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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Silver Fox>

:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O

Puppy??? What breed is the little cutie?

Keeshond ^^

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Thinking about joining this, if you all will have me of course. I have a question before I start filling out the character sheet template. About the wizards magic, I see canon stuff is frowned upon but what about dragon slayer magic or maker magic? Would 'So and So' Dragon slayer stuff or 'so and so' make magic be something to avoid trying to put in a character?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 4 days ago

Slayer magic in general I would personally steer clear of. Maker Magic should be alright though, so long as it isn't ice or wood (they're the only cannon ones I can really think of). Mainly due to not wanting a billion and one copycats. Also hence why we should look at who has maker magic >.>
(I think we have Crystal/diamond wizard and an energy make wizard)
For Slayer magic...well it's complicated but not complicated at the same time. Basically we don't want a billion slayers running around f*cking sh*t up XD On the other hand Slayer magic is also super duper OP as hell so...yeah. Also not sure if we're accepting any right now, but I think we might be. Might.
I lost my list of slayers after my laptop died >.>

Although on a separate note I was thinking of making someone based off the Shade Magic. That barely got touched on in the cannon and I think there's room for improvement on it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Silver Fox
Ya know I was so confused by the angle of those dogs...then I realised the image was on it's side and had to tip my laptop to realise that XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Silver Fox This is the kinda shit I signed up for this site for.

Also, @Lmpkio, @Cherrywitch, @Lunarlors34 I'm sorry but I was only able to write Isabella's response tonight. Normally I'd just stay up until like 11pm and get it done but I've kinda put myself on a 'bed time' because if I go to sleep any later than 9:30 on a weeknight I won't wake up for my dogs morning run.

She whimpers if I don't take her on the morning run. No one else in my family is willing to do it and I'm trying to lose some weight so it's kind of necessary that I do it. I will finish up the other posts by Friday, even if I have to keep writing them out as separate posts.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 4 days ago

Eh I needed to be up in like 7 hours time anyway to get to a TAFE course.
I'll just cuddle my kitten to sleep (I say kitten...but she's almost a year old)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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@Lunarlors34Thanks yeah I guess slayers are a bit overpowered if they can eat their elements. Although Slayers have a few obvious weaknesses moving objects that aren't living things and just getting out thought. Although Dragon Slayers often have those awesome Exceeds, awesome funny flying colorful cats. Now I can make a character
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Lunarlors34Thanks yeah I guess slayers are a bit overpowered if they can eat their elements. Although Slayers have a few obvious weaknesses moving objects that aren't living things and just getting out thought. Although Dragon Slayers often have those awesome Exceeds, awesome funny flying colorful cats. Now I can make a character

It's more so that we already have plenty of slayers. Including different kind of slayers besides Dragon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

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Kojima knew.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I did it. I finally did t. I posted.

And it's Edo-Karn doing her own shit because screw everyone else xD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

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@Lugubrious I honestly didn't see that coming x) Great post man, so I now technically have three people in Frenzy Plant haha.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@BladeSS4 Just letting you know, you have to post the character in the OOC for approval first.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Kal-ElI can allow your slayer as is. You have my OK. Repost the CS so that @Caits and @Expolar can see it please cause it got buried.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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@Oblivion666Oops I didn't know that. I am still new to these forums still learning, I thought the character stuff went in the character spot, I guess I was wrong. Sorry about that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Oblivion666Oops I didn't know that. I am still new to these forums still learning, I thought the character stuff went in the character spot, I guess I was wrong. Sorry about that.

Yeah understandable, thats where it goes when the character gets accepted. Other rps are a bit different though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Cs is okay. You still need @expolar's okay.

I feel like that post was crap. I do have a Sasha and Time Lord post in the works. But its taking longer then I thought. That will be tonight or tomorrow. I''m going back to bed. I feel like crap.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Cs is okay. You still need @expolar's okay.

I feel like that post was crap. I do have a Sasha and Time Lord post in the works. But its taking longer then I thought. That will be tonight or tomorrow. I''m going back to bed. I feel like crap.

