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Name Zero
Age: technically 2 years old, but is that of 18
Gender: male
Race: Cultivated Frieza clan. Genetically created test tube soldiers. Similar to Saibamen, but more advance, created from cells taken from Frieza. The cultivated clan members vary but were designed to have only a small faction of the strength of Frieza if not even weaker


Personality: He stays to himself most of the time, unless his he trusts someone which is rare as he doesn't trust easily. He does as he is told without question for Frieza and his superiors but it seems he shows regret and mercy. Something that is blamed by a failure byproduct of the cultivation process. Also other things of his personality are also blamed on this, his lacks attitude and general kindness.

Equipment: A red scouter, even the ear piece is red, often he takes it off other then that his equipment is very little, unless he is given something he doesn't take much with him.

Home Planet: None or rather he comes from one of Freiza's space labs

Aura/Ki Color: His aura is a very light red while his Ki energy abilities are bright neon like red

Special Attacks/Techniques

Basic energy based attacks, able to throw ki charged balls and short little bursts. Charged up he can do a small blast either from combining power with both hands.

Extreme Speed tied into his ki, Zero can move at high speeds close to calling himself the red blur. While he cant keep this up for long periods of time, he can do short bursts of very fast speed. A lot slower then instant transmission but fast enough to be rather noticeable.

Last Technique or ability is something he keeps to himself and that is a self Ki or energy sensory. Something he was born with and the reason he takes his scouter off as he doesn't need it. While the scouter is faster and makes it easier he can sense it.

History: Zero had little choice to join Frieza's army. He was grown from cells extracted from Frieza. He started as a little small tube of liquid. Over two years he was grown, how to battle, destroy and conquer was drove into his mind by advance imagery. His power level clocked at one hundred after the first year of creation. It was going to slow, and the original creation team had a sudden case of angering Frieza followed by rapid replacement.

The whole second year Zero got injected with growth hormones and hundreds of other chemicals, he grew fast but his power did not until the end. At the end his power appeared to be only as strong as a simple grunt and no stronger than a Saibamen. Frieza commanded for Zero to get ejected into space as he was a waste of time he was a 'Zero' his power level spiked the moment he went into space outside of the growing chamber. His power spiked too high then quickly died down after he pasted out. Zero taken back to the ship, his power leveled out to a level that 'satisfied' but still ruled as a failure, ultimately Frieza to put Zero on a special squad the Nux Squad.

Is frieza clan race allowed? @Kitsune
Well there is my first post in character. I hope it was alright, my first in character post in these forums. Tried my best, wasn't so sure where to put him or where to begin so I just put him in what I thought was an open area, that is open for interactions later on.
Carver Fewkes

Location: Crocus Stadium audience area

Crap, I'm late...I'm late...I'm late, the thoughts of a young man who is running to Crocus Stadium. Dressed in a faded red almost brown now trench coat, a slightly dirty white almost grey shirt, with a pair of black pants with black boots. This man dressed in a carefree way is in a hurry. "Excuses me! Pardon me!...sorry!", he yells as he runs through people trying running to the Stadium to get to the grand magic games. This man's name is Carver Fewkes, a young wizard wanting to see the grand magic games. It was a chance for Carver to see all the guilds, one if his goals in life is to join a guild. Not that he was looking to join a guild he wanted to see what the best each one had.

Running through the entrance way Carver cheerfully looking forward to this experience he makes it through out to the opening so he can see Lacrima screens he lets out a his excitement. "I made it! Cant wait to see the games!" Carver looks around with a big smile on his face, which soon fades away. He was not aware the games closed early and canceled his eyes widened then he speaks aloud again seemingly talking to himself, "Oh please tell me I didn't miss the Grand Magic Games! I am not that late am I? What day is it..."

Looking around frantically trying to figure what is going on, he starts piecing together what is happening trying to come together with a the answer. He sighs as he figures out what is going on he comes to the conclusion. Carver talks to himself again, "Great, the games are done. What am I going to do now? I spent so much time traveling here, should not have stopped and admire the scenery. Maybe I can find something or this will have been just a big waste."

Carver stands there sulking a bit, he wanted to see what all the guilds could do with their best. He got taught that guilds were wonderful place where wizards of all kinds come together like families. A place where wizards can grow and improve on themselves, sounds like a wonder thing to Carver. He punches a nearby pillar to let out his frustration his hand goes into the pillar then Carver tries to pull back but his hand got stuck. Looking at his hand now he tries to pull again a bit harder but no give, he starts to freak out pulling frantically. He then yells at the pillar, "Give my back my hand you stupid piece of rock!"

He pulls his hand out but ends up falling back on his behind in a seat. Carver then looks at the pillar and sees a hand size hole then laughs and scoffs at the pillar, "Ha! That serves you right!" He seeming forgetting that he punched the wall which led to him getting stuck. For the moment he had forgotten about the Grand Magic games until he looked up at the screens again he then just lets out a long sigh out of frustration he just hopes his day will get better from here.

There's a small one, some RPing leading into and after Christmas, with another couple of small ones, then the big one, so you have plenty of time before the big time skip. Christmas we are shooting to land that arc ON Christmas.

Alright thanks that's what I needed to know. I'll make my introduction of my character then
So there is a time skip coming right? How long of a time skip is it actually? Im trying to figure out how to introduce my character, but if the time skip is a big one I might as well wait until after it I would think.
Hmm there is a party? Wonder how a party crasher would be treated....
<Snipped quote by BladeSS4>

I must have missed Caits OKing it. You have my OK as well, just wanted to give the main GM a chance to review and comment before I did.

Yep page 2557 is where it is at and thanks for yours. Now its time to figure out how to start with my character.
So...is there something I have to change with my character to get approved still if anything? @Zarkun @Expolar
I just need one of you two to approve then I can start I think since I got one approval already. Once then I can figure out where to start from there.
But if my character doesn't do a job how will he make money? Gotta bring them Jewels :P
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