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Tenshi Uchiha

Nagasaki Hitori @Thecrash20
Uchiha Ria @Masaki Haruna
Osuushi, Senhime @RyoRyoRyoken

Listening to his other squad teammate introduce himself Hitori. What amused Tenshi was his Hitori's little brother and the comment about Uchiha controlling people. It was something that Tenshi heard stories about the wide variety of powers of the Uchiha. Tenshi even has heard stories wild of his father own father before he lost his one eye. That's all he really thought of them really as stories. Not once has Tenshi even seen a Uchiha control anyone against their will. He knows genjutsu of almost any kind can do that so what makes that special from the Uchiha?

Then Senhime started talking to the squad. Tenshi was happy she said they would have time to get ninja gear, he would have time to supply up before their first mission as a squad. Then she went on eating her soup after that she started asked the squad 'What is it that you all believe you can work on' Tenshi was going to answer, then she went on to revealing that he was a genin and he quickly figured out he was the only one in this squad that was a genin. It didn't really both him that he was the only genin it just meant that he was the least experience of the group and he had room to learn.

He thought about how he would answer his new Sensei's question he says, "Well I am a genin, there is a long list of things I can work on. I don't know where to even begin I don't even have use of the sharingan yet. Although, that really isn't something I can work on it will come when it comes. I have only a few jutsu I know how to use, I guess I can work on what I already know how to do and improve what I know. Then I can learn new things as I improve what I already can do."

Tenshi knew he had a lot to left to learn but being paired with in a squad where he is the only genin he had a lot more to learn to even keep up with his squad. He was a Uchiha and he didn't want to make his clan look bad by not living up to the reputation of the clan. So he is willing to go to any lengths to improve his skill as a shinobi.
Well there is a chance Wildcard fails and they don't get paid...or they just get this 'relic'. I am interested in what it maybe. Can't wait to see what it is.
I wonder how well this training exercise will go for wildcard. Tenshi only has 2 jutsu he can use and 2 trickster like moves. He also is the only genin in the group. This will be interesting to see how he is treated in a training exercise
@BladeSS4 I mean, you're free to look into the case aren't you? Perhaps the people that have it might use it against you, you don't know.

That all depends what it is. If they are going to use it against us then this will get interesting, the whole no breaking the relic thing might be thrown out the window. Then again we don't know what it is which makes the whole mystery thing so much better.
Two 'edit: nevermind's' later we can all agree that reading is a lost art ;)

Lol, well mine still applies, we don't know what is in the case. All we know is we are to retrieve what is in the case and not to destroy it.

I am pretty interested to see what is in it, anything could be inside it in the world of naruto. From a sealed scroll to summon things, to random weapons to very valuable objects. Then again, it is in a very valuable case, surrounded in gold. So it should be really interesting.
Sweet, we are to retrieve a relic that we don't know what it is. Simple just bring back everything we find, that will solve the not knowing what it is

Edit: Nevermind
I wonder what will be team wildcard's first mission. I can imagine with Tenshi being the only genin on the squad not knowing some standard chunin abilities. Like walking on water for example, everyone can walk across and he can't. Team Wildcard at least they think alike and all went to the ramen shop on their own. Great minds think alike, so that means Wildcard will be really great :D
Tenshi Uchiha

Interacting with
Nagasaki Hitori @Thecrash20
Uchiha Ria @Masaki Haruna
Osuushi, Senhime @RyoRyoRyoken

'Wait we are all on the same squad? She is to be my Sensei? Do not make, make a horn joke. Whatever you do Tenshi' These thoughts popped into Tenshi's mind. He pulled out his money and paid for his ramen, he even put a bit more than the ramen was worth leaving a tip, he then says, "Thanks for the Ramen sir, that was some awesome Ramen. You just got yourself a daily customer!"

He quickly tags along with Ria and Senhime to the other table quickly finishing off the Riceball that was given to him by Ria. It was weird, how the entire squad nearly all went to the ramen shop at the same time. Even before they were even in a squad. Tenshi noticed the deactivation Ria's sharingan before speaking. He listend as she introduced herself. After she introduces herself Tenshi took the time to introduce himself cheerfully, "I am Tenshi Uchiha. It is nice to meet you all."
He hears Ria ask what is the plan today he then says after remembering Senhime talking about the training field, "If we are doing something at the training field. Will I have time to resupply by gear before we go?" He was asking hoping he could be well supplied for whatever they had to do.

'Wait didn't Ria say that was a super hot tabasco flavored Onigiri?...' As he thought about it he noticed his mouth was on fire from the spices. Trying to stay calm he rather enjoyed the rice ball but now he was wanting water but for now he was going to wait as long as he can.
Well this is what happens when I start feeling creative and go right into something. Character Ideas run through my head. So I put a character together. In all honesty I thought ANBU were at least low as chunin level when I was thinking the character up. Its not often in canon they went into the ANBU, unless they were dealing with the ROOT. Or dealing with Uchiha storyline stuff, or Obito/Kakashi storyline stuff.
@BladeSS4 Sai was ROOT though, not ANBU ;)

I thought the root was a faction of the ANBU? Although Sai is the worst example. I would have said Kahashi when he joined the AMBU but I don't think they had the Jounin rank then.

Edit- Seems that was answered before I posted this.
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