. With help from Marz this time, they were able to defend against his attack. Enough is enough already."Thanks Marz."
This was war. Friends turned against friends. Enemies became allies. The innocent suffered for the woes of the guilty.
Khaliun was all too familiar with it. It was the soldier's way of life. Which was why the moment Marz humbled himself, turned a boon in her direction rather than his hammer, she was not surprised, nor was there any show of ego. Merely a half-nod at his direction to acknowledge what was brewing. And Fritz, in his extensive experience as a man at arms, was naturally on the same page as his employer and fellow warrior.
The ghoul that revelled in blood and gore was so fixated on Esmii that he hadn't realised the increase in mental focus of the landsknecht allowed him to bring to life four physical copies of himself that could all vanish with the ways of the Magusjaeger.
All of them had surrounded the frenzied Dmitry and held him down like a dog that needed to be put down. He could not move, not with the might of four lifeless copies and the entirety of the mercenary's will. Well, not for the next few seconds, anyway.
Khaliun ascended over the bloodsucker, cloak loaded with various goods flowing in the gust of air that penetrated the heavily damaged structure they were in. She was smiling - the same smile she wore when her plan was coming to fruition in the bunker - and readied her hammer over her head with both her hands. “Get back.”
The amount of energy siphoned was unworldly. Everything became cold and even bits of matter were ripped off from the immediate area. But Khaliun was a tethered, and she could draw from much farther. ALL of Kirimansk could feel this overwhelming sense of dread taking over. This was the power to slay Gods. The very one that took the greatest of Mages Ersand'Enise had seen, and it was wielded by a vulgar Strazi with a last name she had long forgotten. This no-name had nothing but glee in her expression.
“The forever nothing calls for you, Dmitry.”
There was no hesitation or mercy - notions Khaliun hardly knew - and Dmitry was only allowed a brief few last words before total obliteration of the sorry bastard that reverberated throughout the region.
Esmii prayed that Fritz's and Khaliun's combo attack would kill Dmitry. When it was proven to be successful, he was actually defeated. She fell to the floor as her legs were still trembling and cried with relief. All she wanted at that moment was a hug.
“Thank you Fritz and Khaliun.” Yes he's finally dead.
The bloody execution caused Roslyn's throat to tighten. She stiffened, her form rooted to the spot and started until she couldn't see for a moment. Somehow, despite her terrified emotions, she remained upright. A cold sweat poured through her skin and enhanced the chill across her skin. She exhaled, releasing it all into the air with the mist of her breath. From her peripheral vision, Esmii's form fell upon her knees. Latching onto someone other than herself, Roslyn moved toward Esmii. She lowered herself to her knees then hugged the girl.
“Yeah, thank you from me as well." She swallowed down the fear from her next words. Her eyes studied Khaliun and her merc then Marz. “Okay, can we take a moment and talk here? I have a ton of questions and I'm getting tired of not having answers.”