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Well Zero isn't really a clone as he is more of a genetically altered version of Frieza. If anything I would think of his as a strange offspring attempt, rather then a clone. He only looks like Frieza until you go down the colors. Or if you look at his head, his head spikes are slightly different. I could have created a race but this seemed like why not?

Like it seems pretty do able. At least it isn't an exact metal clone of frieza that was created by a star that a certain family member of frieza did to himself and made hundreds of...

"Understood Captain.", Zero said he then starts tossing his scouter in his hand before putting it on. He steps up to the exit he stares at the it waiting for it to open. He heard the question asked but his main one was already answered so he was ready to get the mission started.

'Exterminate everyone in our path', these words echoed through Zero's mind. 'No means are off limits.' Zero visualizing this scenario in his mind. This sort of thing was one of the things that was drilled into Zero's mind when we was in a growing tank. He asks while waiting for drop, "So what was Lord Frieza uses this place has alloyed used in his forces armor. So potentially we will have maggots in armor?"

Zero was filling in the silence while waiting while also collecting more information on the situation. While waiting he did a few stretches, stretching out his arms, and his tail a bit, getting ready for dropping time.

Carver Fewkes

Did she just ask that? went through Carvers mind the moment Amaya asked, 'Is there a guild you wish to join or something..maybe I can help you find the perfect guild for you.' his eyes lite up he answers with ,"I would join any guild really, it's a big dream of mine to join a guild. To improve my skills and grow as a wizard myself."

A dragonslayer, the ice dragon slayer this made Carver smile especially with the little exceed was just amazing. He then says, "It's nice to meet the ice dragonslayer and the little flying cat Cecilia. I heard about exceeds and your kind of wizards but I never thought I'd meet one. My magic type isn't anywhere near as famous, I kind of understand while you would keep on the down low. It's a shame people hold a grudge towards it. Magic should never be something that is feared or ridiculed it should be something enjoyed, and I am rambling."

Carver stops talking then thinks for a split second then asks, "So you could help me? That would be amazing if you could."

Made my first IC post now. Wonder what would be the general reaction of someone who looks like Frieza in a group attacking a planet...

"Are we ridding the planet of all the Slucks on it or are we only eliminating the rebels?" says a voice of one of the men that had listened to the instructions. The man steps forward a rather unique soldier this one is a soldier that got created by Freiza's scientists and geneticists from Frieza's cells so he is the same race from as the Frieza clan. His skin is around his arms are instead of pink. This man's body is similar to what Frieza looks like with a few extra spikes. His name is Zero. A name given to him by Frieza after calling him a 'zero' and a waste of time, Zero kept it as his name as a designation.

His tail taps on the floor of the ship a few times then he also asks, "What is the plan of attack? Are we all dropping down in drop pods at in the same area or are we splitting off into small teams?" Zero had very little opinion of the drop pods, he really didn't have to use one most of the time. Being the same as Frieza he could breathe in the nothingness of space. Other then his general body figure looks and his biological perks he is nothing like Frieza. For one his attitude is different he didn't enjoy mass murder he does it because he is ordered to nothing more.

This mission he was trying to get the information he needed to complete the mission as obediently as possible. He would rather complete the mission right instead of missing something and angering Frieza. The less he is around him the better it was for him. Frieza wasn't thrilled that the creation of Zero took so much resources and so much time which they could have conquered planets. The fact Zero didn't turn out stronger was also a let down. Zero was a huge source of disappointment for Frieza, but yet he was unique so he wasn't eliminated as a normal expendable soldier instead he got assigned to the Nux squad.

Well I tried to think of someone unique and slightly possible in the dragon ball universe. Although the one time someone tried to clone or create being from someone's cells they ended up with Bio Broly...I would think space scientists of frieza's army would be smarter though since they could put back together people with cyber tech gear.
Carver Fewkes

"You do realize that pillar can't talk back right?", Carver heard this question he responses without looking up, "Yeah I know this pillar can't talk back. That would just be weird. I am just letting my frustrations out about missing the Grand Magic games that I traveled so far to get to. I just wanted to see the magic games watch the guilds, then if I was lucky enough meet a member of one the guilds maybe I could end up joining one."

He then looks over to the girl who asked him the question, then sees the guild mark. Carver takes a few seconds then just realizes he is talking to a girl from a guild. Once he puts two and two together he stands up then says, "You are a wizard from Phoenix wing aren't you?" He figures from the guild mark with the wings it was Phoenix wing and that this girl was from Phoenix wing.

He then introduces himself a bit nervously as he realizes his answer to Amaya's question and what he added afterwards wasn't very subtle, "I'm Carver Fewkes. It's nice to meet you."

Sweet this team is so diverse. Now add in a test tube grown Frieza thingy,
Name Zero
Age: technically 2 years old, but is that of 18
Gender: male
Race: Cultivated Frieza clan. Genetically created test tube soldiers. Similar to Saibamen, but more advance, created from cells taken from Frieza. The cultivated clan members vary but were designed to have only a small faction of the strength of Frieza if not even weaker


Personality: He stays to himself most of the time, unless his he trusts someone which is rare as he doesn't trust easily. He does as he is told without question for Frieza and his superiors but it seems he shows regret and mercy. Something that is blamed by a failure byproduct of the cultivation process. Also other things of his personality are also blamed on this, his lacks attitude and general kindness.

Equipment: A red scouter, even the ear piece is red, often he takes it off other then that his equipment is very little, unless he is given something he doesn't take much with him.

Home Planet: None or rather he comes from one of Freiza's space labs

Aura/Ki Color: His aura is a very light red while his Ki energy abilities are bright neon like red

Special Attacks/Techniques

Basic energy based attacks, able to throw ki charged balls and short little bursts. Charged up he can do a small blast either from combining power with both hands.

Extreme Speed tied into his ki, Zero can move at high speeds close to calling himself the red blur. While he cant keep this up for long periods of time, he can do short bursts of very fast speed. A lot slower then instant transmission but fast enough to be rather noticeable.

Last Technique or ability is something he keeps to himself and that is a self Ki or energy sensory. Something he was born with and the reason he takes his scouter off as he doesn't need it. While the scouter is faster and makes it easier he can sense it.

History: Zero had little choice to join Frieza's army. He was grown from cells extracted from Frieza. He started as a little small tube of liquid. Over two years he was grown, how to battle, destroy and conquer was drove into his mind by advance imagery. His power level clocked at one hundred after the first year of creation. It was going to slow, and the original creation team had a sudden case of angering Frieza followed by rapid replacement.

The whole second year Zero got injected with growth hormones and hundreds of other chemicals, he grew fast but his power did not until the end. At the end his power appeared to be only as strong as a simple grunt and no stronger than a Saibamen. Frieza commanded for Zero to get ejected into space as he was a waste of time he was a 'Zero' his power level spiked the moment he went into space outside of the growing chamber. His power spiked too high then quickly died down after he pasted out. Zero taken back to the ship, his power leveled out to a level that 'satisfied' but still ruled as a failure, ultimately Frieza to put Zero on a special squad the Nux Squad.
@Kitsune is my Character good enough to get accepted?
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