"If I'm not happy, why should anyone else be?
Name: Only known as "Akai" or "Red"
Age: 25
Birthday: March 11th
Magic: Beastmaster Magic, the ability to summon spiritual creatures to her aid and befriend living ones.
- Imagine Link- allows for her to speak with any animal through telepathy besides humans. Through this she can also dive into their personal memories, but this takes much more magic and can cause her physical pain if the memory is very traumatizing.
- Beast Summon- Can summon up to three spiritual animals at a time. Animals are tangible, but if seriously injured will disappear into a cloud of starry dust.
- Beast Summon: Wolves- Element affinity is wind. Strong and quick, but better in packs. Low defense. Signature Move.
- Beast Summon: Bear- Element affinity is earth. Very powerful but very slow, the tank of her summons.
- Beast Summon: Crow- Element affinity is poison. Used more for vision than fighting. Extremely fast, but not good fighters.
- Beast Summon: Tiger- Element affinity is fire. Moderate summon on all abilities.
- Beast Summon: Shark- Element affinity is water, and can only be used in water. Very high defense, but moderate attack and slightly speedy.
- Mythic Beast Summon- Can only summon one at a time. A lot of magic is consumed. Must recharge after each one.
- Mythic Beast Summon: Phoenix- Element affinity is fire/wind. Fast and strong, defense is slightly below average.
- Mythic Beast Summon: Cerberus- Element affinity is dark/earth. High defense but average speed and strength.
- Mythic Beast Summon: Hydra- Element affinity is water/light. Can only be used in water. Low defense, high attack and slightly above average speed.
- Spirit Fusion- Unknown to anyone but herself, a work in progress.
Magic Level: A (S, if I can...)
History: Red joined the guild when she was a young girl, they the only ones willing to take her in. She had been called the cursed child her entire life, her mother dying shortly after giving birth to her, her father falling into severe debt and her brother becoming deathly ill. She was a plague to her village, and in fear of this disease spreading they sent her away. She wandered for almost a week before stumbling upon the dark guild, Shadow Heart. Indeed, her heart had grown very black from being left in the shadows, and this guild, though mad, had so much joy she had never seen before. The only requirement? Have fun. Red was in disbelief as she joined, happy to be accepted into anything, and where her 'curse' was nothing but an afterthought.
Personality: Red is somewhat bipolar. For the most part, she is quite neutral and almost airy in personality, that is until she sees a happy family or couple or even a group of friends. Red will snap, and become an absolute maniacal, laughing villain with an unquenchable bloodthirst. Her mind has been twisted in knots over the years, and it shows in the way she operates and acts.
Guild and guild mark location: Shadow Heart, a red mark on the nape of her neck
Team Members: -open-
Three Strengths:1. Unlike others in her guild, Red understands how to act reasonably normal. No one would suspect she was in a dark guild, unless she snaps in front of them and it is too late.
2. Red always knows the field she is fighting on, and uses this to her best advantage.
3. Even without her spells, Red is fairly good in hand-to-hand combat and never can be considered helpless.
Three Weaknesses:1. Seeing anyone happy with another person sends her over the edge. She can't stand other's good relationships because she never had any of her own.
2. Red is extremely jealous of others, and her jealousy only makes her more unstable. She can turn on someone in a split second if her jealousy gets out of hand, even if they are on her own team.
3. Red can't stand anyone bringing up her past. Even mentioning it will send her into a frozen state of depression, and she will run away for days before finally returning, smiling like nothing had happened.
Greatest Love: Her spirits, and other animals. She's very close to them.
Motivation: To make others just as miserable as she is inside. Seeing others in agony brings her happiness.
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