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Lunara Agha

Lunara on seeing the Yasoi's severed finger, started to feel quinsy. She instinctively put her left hand over her mouth and she also started to feel unsteady, as she had never seen a severed limb before. On noticing that Niallus was next to her she grabbed his are with her right hand to steady herself. "Sorry Niallus, I suddenly felt ill on seeing the finger, never seen that before." Lunara's Goma cat Miray on seeing that Lunara wasn't feeling well started to rub her face on her leg and stand on her hind legs to get her attention. Lunara on noticing this crouched down and petted her. "It's ok Miray, I'm fine."

Lunara, after pulling herself around, stood and attentively listened to the conversations. To make sure she heard every idea, and information. She wanted to make sure she knew exactly what had happened and what was going to happen.

Lunara picked up Miray so that she didn't get in the way of everyone. While holding and petting Miray, Lunara listened to all of the ideas and suggestions that everyone had intently. "I do agree, a well dressed Yasoi is odd, however I'm not judging. But I feel like the disguise idea is good as well, and could be very helpful."

She took a moment to think about what she wanted to do, she really wants to be useful. After thinking, Lunara turned and walked towards Ashon, she smiled and asked. "I like your disguise idea, would it be ok to join you."

Walking The streets, Miray close by her side. Lunara stood close by having Ashon and the others in her view. She took a deep breath, trying to not let her nerves get to her. Having butterflies in her stomach, thinking what if Ashon or Seviin get attacked by a mugger and she's too nervous to act. Before her nerves got the better of her she felt a tuft of soft fur brushing into her hand. It was Miray. Her purring, somehow was loud enough to be heard over the crowd and the small merchants "Thank you my friend." notice that the group moved on just out of sight, Lunara quickly followed.

Trying her best to pretend to browse and take in the sights, Lunara heard panic. Following where everyone else was looking, it seems that Ashon and Seviin were under attack. Dory who was working with Lunara was already getting into position to assist. What can I do? she thought, as she tried her best to stay hidden and not to make like she is part of the group. Then as if she understood her, Miray rushed off in front of the group.

Miray leapt towards one of the attacks close to Seviin hissing, biting the attacker in the leg digging her claws into the attackers leg, after some painful yanks, the attacker managed to pry Miray off of his leg. “Fucking mangy cat!” They yelled, wanting to kick Miray with full force. This was Lunara's time to step in, and she took it. Stepping out of the crowd, removing her chakrams from her waist, ready to fight and assist. She then looked at Miray, smiled and said "Good girl Miray, bite down harder, show this fool what you can do." Lunara then turned to the man with a wicked grin, and pointed one of her chakrams near the man's neck."So what were you trying to do and what did you say about my Goma cat?"
Lunara’s next Adventure

Location: Ersand'Enise
Characters: Lunara @BlackRoseSiren, Niallus @Echotech71, Abdel, Dayanara, Qadira, @YummyYummy Seviin, Penny, Johann @Force And Fury, Xiuyang @Emeth, Oksana, Ashon, @Ti, Dory @jasbraq.

Miray quickly made her way to Lunara’s side, where Lunara was sat playing and feeding Helios, Terra and Kamelya. Miray had a piece of parchment in her mouth that she found by the door, she nuzzled into Lunara’s hand. Lunara gave her a pet, then she noticed the parchment in Miray’s mouth. "What do you have there girl? Drop it please." Lunara held her hand out, and a second after being asked Miray gently placed the parchment in Lunara’s hand. "Good girl Miray, here have a treat."

Lunara then gives Miray a treat and a nice belly rub, she then begins to read the parchment. Lunara carefully read through the note, making sure she didn’t miss anything. She was extremely interested in this, as not long ago she had helped the Yasoi to protect the Evertree. But now she has a chance to help another Yasoi, she couldn’t refuse people in need. With a smile she quickly stood, and placed her pets in their homes, she then got herself cleaned up and made sure her Chakrams were still on her belt. She then walked out of the door saying "Come on Miray, Let’s get going." Miray quickly followed after her.
An Interview with Giancarlo Silvestri for Tan-Zeno

Place: Giancarlo’s Office
Time: One week after the rebellion

Esmii was wearing a nice long length dark green dress with white flower patterns, with a white knitted cardigan over the top. Her hair was plated with dark green and white ribbons, Sven and Roslyn had helped her choose what to wear and done her hair.

The office is large and cluttered with crates, artifacts, and stacks of books and notes, organised with a sort of idiosyncratic chaos that smacks of academia. The windows are large and dusty, arched at the top, and golden light streams in through them. At the far end of the room, silhouetted within the open balcony doors, behind a great mahogany desk, stands the head of the Archaeology department: Giancarlo Silvestri.

On the desk is laid out a luxuriant antipasto platter. Upon seeing a candidate enter, he turns and smiles, hands clasped behind his back. "Please, come in, seat yourself and help yourself." He gestures. "I do apologise in advance for just how tough I'm going to be on you, but let's do it on a full stomach, no?" He smiles and the laugh lines around his eyes crinkle warmly.

You could see that the little yasoi was nervous, she tried to take a deep breath, then she smiled and took some of the food that was offered. "Pleased to meet you, thank you for the lovely food." She then takes a seat.

"The pleasure is all mine," the High Zeno replied, plucking a slice of salami cacciatore from the tray with a tiny fork. "If we're to digest such matters of import, it might be best to have more than just those to think on." He chewed thoughtfully and knitted his fingers in front of himself.

"Now, onto matters of business, let's begin with something simple and straightforward: why do you want to be faculty at this school? What drives you, and please no bottled answers."

When the high Zeno spoke to her, straightened herself up in her seat. Placing a finger on her lips thinking about what to say for an answer. "Well, I want to benefit the school." she stopped for a second trying not to say anything negative about herself. "I want to help people. I want to help the school.
After the chaos that happened, I was able to help people's injuries and heal them with my magic."
she continued "I know how to treat people, with and without magic. I can make remedies. I want to teach what I know to future generations, so that they can survive and learn. " a little smile came across her face "Being here my teachers helped me gain more confidence in my abilities, I want to do the same for others." she stopped herself in case she rambled by taking a drink of water.

Giancarlo Silvestri, warm but cold, inviting but intimidating, drummed his fingers on the desk, leaning back to take a sip of his lemon water. "That sounds lovely," he allowed. "Now, I want you to tell me, honestly, why it might not be a good idea to make you a Tan-Zeno."

Esmii straightened herself once more trying to look professional at this interview. She took a moment to think about the answer, not wanting to rush it. "There are moments where at times where i become hyper focused on one specific task." she let out a little sigh, as she continued

"Unlike my other peers. I am not very good at offensive magic. I mean I have some, but not a lot. So if the school ever got attacked again I wouldn't be able to do much to in stopping the invaders" feeling her confidence waver for her admitting that "But I am working on it." she said to help boost her confidence.

Some of the twinkle went out of the High Zeno's eyes. "And you would say that your judgement is usually good? There aren't any lapses you regret?" He swirled his water before taking another sip.

Esmii sat in her chair trying her best not to fidget in it. "Well, there was one...incident where I didn't think about what my actions would cause." she frowned a little bit. "I... paid for that mistake and I have learnt from it, that I need to think everything through before I act. I know that I can't just act on impulse alone." she reached for her glass for a drink. Thinking about what her boyfriend had taught her on that very subject.

Giancarlo Silvestri nodded, scribbling something on a paper. "I see." He tapped his quill a couple of times and looked up. "So let me ask you a hypothetical question. There is a raging mother froabas, beyond reason, rampaging through the school. While there is a slight chance that you may be able to locate her nest and placate her, civilian casualties are quite likely. Instead, you can eliminate her and there is next to no risk of civilian deaths." He tilted his head to the side. "Which path do you take?"

Esmii listened intently, as she felt like he may ask her a question like this. She sat back in her chair and thought about what she would do if this ever did happen. "Even though I love animals, I will not risk the lives of civilians. I would do everything I could to stop the raging animal, and to keep civilian casualties to a minimum." She then looked at Giancarlo to see what he would say and do.

"And of the dragon's young?" he prodded, brow furrowed.

After he said his question, Esmii suddenly realised that she had forgotten about the young dragons. she thought for a few moments then stated. "Well with the mother being dead I would look for the nest with help from people who are good at tracking, but I would also ask for help from people who know more about dragon than I do and I want them to be in a safe place away from harm."

She took a moment as she had thought of something else. She then carried on. "However if the mother was incapacitated and still alive I would again ask people who know more about dragons for help and people who are good at tracking, to help locate the nest, then move both the mother and the babies out of and as far away from the city as possible."

He nodded slowly, considering. "Alright then. Thank you for that thoughtful answer. Now, let's switch our line of questioning, shall we? If you were given the opportunity to teach here, what would you be teaching and why would you be qualified?"

Esmii nodded "Yes," she have scribbled down some of the classes that she would be able to teach or at least assist in teaching. "Well, I could teach First Aid classes. When I helped at my families clinic where sometimes I would give first aid for some minor injuries that wouldn't require Binding. I can also teach people how to preform first aid on themselves, such as applying bandages and ointments."

She thought about what other classes that would be suitable for her to teach. "For magic classes I could provide assistance in Binding and Chemical classes, mostly just the healing and buffing side of those magics."

"For the other classes I could help with Gardening and Plants, I have some knowledge of plants mostly because I often make herbal remedies for various things, aches, itches, burns, nausea, even something to ease pregnancy symptoms. Which I learned from my time in the clinic and from reading books." she gave a little smile, hoping that she had provided enough detail.

With that, Giancarlo Silvestri nodded and rose. "Well, that's certainly something we can work with!" He held out his hand. "I will most certainly keep you under consideration.”

Esmii smiles happily, and shakes his hand. "Thank you Zeno for your time and for considering me for this opportunity. I will take my leave now, enjoy the rest of your day."

She then takes her leave. After she has closed the door she does a little happy dance, then stops and quickly makes her way to to Roslyn and Sven, to tell them what happened.
Aftermath of the City Burning and Meeting Lunara

Place: The Ever Tree
Time: Evening

When the groups of students finally got back and had helped to heal as many Zenos as they could, Esmii overheard a group of people mention that The Ever Tree where she lives had been one of the many places affected by the attacks. Her heart began to race as she feared the worst, even though her and Sven’s little animals were at Sven’s home, but she was still very worried.

She searched around and, on finding Sven, quickly ran over to him and tried to explain what she had heard. "Sven, I need to get to the Ever Tree. I heard it was one of the places that was hit by the attack. I’m going straight there to help heal people and see the damage. Do you want to accompany me or meet me there in a short while?" She said this while she frantically looked around.

”Whoa whoa whoa!” he replied, the words tumbling out of him just as they’d tumbled out of her. ”It’sh not too bad,” he assured her quickly. ”I think they managed to shave it, but there’sh damage.” He shook his head. ”I still have to help shtabilize the tower. That thing fallsh and it takes three blocksh of houshesh with it.” He bit his lip, peering about to see if there was anyone else he knew or trusted nearby. ”Shtick to the plan, okay? I’ll meet up with you ash shoon ash I can. I love you.” He paused, squeezing her extra tight before letting go. ”And don’t go alone.” He scowled. ”You never know, okay?”

Esmii smiled, and in his embrace she took a deep breath, to calm herself down. "I feel calmer now, thank you, my love, I will be careful and I promise, I won't go alone. Promise me that you will be careful as well." placing a hand on his cheek, looking into his eyes. She rose onto her tiptoes and gave him a kiss. ”I Love you too.” she said softly to him.

Lunara, on hearing their conversation, made her way to the cute couple. She cleared her throat and said. "Hello, My name is Lunara Agha, I am one of the people who helped to defend the Ever Tree. If you want I can accompany you, until your boyfriend is free to join you?."

