Hey new guy! Just found your profile for your character. Looks like you're not the only one with a Beast magic... I have a character with a "slightly" more advanced version of that...
And he's not even human :P
(he's a lizard man :D)
(You can find his profile on Page 6)
Just looked at that character looks neat. My character was just human that turns into a wolf man, while yours is a lizardman that can turn into many creatures. So yeah, your character's magical abilities are a more advance version slightly different how they both acquire what creatures forms. Should be interesting if/when the two meet
@Oblivion666Oops I didn't know that. I am still new to these forums still learning, I thought the character stuff went in the character spot, I guess I was wrong. Sorry about that.
Name: Carver Fewkes Age: 21 Magic: Beast King Magic
Beast King Magic- It is similar beast soul magic where, one takes in a soul of a beast and transform into said beast. The difference between this and beast soul is Carver makes a pact with a creature such as wolf, bear, lion, nearly any creature getting the strength and benefits that goes with that creature along with a three stage ability, First Stage he gathers a spiritual aura form Using magical energy to gather strength to his feet or hands. Second stage is man beast form he turns into a man beast creature with features of a humanoid and that of the beast he makes a pact with. Third stage is beast form turning into the creature pact he is using. Abilities vary depending on the pact of which creature it is.
Wolf Pact- The one and only creature Carver has made a pact with is with the wolves. His first stage, his hands get surrounded by a blue aura that take-s form of two ghost like wolf heads on his hands made from magical energy. That lefts Carver hit ten feet in and direction he throws a punch. The closer the attack it has a harder impact. At a full ten feet the punch it is a normal punch. As if he would just punch someone with no enhancements . Up close it has an bursting effect with double the strength of an average punch.
Stage Two he turns into a wolf man beast.
In this form Carver no longer has the mid distance attack instead his strength gets a boost, along with a more wild personality. His strength is tripled and speed increases slightly.
Stage Three- Beast Form, this one is simple, Carver turns into a wolf, his strength disappears but speed increases and so does his sense of smell and hearing.
Magic Level: B History: Born in the land of Fiore Carver was orphaned at a young age. He was raised by a pack of wolves and lone hermit in a cave in a middle of a forest. Carver grew up with two pups which were his 'brothers'. As he got older he was taught by the hermit his magic. It took years for Carver just to get the basic concept of his skills. As Carver got older the pack grew distant from him as he wasn't a wolf he was human. Eventually his master passed away and Carver had to move on. To increase his knowledge of his abilities Carver set out to find a wizard guild.
Personality: He is friendly, but up for challenging those and testing them against his own skills. He can pretty cocky, to the point that it leads to overconfidence. Carver is also pretty lacks and kind of a jokester, at the most serious times Carver tries to dissolve it with jokes and humor. His beast form and man beast forms bring forth a more primal instinct turning his personality into that which more aggressive and more like which he looks like more that of an animal and less of a human.
Guild and guild mark location: Doesn't belong a guild, if and or when he gets the mark it will go on his left shoulder towards his back.
Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Great at close quarters combat, fighting hand to hand, rather then fighting at a distance. His animalistic strength works a lot better in a close proximity to him. Even his short mid distance attack works better in close quarters.
2. Confident and not easily threatened. Carver has a lot of Confidence in himself and isn't scared of many things. As he believes in himself.
3. Strong senses, He has a superior sense of smell, sight and hearing.
Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. At a complete disadvantage in a long range battle. He possess no long range abilities, so fighting those who can attack at a distance he cant hit them unless he is much closer while they can hit him until he gets close enough to do anything.
2. Overconfident, while it is one of his strengths it is one of his weaknesses as well. At times he believes he cant go against things when it is certain defeat, also his overconfidence seems to let him have a lapse of judgment.
3. Intense sensory sensitivity, with his beast forms and magical enhancements it makes him sensitive to certain things, certain smells, and sounds like a high pitch frequency have a negative effect on him.
Greatest Love: Animals of all kinds and meeting new kinds of animals Motivation: To expand is magical ability farther then it is. Appearance:
@Lunarlors34Thanks yeah I guess slayers are a bit overpowered if they can eat their elements. Although Slayers have a few obvious weaknesses moving objects that aren't living things and just getting out thought. Although Dragon Slayers often have those awesome Exceeds, awesome funny flying colorful cats. Now I can make a character
Thinking about joining this, if you all will have me of course. I have a question before I start filling out the character sheet template. About the wizards magic, I see canon stuff is frowned upon but what about dragon slayer magic or maker magic? Would 'So and So' Dragon slayer stuff or 'so and so' make magic be something to avoid trying to put in a character?
I'm interested, I am a bit new around here this seems like a perfect start. - Name : Blake
Age : 19
Region your from : Hoenn
Curse or Gift- Overconfidence- Drake is a very confident, at times it is a bit much as he will throw himself into situations that he cant win. Thinking the most of his own skills and his team he can and doesn't get carried away at times. His Pokémon feel his confidence and benefit from it, but at the same time the overconfidence sometimes can lead to a bad situation.
Personality : Friendly, Cocky
Starter Pokemon : Charmander-
The Entire Team
Charmeleon Smokescreen, Metal Claw, Ember, Flamethrower