Lunara Agha
Ransom Demand: Finale.
Dory and Lunara stood on a small street just off of the Searoad, at loggerheads. The latter had ruined a plan of the former's with her intervention, and Dory silently resented her for it. Lunara, meanwhile, found herself suspicious of the apparent victims of a yasoi attack. They glanced at each other, the first only responding once his partner was healed.
If Dory had been a pleasant surprise, the way this one questioned him reeked of Ersand'Enise.
"Just scaring some Resistance spook outta here." He shook his head.
"Ever since the knife-ears started pouring in, they've brought their crime, addiction, and filth to our neighbourhoods," confirmed the second.
"Not even safe for my sister and her kids to go out without an escort anymore." The first man nodded.
"We're keeping the place safe, and your friend helped us." He shot Dory a tight, appreciative smile. This, now, was where they stood.
"It's good to see you safe, Lunara. It seems my efforts were not in vain." Dorothea expressed, wearing a warm smile.
"Those men were filth the Colas sent to go after us. I've been trying my best to keep them all away from everyone else. . . And these men helped me out with them." Her words were followed up with a rather saddened look on her face.
"I do regret that they suffered so much. . . I did not expect the people of the Colas would attack innocent bystanders. . ." Regret filled her expression as she held her arm.
"I should study binding magic in cases like this, haha." She winked the woman's way.
"Though I'm better at making the pain go away than to actually heal it, so seeing people who are good with binding is always such a blessing. Thank you for helping these poor people."It was right around then that, in a final sweep of the area, Dorothea noted the distinctive presence of Johann's massive energy signature, a pair of timewalkers, and - most distinctly - a one-legged woman. They were at the very edge of her sensing range, in Miller's Hook, at the end of a block of row houses. That was her 'allies' and if there was a one-legged woman... perhaps that lead had been the truth!
The two men, meanwhile, understood their roles and corroborated her statements utterly.
"Resistance or Cola," amended one.
"Impossible to tell them apart unless you know them!""But we was just messin' around when we saw them roughing up a yasoi girl with white hair," said one.
"Tried to blame it on us!""Yeah, we're wary of all these recent immigrants, but we've got a heart," added the second.
"Then, when she arrived, they attacked your friend here on sight."Both shook their heads.
"It's a dangerous world..."Of course, while Lunara may have been hard-pressed to corroborate the truthfulness of their stories, there was nothing stopping her from sensing exactly what Dory had...
Lunara was relieved that her friend Dory was ok, she heard that she could take care of herself, it was clear those rumours were true. Lunara responded in kind with a smile of her own. Listening to what the two men were explaining to her.
"Indeed the world can be a dangerous place. You two should be ok now, i suggest that you head home now and rest..." Her voice trailed off once she noticed Miray look off into a direction, her little cat ears twitching.
"Miray?" she said, then immediately she felt the same thing that the cat was sensing.
"Dory should we go investigate who those magics belong too, it could be some of the others." she asks.
Dory placed her hands on her hip and shook her head.
"It is truly dangerous... And it seems like it's getting worse." Then the girl perked up when they *suddenly* sensed something.
"I'll go investigate that, you help the others out." She smiled warmly.
"They need you, Lunara. I can sense quite the presence.... I will try to see it that everyone else won't be attacked from their sides by these criminals." her eyes went towards the two men.
"But first I have to make sure they won't get back at these fine fellows..." She grimaced, most likely thinking about what these criminals could do against humans with no magic.
It was not so very long before they parted ways: Lunara rushing off towards her peers and Dory staying back to protect the yasoi hoodlums' potential targets. Of course, if the others had - indeed - found Jaxan as she suspected, other measures might be in order, lest some further nefarious group like the Tarlonese - or was it the Resistance who were worse - get their hands on him…
After saying goodbye and wishing Dory luck, Lunara looked at her cat. Miray was good at Tracking people with their magic energy.
"Ok, Miray lead me to the others." Miray tilted her head, her ears twitched as she sensed outward for the energy. Once she had locked in on Miray started running off, often stopping for her loving master to keep up.