Esmii on hearing Lunara’s voice, she looks in her direction, smiles and says. "Nice to meet you Lunara, I am Esmii and this is Sven. I believe I have seen you around, but never spoken to you. Thank you for helping to protect the Ever Tree, and Yes if it’s not too much trouble for you, I would appreciate it."

Lunara smiled at the little Yasoi girl. "It’s no trouble at all, as I also want to see how everything is there, as I had to leave before I was finished helping."

Esmii excitedly walked over to the girl and hugged her, when she realised what she did, she stopped and stepped back from the girl. "Lunara I am so sorry, being a Yasoi I tend to get too excited and hug people a lot, but I should have asked, since we have only now properly met."

Lunara started to laugh. "It’s ok Esmii, I don’t mind being hugged. Well should we set off. And don’t worry Sven, I will keep an eye on her, until you meet up with us." Lunara then turned back to Esmii and said. "Let's get going then, I will follow your lead as I can’t remember how to get there."

Esmii looked back at Sven, she then smiled and blew him a kiss."I will be careful, please be careful as well. See you soon." she then turned to Lunara. "Yes, let's head there now. We can go this way. I will try not to walk too fast."

The two of them set off for The Ever Tree. Being very careful, as they were worried that someone or something could attack at any moment. They had many conversations while they made their way to the Ever tree, about their pets, the courses they were taking part in, their hobbies, about their friends and families. They enjoyed each other's company. Maybe they both found a new friend amidst this chaos.

Esmii was able to lead the two of them to the Ever tree quite quickly, with a few small dentures as a few of the ways Esmii knew were blocked with debris, however they got there in the end. On arriving they both noticed a few groups, some were clearing the debris and others were trying to help the people who had been injured.

The first thing Esmii did was look at the Ever Tree, and she noticed that what Sven said was true, it had taken damage but not too bad. ”Ruii joi Damy (Bless you Dami)“ She mumbled with relief in her tone as she was worried about the area. She then began to help the people around, She knew she needed to be careful as she had healed and buffed her group, but she wasn’t going to let that stop her.

She then thought Suuluun (Sorry) Sven I know you will be mad at me for overusing my magic, but I need to heal these people. She made her way to the group of people where Lunara was already, She then grabbed a hair tie from her bag and put her hair into a ponytail, and began to heal people. She knelt down next to a small Yasoi girl and asked."Oira hyco yr, eloi ciin joi diidolrey? (Hello little one, where are you uncomfortable?)"

On arriving Lunara walked straight over to the injured people and began to heal as many as she could. She knew she couldn’t heal a lot of them as she was tired and her binding isn’t great. She looked at the group of people and said. "Ok who needs to be healed, Me and my friend Esmii can help you, but please be patient."

After healing a few people, Lunara decided to take a small break, however she noticed Esmii wasn’t taking any breaks. She saw that she was healing person after person, and she could tell that Esmii was tired. "Hey Esmii, are you sure you can heal all of these people? You look tired, you should take a rest, before you do more. I don’t think Sven will be happy that you are pushing yourself."

Esmii looked at her, acknowledging what she said. "I will take a break soon, but I need to help these people first. They got hurt because of the stupidity and anger of others. I can’t just sit back and rest, these people didn’t do anything, they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

She started to remember a memory from her past, but she shook her head and thought. Now is not the time for this. Focus on healing people. You can rest later, I wasn’t here to help these people before, but I am now. She then continued to help, heal and bandage the injured people that were around her.

Lunara frowned on hearing Esmii’s response, Lunara knew this was bad, and that she would not be able to carry on much longer. Lunara thought. I hope Sven arrives soon, I feel like you are the only person that she might listen to, or the only one who can stop her now.

Just as she was thinking, Lunara noticed Sven was slowly making his way over. Lunara decided to meet him, before he reached where they were as she wanted to tell him what's happening. "Hello again Sven. We managed to get here with no problems. But." She took a breath and looked in Esmii's direction, then continued. "Esmii has healed a lot of people, but she refuses to rest, and she looks like she will drop at any moment. I am worried about her. I feel like right now, you may be the only person that can get through to her."

Sven had a feeling that his beloved wouldn't just sit by. He kinda expected this. He scratched the back of his head. ”Thank you Lunara.” feeling fatigue starting to set in, letting out a small yawn.”I can take her back to mine. It's been a long night and both of us need to resht.” with that, he walked to his beloved.

Esmii was so focused on helping people, she didn’t realise Sven had arrived and that Lunara was telling him what she was doing. Suddenly Esmii began to feel lightheaded and started to have problems with her balance, and knew she wouldn’t be able to carry on much longer. So she sat on the ground and rested her back against a tree that was close to the lake, she then glanced up at the night sky and at the lake, and said to herself.

"Dii (No) not now. I need to keep going, I can’t stop now." She clenched her dress in her fists, and sighed out of frustration. She knew that she shouldn’t push herself but she wanted to carry on helping people as she couldn’t help them before. She was so lost in her thoughts and in the lovely sights of the lake and night sky, she didn’t notice footsteps from someone getting closer to her.

With her being distracted, it was easy for the giant Eskand to walk up to his girlfriend. And in one fluent motion he scooped her up in his arms. ”Shweetie, You've done enough you are exhaushted.” turning on his heels, walking off, bridal carrying Esmii. ”Letsh head back to mine. Sho we can get a good resht.” tightening his grip on Esmii's frame.

Esmii suddenly realising she was picked up, she looked and noticed it was Sven. "Sven you startled me." On hearing what he had to say to her, she rested her head on his chest, sighed and said. "Ok my love, you are right. Let's head back to yours. I have done all I can, Sorry for overdoing it again." While she was in Sven’s embrace, on feeling his warmth and the sound of his heart beat, the little Yasoi girl slowly fell asleep in his arms.

Upon realising that Esmii had fallen asleep, Sven smiled and gave her a kiss on her forehead. ”Shleep well my love.”


For my People.

Esmii’nesta’tawaar & Johann Steinbauer

Event:Zazzy’s Party.

Present: Esmii @BlackRoseSiren, Johann @Force and Fury

Johann had installed himself where he could help the most people have a good time, and where he'd be seen doing so, for such was his impulse, his nature, and his secret insecurity. He had bigger aims tonight than just being a merry face at a party, however. While people screamed about flags and corruption behind the walls of Ersand'Enise, a crisis of refugees had built outside of the gates.

Anyone who observed him could plainly see that he was partial to the yasoi people. He'd stepped up to help them during the auctions, particularly a few weeks ago as more of those 'titles' and 'land deeds' had come up for sale. There had been a rare few who'd lived in his village growing up, and he'd found them an intriguing group. It was within this context that he approached Esmii as she was playing with her animals. He took a seat beside her, but not uncomfortably close. He knew that he often made women uncomfortable and did not want to do so this time. "Esmii, is it?" he asked, "And how about *these* little fellers?"

Esmii noticed a big man had sat down next to her and asked some questions, she greeted him with a smile and answered. "Yes I am Esmii, the dormouse is sage and the grape dragon is Newt. Your Johann aren't you?"

He chuckled nervously. "That *is* what my parents named me. Yes." He shook his head good-naturedly and reached out towards Newt. "Can I pet him?"

She giggled at what he said."Yes you can, you can also feed him some grapes, if you like." She pulls a small glass jar of halved grapes from her bag, for Johann to feed Newt and places on in the big mans hand. Newt bravely puffed himself up and walk over to his hand and slowly climbs up to reach the grape in Johann's hand.

"Oh! Hah! Hee hee!" Johann giggled. "He just comes right up there and takes it!" He let the small dragon climb all over him. "Oh you are lucky, lil' feller, that I didn't eat it for myself." Johann teased, licking up some of the juices.

He turned to Esmii, thinking best how to ask a simple question. "So, you've got a whole menagerie of these wonderful little things, as I understand. You and... what was his name? Sven?"

Esmii smiles. "Yes we really do, I think Sven has a lot more than me. We look after them together. I feed his Dragons and give them attention and He does the same. I got some more from the Trialscand at the Auction, hopefully I can find a good home for them."

She started to stroked Sage "Are you having fun at the party so far."

"Oh, I'm plenty jolly and drunk." Johann waved in good-natured dismissal. While Newt seemed to have taken to him, Sage remained quite shy, despite his attempts to offer his fingers for her to climb on. "But..." he paused and sighed. "In some ways, and I don't mean to be a downer, it can't help but feel a little wrong." He shook his head and glanced about. "All these nationalists shouting at each other and us having a party here." He swallowed. "Meanwhile, the invasion of your homeland. The Tarlonese send a few of their decent young people here for us to make friends with while the rest of the Grey Army murders and pillages its way across Constantian Yasoi lands." He paused for a moment, visibly affected. "Every day now, hundreds of refugees - I can only imagine what it's like for you to see your people like that - piling up outside the city gates, refused entry." He shook his head again. "I've money, but no way to get into yasoi lands. I wish there was more I could do..."

Esmii began to feel worried at the mention of the war. "I heard rumours of the war from, my aloi (mother), she sent me a letter, explaining about the situation back home." she frowns, as her body starts to relax.

"My parents and my little suunei (sister) are safe as they decided to flee early as a procuration." she tensed once more "However my little moila (brother) isn't with them, he is missing."

Johann shook his head. "It's only a matter of time before they sweep over all of yasoi lands," he mused, idly forming a simple berry in his hand and inviting her animals to nibble at it. "Unless they meet with organized resistance - a real army of the combined Constantian Yasoi in Oiyac or Hyparii." He pounded a fist into his palm, frustrated, squishing the berry just as Newt seemed to have plucked up the courage to go for it. Mortified, Johann spent the next half-minute trying to placate the little dragon. When he'd finally settled, the chubby boy furrowed his brow and started up again. "If only I held land and title there." He shook his head again. "I could use it as a staging point for the fight back, fill it with refugees who aren't ready to give up on their homelands. *Build* something! Alas, they'd never trust a yanii, much less grant me such."

Esmii took a second, listening to Johanns words. She wondered if this was fate. "I got some land and a title. Maybe they'll trust me." she wondered.

"I want to help my people, my family. I'd like to discuss more about it." she said with a smile.

Johann's face lit up at the words. "You..." he trailed off, confused for a moment. "You have land and title! Wow!" he exclaimed, startling poor Newt again as he straightened. "Why, this is *wunderbar* news!" He shook his head in happy disbelief. "Why, they'll actually *trust* you, unlike me..." He trailed off and seemed to slump a bit as he went quiet.

Esmii didn’t think that someone could be that excited about someone elses land. Truthfully when she got the letter about it, she was shocked. Still processing that she can go by 'Lady' Esmii. It felt a bit alien to her. She wanted to break the news to her beloved but sadly he wasn't here. She'll likely visit him after the party.

"I do have land yes, and a title. But having them trust me, a part Yanii, might be difficult." she looks down to the floor her brow furrowed. Then after a few seconds her head rose to face him.

Johann shrugged. "Better a half-yanii than a full one, trust me." Perhaps he could sense her uncertainties and insecurities, but he was not about to pry, lest she start poking around his. Those were wounds old and deep that he was not going to share freely about anytime soon. For now, he focused on her. To the best of his considerable knowledge on the subject, most Constantian yasoi didn't have a particular problem with half-breeds, though there were always a *few*, he supposed. "You grew up there. You speak their language. Fundamentally, you are one of them in ways that I could never be, and you know how stubborn your people are about being helped by outsiders..." He trailed off for a moment before continuing. "If, truly, you hold land and title there, then you hold power that remains unrealized: the power to make a difference and help people. Let me help you *use* it."

Esmii sat and listened intently to everything Johann said, she knew he was right as they would maybe trust her more than a yanii. When he finished the thought for a moment and answered. "What you said makes sense, they could listen and trust me more than a yanii, and I do want to help people who are in need, because of this war."

