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Can't wait to get started. I wonder if we will special team tests like the little bell test. Who is going to be tied to a stump?
@BladeSS4 Well, you're not wrong, but very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very
few Uchiha actually unlock those abilities. As in, probably less than 0.1%. Ever.

Yeah I know, and even fewer can go the next step and have surgery so they don't go blind...

Anyway, I'm leaving up to actually unlocking the sharingan as we progress in the Rp. It was why I chose a Genin, gives me a bit of room to build up to stuff
Woo we have a second Uchiha. I'm not the only one! I can see how people might not like them. At full maximum power an Uchiha gets really strong with some rather OP abilities, then goes blind... Then again Uchiha are only suppose to be able to unlock the weird abilities after a moment of great emotional distress.

As for Hyuga vs Uchiha, Doesn't Neji end up fighting Obito? I could be mistaken I haven't watched anything subbed, or read the manga
Um...I think a Hyuga did fight an Uchiha I kind of don't want to mention it because of spoilers...

Anyway, this is an Alternative Universe who knows what will happen.
They can also make soup release, depending on how crafty you are.

Tenshi will be able to work at a Raman shop with that! :D
Its either 3 tails or 6 tails. A water based tailed beast. It would be bizarre inside someone who uses fire based attacks to have a water based spirit inside them. I think it would be interesting to see what would happen when you put the two natures that cancel each other out together in one person. Also they are my two favorite tailed beasts. Either a giant turtle or a giant slug would work
Lol I want to become the 3 tails Jinchuriki. I want to become a giant turtle! It would be awesome!
How are Jinchuriki/Tail beasts going to work in this? Canon wise they are meant for 'military' strength. I just wonder how they will be used in this AU.
Sweet my character got accepted. I will try to improve my writing skills. I know my writing can be rather bad at times but I will try my best.

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