The Goma Cat didn't have much trouble avoiding people with her kitty enhanced reflexes and speed. Lunara didn't have the same talents as her cat. But she had the use of magic often if crowds where in the way she'd gracefully jump over with the help of Kinetic magic.
There was plenty for Lunara to dodge and just as much if not more for her goma cat to sense. They were about halfway there and not so very far from one of the local bars - a place with a large cyan sign of a lamplighter crying comically - when the animal paused and arched her back slightly. A low, rumbling growl left her throat.
From a side entrance emerged five burly yasoi, led by an impressively tall older gentleman. They were not running - yet - but seemed definitively headed in a particular direction: the same one that she was going.
Lunara closely followed Miray, as her cat was able to sense the energy of one of Lunara's fellow students. She suddenly noticed Miray abruptly stop, Lunara while she slowed to a stop, glanced in the direction that Miray was quietly growling towards, she noticed that five burly Yasoi men who were being lead by a tall older man had appeared from a side entrance, at first she didn't think much about it, as they didn't pay her any attention.
However Lunara soon noticed that the group was heading the same direction she was. As a precaution Lunara decided that she would quietly follow the group, from a distance to see what there next action would be. On seeing the group move, Lunara began to follow them, however as she was solely focused on the group, she hadn't noticed that there was a small crate in her way, and because of this her foot collided with the crate, which caused her to fall to the ground with a loud clatter.
"OUCH!"A couple of them turned. They looked directly at Lunara and she was spotted. They stopped and, without a doubt, she was cooked. She'd either have to whip up an explanation on the spot, or it was fight or flight time.
Then, the strangest thing happened. After a few words exchanged in some yasoi tongue she didn't know, they simply began moving again, paying her no heed. Only, now, they weren't walking quickly, they were
Lunara didn't move at first, she was too busy cursing in her head at how disastrous this had come. So much for trying to be sneaky. She slowly rose to her feet dusting her knees off with her hands. She had a feeling that she was about to have her hands full, but, when she looked up to them. The yasoi were running in the opposite direction.
Maybe this was a strange blessing in disguise. Miray came to her feet, checking if Lunara was hurt.
"I'm ok, the only thing that hurt was my pride." giving a little giggle. She refocused back to the task at hand. She knelt down to her goma cat
"Let's get back to following that energy, but we'll keep an eye out for them." then began following her once more.
Before long, the six figures had stopped running, and they took a surprisingly meandering route. Lunara had just reached the Godsroad, tailing them only loosely and at a distance, and she estimated that they were no more than a hundred fifty yards from the source of the potential conflict.
That, however, was when she spotted it: Dory, along with Jaxan's parents and what appeared to be a security escort. They were heading... for exactly the same place, and the first six she'd followed didn't seem to have noticed them.
Lunara on noticing Dory was escorting Jaxan's parents, she gave a slight nod, and continued to follow the group of yasoi's she was already following. after the six yasoi men, from a distance she noticed the group stop and talk to another yasoi outside of the building where the energy is emanating from.
Lunara decided to use this distraction to slowly make her way towards them closely followed by Miray, she hoped to hear what they were saying but wasn't sure if she would understand it.
"My parents only care for their idea of me," Jaxan said, with a bitterness that, while bordering on the melodramatic, was also keenly felt,
"not the real me - not what *I* want, not even what's best for the world." He set his jaw.
"I'll play along, though."Xiuyang moved on and Thantra nodded at her words.
"Not gonna lie: that'd be nice. Tarlon doesn't exactly love me. Consoi want me dead." She shrugged.
"I just wanna be a Tan-Zeno, you know?"Ashon was offering her money, though, and making a plan that she had only
*some* misgivings about, and time was not something they had. She regarded those around her.
"I *do* want my name cleared," she declared,
"And I want your word that, if they try to kill me, you'll step in."Johann stepped forward.
"I pledge the whole of my cash earnings and I will not let them harm you." He bowed chivalrously.
"Right, then." Thantra nodded. She glanced over at Jaxan.
"Sorry if I was, uh... rough with you.""Sorry if I thought you were evil."The Tarlonese released a snort of mirth and waved him off, grasping her crutches tightly and stalking up to the door.