Let me cheer you up:



Edit: Oookay, for some resone the site does not like gifs, so I make the last two clickable links.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Arthur Pendragon III "The Devil of Justice"


Does not remember his own birthday

Lightning Devil Slayer Magic is a Caster Magic, Lost Magic and a subspecies magic of Slayer Magic, Devil Slayer Magic, that utilizes the element of lightning in order to slay demons and devils alike. Because of Arthur's practice of this magic, this effectively makes him an Exorcist Mage. Lightning Devil Slayer Magic allows Arthur to transform parts of his body into their perspective element, in this case lightning, as well as emit large quantities from his being. By doing so, Arthur has dominance over the element of lightning, allowing him to use it for offensive or defensive purposes, as well as control the lightning of other magic via electrokinesis. Arthur is completely immune to the effects of lightning, making any attempt to harm them with said element completely null. Arthur can also consume external sources of lightning in order to replenish his own power, making a thunderstorm a smorgasbord of delight. Interestingly, out of the two Slayer Magics, Dragon Slayer and God Slayer, Devil Slayer Magic seems to possess the most power, as it can consume the element of both its peers, while they cannot absorb Devil Slayer's lightning. Additionally, Arthur cannot consume lightning produced by Etherious and their Curses, due to them possessing harmful Magic Barrier Particles, that are also harmful to Arthur. Arthur is capable of morphing the lightning in various way, allowing it to have cutting power, and then change to a physical state, to strike like a blunt weapon. With greater mastery, one can shape the lightning into the forms of weaponry, much like Lightning-Make, but on a smaller scale, since Arthur is limited to only close combat weaponry, and cannot create functioning guns, and the shapes aren't detailed. Thus, blunt weapons, or blades, are the best possible options. He can also infuse lightning within his bodies, enhancing his physical capabilities. Most notably, his speed increases to tremendous levels, allowing him to travel at "lightning speed" of close to 220,000 mph. Travelling at such speed makes it incredibly difficult to track his movements with an unaided eye, and can be a great advantage in battle. Notably, Arthur emits a faint aura around him, that when released, causes slight shocking to those around him, causing them to flinch. Though, these small electric shocks are generally harmless and are more annoyances than anything.

Magic Level:

A child of the proud Pendragon Bloodline, Arthur was hidden from the masses due to his lineage. A child born from a mistress and a blemish on the name of the family that built Camelot. Instead Merlin took in the boy under his watch to keep him close and from harm without giving the child to harm of a peasant's life. His purpose would be to raise the child in secrecy till the day he could come out to the world as a child of King Arthur. It was in these years of growth that the young boy would come to read a demonic book within Merlin's library that would give him the title of Devil Slayer.

Arthur's travels would lead him to him great renown as a prolific hero of EarthLand. While he could not solve EVERY incident, he did do so much good and brought so much justice that is name became synonymous with the word. An icon, not overshadowing the kingdoms or the wizard saints but in the same vein as The Salamander before he eventually stopped multiple Dark Guilds. It was soon he would meet a young girl by the name of Amaya and forge a strong bond with her. She was his family, closer then anyone could be, and he would watch over her with fierce intent. Only a 8 months into their adventures that Arthur was faced against a demon. A battle that raged on for hours and many bore witness, Arthur and the demon vanished in a flash of light. No one knew what had happened to either until currently when Arthur has suddenly reappeared looking for is family, looking for Amaya.

For all his compassion, there are none who would call him merciful. He shows no restraint when eradicating true evil, using the utmost of his skill and abilities to cut down any who stand against his justice. Although he is hard to shift to wrath, his rage is a horror to behold, like an unstoppable storm of destruction.

When he's not destroying evil, Arthur expresses a kind heart, and derives great pleasure from assisting others in need. Unfortunately, his haplessly direct methods often lead to greater problems and accidents as a consequence. Arthur feels compelled to do what's right, even in trying and compromising circumstances, and believes that those who possess power have an obligation to assist those that do not.

Guild and guild mark location:

Team Members:

Three Strengths:

1. Charm: Arthur has a kind of enthusiastic, positive drive which causes many to gravitate to him. He's an honorable and devoted friend, and thanks to his natural good looks, is often the oblivious recipient of many women's attentions.

