Name: Blaine A. Diamond
Age: 16
Gender: male
Nationality: Born in the Hoenn Reign in Slateport City.
Personality: Blaine is a friendly person and rather talkative. His Pokémon mean everything to him, he finds dark and dragon types fascinating. They are his preferred Pokémon types, he likes all kinds of Pokémon but those two are his favorite kinds. Blaine likes to make jokes most of the time except in major Pokémon battles, he takes gym battles and most other battle seriously. While he has fun with Pokémon battles he does his best not to lose and try to avoid injuring his Pokémon. He thinks each one of his moves out.
Blaine enjoys being around Pokémon and other trainers. The more Pokémon around the better for him. Blaine will often call out his Pokémon and just walk with them especially with his first Pokémon. Blaine will often talk to his Pokémon and other Pokémon as if they can talk back the same way he talks to them.
Biography: Blaine's history is a little bland. except when he started late as a trainer fifteen almost sixteen years old, he was to get his first Pokémon. He woke up three hours before he was supposed to head out to get his first Pokémon. On his way to the Professors lab, Blaine took a shortcut looking to cross a river, by jumping across rocks he fell in the current nearly washed him away. He was saved by an Absol. Being yanked from the water and saved from possibly drowning or being washed completely away. The wild Pokémon and Blaine got along so much that they traveled together to professor's lab. Blaine was able to convince him to have Absol as his starting Pokémon. Blaine sailed off to Chromis to take part in the Pokémon league. . Blaine looks to start his adventure one way or another.
-5 Potions
-5 Pokeballs
-1 Revive
Pokemon Team
Name: Absol
Species: Absol-
Gender: Male
Ability: Super Luck
Battle Experience: 1
Moves: Quick Attack, Scratch, Leer, Pursuit
Extra Notes: Absol is Blaine's very first pokemon.