She then opens her bag and rummages through it as she remembered that she had brought the letter she received. "This is what I got, I brought it with me to show Sven, and I will later when I go check on him but would you like to see it."

Johann nodded and reached out to take it. His eyes flicked back and forth across the page as he read.

*Esteemed Lady Tawaar,* the letter began,

*It is my honour and privilege to offer you my sincere greetings from the Baronetcy of Desta'lovox here in beautiful Hyparii. Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Salex'taol'tuuro, chamberlain of the grand estate that has now passed to you by the rules of Escambric Inheritance. I am writing this letter to extend an invitation to your ladyship to visit her domain at her earliest convenience. All must be prepared in advance of your arrival, of course, so please be so kind as to provide your humble servant with a date and time. A grand welcome awaits thee, my lady, and I look ardently forward to our first meeting. There is much work to be done and much opportunity.*

*Your Loyal Chamberlain,*


"Heh!" the Kerreman remarked. "Looks like that deed was worth something after all!" He shook his head. "I was hoping it would be, but they're often scams, things like this." He furrowed his brow. "This could be deliverance for all those people, and, I sense for your finances. You should certainly go investigate before you show Sven, though, to make sure it's on the level. If you received something like this, it's definitely a good sign." He considered for a moment, lowering his voice. "I, uh... for what it's worth, I can accompany you there, just in case." He shook his head. "I wouldn't trust *too* easily."

Esmii nods in agreement, as she takes the letter back and hides it in her bag once again. She knows she needs to be careful about who she trusts, with the information she has. She whispers "You are right, I do need to be carful about who I trust. Also I will hold off showing Sven if you think it's better to check everything first."

She thinks for a moment and thanks him. "Thank you for you help. I am wanting to investigate the land, but wasn't sure who I could ask to accompany me, but if you are sure I would be happy for you to accompany me. I feel like I need a few peoples help with that as it is new for me." She wonders if she has the confidence and ability to handle this.

Johann smiled reassuringly. "Don't you worry one bit. I'll be there, and..." He paused to think for a moment. "I think I know someone else I can talk to." With that, he heard his voice being called by Marci to help him with an obnoxiously drunk guest who had passed out. The big man rose and dusted himself off. "Well, with that, duty calls," he sighed. "It was nice talking to you Esmii. I think we can really help a lot of people with this idea." Then, he was hurrying off.

Esmii smiled at the big man as he stood. "Thank you for the chat. It was nice meeting you too, see you later Johann." She waved at him as he left.

Then she put one of her braids on the table for Newt to climb up, and looking at Sage in her hand, she said "Should we go see if we can find Jamboi then Sage, I know you like seeing him and Penny don't you." She gave her a little head rub and then placed her on her shoulder. Then Esmii rose from her seat and began to look for Jamboi.

While walking around Esmii finally saw Jamboi, however she noticed that he was busy having fun with Penny. She smiled and decided that she would not bother the two of them. She then looked at Sage. "We can see Penny and Jamboi another time."

Esmii then decided that she would leave a bit earlier, and go see how Sven was, as he said he was ill and she wanted to show him her dress and give him the gifts she had for him. "Well you too, Lets head to Sven's and see how he is feeling." After mentioning Sven both Sage and Newt got exited, Esmii giggled at the both of them. "Ok, calm down, we will see him soon." And off she went.
Meeting the Sun: Part 3

Place: Tavern near the Queen’s Gate, Ersand’Enise Academy of Thaumaturgy
Time: Velles 2nd, Orrendes (Afternoon going on Evening)
Thank you @Force and Fury for this collab

Esmii noticed that she and Sven were the only ones left in the room. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain from her wrist and remembered she had hurt it when she fell. She started to rummage through her bag, remembering that she had a bandage in there and, on finding that bandage, she began to wrap up her wrist, as fast as possible, to ease the pain, and so she can carry on with what she needed to do, because right now she can’t heal herself and no one else can help her at this point.

After her wrist was bandaged properly, she moved onto her knees and faced the bed. Then she slowly starts to stand using the bed to steady herself. She then climbs back onto the bed, and looking at Sven, she tries to shake him to see if he will awaken, she also talks to him, to see if he will wake to the sound of her voice. "Sven, please wake up for me, I’m sorry for the trouble I have caused you, I know it’s all my fault, but please open your eyes, I need you to be ok."

Sven had been drifting in and out of consciousness for at least a few minutes. Vaguely, he had felt the sensation of heat, and then one of shouting, alarm, and movement. He knew he had been attacked. He had the incomplete sense - almost as if he had viewed it from outside of himself - that he had killed. Roslyn was not well. This, he knew. Esmii was sitting there by his bedside, crying and blaming herself and, though he did not consciously register it, the sensory input was enough to finally pull him from the last bit of it. Feelings stirred inside of him at her words and his eyes flashed open.

Esmii didn’t notice that Sven was starting to wake up, as she was lost in her own thoughts, and you could see she wasn't in the moment as her eyes were glazed. She then turned herself around and slid off the side of the bed. Now she sat on the floor, resting her back on the bed, bringing her knees up to her chin, wrapping her arms around her knees and tucked her head into her arms. She felt useless and helpless, and didn’t realise she was voicing what she was thinking.

"Maybe my moila (brother) is right, I am useless and stupid, and all I do is cause trouble and problems for others, like I did for my Aluu (father) and Aloi (mother). Why did I have to get closer to it, I knew I needed to stay away from the aberration as I am influenced more by it, and yet I still stupidly walked closer and was controlled by it. Look what I did, Rose and Sven are suffering so much because of me, and all I have is a headache." Tears started to stream down her face again, which made her head hurt more, but she felt like she deserved it. "What should I do?"

Sven slid off the far side of the bed, his head still fuzzy and pounding. He did not completely know what he was doing and what had happened, much less where he was. Everything was bad. He’d… it started to come back to him. He’d… he’d killed a girl: ripped her limb from limb. She’d tried to help them and she’d sacrificed herself and she was dead. He stumbled away. Faintly, through the thickening headache and tinnitus, he thought he could hear crying, but it might’ve been his own. He thought he could sense sadness, but… he’d killed someone. He’d viciously murdered a person in cold - or perhaps hot - blood. Some of her blood was still on him. Roslyn was missing. She was crazy and she was missing. Esmii was wallowing. He wanted to feel something, but all that he could feel was fuzzy and empty. He was… out of empathy. He half turned. ”You should get up instead of making him right. We have our friend to find.”

Esmii, still deep in her emotional thoughts, managed to hear a voice, she recognises the voice, however she cannot tell if it is real or just her imagination. Following what the voice says, her body quickly responds on its own, by standing up and moving in the direction of where the voice came from. Suddenly she comes to an abrupt stop, as her face makes contact with Sven’s back. She stumbles back, giving her head a little shake, snapping back to reality, her gaze slowly shifts to the figure's face. Her eyes widened with joy, on realising it was Sven and he was awake. "Sven, you're awake, Thank Reshta." She walks back over to him and gives him a hug. Then she stands on her tiptoes and kisses him on his cheek and asks him, "How are you feeling my love, I was worried."

She impacted his back and it forced him to twist about. Sven was not in the mood for hugs. He was not even thinking about much of anything except the look on that yasoi woman’s face when he’d ripped her arms off. That was burned into him. He shook his head, and started walking again. Esmii was safe, at least. Roslyn wasn’t. She’d gone aberration mad and she was missing and… it was nothing more than a distraction, but he needed one, and maybe he could do some good, at least.

Then, Esmii was there to intercept him, standing right in his way as he was about to exit. He tried to shake his head. He tried to shake her off. On some level, he didn’t want to be touched right now. He didn’t want to be held. He just needed to not think about what he’d done until he could take some time and unpack it. He needed to do something to make up for it. Esmii was safe. She was. Now, Roslyn needed help. “Bad,” he replied shortly, ”but we’ll deal with that later. For now, our friend needs help.” He made sure to keep moving.

Esmii noticed that Sven right now didn’t want to be touched, she knew something was different, she tried to hide the sadness on her face, as she didn’t want to make him feel worse. While she fiddled with her clothes she said. "I’m sorry, I should have asked you before I hugged you." Still fiddling with her clothes, she spoke again. "Right now Rose isn’t on her own, Sun King, the person who’s room this is, and who helped me to get you and Rose here, is following her. He said for me to stay here with you, as I am drained."

Esmii showed Sven her wrapped up wrist. "I overdid it with my magic again, and when I tried to stop Rose from jumping from the balcony I went dizzy and fell to the floor and hurt my wrist. I'm so useless. Sun King followed her right after she ran." She looked at the floor. Esmii took a deep breath, and she raised her voice, so he knew that she was trying to be serious, she knew she needed to talk to him and she knew with how she was feeling she couldn’t stop him but she at least had to try.

"We need to rest, we are both not right and you know it. Also I need to talk to you about things that happened to you in the last mission, as I think they are linked to what happened today. And why I have been acting strange lately, I need you to listen, it’s important. And after we have talked and rested, we can help look for Rose, because if you collapse again I can't carry you, like you can if I were to collapse." Then she slowly walked backwards till she was in front of the door. Her eyes looked onto his, as she was trying very hard to stand her ground and not budge, even though she knew he could just pick her up effortlessly.

She just wouldn’t let up. It all had to be dealt with right this moment, when Sven needed to just… not think about it for a bit longer. He knew it needed to be dealt with, but… For some reason he couldn’t explain, he was just… out of emotional energy. He needed to recharge, badly He heaved a long, vexed sigh. “Now ish not a good time for me,” he growled. “If I collapshe, leave me there.” He made to go around her. He just couldn’t. He just… hadn’t comprehended it all. The berserker rage was happening more and more often now, but it wouldn’t happen a mere hour or two after the previous incident. That much, he knew.

He needed to be outside, doing something, working through his feelings through action not sitting in someone’s guest room, having what was sure to be a long, emotionally wrought conversation with Esmii. Please, just understand me, Sven begged inwardly, but then it struck him: he was wrong. This wasn’t about him. This was about her and the damage she’d suffered and the further damage he could cause her. She needed him. Heart heavy, he rubbed at the bridge of his nose and let out a sigh. He would have to summon the strength. “I’m… shorry,” he grated, “for my shellfishness.” He found a nearby sofa and let himself collapse onto it. “You’re right. Tell me what’sh wrong. I’ll try to lishten.”

Esmii sighed in relief, as Sven went to sit down, she thought to herself Is his Eskand stubbornness rubbing off on me? She slowly makes her way to the sofa he collapsed on, with no room for her to sit with him she moves a stool closer to the sofa and takes a seat. Thinking back on his facial expressions, tone of his voice and how he acted, she wondered if he remembers everything that happened this time. Then she holds one of his hands, and says, "Sven you aren’t being selfish, and you have nothing to be sorry about, I’m just worried about you." She took a second to think about what to say and continued.

"There are two things that I want to talk about, the main thing is about you, and the other is to do with me, but you are more important. This strange force that you have, I have noticed it’s showing itself more often. The first time I saw it was when we were in the monastery. Just before we escaped, you were angry but seemed to have some control." She takes a short pause again as the next bit she is going to talk about, hurts her and she begins to tightly grip her dress, the grip is tight enough for her hand to turn white. "The second time the strange force appeared… was when I thought you had died… but then you suddenly got back up and you defended us." When she had finished talking about that memory, her grip on her dress eased.

Then she thought about what had happened today, "You remember what happened at the gate don’t you?" She held his hand with both of hers, and continued, "She attacked you first, and you defended yourself, if you were hurt I would have done the same, as she was not of sound mind and her fate was sealed from the moment she started to draw from it." She thought again about what to say, then she simply said,

"If these moments of rage are starting to become more frequent, I want you to know that I am here for you, I will be at your side. I will do everything I can to help you figure out what is happening, and how to control or prevent it. Also do you know if you had anything like this happen, when you were younger or before you started school?" Her tone was determined, she just wanted him to know he isn’t alone and that she loved him.

