Pokemon Trainer Registry
Mega Evolutions
- Pangoro (Fighting/Dark) - Scrappy (it achieves this with it's Stand)
- Samurott (Water/Steel) - Swordmaster: Turns all contact moves into Steel type.
- Torkoal (Fire) - Tempering: Increase all allied Pokemon defense.
- Flygon (Dragon/Ground) - Speed Boost
- Froslass (Ice/Ghost) - Shadow Shield
- Serperior (Grass) - Contrary
- Magnezone (Electric/Steel) - Levitate
- Haxorus (Dragon/Steel) - Huge Power
- Blissey (Normal/Ghost) - Fur Coat
- Delphox (Psychic/Fire) - Psychic Surge
- Arcanine (Fire/Dragon) - Battle Armor
- Electivire (Electric) - Surge Surfer
- Scrafty (Dark/Fighting) - No Guard
- Gigalith (Dark/Rock) - Sand Force
- Zoroark (Dark/Ghost) - Disguise
- Delcatty (Fairy) - Pixilate
- Hydreigon (Dark/Dragon) - Sheer Power
- Volcarona (Fire/Bug) - Tinted Lens
- Slaking (Normal) - Intimidate
- Feraligatr (Water) - Sheer Force
Gym Leaders
The Star Badge - A simple badge in the shape of a star, the way it shines in the sun gives off many brilliant colours.

Name: Estella
Description: Estella is a popular idol in the Chromis Region and enjoys a popularity in Kanto and Johto as well. She makes her name in other regions as a pop idol and a Pokemon Coordinator, but within the Chromis Region she is both a Coordinator and a Gym Leader. Due to her multi-talented status, she is easily not just an idol in the pop culture sense, but also an idol in the eyes of aspiring girls.
Strategy: Dazzle and stun the opponent in a flashy array that hides a deadly strike.
Chain Badge - A rough metal badge that reminds one of imprisonment.

Name: Brett
Description: Brett is a former criminal, imprisoned for mostly assault and excessive force. Many in Shakudo know him since he defended people, although he usually went a bit too far. When gym leaders were being chosen for Shakudo, he succeeded, and is now on probation while he organizes his underground fight club. He is allowed to continue these operations nearly publically in exchange that he help whenever criminals need to be caught, which he does gladly.
Strategy: Brute force combined with dirty tricks. Make use of everything possible.
The Tempered Badge - A badge that seems to be burning hot metal, but is merely warm to the touch. It never goes cold.

Name: Kurogane and Musashi
Description: Two brothers, Kurogane and Musashi. Kurogane is a blacksmith, taking after his father, while Musashi left while he was younger to seek his fortune in foreign regions, he returned enlightened and has opened his own dojo alongside his brother’s blacksmith. It was only a year after that that they were chosen to be gym leaders, which they graciously accepted. Their family originally came from a far eastern region, and they carried their traditions with them.
Strategy: A well-tempered blade cannot be rivalled alone. A well-tempered blade without a skilled wielder is useless.
Sheriff's Badge - A simple badge in the shape of a sheriff's badge from old spaghetti westerns.

Name: Dallas
Description: As people have described him, “someone stuck in the past”, which is pretty far from the truth. He’s stuck in lunch time. In all seriousness, he is known for his sharp eye and wit, able to see even the slightest weakness and opportunity, and quickly exploit it. He’s obviously a big fan of the western theme.
Strategy: “It’s high noon somewhere in the world” (the time will come)
Tao Badge - A badge in the shape of a taoist yin and yang symbol.

Name: Kouichiro
Description: Despite looking so young, is the master of the temple and the gym leader. The former master has taken to a journey to foreign lands and left the gym in his care. Kouichiro is a devout to this temple and it’s teachings, and believes in mastering the mind over the body as the first step, as a strong mind will support the body as it too will grow strong. The mind is also more flexible on the spot, it can be immediately sharpened into a blade, or become an impassable wall. His battling style encompasses this.
Strategy: The mind is your greatest ally, and your greatest weapon.
Hercules Badge - A badge using the shape of Heracross' horn.

Name: Benjamin
Description: A studious researcher of Bug Pokemon, ever since he was a child he’s had a fascination for bugs, and large beetles were his favorite, so it’s no wonder Heracross is his favorite Pokemon. He’s usually a bit of a pushover, but in battle his skill is remarkable.
Strategy: Everything has a pattern and trait, identifying it is the key to victory.
Floral Badge - It appears in the shape of a native flower known unique only to Arsenic Island. Said to be one of the most poisonous plants in the world.

