Time for me to write up an introduction for my character. I'll have one up as soon as I can get it together, once I figure out where to put him and where is the best place to have him at.
Main power Liquid metal polymorphic body, he has the ability to turn his body or body part into metal like liquid that he can harden or liquefy at will. That can also change into any shape from sharp knife objects to blunt hammers and clubs anything that solid. It liquid state he can push himself through any opening whether it be bared windows or a crack in a wall as long as it goes all the way through to another spot
Healing factor, he heals pretty fast as his body can reform and regenerate from most attacks as long as his body can liquefy his body will regenerate. From recovering from bullets and stab wounds to recovering from having limbs chopped off. His healing factor gets limited if he gets too cold/frozen or too hot. If he gets frozen he can be shattered and he wont be able to heal as long as the pieces stay frozen or if the pieces go missing. If he gets too hot his body can't stay in a solid form he will turn into a living puddle under extreme heat.
Sex: male
Age/Date of Birth: 18 Jan, 1981
General appearance:
Additional Appearance/costume:
Personality: Samuel is a rather light-hearted person. Rather talkative and makes a quite a few jokes even at the most serious situations. Sam is very cocky and makes jokes about his ability when someone stabs or shoots or does something that his body heals from. He likes to make random wagers or gamble at random times whether it is fighting or just cards he enjoys putting a little more risk with things he does. With that he also is a huge risk taker, jumping out of the X jet without a parachute, or high buildings, racing fast cars or challenging higher class students to fights.
Special Skills: Sam has a few extra talents. He is a mechanic, with his abilities it makes it easy as he can turn into any tool he needs to fix things. He is also a really skilled locksmith as well. Apart from stuff he can do with his abilities he can play the saxophone pretty good.
Place of birth: Las Vegas
Weapon(s) of choice: None
Medical information: N/A
Brief History: Samuel was orphaned at birth. Bounced around foster care until he got old enough to take care of himself. He worked in Vegas as a mechanic and street racer. Building cars and putting them back together was his job. At sixteen years old Sam had a nasty habits of going to loan sharks getting large sums of money and betting them on himself when he raced. At seventeen years old he pissed off the wrong Loan shark when he couldn't repay the debt, he kidnapped and nearly sold to the weapon x program. He got saved by the X-men and for one year now second he has been in Charles Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters
@BladeSS4He looks good. My only question is how fast can me move when he's in a liquid state? and will that also be dependent on the temperature as well?
I guess it would depend on temperature. I haven't really though out fast he could move in liquid state, although I would have to save he would moves quickly the warmer the temperature get and a lot slower the colder it gets around him. This is also under extreme temperatures. Like well below freezing point and above the melting point of metal. At normal he would move as quick as a liquid can flow.
The pods decent down to the planet inside one was Zero. He closes his eyes out feeling out the planet and while getting lost in thoughts, 'Why do they rebel when they will only die? They are weak they don't stand a chance against the forces of Frieza then why...no matter how many times this has happened everyone falls to Frieza. There is no choice, no freedom, there is only Frieza's will. Every rebellion is the same but yet I don't feel any hatred towards them. I envy them...but my freedom will never be...' Knocked from his thoughts as a cannon blast goes right by his pod.
Zero's eyes open as the pod his the ground and the impact threw away his thoughts now it was time for the mission. He punches the hatch open ripping the pod door off before the locks could disengage Zero had no real regard for the space pods and keeping them in one piece. He was told there were no limitations to this assault. The sooner he is out of his pod, the sooner he can start the mission and that is what matters.
Stepping up and out of pod he starts to build up energy getting ready to move out the moment the rest of the squad emerges. Looking to go at high speeds should the Slucks decide on a preemptive strike. Especially with his Frieza like appearance, which a whole wide variety of reactions can come from and a lot of them not good.
Main power Liquid metal polymorphic body, he has the ability to turn his body or body part into metal like liquid that he can harden or liquefy at will. That can also change into any shape from sharp knife objects to blunt hammers and clubs anything that solid. It liquid state he can push himself through any opening whether it be bared windows or a crack in a wall as long as it goes all the way through to another spot
Healing factor, he heals pretty fast as his body can reform and regenerate from most attacks as long as his body can liquefy his body will regenerate. From recovering from bullets and stab wounds to recovering from having limbs chopped off. His healing factor gets limited if he gets too cold/frozen or too hot. If he gets frozen he can be shattered and he wont be able to heal as long as the pieces stay frozen or if the pieces go missing. If he gets too hot his body can't stay in a solid form he will turn into a living puddle under extreme heat.
Sex: male
Age/Date of Birth: 18 Jan, 1981
General appearance:
Additional Appearance/costume:
Personality: Samuel is a rather light-hearted person. Rather talkative and makes a quite a few jokes even at the most serious situations. Sam is very cocky and makes jokes about his ability when someone stabs or shoots or does something that his body heals from. He likes to make random wagers or gamble at random times whether it is fighting or just cards he enjoys putting a little more risk with things he does. With that he also is a huge risk taker, jumping out of the X jet without a parachute, or high buildings, racing fast cars or challenging higher class students to fights.
Special Skills: Sam has a few extra talents. He is a mechanic, with his abilities it makes it easy as he can turn into any tool he needs to fix things. He is also a really skilled locksmith as well. Apart from stuff he can do with his abilities he can play the saxophone pretty good.
Place of birth: Las Vegas
Weapon(s) of choice: None
Medical information: N/A
Brief History: Samuel was orphaned at birth. Bounced around foster care until he got old enough to take care of himself. He worked in Vegas as a mechanic and street racer. Building cars and putting them back together was his job. At sixteen years old Sam had a nasty habits of going to loan sharks getting large sums of money and betting them on himself when he raced. At seventeen years old he pissed off the wrong Loan shark when he couldn't repay the debt, he kidnapped and nearly sold to the weapon x program. He got saved by the X-men and for one year now second he has been in Charles Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters
Is it weird I keep imagining my character Carver making an animal pact with an Exceed and turning into an Exceed? I don't know why I keep thinking of this either right now he is a wolf man but I can see him turning into an Exceed in the future...
Listening to Amaya talk about the other guilds but never really recommended a guild. She mentioned Master Jamie, and Carver was going to ask about him when he heard someone approaching. Then someone places a hand on Amaya's hand and started to talk to Amaya as a friend would. Carver knew right there that they were in the same guild then Amaya told himself after introducing her friend's name to him Joshua. While also talking about his magic ability.
"It's nice to meet you Joshua. Amaya was going to help me find a guild. I came here to watch the grand magic games in hope to actually join one of the guilds. Got here late and missed the games, it's just luck I met Amaya, and Cecilia just now.", Carver introducing himself to Joshua a bit. He then comments on Joshua's magic type that Amaya revealed to him, "So you use weapon re-equip then? That's awesome! I have heard of re-equip users before but never met one until now. My magic ability is a bit different it is known as the Beast King Magic. Which is like the beast soul takeover and transformations."
Carver then asks Amaya about Master Jamie after introducing himself to Joshua, "So your guild master is Master Jamie, so could you or maybe Joshua introduce me your guy's guild master? I figure talking to a guild master would be the a good way to get into a guild. If you guys have time. Wouldn't want to keep you both from getting ready for your ball."
It never came out and said it was a Majin. It has a lot of Majin qualities but at the same time its. It could be something more like Baby. It was slightly morph abled that also morphed while controlling the body of others....