Right now she was trying to stop herself from hugging him, as she knew he didn’t want to be hugged. She took a deep breath, as she was worried she would annoy him. She was also wondering how to tell him about what had actually happened to her in the last mission. Just thinking of Dmitry frightened her, and she unknowingly dug her nails into her arm out of fear. She tried to hide her fright from Sven like she had tried to in the past.

It was... a more thoughtful response than Sven had anticipated, but he*still* did not want to do this - not right now. He could *not* be in here dwelling on it. That violence wasn't him, but... it was. It had always been there: in the tapestries that hung on the walls in his family's ancient castle. They all depicted men who looked a lot like him, huge and towering, besting various foes, man and beast, in often brutal ways. It had always been there: in the way he had thought it might be so easy to just... break the kids who'd teased and annoyed him when he was young. How many times had he fantasized about hurting them in various ways? It had always been there: in the rage he'd felt when people hurt or abused small things, weak things, and animals who couldn't defend or speak up for themselves. How he'd hated their smugness, how he'd wanted to wipe it off of their faces with... well, he'd wanted to do it peacefully, stridently so. Hadn't he?

Yet, there'd been a little part of him - a savage little part he'd always denied - that had almost *hoped* that it would fail, because they wouldn't actually learn anything from his words. They all laughed at him when he spoke, or were laughing in their heads. He knew it. He could sense the way that their chemical signatures changed when he opened his mouth. He stood there, awkwardly for a second, not wanting to be corralled, trapped in here, even with Esmii. *But this is about her feelings, not **yours**,* he reminded himself. “I have alwaysh had violenshe in my shoul,” he admitted.

Sven thought of the colossal black set of armour that stood behind the Jarl's chair in the Great Hall, polished by old Ms. Ljundberg when he'd been small, before she'd retired. Mother, as Lady of the house after Father had died, could not be seen doing that sort of manual work herself, so it had fallen to Astrid instead. How it had stood there, terrifying and enchanting him in equal measure as a boy! It had remained in place for some eight hundred years since legend held it had been worn in battle by Kol of Sturmreef at the Second Battle of Relouse, where he near-singlehandedly carried the Eskandr effort before being slain by Hildr the Red, patron saint of Kerremand. Nobody had grown large enough to don the armour since and Sven couldn't help but see the metaphor in it.

Yet, those had been fleeting thoughts, *guilty* ones. Where most boys had learned swordplay, hunting, and strategy, in addition to their mathematics, Avincian, and rhetoric, his idle times had been spent reading by the great bay window in the sewing room, while his mother, sisters, and other ladies chatted and did crochet. His days had been otherwise filled with tutors in all of the modern sciences, philosophies, and skills that his mother had thought would turn him into a different sort of lord, one day. They were all soft, kind, thoughtful things, of beauty and creation, taught by one third daughter of some minor house or another. How greatly he had studied herbs and medicines, sewing, binding wounds, administering - not ruling - his lands with compassion and understanding. He'd had his history lessons but, he suspected, the heroes had been very different from those that most boys learned about. He had, as a child, soaked these lessons up like a sponge.

Yet, always, had Sven gravitated outside. The plants and animals of the region and how they all worked so well in a perfect, delicate balance, came to fascinate him. The formation of the ores in the ground and the mountains and those great eruptions of fire and ash from the distant volcanic peaks: how those had excited him!

Then, there had been dragons, and they were the one thing that was not kind and soft and thoughtful that he was allowed. How he had *loved* dragons!
More than once, when they could see how his eyes lit up at the fiery breath or at those tales of epic struggles between heroes and the great beasts, the adults around him had tried to steer Sven away, but this had been his bottom line. His violence had come out in kicking screaming, *raging* tantrums when they threatened to take his books away, and their kindness, softness, and thoughtfulness had caved to his violence. Before he had left for Ersand'Enise, Sven had stood before the armour of Kol with his mother and asked her why she had always had it shined so diligently if she hated what it represented. She had told him that it was a reminder of where they'd come from and a warning not to return for, rich as his legend had become, Kol had brought ruin upon his kingdom, in the end. *But do we not stand, ourselves, on the precipice of ruin, mother?* he had thought, though he had not dared to say it. That, then, he knew, was the root of his current problems. He saw, in Esmii, something a little bit like his mother. She was kind and soft and... delicate.

He sighed. “I’m… shorry, Esmii, but that violence hash been represshed for ash long ash I have lived.” He shook his head. “This... ish how it ish eshcaping.” His cheeks flushed with shame and his hands balled into fists. He breathed again, deeply: in and out. “I... need shome outlet.” He shook his head again, clenching his jaw so tightly that it hurt. “I need *shomething*."

Esmii sat and listened intently to what he had to say. She then thought for a while, she knew that what he was saying was the truth. She also knew that this is part of him. From her own experience she knows there are some things you can’t escape from. She wanted to help her beloved. Seeing his face, she could see the sadness in his eyes. She clearly knew that he was ashamed of himself, but this wasn’t his fault. "My love you have nothing to be sorry about. I want to help you, after the trials and school, maybe we can find a way to help you."

She then thought of her past. The time she spent in Mycromi with her family. The constant bullying and mockery from the other Yasoi, treating her like dirt because she looked more human, however her family were treated better as they were seen as full Yasoi. She wasn’t even safe from the Yasoi children her own age, as they pretended to be her friend and often beat her. Even her own moila (brother) who was sick of all the other Yasoi laughing at their family behind their backs, tried to take matters into his own hands. His attempt was luckily unsuccessful, however the scar on Esmii’s waist is proof that he tried.

She came back from her memories, she was determined to help Sven. " It might be hard and take us a while, but I will stay by your side. Hmm maybe something to do with dragons might help." Her tone was soft and comforting. Noticing that he doesn’t want to talk about what happened to him anymore, she decided to change the topic. She took a deep breath and said. " I have been keeping something from you that happened in the last mission, when we separated. I wanted to tell you as it has made me more worried and scared. But I didn't want to cause you more problems. I’m sorry if I have caused more problems for you lately. I always seem to cause the people I love problems, but I need to talk about this." She was scared of this topic and also scared in case she had caused problems for Sven, as her grip tightened around her arms, she didn’t notice her nails were digging into her skin.

He sat on a nearby sofa, all but throwing himself onto it. “You tell me and I'll lishten.” He tried to offer a supportive smile.

Esmii lifted her head up, and on seeing him smile, she tried to smile back, however her hands were still tightly grasped round her arms. And even though it terrified her, she thought about what happened and what she wanted to say, then began. "When we split up into teams, the team I was in with Marz, Rose, Khaliun and one of her mercenaries. We met a Sanguinaire called Dmitry, who we saw ripping the Volti members apart, then licking the blood from his hands after." Saying this made her remember him doing this, she felt nauseous, she could also remember the sight and smell.

She took a few minutes then continued. "After that his attention went to us and after the conversation we had where Khaliun didn’t side with him, he attacked us. He went for Marz first, as he could sense or smell mana types. He was able to bite Marz, and after this his attention went to me, as he landed close to me, and told me he knew my mana type is Moodcaster, and began to target me. He tried to bite me twice, however I was able to dodge him once, and the second time I didn't dodge in time but my wand helped me. However after that his anger got the best of him and he just wanted to kill me and get my blood that way." recalling this caused her to tremble in fear and tears ran down her face.

"Since then, I’m scared to go out at night alone. I can’t sleep, even when I'm with you. I keep having nightmares of everything Dmitry did but the worst part is I keep reliving the moment you dropped to the ground I couldn’t breathe, I was too weak to help you, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry." All of her fears took over, she could no longer talk, she was trembling and crying too much. She didn’t want him to see her in this state, after what he had just gone through. She stood from where they were sitting, and began to walk towards the balcony to get some fresh air and see if this would help her to calm down.

Sven walked up behind Esmii, quietly, and wrapped his arms around her. “You take ash long ash you need to become shtrong.” He gazed out across the cityscape as he held her. He was still afraid of what he'd done. It was coming back to him, now, and a growing feeling of guilt had taken root, but it was clear to him that it was not something he should burden Esmii with. “For now, I have strength enough for both of ush, and I intend to shtart ushing it.”


Spoonful of Lavender

Featuring: Esmii @BlackRoseSiren and Roslyn @Fallenreaper
Place: Ersand’Enise Academy of Thaumaturgy
Time: Lepdes (29th of Assani), After Classes

"Class dismissed!" The instructor's voice rang across the field.

Roslyn's form jumped, her head jerked to the direction. Several students had begun to drift back toward the stables signaling the end of class. With a deep breath, Roslyn clicked her tongue and tugged the reins around. As once told, she squeezed her legs into Bay's belly drawing an indignant snort from the mare. She slowed, her hooves dug into the dirt and kicked up clods behind her.

In a less than graceful execution, the pair made their way back toward the stables.

Once the clip clap of the hooves on the cobblestone caught her ears, Roslyn dismounted. Her boots hit the hard ground as she continued to walk around the building. Bay's breath misted heavy from the intense workout as Roslyn patted the mare's head gently. A snort of disapproval caused the girl to stop.

"Not today?" She asked, the horse side-eyeing her.

"Okay, I got the hint. Sorry, princess." Roslyn chuckled while she led the mare inside.

The horse’s skin flicked with a proud gesture, still following closely.

Hitching the reins to the stall door, Roslyn moved to the outdoor hand pump with a bucket in hand. She slid it underneath the spout and began to push the handle down. Once the water hit the rim, she hauled it back inside. Bay snorted again, letting Roslyn reach for the saddle's belt. It didn't take long to remove the worn tack and blanket underneath. Leaving it on the stall door, she grabbed the clean rag and washed off the sweat from the horse's form. She paid close attention to the areas around the pits and girth area. Next came the dry off.

Finished up with the wash down, she placed a blanket on the creature's flank. Bay exhaled and let Roslyn lead her into her assigned stall. The rest didn't take long to wrap up. Before leaving, the girl filled the feed trough and locked the door behind her.

Roslyn moved past her fellow classmates when her eyes caught the sundial nearby.

Esmii’s class had finished a bit early, so she quickly hurried to where Roslyn's class was to meet up with her and to be on time for once. Esmii was able to get there quicker than she thought she would, so she waited for Roslyn’s class to finish, she was petting Sage while she waited, then she noticed that her friend's class was starting to leave.

She quickly put Sage on her shoulder and walked towards the door to find Roslyn. As she noticed Roslyn she shouted to her. ”Hey Roslyn, over here. How was class, was it fun?”

When Esmii gets to Roslyn she goes to give her a hug, and just then Sage sniffed her and gave her a little nuzzle.

Roslyn went to respond, but Esmii's affectionate habits cut her short. Truth be told, it warmed the brunette's heart. A light tickle brushed her neck. As they separated, her hazel eyes spotted Sage. Instinctively Roslyn stretched out her finger. The dormouse brushed a plump cheek against her finger a few times before she retreated back.

"Class was… all right. But it’s always great to see you and your pets, Emsii. Well…almost all of them." Roslyn's thoughts went back to Reshta, Emsii's recent purchase. The Harlequin Kite Dragon didn't seem to like her at all no matter what she did.

Esmii smiled, and agreed ”Yeah, all of my pets are funny and different in ways. Newt and Sage are quite affectionate towards people, but Reshta only likes me and Sven at the minute, but Sven did say that she will get used to you slowly, so if you keep visiting she will get to know you better. I think some people may have done something to her, maybe that's how she lost her leg, poor girl.”

Esmii tries to hide the fact that she is upset, as she is thinking of possible situations that Reshta might have gone through. ”So where should we head off, do you want to have a look around town first or would you like to go back to The Evertree.”