Name: Kamala
Description: A native of the region before proper civilization, she brings with her ancient understanding of Arsenic Forest, and along with it, the many poisons the natives of the time had used for many ends. Naturally they are also able to make almost any anti-venom from the same materials. Kamala believes in outlasting others, but has a more aggressive take on it, where a faster acting poison is what she aims to make.
Strategy: Any venom has an antivenom, but the question is… How quickly does that venom act?
The Proving Badge - The badge shows as the proof of growth and coming on one's own. It takes the shape of a knife's blade, as a knife has been known to be awarded to those who come of age in Chromis. Though a lost practice, some towns like to still honor this tradition.

Name: Rui Shinichi
Description: A talented young trainer that defeated the Elite 4 challenge, but fell short to the champion. He chose the more free-spirited life of a gym leader over a spot in the Elite 4 however.
Strategy: Come at me with all you have learned.

Name: Estella
Description: Estella is a popular idol in the Chromis Region and enjoys a popularity in Kanto and Johto as well. She makes her name in other regions as a pop idol and a Pokemon Coordinator, but within the Chromis Region she is both a Coordinator and a Gym Leader. Due to her multi-talented status, she is easily not just an idol in the pop culture sense, but also an idol in the eyes of aspiring girls.
Strategy: Dazzle and stun the opponent in a flashy array that hides a deadly strike.
- Alolan Ninetales
- Popplio/Brionne/Primarina
- Mawile
- Cottonea/Whimsicott
- Cutiefly/Ribombee
- Mimikyu
Chain Badge - A rough metal badge that reminds one of imprisonment.

Name: Brett
Description: Brett is a former criminal, imprisoned for mostly assault and excessive force. Many in Shakudo know him since he defended people, although he usually went a bit too far. When gym leaders were being chosen for Shakudo, he succeeded, and is now on probation while he organizes his underground fight club. He is allowed to continue these operations nearly publically in exchange that he help whenever criminals need to be caught, which he does gladly.
Strategy: Brute force combined with dirty tricks. Make use of everything possible.
- Pangoro (Mega)
- Nuzleaf/Shiftry
- Absol
- Sandile/Krokorok/Krookodile
- Inkay/Malamar
The Tempered Badge - A badge that seems to be burning hot metal, but is merely warm to the touch. It never goes cold.

Name: Kurogane and Musashi
Description: Two brothers, Kurogane and Musashi. Kurogane is a blacksmith, taking after his father, while Musashi left while he was younger to seek his fortune in foreign regions, he returned enlightened and has opened his own dojo alongside his brother’s blacksmith. It was only a year after that that they were chosen to be gym leaders, which they graciously accepted. Their family originally came from a far eastern region, and they carried their traditions with them.
Strategy: A well-tempered blade cannot be rivalled alone. A well-tempered blade without a skilled wielder is useless.
- Torkoal (Mega)
- Arcanine/Growlithe
- Camerupt/Numel
- Samurott (Mega)
- Honedge/Doublade/Aegislash
- Bisharp/Pawniard
Sheriff's Badge - A simple badge in the shape of a sheriff's badge from old spaghetti westerns.

Name: Dallas
Description: As people have described him, “someone stuck in the past”, which is pretty far from the truth. He’s stuck in lunch time. In all seriousness, he is known for his sharp eye and wit, able to see even the slightest weakness and opportunity, and quickly exploit it. He’s obviously a big fan of the western theme.
Strategy: “It’s high noon somewhere in the world” (the time will come)
- Lycanroc (Midday)
- Mudsdale/Mudbray
- Donphan/Phanphy
- Gastrodon
- Hippopotas/Hippowdon
Tao Badge - A badge in the shape of a taoist yin and yang symbol.

Name: Kouichiro
Description: Despite looking so young, is the master of the temple and the gym leader. The former master has taken to a journey to foreign lands and left the gym in his care. Kouichiro is a devout to this temple and it’s teachings, and believes in mastering the mind over the body as the first step, as a strong mind will support the body as it too will grow strong. The mind is also more flexible on the spot, it can be immediately sharpened into a blade, or become an impassable wall. His battling style encompasses this.
Strategy: The mind is your greatest ally, and your greatest weapon.
- Medicham (Mega)
- Abra/Kadabra/Alakazam
- Sigilyph
- Elygem/Beheeyem
- Oranguru
Hercules Badge - A badge using the shape of Heracross' horn.

Name: Benjamin
Description: A studious researcher of Bug Pokemon, ever since he was a child he’s had a fascination for bugs, and large beetles were his favorite, so it’s no wonder Heracross is his favorite Pokemon. He’s usually a bit of a pushover, but in battle his skill is remarkable.
Strategy: Everything has a pattern and trait, identifying it is the key to victory.
- Heracross (Mega)
- Grubbin/Chargabug/Vikavolt
- Dewpider/Aquanid
- Yanma/Yanmega
- Anorith/Armaldo
Floral Badge - It appears in the shape of a native flower known unique only to Arsenic Island. Said to be one of the most poisonous plants in the world.