"I'm kind of a tiims'archa here." She twisted about and twitched her stump for a moment, but then she set her jaw, took and deep breath, and focused.
"I'll need about three seconds. Longer, and they go after me themselves. Shorter, and you'll catch me in no time."Meanwhile, as a plan was hatched inside the row house, the two groups standing outside had noticed each other.
"You!" shouted Emenii, Jaxan's mother,
"Who are you and why are you here?"The leader of the group of six ignored her and focused, instead, on her husband.
"Doridax?" he asked tentatively.
"Talthan'chal'doridax?""The same. Who's asking?""You've supported us in the past," the man answered nebulously, and husband and wife both shot each other looks.
"Who's that with you?" His chin motioned at Dorothea,
"and the other one who followed us." He jerked a thumb in Lunara's direction.
It was at about that very moment that the door burst open and a one-legged Tarlonese agent came barreling out, hurtling all four steps and landing in a crouch. She ran away with surprising speed - all that she could muster, shouting,
"Nar spax, consoi!"Inside the home, clustered about the door, waited the others. Johann held three fingers up and counted down.
Seviin bolted through to sell the idea and Johann raised a hand once more.
Lunara on seeing that she was pointed at just gave them a smile and waved until the one-legged yasoi came bursting out of the door, quickly followed by Seviin. She noticed that Seviin was going alone and shouted to her.
"Seviin do you want some help? Are you sure it's ok for you to follow her alone?"Elsewhere, Thantra raced through the narrow streets at a breakneck pace... at least by her standards. Seviin gained slowly on her and Lunara even more so. She blew past Niallus and, when he spotted the other two, it was clear that they were chasing a bad guy who was trying to make her escape through the Seagate. In the distance, he could sense at least three more yasoi starting to give chase, but they were well back.
The one-legged woman was almost within his reach at this very moment. She slowed momentarily at the foot of an apartment above a shop. A kinetically powered lunge would nab her! Otherwise, he'd fall behind as well.
Lunara, meanwhile, had gained ground with surprising ease. Seviin was surprisingly slow, hardly even gaining on a monoped! Then, the yasoi reached an arm out.
"She's on our side. It's a trick," she panted, still running. Meanwhile, Thantra leapt onto a low-lying awning, clambered onto a windowsill, and took off across the roof of a house.
Seeing the Yasoi run slash hop past him, she was remarkably agile. But his attention shifted to the second person, It was Seviin, then Lunara and her Goma Cat. Something was off, if she wanted to catch the other Yasoi why didn't she shout Niallus to help, unless she doesn't, he'll have to ask as she comes past.
As Seviin started to get closer to him, he matched both hers and Lunaras pace.
"Funny running into you two like this. Are we trying to catch this person?" He asked Seviin as he watched Thantra climb to the rooftops.
Seviin, breathless, turned to Niallus, slipping her arm under his, for they were the exact same height.
"Niallus, moila." She reached for Lunara's arm as well.
"Lunii suunei." She slowed them both down.
"It's all a trick. She's good people, trying to do the right thing, and I think we have, today."Thantra bounded from one rooftop to the next, but all of her pursuit seemed to have fallen off. She slowed. She slid down an eavestrough, and dropped to the ground. There, she dusted herself off, rose, and walked over to the Seagate, finally free.
Niallus raised a brow a bit confused by this, but then again, he has been gone for a while.
"Ok, I trust you." going along with what his friend has mentioned to him.
"You'll have to catch me up on whats happened." He asked her, as the group slowly came to a stop.
Upon hearing what Seviin was saying Lunara nodded with it, she placed a finger and her thumb to her mouth and whistled.
In the direction where Thantra ran off to, a small head bobbed itself up, hearing the whistle. It was Miray, it seemed that even though her master and company slow down, Miray did not. She climbed down from the roof that she got onto ready to chase Thantra, upon coming down she stopped in front of Lunara
"That’s enough chasing." she said, giving Miray head scratches. Miray began to purr, after Lunara finished petting her cat, it seemed that Miray was in an affectionate mood, rubbing herself on Lunara, Seviin and Niallus' legs, purring.