Roslyn's lips pressed together, not fully believing it. However, it didn't stop her feeling a spark of pity for the creature.

"I wish people weren't so cruel sometimes. Thankfully, she's with someone that will care and treat her with respect. I'm a little surprised you don't get overwhelmed. A dragon is a lot to take care of." She couldn't see herself caring or affording one. Too expensive when she could barely care for herself.

Spotting the subtle discomfort, Roslyn reached out her hand. She hooked Esmii's finger with hers. A subtle gesture to get her friend out of her head.When Esmii gave her the choice, Roslyn’s lips pursed in thought.

"The Evertree this time, I'm a little sore from riding. Later I need to get more material for a dress, but I’m not too worried about it now. I don’t want to stay out too late."

Naturally Roslyn started toward the Yasoi’s dorms.

Esmii followed after Roslyn. She started to feel better when her friend held her hand. ”I think I don’t get overwhelmed because of Sven, he helps me so much, it really helps that he knows a lot about dragons, and how to care for them.”

"I wish I had his time management skills. How he does it is a mystery to me." Roslyn chuckled as the girls made their way across the field. Other students began to file out toward their dorms or into the city for last minute shopping, forcing them to drift to the side.

”Are you sure you are not in too much pain? If you need to rest we can and we don’t have to rush. Also I can’t wait to see the dress you are making, maybe you can teach me how to make dresses.”

"I've been in pain since I've started racing, but I need to get used to it. It’s nothing compared to the welts I got from the keelers. Those seemed to take forever to heal." Roslyn countered.

”Hmm, maybe I can look up a recipe and see if I can make you something for the pain.”

"Right now, my main issue is sleeping. As for teaching you about making dresses, I can try. They won’t be fancy. I thank Shune, I had learned something useful in my first year classes." A brief quiet passed over her thoughts, but Roslyn brushed it away. Her nightmares had started to ease up and she didn’t need to go backwards.

Esmii quietly listened to her friend, and her face dropped. She tried to hide that she was worried for her, but then decided not to as she has been finding it difficult to sleep after coming back from their last mission as well. And it might be better to talk about it than hide the truth. She sighed and said.

”I am also having trouble sleeping, but I have found a recipe for herbal tea that could help, and I have all of the ingredients at home, so we can practice making it. And I can give you a list of ingredients for you to buy. Would you like to make it with me? We can also talk about it, see if that helps too, if you want.”

Esmii then smiled at Roslyn, and tightened her grip on her hand.Esmii checked to see if Sage was warm enough on her shoulder, but she noticed that Sage had moved into the gap between the top of her dress and her chest, so she was fine.

At Esmii's kind offer, Roslyn smiled. She liked the fact that her Yasoi friend was attentive to her discomfort, rather than ignore or overlook it. It never felt good to simply melt into the background, but she had to admit she was rather talented at it.

"Have you considered..." Roslyn paused, trying to recall the right words.

"Jila'it hyco halan muuna?"

When the words slipped from her mouth, she cringed. She sounded horrible as she struggled with the verb's tense.

"I need to practice more…”

Esmii stopped and looked at her friend. ” Not bad and, Ta I juup jex a hyco halan muuna.” Esmii was happy that her friend was able to learn some of her language, as it’s quite difficult, even she sometimes has trouble.

Roslyn blinked at the rapid string of Yasoi uttered from Esmii's mouth. Her lips pressed together as her eyes squinted a bit, her mind trying to process everything said. The last bit was easy since she already said it. However... The first part was harder. Bit by bit, she tried to dig up each word from her memory.

"I understood Ta as yes, but ju-juup and jex completely escapes me. What do those mean?" She asked. It didn’t help that she had literally two languages, on top of her class over Xochi, she was learning.

”You are getting better. So let’s make our way to mine, and we can make the tea and have a talk about everything.” Esmii begins to walk in the direction of the Evertree, with her friend. ” I wonder if Jamboi will be there.” She giggled ” He might have some tea as well, he sometimes does if he likes the smell of the tea.”

Roslyn sighed, accepting the compliment. "Thanks, I really appreciate it. Also, if Ashon wants to join us, I don't mind. The more company, the better from my experience."

She paused with a thoughtful expression then added.

" I'm a little worried the other Yasoi might have issues with a... what's the term for what I'm called?" Roslyn bit her lip, uncertain if it was yaun or yanii or something else.

” The Yasoi word for human is huusoi or yanii.”

"I’ll try to remember that.”

Shortly, the large Evertree serving as the Yasoi dorms came into view. She stopped mid-step and glanced up, impressed by the tree's large size.

"Shune's library! How am I supposed to get up there?!?" She blurted out before thinking.

Esmii looked at Roslyn and laughed, ”Well I climb and jump up, but I am a Yasoi, but you could use your kinetic abilities to get up. Don’t worry Sven had the same worry. Also we can both use binding to make a rope or something.” Esmii then had a thought, that maybe they should build a ladder or stairs, to make it a bit easier for people to visit.

"Fair enough. Let's hope my practice pays off.”

Esmii then looked up and jumped to the closest branch above them and shouted, with a big grin on her face. ”Are you coming.” She then jumped to the next branch.

Roslyn sighed then began to slip off her shoes one by one. After stuffing them into her dress pockets, her knees bent and she drew in the heat. She kicked off the ground.

Air swirled about her before she landed onto the branch. It bounced slightly from the impact causing her balance to tilt. With a quick twist, she righted herself to the center. Roslyn flashed a grin at her friend.

"That was easier than I thought. Last time I tried, I slipped on the branch. Lets keep going, shall we?"

Esmii look and watched her friend on her first jump.”Yeah, keep going, you can do this.”

The pair leapt from one branch to another, scaling the giant tree until they reached the entrance.

Esmii kept a very close eye on her friend, giving her a hand whenever she needed help. Esmii was feeling worried, while they climbed, but she was trying really hard not to think of anything other than the climb. ”I can help you if you need me to. This next branch is tricky so I will hold my hand out for you.”

”I think I'm getting the hang of this. My father or grandfather didn’t have any magic, so it wasn’t used often at home. Grandfather especially liked the hands-on methods." Roslyn admitted. In fact, her father hadn't even registered on the RAS scale.

Esmii got herself ready and jumped to the next branch, then she started to climb up by using knots in the tree to reach the branch. She got herself steady on the branch, then shouted to Roslyn. ”Right, now copy what I did, and I'm ready whenever you are.” and she leaned over and lowered her hand ready for her friend to grab as she climbed to help her reach the branch.

"It looks simple enough..." She pulled back a small distance on the last branch. with a deep breath, Roslyn rushed forward. Her legs snapped up and her arms reached up for the knots. Toward the top, she bunched up her strength and pulled herself upward. Her outstretched hand caught Esmii as finished ascending.

Roslyn patted her dress clean of dirt, her bare feet still planted on the rough bark.

"Okay, all in one piece. A little dirty, but it could be worse."

Esmii smiled and pointed at a window. ”You see that window next to us, that’s open, It’s mine.” Then Esmii stood up, and said ”I will head in first, because I think Newt might rush over to whoever comes into the window.”.

She then grabbed another knot in the tree and climbed onto the window ledge. She then climbed into her bedroom. Suddenly Newt, noticing that she was back, he rushed over to her and nuzzled her face. ”Ok Roslyn I’m in and I have Newt, you can climb in.” She walked closer to the window just in case Roslyn needed a bit of help.

"Do you always climb in through the window?" Roslyn's eyes widened a touch as Esmii slipped inside.

”Sometimes I do, but not always.”

Putting her hesitation aside, Roslyn lifted up one leg and then joined her friend. As she lowered herself down the still, she caught sight of the bright, green dragon. The slender body twisted in Esmii’s hands before his head raised to Roslyn’s direction. Jaws opened to emit an excited chirp.

"Aww, I'll never get over how adorable Newt is." She commented, dropping to the floor.

”Yeah he really is cute.”

"So, how do we make this tea you’ve been going on about?”

Esmii placed Newt on the bed, and went to get the book that she found the herbal tea recipe in. She flicked through the pages, wishing she had used a bookmark, however like always she didn’t think that there was any point. ”Sorry I forgot to place a bookmark, I’m just looking for the page, yes found it here it is.” She walked back towards the table and placed the book down and showed Roslyn the recipe she had found.

Afterwards, Esmii went and grabbed all of the things they needed, and she checked to see if she had everything they needed, and likely she did, everything stored on a shelf in her room. ”Yes I have everything we need. Should we start making some now.” Esmii said while putting everything down on the table.

"It's fine, I know I often forget things." As Esmii looked into her book, Roslyn slid up beside her. It reminded her of a tincture recipe from class, but without the alcohol.

She took a step back to allow Esmii to look for the herbs, their heavy and dried scent hung in the air.

"Yes, it might calm my nerves. Can I get a dried mixture for a tincture? I'll put a little bit in a beer and drink it before I go to bed." Roslyn asked.

A slight shame stirred thinking of the growing collection of empty bottles in her room. She sent a small prayer to the gods that this concoction might help.

Esmii looked at Roslyn, she noticed that her friend seemed worried and decided to ask her. ”Are you ok ? I really hope this helps us sleep better. Are you worried as well?” Then she started to measure out all of the ingredients they needed and placed everything into a bowl. ”The ingredients are all measured and put in bowls. What’s next?” She handed the mixture to Roslyn.

”I’m just recalling the empty bottles collecting in my dorm room. It’s a bit crowded from the amount I drink lately.” Roslyn confessed, her arm lifted up and rested on her chest.

Esmii then looked back at the book, when she realized that the book stated it needed to be stored in a clay jar with a wax lid for a year and Esmii’s face dropped. ”Cud. Spax. We have a problem, the mixture I just prepared needs to be stored in the clay jar with the wax lid for a whole year. What should we do now?”

Roslyn frowned and moved closer. ”Is that the only one? May I take a look? I might be able to find something else.”

Her eyes glanced at Esmii for her reply.

”Yes there is another, it’s the next recipe in the book, it's similar to the one we did but I think there are a few different ingredients.” Esmii grabbed the book and turned two pages and found the second recipe, and placed the book back on the table between them.

”It looks like it's made from similar ingredients. The other mixture we made, I will put it in my potions cupboard for it to foment, for a year.” Esmii took the other mixture and placed it safely in her potion cupboard.

”That’s good. We’re making this one today then?” She wanted to be sure.

Esmii smiled and said ”Yes definitely, I will get the ingredients again, and the bowls etc.” Esmii quickly grabbed the ingredients, another bowl and another clay jar with a wax lid. As soon as she had everything she placed everything on the table and started to measure and place the ingredients in the bowl.

Roslyn watched idly, her arms leaned on the table's surface. She tilted her head while Esmii began to crush the herbs together. An invasive yawn edged into her lips. Her hand jerked up, suppressing the sound, as she blinked away the exhaustion. She had finally gotten to a point where she passed out after three days of poor sleep.

"So, how bad have the nightmares been for you?" Roslyn asked, sensing something off. Part of her hoped she had looked too deeply into things.

Esmii glanced back at her friend, when she heard her question she started to tremble, but she paused thought for a while, tried to calm herself down, but it didn’t work so she answered her friend truthly, while trying to hold back tiers and trying to stop herself from trembling.

”When the nightmare starts I see when Sven was held with Kinetic magic, and when he fell to the ground and how I felt, and the next thing I know I fall to the ground. But then suddenly everything goes dark, then when the darkness fades I suddenly see Dmitry and the horrible things he did, and suddenly he says what my mana type is and I have to go through the two times he tried to bite me to get my rare mana type, then I relive when he tried to kill me twice, when he couldn’t bite me.”