Name: Kamala
Description: A native of the region before proper civilization, she brings with her ancient understanding of Arsenic Forest, and along with it, the many poisons the natives of the time had used for many ends. Naturally they are also able to make almost any anti-venom from the same materials. Kamala believes in outlasting others, but has a more aggressive take on it, where a faster acting poison is what she aims to make.
Strategy: Any venom has an antivenom, but the question is… How quickly does that venom act?
- Venusaur (Mega)
- Venonat/Venomoth
- Mareanie/Toxapex
- Foongus/Amoongus
- Croagunk/Toxicroak
The Proving Badge - The badge shows as the proof of growth and coming on one's own. It takes the shape of a knife's blade, as a knife has been known to be awarded to those who come of age in Chromis. Though a lost practice, some towns like to still honor this tradition.

Name: Rui Shinichi
Description: A talented young trainer that defeated the Elite 4 challenge, but fell short to the champion. He chose the more free-spirited life of a gym leader over a spot in the Elite 4 however.
Strategy: Come at me with all you have learned.
- Haxorus
- Decidueye
- Nidoking
- Scizor
- Kingler
- Skarmory
Elite Four and Champion

Name: Jonathan
Description: Jonathan is known for his work into fossils and is actually seen at the Zamak Ruins from time to time, and appears sometimes as a guest at Beryllium’s many labs, even bringing his Amalgam University classes to visit. A well-respected man, and despite seemingly carefree, is an entirely different person during battle.
Strategy: Age and wisdom combined with the legendary power of dragons, can be insurmountable.
- Flygon (Mega)
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
- ?

Name: Nina Grevillia
Age: She won't tell.
Description: The resident Pokemon Professor of the Chromis Region. Widely renowned for her work on Pokemon habitats and geology, she is actually responsible for the Chromis League's famous Terraforming Arena. Her research is unique as it studies how and why Chromis is able to be so diverse and able to house so many different species of Pokemon.

Name: Claire
Age: 20
Description: A ditzy, relaxed nurse who studies medicinal usage of herbs as a means to create potions for Pokemon. Easily forgets things out of medical concept, therefore prone to losing direction if not led by another. Despite her clumsy traits, Claire is devoted to her job, caring for Pokemon as if a nurturing mother. Usually against violence but understands that Pokemon battle is a way for trainers and Pokemon to display their skills and understanding of one another. Is currently on a journey around Chromis to study more medicinal herbs and Pokemon unknown to her. Extra note: One of the descendants of the Nurse Joy family.
Pokemon: Audino
- Heal Pulse
- Heal Bell
- Wish
- Protect
Name : Annabelle Crawford
Image :
Desription : A stuck up snobby brat. She thinks she is better than anyone and can pretty much back it up. She has been raised to be a Master Coordinator due to both her mother and grandmother being famous Master Coordinator themselves. She hates it whenever someone says she has only gotten where she is because of her family. When people say things like this it makes her very angry. She is currently on her journey to become a Master Coordinator.
Pokemon Team :
Umbreon : Battle Experiance 4
Ability : Synchronize
Move-Set : Shadow Ball, Double Team, Dark Pulse, Giga Impact
Espeon : Battle Experiance 3
Ability : Magic Bounce
Move-Set : Dazzling Gleam, Psybeam, Wish, Sunny Day
Image :

Desription : A stuck up snobby brat. She thinks she is better than anyone and can pretty much back it up. She has been raised to be a Master Coordinator due to both her mother and grandmother being famous Master Coordinator themselves. She hates it whenever someone says she has only gotten where she is because of her family. When people say things like this it makes her very angry. She is currently on her journey to become a Master Coordinator.
Pokemon Team :
Umbreon : Battle Experiance 4
Ability : Synchronize
Move-Set : Shadow Ball, Double Team, Dark Pulse, Giga Impact
Espeon : Battle Experiance 3
Ability : Magic Bounce
Move-Set : Dazzling Gleam, Psybeam, Wish, Sunny Day

Name: Arctus
Age: 18
Description: Arrogant almost down to the letter, even to the point that loss doesn't seem to affect that arrogance, which makes him difficult to be around. Full of an unbendable pride, he can seem overpowering to others, but by no means is it indication if stupidity. He's a frustratingly strong trainer with good instincts, honed by his family's pedigree of expensive tutors and facilities. His parents intended him to take a place in Chromis as one of the top trainers in the region, represented at least as an Elite Four. That being said, his parents are very supportive because this was his goal as a young child, and now a combination of doting parents and natural talent, has created a being of pure arrogance.
Pokemon Team
Name: Marcus
Species: Totodile
Gender: Male
Battle Experience: 5
Ability: Torrent
- Ice Fang - Water Gun - Bite - Rage
Name: Kent
Species: Starly
Gender: Male
Battle Experience: 3
Ability: Keen Eye
- Wing Attack - Double Team - Quick Attack - Growl