2. Skilled Sensor: Years of experience and inborn talent have made Arthur's senses specially attuned to magical activity, to the point that the wizard can engage in battle with his five senses disabled using his opponents' magical auras to pinpoint their location as a sort of radar system. So that even his eyes and ears fail, when his sense of smell and touch have been stolen from him by some sorceress machination, the young man can still hold his own to some extent and survive. As an individual capable of unleashing his aura to either cause fear or bring comfort to those around him, Arthur is very attune to the emotional presence of a magical aura and if that aura belongs to another human or something quite different.This all points to the fact that Arthur is considered a top notch sensor, a mage with finely attuned senses beyond the ordinary. However, there is still room to grow and even the renown mage has yet to achieve what he considers mastery.

3. Homemaking Skills: As a young man who's lived alone for quite some time, Arthur has developed the necessary skills to survive on his own; most of the skills under his belt were either learned through trial-and-error or through witnessing it from another source. As they are merely fit for mundane purposes, Arthur only utilizes them during times of relaxation or survival; his culinary skills tends to shine the most out of all, being able to prepare most dishes while making them very flavorful and tasty — some of them being randomly thrown together with ingredients he happens to find. He's also good with repairs, as most things around them tends to break down for one reason or another. Due to his clothes getting dirtied or torn from the missions he partakes in, he's developed some skills in sewing and washing — developing them to the point where his clothes can come out as if its brand new. He's able to clean efficiently and organize things neatly, making it easier for him to locate them later on. It's unknown what other skills he tends to utilize on a basis, but it's noted to be enough for him to get by; such asset are necessary when one depends on themselves for support.

Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable)

1. Arthur possesses the absolute worst aim. He can't fire any of his attacks from mid range as he will absolutely miss. He must be in close range to even being to hit his target.

2. Like Dragon Slayers, Arthur has massive motion sickness which he believes e got from Amaya, something that's not naturally possible. His motion sickness seems to be worse as people even carrying him can trigger how sick he can become.

3. Arthur can't help but put himself in harm's way for others which can lead him to fall for traps or tactics meant to deceive and kill him. It is his strength and weakness.

Greatest Love:
Family has always been his greatest love. It is why he learned to fight and why he travels to return Excalibur to it's rightful owner.

To retrieve Excalibur and continue on being a hero. He also looks to find Amaya and help her find Aurora.

Additional Details:

Strong Killing Intent: Somewhat of an extension of his incredibly strong willpower, Arthur's killing intent is unlike any other; when one feels Arthur's blood thirst, it often sends chills down their spine and puts them in a state of confusion and fear. As his killing intent is based on the ravishing that Camelot endured and his belonging to bring peace back to his bloodline, it's considered to be a type of emotion in its own right — having some relation to his anger and sorrow kept deep within his heart. Since emotions tend to be mixed in with one's magical energy — giving it certain qualities, when exerted — his killing intent bathes it entirely like morning dew on grass; this makes it incredibly dangerous for one to feel out Arthur's magical energy, as they will also feel out his innate desire to kill amongst other things negative.

As Arthur has complete control over his immense reservoir of magical power, he often uses it to bathe the environment around him — changing it to meet his needs. Thus, when one enters the area where his magical power is located — they can feel his blood lust from all around, making it difficult to track his presence while giving them the feeling of being hunted down like a wild animal. It's said that his killing intent is such that it's manifested as a form of a Raiju's face, who are known to be very vicious animals in Chinese mythology; it's known to unleash a bone-chilling roar at times, frightening all those who hear it.

Proficient Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Something that Arthur takes great joy in is the art of hand to hand fighting. He had trained initially in the complex art of Street Fighting giving him a ideal build and strength to be extremely sturdy, yet flexible during combat; he later went on to study a variety of different martial arts to become a more well versed fighter. Arthur has repeatedly shown his prowess in agility and speed, and when coupled with his impressive strength, his punches are unexpected and bone breaking. Additionally, he is quite inventive in his combat style, coming up with creative attacks on the spot to launch against his enemies, finding ways to use the targets own body against them. When using his Devil Slayer Magic, Arthur excels in raw power, using strong and precise punches, such as power packed jabs or piercing uppercuts, to deal damaging blows to his opponents. Once he catches an opponent in his combos, he keep them trapped by increasing the rate of his strikes by using his lightning affinity to increase his speed in a seemingly unpredictable manner, not allowing his opponents a chance to block or counterattack.

For Expolar to see. I'm so hype to be in this RP
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
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You are extremely lucky that the games arc is ending very soon. xD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Now I can have the most awesome of entrances.
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