Saying this to Roslyn who was there with her, made her feel a bit better, but she couldn’t hold back her tears any longer, and she fell to the floor. ”I’m too scared to fall asleep anymore, I'm also scared to tell Sven what’s wrong and what’s happened, in case he feels bad about what happened, I know it’s silly but I can’t help it. I'm also terrified to meet another Sanguinaire, I feel scared every time I’m out at night, evenmore when I'm on my own.”

Roslyn remained quiet. Her eyes watched the deterioration of Esmii's calm into irritation. It flared up her own issues before she forced it back down. This wasn’t the time for it.

When Esmii crumbled to the floor, Roslyn stepped forward. Her arms raised to soften the fall as they both sat down. Impulsively, the Hendlish girl hugged the Yasoi girl tightly. She realized how easily she shoved her own issues aside to care for others.

“Shh, first breathe. Focus on your inhales and exhales. More air might help steady your nerves."

From the corner of her vision, Roslyn noticed Newt and Sage stir at the shift of emotions. The grape dragon had started to wrap about the Yasoi girl's neck, pressing his body to comfort her. Meanwhile, Sage had popped up her little head with twitching whiskers.

Once Esmii showed signs of calming, Roslyn spoke again.

“I don't think you need to worry about Sanguinaires in the school." Her thoughts went to Vel, knowing he wouldn't attack her friend. At least, she hoped he wouldn't.

“Still, it's best if you don't go outside during the hours of Dami and Ipte. Especially alone. There's some questionable characters among the students." She squeezed Esmii a bit more, mindful of Newt's position.

“As for Sven, I think he already feels bad for leaving you alone. I doubt what happened before we left helped much. It’s better to talk with him rather than bottle these emotions up." Roslyn could tell that Sven and Esmii love each other. They were the most affectionate couple she had ever seen.

Esmii hugged her friend back, she slowly started to feel better and a little more calm now. ”I’m sorry for losing it there, but you are right?” Esmii sighed, then she dried her eyes and comforted Sage and Newt, making sure they know she is ok now.

“It’s okay to feel overwhelmed with emotions. Vorossiya was confusing and difficult, but we survived it. It will take time to feel okay again.” Roslyn spoke softly, ignoring the question.

Then with a look of determination she said. ”I am not going to waste any more time, I’m going to talk to Sven about everything that happened, and how I’m feeling, I know that he will be sad when he finds out I hid this from him, but it’s better to talk about this, than leave it bottled up, any longer.” Esmii then looked at her friend with a huge smile and hugged her again.

“I’m glad I could help.”

”I actually feel a bit better, like a bit of weight has been lifted a little.” Esmii then stood up with Roslyn and walked towards the small couch. They then both take a seat. ”Know that I have talked about how my nightmares have kept me up. Would you like to talk about your’s? And it’s fine if you don’t but don’t forget I’m always here if you need me.”

Roslyn paused for a moment. Her eyes shifted to the side, considering Esmii's question. She forced a small smile on her face as she spoke.

“I'm fine."

The hollow words escaped her lips before she could stop them. A guilt washed over her small lie. No, she knew differently. She was far from alright, but compassion made her a hypocrite.

Esmii looked at her friend, she knew that Roslyn wasn’t fine, however she’s not going to force her to tell her everything right this second.

Realizing how she sounded, Roslyn added.

“I mean, as fine as you can be. I found some ways to cope with things. Beer can numb things and helps with sleep... most of the time. That’s why I was hoping for something stronger."

Esmii after hearing what her friend said, stretched her arms out and hugged her. ”I know that something is bothering you, but I’m not going to force you to tell me. I just want you to know that I am here whenever you need me, so when you do want to talk I will listen.” Newt and Sage also nuzzled into Roslyn.

Roslyn accepted the touch.

“I think you have enough to deal with. You don't need my issues on top of yours." Roslyn mused lightly.

“Also, I'm sure it'll go away at some point. Just need to be patient." She was hopeful, but didn't believe her own words.

Esmii then said ”Should we finish brewing the tea, and we can make enough for two jars so we can each have some for the week, also the recipe says you can drink it warm or cold so that's helpful.” Esmii then stood up and slowly made her way back to the table, thinking about her friend, and hoping that she will talk to her when she is ready.

Roslyn stayed sitting for a bit long, watching friend rise to check on the herbal tea.

“I tend to drink my beer warm, so I think I prefer cold for a change.”

Esmii then continued working on the herbal tea again, making sure that they have everything needed for the tea. She measured out the last of the ingredients that were needed and added them to the bowl. ”This should be enough ingredients for two people.” She stated confidently.

“Thank you,” Roslyn took the offered drink and drew the heat from the liquid, its contents cooling to a manageable temperature.

She enjoyed the herbal brew. It wasn’t long before sleep had started to claim the young Hendlish girl, her eyelids heavy and drooping down. Roslyn decided it was best to leave before she fell asleep. Last thing she wanted was more rumors spreading. Especially for her friend.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Esmii. Stay safe and remember what we talked about.” The girl used the window as she slipped her legs over the still, exiting out.

Somehow, she managed to avoid falling on her face while she scaled back down the Evertree and moved back to her dorm.
Event:Cold Comfort.

Present: Esmii @BlackRoseSiren,Marz @Th3King0fChaos, Roslyn @Fallenreaper, Khaliun @YummyYummy.

A Wolf Among the Sheep.

A long sigh escaped Khaliun's dry lips. Even the moisture in the air had been taken by the ceaseless hunger of the marble. Her ghostly frame slowly descended down until her feet hit the floor, and she stood straight and still, hammer dragged over her shoulder. Then, she walked. With a regular and patient gait, she walked closer to the group, her eyes locked onto Marz and his rival weapon.

“Ask your questions.” He said with a dry throat, eyes peering very briefly toward Roslyn. Fritz, having taken cover behind a crate, emerged from his hiding spot and just kind of sat down. Exhausted and very much in need of a raise.

"Okay, the most obvious question. What do you intend on doing with the devices if you got them?" Roslyn asked, her voice surprisingly even and calm. For now.

“Secure them for my country.” Khaliun answered apathetically. “It's only a matter of time before other countries get weapons like these. I intend to have Vossoriya survive and thrive in a world that is changing. Rapidly.”

Roslyn weighed the answer, then asked another question. "That individual at the river, the one that killed the Volti and tossed him into the river. Who was that?"

“Radomir. Legendary Protector of Vossoriya.” she looked to Roslyn again with quarter-lidded eyes.

“Our very first emperor.”

"First Emperor? That's not possible. He would have to be..." Roslyn's confusion surfaced on her expression as she tried to explain it in her head.

Marz tolled his shoulder as he set his hammer to the ground. Drawing in the energy as he assessed himself. Shifting his and finally opening his mouth to speak, "If yer set on keeping 'em. I wish to keep one. I wish to make a bet'er device against 'em so mi people will not be victims''

“Sanguinaire.” she gestured to the blood surrounding them post-massacre. “Case in point.”

For a moment Khaliun kept up the high-tension silence between her and Marz after his request. Her eyes squinted and studied his small form.

Marz nodded as he formed an impromptu stone block behind himself to sit while he took a breath. There is a possibility more fighting will come and the skittish girls seemed inquisitive.

"I thought those were myths. If that... was an example of what the people are living with. I can understand why Oksana was concerned." Roslyn spoke quietly to herself, her eyes turned down. At Marz's less hostile statement, her form relaxed more. They had seemed to find a mutual ground even just for the moment.

"I want to help you, Marz. I want to know how these work, how to disarm them, and even find them. I don't know for sure, but I don't think either the Sanguinaries or the Volti know where these came from." She licked her lips.

"I don't think we'll see the last of them. Even if we did decide to destroy them." It was then she noticed something. "Have you been always able to walk and just didn't?"

“I've had a chance encounter.” Khaliun answered Roslyn's latest query and then once again focused her attention on Marz.

“That marble. Do you wish to use it on the author of your imprisonment?” she canted her head until her cheek rested on the metal shaft of her hammer. “Radomir, that is.”

Marz looked to the woman, he shifted his head as he met her gaze. "Why do ya ask?"

The Indigo Fury swung from her shoulder and landed with a thud by her. Khaliun's own arm couldn't reach the butt of the shaft, and so she merely leaned against the immensely heavy weapon. “It is made from a Vossoriyan chaos marble, correct?” she asked, although no answer was needed.

“I'd ask that it'd be returned to us once the tyrant has been slain. But ...” her pupils shifted to where she could sense the nullification device. “This device. Did you make it?”

Marz lightly tapped the handle of his hammer as he listened. He thought for a moment as she spoke before he then swung his leg up to rest his foot on his knee and set his elbow onto it to lean while he looked to Khaliun.

"Aye, and the other Hegelans who were once trapped down below"

While Marz and Khaliun talked, Roslyn rose and moved over to the devices. She reached for one and studied it for a moment.

Esmii, for the most part, was silent - overwhelmed. “So, it was a group effort?" inquired Esmii.

She'd been quiet and she knew it. In truth, she was mostly just glad that Dmitry was dead - turned into a paste on the floor or else absorbed into the chaos marble at the mighty hammer's heart. She glanced over at the stain that had been him and swallowed, half-expecting the monster to come back somehow.

Marz looked to Esmii as he answered. "Aye, not one of us alone could have made this under those conditions"

She blinked. Hegelans and their crafting. Her own people were by no means pushovers in that regard, but they were not obsessed with their craft as the mountain-dwellers were. An idea struck the yasoi, however.

“But I bet you could figure out how to make one by yourself, right?" she prodded. “If you needed to?"

“Then you and your associates are marked for dead.” Khaliun said with a straight face and flat voice.

“This device you have renders all the efforts here worthless. They will likely eliminate most of you and keep a couple as slaves, if I were to wager what was the best strategic approach.” She exhaled from her nostrils as she looked down to the sitting Marz.

“But they don't have to know the author of this device is alive. Nobody but us knows.” a smile crept itself onto her lips. “So, let's make a deal.”

Marz nodded to Esmii. "If given the time, possibly"

Marz tapped his hammer handle once more when Khaliun spoke, she seemed serious and yet seemed to have an idea of some kind. Marz' gaze hardened as he responded. "What kind of deal?"

Esmii blinked. “Why don't we all just make a deal to keep quiet as... you know, friends!?"

This was hardly the situation during which to try to press your friends for advantage. Sven had been somewhat wary of Khaliun earlier and now she was beginning to see why.

Khaliun extended her hand. “The device. Give it to me. And you can leave with your knowledge. Make another. I don't care about the specifics. But I need-”

Then Esmii spoke. “Because I need leverage. We are not in a good position. And the other marbles need to be secured.”

Roslyn examined the small globe. It was uniform in color and composition aside from where there was a single small red button. The vast majority was made of a dark, faintly shiny material that was neither wood nor metal, nor was it some other more exotic thing that she recognized. She shifted it from one hand to another slowly. It was not particularly dense, but it was heavy and weighed faintly in the direction of the switch.

When she looked closer, she noticed that its surface seemed to be perforated all over by innumerable tiny holes. There appeared to be no writing or script of any sort on it though, when she tried to sense it, she did pick up on faint magnetic and thermal signatures inside. Her eyes drifted over to the conversation and where it was leading.

“Marz, do you recognize any of these materials that this thing is made of?” She interrupted in hopes to ease the tensions. “I'm wondering, if we can figure out what the materials are then we can narrow down where it came from. I also agree with Esmii.”

Marz laughed as he slapped his knee. "Esmii, everyone needs something. No deal is made without a side needing something".

Then his eyes returned to Khaliun, she seemed to wish to take the device. He tapped the hammer more as he thought, and then answered. "You can have it after everything is done and I smashed that bastard's head"

A flash of suspicion crossed Esmii's mind, but she was, in general, an agreeable enough sort to let it pass. Sure, you needed something in return with clients and strangers, but these were, by and large, people she'd gone to school with for a year or at least fought alongside for the past nearly two weeks. You could just give your word and that would be that, wouldn't it?

“Well, at least we agree that we should take one back with us to study, right?"

Khaliun was unmoved. Literally. “I'll level, then.” dry and straight to the point, her default.

“These masked invaders want the marbles. Vossoriya cannot be left naked after this, or Kirimansk will just be an appetiser. I need to trade the cure to their poison for our lifeline.” she scoffed lightly.

“I can either give them the item itself, or the minds that made it.”

Marz' eyes lightly wandered to Roslyn for a moment as she spoke, he looked at the device for a second and extended to take it. He inspected it for a moment as he said,

"Aye, we call it sea leather. Terrible to work with but melts easily. Comes from the Arid Sea"

Marz nodded as he began to rise himself.

"I understand, I need my own securities too". He didn't make himself hostile as he stood just standing to finish his rest. "The sooner we finish our fight here and secure the Hearts, the sooner we leave and you get the device".

Marz looked back to the fighting happening near the fort. "Time is wasting and if we are too slow the man who I'm aiming for might fall to another's hand"

Esmii had been, once again, roundly ignored. She fiddled a bit with the things in her satchel and glanced about. “Should we just be, um... standing here?" she inquired.

Fritz, meanwhile, had fulfilled his contract and this was all getting very grand for him, and well out of his league, much as he was of a mould adventurous enough to have travelled all of the way across the sea to Vossoriya. He was busy polishing his sword, which he'd had scarce little chance to use in that fight. He'd been happy to stay as far as possible from that monster as he could, except when putting an end to him, of course.

“I've never been there. At least we might have a place to search.” She bit her lip, then inhaled. We can't deal with the marbles," She pointed to Esmii and herself. "but we can buff and possibly discourage any threats. The biggest question is... what do we do with the devices? We only need one, right?"

Marz looked to Roslyn. "As the lady in front of us said, she wants to keep the rest for her people"

Khaliun did not move, still, even if Marz wanted to pass.

“You don't stand a chance alone, Marz.” she pushed herself off the massive weapon she had been leaning upon and reached out to hold it with a single hand.

“Not without me and my arsenal. And I'm not facing Radomir without securing my country's main means of protecting itself. Otherwise it is all for nothing.”

"Right, I meant where we drop them off? Don't want the Volti getting them while we're busy." Roslyn corrected herself.

Esmii merely released a small sigh.

Marz chuckled as he said. "We're letting them get away with the Hearts". Marz then took up his weapon as he began to pass to get ready to leave,

"As long as we're near each other you know it's safe. Think of it as my insurance that I know you won't just pull the same thing as the Tyrant. As how it's been, Vossoriyans have not been quite nice to me and my people"

Noticing her friend's sigh, Roslyn put the handed off device into her satchel. She moved over next to the Yaosi and asked in a quiet whisper. “Everything okay, Emsii?"

Fritz rose, slinging his gun, once more, across his back. He looked at Khaliun. “My contact is fulfilled three times over,” he announced.

He hadn't faltered or wavered, throwing himself into combat on her behalf multiple times and eliminating close to a dozen of the enemy himself.

“And they have been good fights: harrowing and worthy, and I believe I have shown the value of my skills. To attempt to kill the legendary protector of Vossoriya, and an elder sanguinaire, however, is much more than I was hired for.” He regarded her expectantly.

“Oh, yeah, fine," she remarked.
“Just waiting on them two to hash out whatever it is that they will."

“Sanguinaires have not been kind, not Vossoriyans. They're ...” she grit her teeth. “led by degenerated rulers with no direction. They're stagnant. No vision.” she shook her head.

“I digress.” “I'm going for the sacred caves. Whether you come along or not is entirely your choice.” she too was primed to leave. A nod was sent Fritz's way.

“You've fulfilled your side of the contract. I have mine. And you will be compensated once again should you join me one final time. Generously.” she chuckled quietly. “But I understand. This is war. Survival is your responsibility.”

The accumulated bags of devices were gathered about and dragged via Khaliun's expert use of Kinetic magic paired with her significantly boosted RAS. It did make her stand out more, but she didn't have to break much of sweat now that she did not have to actually carry herself as well.

“I'm coming." Roslyn lifted up to follow, her bag secured to her side.

Fritz nodded in return. “I will watch and be available should the need arise. I trust in full that I will be paid should that be the case." In the meantime, they were packing their stolen loot like bandits, eager to make an escape with it and find the hopefully-still-hidden chaos marbles.

The marbles found them. He was standing there in the middle of the darkened warehouse, silver mask expressionless and gleaming under the faint moonlight streaming in through a hole in the roof: Volto Argento. He took a couple of steps in Khaliun's direction and tilted his head to one side. Two gloved hands emerged from his all-encompassing cloak.

They turned over and opened like the petals of a lotus flower in the morning. In each was a pair of chaos marbles. They remained this way for just long enough that everyone could confirm, with their own eyes, what he held. Then, open palms turned back into fists and retreated beneath the cloak.

"I trust you have what you came for as well," he remarked.

It was thought that this was a race against time.

No, they should all have learned by now that time was something they couldn't rely on. The beings they were facing, monstrous and nearly unfathomable, had tamed time herself long ago. The marbles were likely taken right as Argento had claimed Natasha. The fact that he now stood in the very centre of the warehouse did not shock Khaliun. Still, the unease was strong. Little was known about Volto Argento other than he was of the three most dangerous of the murderous organisation. By all accounts an enemy like every other Volti agent. And yet ...

“I have.” spoke Khaliun with unchanged frigidness to her tone, and yet the way she looked at him - the utter lack of suspicion or a glare - suggested some form of familiarity.

The bags she had been carrying were all put on display before her, with only one kept to her side, idle hand posed onto its surface. “Every bag intact. And the Zavesta Imperi gone. Half your men are alive too, the bloodsucker killed the other half.”

Roslyn's eyes watched the exchange for a moment. Still, the twitching sensation of urgency filled her and her feet restlessly moved. Her teeth bit her lip at the one less fighting alongside them, but she couldn't blame him.

Praying they survived, she turned to follow Khaliun. The glint of a silver mask caught her attention causing her to focus on the man standing before them. The Hendlish girl froze, but before she reacted, the man spoke. Khaliun responded, causing Roslyn's eyes to flutter to her. Regrets flooded into her mind and she recalled Oskana's conversation.

“Khaliun, what's going on?" Roslyn didn't stop the question from uttering from her lips. Her frightened eyes returned to lock on the silver mask that signified the Volti.

Upon seeing the new Volti appear, the Yasoi was taken back by how casual Khaliun was talking to them. A thought of dread rushed through her head, she didn't want to believe it at first.

"Khaliun, why are you talking so casually with this person." pointing towards the silver masked stranger.

Looking towards Roslyn, it seemed she was just as confused as she was. Looking back she did have her doubts on Khaliun, even Sven did, which he warned his Yasoi lover. She felt a sharp pain of betrayal, it caused her to speak.

"Have you been with them all this time, even though they tried to kill us not too long ago, or was that part of the plan? Put yourself in danger so we wouldn't suspect you?"

Khaliun tilted her head. “Because he and I have an agreement.” she answered Esmii's first query.

“I needed to pull Radomir out of hiding. The best way to do this was ward off his enemies so he would drop his guard. And prevent you people from turning on each other.” her tone fluctuated into something slightly more venomous in her latest sentence.

“Some of you would side with the Sanguinaires and would not hesitate to kill their own comrades.”

Roslyn shook her head, not believing a word. “No, that doesn't make sense. Why would we turn on each other?”

Her hand tightened into a fist, wanting to strike or do something to stop it. Fear tried to temper the anger snaking its way through her core. This pain was new and unfamiliar. “How can you trust them to keep to it?” Her eyes glanced at Marz to see his reaction.

“Do you trust every single member of your group unconditionally? Do you even know who most of them are?”

“I haven't had a reason to question someone... until now.” Roslyn replied.

Marz grits his teeth, he tightened his grip upon his hammer. Marz looked at Khaliun and spat to his side. "Gods be damned, of course".

Marz' blood boiled before he just sighed out, "Should of known, if they truly came for our lives they would have done so with more force".

Marz spoke out to Khaliun while he was looking towards the Silver Masked man, "So what now?"

Volto Argento merely watched and waited, letting the children bicker amongst themselves. Some showed more of a proclivity for rational thinking that others. Some were 'passionate'. They spoke of him as if he were not even there. Manners, manners. They spoke of him as if could not just kill them all on the spot and take what they held, but that was against the code of the Dieci Volti Nascosti. Except against their very worst enemies, it was always their duty to offer a fair deal, to not merely kill on sight. Then, however, one of them said something that got his attention. It was the Hendlish girl.

"The truth," he admitted. "is that you cannot." he shrugged, walking forward to accept the sacks full of magic disruptors.

"Life's greatest and least moments come from that leap of faith known as trust." There was the slightest turn of his head, as if he were regarding her through the frozen expression of his gleaming silver mask.

"Your friend here is right, however." He indicated the unusually tall hegelan among their ranks. "We have no personal quarrel with you." He shook his head.

"In truth, you are being used as pawns by forces you may want to be wary of." He indicated the bags. "You give us what we came for, and there need not be any issue between us." They could not see how his eyes narrowed behind the mask. "At the very least, we agree that these bloodsuckers need to die."

Roslyn snapped to the man's words. Fear rushed to her surface, but she bit back. Though she didn't have faith her efforts were successful. She didn't move, but she didn't react. She just held his gaze the best she could.

"I find it hard to believe when actions don't quite match with the words."

“We keep the peace.” answered Khaliun to Marz's question. The bags were all presented for Argento to claim, except for one - the bag to Khaliun's right.

“One for Vossoriya. A purge of the scum will be in order once the head of the viper has been severed. To bring in the change we've agreed upon.” She wasn't done. The Strazi clenched her hammer.

“And the marbles. Vossoriya should not be left naked like a buffet for the next hungry elder to claim.”

Argento had nothing to say to the less important girl. He had spoken his piece and she had chosen not to believe him. He turned to Khaliun and shook his head and it was a concise motion.

"The Traveler is not a fan of weapons of mass destruction, and I can scarcely say I blame him." He held one up between two fingers. He smiled, though it wasn't visible through his mask. The intent was there, and that warmth could certainly be felt.

"You hold onto yours, though. Far be it from me to take from someone what they have fairly one and what is not mine to take."

Marz watched the masked man begin to speak and walk forward. Marz listened as he lightly shifted his hammer and set it down while keeping hold of the handle. All he could do at this moment was watch. The man was powerful enough to wield multiple Star Hearts and more so an agreement was in place before him. One that if Marz broke the peace all he would do would get himself killed. Marz just responded to the Silver masked man.

"Is yer plans ta get rid of the weapons?"

Esmii listened intently to each conversation. Esmii plucked up the courage while looking at the person with the silver mask and asked, trying not to sound aggressive. “So what now.”

Argento nodded. "The Dieci Volti believe in placing limits on the violence that men can do to each other, and these weapons far exceed those limits."

Marz nodded back, "That is another thing we can agree on"

Argento inclined his head in polite agreement, waiting for Khaliun.

“I do not believe the traveller is a fan of leaving the vulnerable to their own devices when the scavengers come to feed either.” retorted Khaliun.

“What's stopping Sawand, or an elder's personal army, from making a play? These weapons do.” Steam erupted from an increasingly frustrated Khaliun. Theatrics, of course, as she had planned leverage for this situation.

“Let's make a deal.” she stepped closer to the Volti, hammer flung over her shoulder again. “Half. For the device that can nullify every one of these.” she gestured her chin to the grouping of devices that had been accumulated.

“Full nullification.”

Roslyn shifted to sat down on one of the nearby crates taking a moment to reflect on things. It was the first since they rushed from the monastery that she had the chance to. Truthfully, the exhaustion started to edge in and weighed her down. She had opened her mouth to ask something when Khaliun spoke first. Realising she referred to Marz' device, she silenced her words to see what would happen.

"A device?" His voice betrayed both interest and scepticism, though more of the latter.

Khaliun twisted to regard Marz. And she reached out with the gift to merely tug at the familiar device. The movement made the subject of her offer evident.

Marz snorted out a laugh. "Already slinging it around eh?" Marz began to unhook the device from his belt and held it out for Khaliun to take it if she wished.

The air shimmered slightly, and Argento was suddenly there to take the device instead. He turned it over in his hands, examining it. "Hmm," he sniffed, inspecting some of the details.

"The workmanship is makeshift but intricate - quite different from my own." He handed it over to her. "I suppose I should be interested in it. Appears Hegelan in manufacture if I'm not mistaken."

Khaliun pursed her lips as Argento inspected the goods. His latest comments prompted a brief narrowing of her eyes that fit so well with her natural bitch face.

“The know-how is what I'm offering. Those that made it, to be specific.” she looked to Marz again. “For three marbles to stay within Vossoriyan lands.”

Marz was first taken aback by the sudden appearance of the Masked Man who grabbed the device from his hand, but he steadied himself. It was until Khaliun then 'offered' the knowledge of it. Marz' face scowled in anger as he then barked out,

"I'm not something for trade! You wench!"

“What... have your own? Does that mean you created these devices or had a hand in it?" Roslyn asked. Upon hearing Khaliun offer up the device's creator, the question was forgotten. Her form lifted and immediately stepped in front of Marz, though she knew she was no match.

"I'm not going to let you take him.”

Khaliun sneered. “Do not oversell yourself. You were in the depths for less than a couple of days. Under surveillance. The insight you can provide is close to worthless.”

Esmii followed suit, she stood next to Roslyn, and took hold of Roslyn’s hand, in front of Marz. “He's been through enough, please leave him out of this.”

Argento watched their mixed reactions and smiled behind his mask: "close to worthless" versus "I'm not going to let you take him." Their hand had been tipped by this inconsistency. He had forced this a dozen times and seen it even more.

"It may be true that you have fought against friends of mine," he replied, bowing his head momentarily.

"and this is something I regret, for ample blood has been spilled today, unnecessarily. We all know that it should have been these monsters we call sanguinaires, and only these monsters." He tilted his head in that trademark gesture once more.

"So, I do find it odd that you assume I hold naught more than ill intent," he replied, shaking his head slightly.

"When I could simply strike you down and take what I want, I have not. I wish for the destruction of a horrible weapon - those chaos marbles - and I have not once spoken untruth." He paused, turning slowly to take them all in before settling upon Khaliun. They could not see how his eyes narrowed behind the mask.

"Yet, your 'friend' here has lied both to you - about her deal with me - and to me, about what she wanted and was offering, which, I may add, is to be given weapons of mass destruction - weapons I would see properly disposed of - carte blanche, to 'protect' Vossoriya." He shook his head.

"I know that the bonds of familiarity and comradeship under arms are a heady tonic. I know them well. I have felt their pull and I grieve for my lost friends as you might, but I pray you do not allow these to cloud your better reason. Which outcome is the worse?" He shook his head.

"She has lied multiple times to multiple parties. I am... not sophisticated in my demands. I wish for these magic disruptors so that I may hand them to the common people so that they are not preyed upon by the appetites and avarices of the rich and magicked. I want the chaos marbles that such a horrible weapon might be destroyed, lest it be used." He spread his hands. "I stand here, before you, asking politely."

Marz looked to the others, "Aye, I can agree with the man"

Khaliun scoffed. “If they are such vile weapons, Argento,” signs of growing frustration became apparent in her voice. “then why are they not already gone, rather than being flaunted right before our eyes?” She turned to the student group.

“I have not lied either. My devotion is to Vossoriya and its people. Before myself. Before the crown. Before anything else.” the hammer was hoisted off her shoulder and pointed to Argento. Nothing was drawn, as to not provoke an extreme reaction from others.

“The Volti see eye-to-eye with me in that regard. The sticking point is this. The weapons.”

"Even if we disagreed, as you pointed out, you could kill us and take what you wanted. Which makes me wonder why you're wasting energy talking to us. Also how would you destroy these things?" Roslyn asked, curious.

"And how, pray tell, might I dispose of these safely when it is only my constant drawing of gravitational energy that is keeping them from devastating this entire space?" He tilted his head once more.

"Do you, yourself, know?" He shook his head.

"They will be destroyed once I have them all and not one of these vile items remains loose, somewhere high over the open ocean, as is proper. I was going to let you keep yours, but now you have pricked my suspicions most direly." His voice was fairly bristled.

“Suspicion of what?” Khaliun challenged. “My stance remains the same. Marbles for the architects of the device. I would be content without them if there was some sort of insurance of my country's safety from those that covet it.” she narrowed her eyes.

“But direct intervention isn't the way of our common superior, is it? Which leaves only those like me to protect and preserve.”

"Why, just four days ago, did he not step in directly in ReTan?" Argento shook his head. "If the threat is dire enough, if people would suffer en masse - and not merely the privileged few who place their boots upon all others - he will act. This, you know." Volto Argento straightened, then, and energy began to be drawn, though it was not so very much as one might expect.

"Now, it is simple: I am not your enemy unless you make it so. I want the disruptors and I wish to dispose of those murderous weapons. This is now your choice."

Roslyn subtly glanced at the devices then back to her companions. Could they destroy the devices or get them away before either of them attacked? She doubted it. Keeping her hand mostly out of sight, she gestured for her friends to move out of the pair's clashing zone.

“I wouldn't know.” remarked Khaliun. ReTan was far, and she was here. “I still refuse to stand idly until my country is under the threat of unadulterated destruction to have it protected. I'm a soldier, fighting for the country is all I know. And depending on an outside interest is not a solution to me.” but then she sighed.

“I am not your enemy, however. And we have a common goal that's yet to be realised.” the lifted hammer was spun upside down with the head slammed to the floor. “The fate of the marbles should be discussed once the Thousand-Year Oppressor is destroyed. Is this agreeable?”

Argento paused, and the moment stretched out into the distance of time. Then, finally, he nodded, and there was an audible sigh from inside the mask. "We have terms," he decided, "for now."

Esmii listened, then turned to her friends, “We should meet up with the others.” She offered her hand to Roslyn and asked them all. “Should we be off. Also Argento, I do agree the marbles need to be dealt with.”

Roslyn had hit her limit. "If we leave, the devices will be gone. Remember what Oksana said? The people are nothing, but mice to both of them..." Her voice was cold and steady.

"These people have suffered more than I can imagine, and even we haven't helped that. I'm tired of feeling helpless and being unable to stop it. I don't think anyone is trustworthy of wielding those weapons, but something bothers me. Why so many devices? You only need a few to be effective to keep monsters away or protect themselves." Her eyes looked directly at the silver masked man.

Volto Argento took a moment to address Esmii. "I imagine that all of us agree on that, except for Khaliun here." He shook his head, ready to move on for now. "But combining our strength gives us the best shot at taking down a common enemy for the time being, so we'd best start moving." He began to reach for the threads of space and time once more, taking and grasping them.

Then, the other girl spoke. He paused and he - actually - blinked in bemusement. It was as if everything that he'd just said - an entire manifesto on his intentions, what the Volti stood for, and how very much he was holding back when he could've simply crushed them like everyone else with power might've - it was as if she had heard not a word of it. He saw, then, through the holes in his mask, a small and insignificant creature that had been so stripped of agency, so very ineffectual, that it had lost all manner of reason in its pursuit of anything to grasp hold of.

Now, the mouse bared its teeth at the cat and... he did not much care to be a cat, but was he to indulge her, truly? Did he have time for this when plans laid years in advance - ones which could shape the world for the better - were about to require him to shepherd them to fruition? Would it not just be easier to step on this small, snarling thing and move on. Surely, he had built up enough goodwill with Oraff and Dami... Allowing himself a hiss of vexation and also of warning, he indulged her only so far, turning halfway.

"You assume that our goals are small in scope when, in fact, they span the globe over: everywhere the common people must bow their heads and bare their necks to those who lord the Pentad's Gift over them - to those who rule unfairly and unjustly, using strength as a replacement for competence, privilege as a replacement for wisdom, and bloodline as a replacement for true nobility." He was facing her now, stalking forward angrily, his voice rising as he continued.

"We aim to remake the entire world in the image of love, learning, opportunity, equality, and justice as the Menana tells us that Itte, Sciune, Oraff, Echeran, and Dami intended!" He came to a halt, towering over her though he was not, in truth, so very tall, daring her to strike at him. "This is why we fight all who oppose us with such absolute conviction. It is why we need so very many of these wonder devices and it is also the only reason I have not done as they - and I mean the 'masters' - do and step on you to remove you from my path. I am fast running short on both patience and time, however, and I have stated my truth more than once. I will not do so again." He reached out to take the boxes. Would it be by consent or by force?

Marz listened to the conversation being had, he took hold of his hammer once more and brought it to his shoulder. He seemed contemplative as the others spoke, he was also wary, seeming to stay focused as he listened. It was not until the man stalked forward, seeming to have enough with idle chat. Marz nodded his head to the Silver Masked Man as he took hold of Roslyn's shoulder.

"Let'm take 'em". Marz didn't want to fight the man, he was a potential ally for in an intense fight he expects. Now Roslyn stood face to face with him, and is within moments of being killed, possibly much the same that maddened Magpie was. Marz began to try and pull Roslyn away, "He has some point, but we need to leave like Esmii said". Marz thought it was time for them to leave, it is the best they could do for now. Terms were set to continue talking later.

When Argento words sliced into the air, his patience lost, causing Roslyn to flinch. Her teeth gritted and her eyes remained on him. For a heart stopping moment, she thought he was going to crush her and move on. Instead he towered over her with righteous fury.

Her earlier plan curled into ashes when Marz's voice rang out. With the fight torn out of her, she let him pull her away. "Okay, but I hope we don't regret it later." She said quietly, her core feeling the sting of the earlier words.

Esmii listened to the answer from Argento, but when his interest moved to Roslyn and stalked forward and stood over her, she was terrified for her friend. She listened to what he said to Roslyn and after Argento moved and Marz had talked to her, Esmii moved in front of Roslyn, and slapped her across her face, straight after she hugged her trying to hold back tears, and said.

“I'm sorry that I got angry and slapped you, but please don't do this, I know how you feel, I'm worried and not happy about this too, but Marz is right, let him have them, and he could be helpful later.”

After she had hugged Roslyn for a bit, she then held Roslyn's hand, and looked at both Marz and Roslyn and said. "Lets see if we can meet up with the others and come up with a plan."

Roslyn rubbed her cheek where Esmii had slapped her. She didn't see it coming or expected it, really. Her eyes stared at Esmii and words lodged in her throat. To her credit, she didn't yelp or cry. Just stood there in shocked silence while processing what happened. The redness started to fade, but the dull throb remained. A painful reminder of her foolishness.

There was no excuse for it. Her friends saw that, and anyone with a brain could too. However, her parents taught her that everyone made mistakes. It was what one did afterwards that mattered most. She let Esmii hug her for the whole time before squeezing the yaosi's hand in her grasp.

"That hurt, but I'm sure I earned that. You're right. Let's go." She said in a quiet, but calmer tone.

Before they set off to find the others, Esmii checked, cleaned the area and put a bandage on the bite that Marz got from Dmitry, to stop any infection and to stop it from bleeding. While she did this, she remembered seeing this type of injury, when she helped at her parent's clinic.

Esmii used to think that they were animal bites even though they didn't look like an animal that she knew. "There that looks better, and don't worry I used a normal bandage so we can show the others what happened."
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