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I say 3 but I will say it all depends on what is being used to counter it. Or how long with each chidori is being used for. It would have to depend on the character as well. I would think it would different between each character that could possibly use chidori. Three for a Chunin seems right imo
All changed up. Although it is how I originally was going to write it, but idk why I didn't at first.
@BladeSS4 'more chakra' is not a trait of the Uchiha clan. I'm not sure where you heard that but it's not true. And if the original Tenshi uses even one jutsu/uses a bit of chakra while none of the clones has died, he'd pass out. Although we don't really see it except at the start of Naruto, using up a lot of chakra can take you down.

When Sasuke trains with Kakashi to learn chidori, he can perform two. He asks Kakashi what happens if he makes a third, and Kakashi says he'll die. That's how serious it is. Know your boundaries.

This is where I got it from.

They have a higher potient chakra

'The Uchiha were known for having an innate aptitude for all combat-oriented skills and an advanced growth rate. They also have an especially potent chakra quality as well as a natural affinity for the fire nature transformation; Uchiha are not truly considered adults until they can successfully perform the Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique. Uchiha also frequently use ninja tools in combat, being best known for their use of shuriken.'

I wouldn't have said something if I didn't have a base around it. As for 'know your boundaries' I thought I did I used four clones. Tenshi cannot even use a any other jutsu. He cannot use a fireball without having to fake it. If Tenshi uses any other jutsu, which he doesn't possess any other jutsu, apart from the shuriken one.

Yes I know he would pass out if he uses anymore but he hasn't. I can lower the number of the shadow clones I have no problem with that. So should I lower the number down to maybe 2 clones and the original will that be acceptable?
Well Uchiha are suppose to have higher chakra reserves due to their bloodline trait. They have the stamina/chakra to cope with the sharingan. Also 4 clones isn't really that many, also I should point out when one of the clones is destroyed the chakra used on that clone goes back to the original. Relaying information and experience back to the original as well. Also Tenshi's jutsus he has only 4 of them. Only 2 are chakra based, the others are dirty tricks that utilized Taijutsu.

I didn't think 4 was that big of a deal it would be splitting his chakra into 1/5th of its original until one is destroyed or under the jutsu is undone. I could lower the number if it really matters though, I didn't see 4 as a big number. Considering running right at a jounin. The four will be turned into a very low number really quickly I would think.
The little training practice for Team Wild Card. Starting off with a head on shadow clone attack. Time for the massacre of genin shadow clones.
Tenshi Uchiha

Nagasaki Hitori @Thecrash20
Uchiha Ria @Masaki Haruna
Osuushi, Senhime @RyoRyoRyoken
Location: Ramen Bar

Tenshi was already finished with his ramen and as soon as Senhime told them were to go he was ready. "I'll see you all at the training Field 6. I got to pick up some tools first but I'll be there as quickly as I can!"

He left and picked up some ninja tools on the way, spending what was left in his money pouch. Tenshi picked up two extra items stopping at home first, a bottle of saké and a lighter. His little way of using the clan's well-known fire-ball jutsu. While it isn't really a fireball it doesn't mean he can't try to fake it. He put the little bottle in a little ninja tool holder on his leg along with the lighter. Then making a bee line straight to the training field.
Location: Training Field 6

At the training field he stretches out a bit, getting loosened up before the little test. He takes his backpack off not before grabbing his ninja tools pack and grabbing his chakram and hooking them too his belt along with attaching the ninja pack to his belt. Tenshi goes and gathers a few tools provided for them. Mostly shuriken, wire and a quite a few smoke bombs. When Senhime told them not to worry about using real weapons he grabbed a few more shuriken and stuffed them in his little bag. He took note on the wooden sword, taking the mental note.

Tenshi was nervous but he was also filled with excitement to show off what he can do. "Alright we need to get that armband, Let's get started!" 'Want me to fight dirty, fine I can fight dirty.' After some quick words and thoughts Tenshi throws down a smoke bomb and claps his hands together into a single hand sign, the tiger hand sign. Chakra flowed out of Tenshi wildly as he prepares to use his jutsu. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" With in the cloud of smoke another cloud of smoke appears from the out burst of the jutsu. With in the big cloud where one stood, is now three. Two shadow clones and the original.

All three rush out of the smoke in a wild like formation. The original going left, one clone goes right, and the last clone goes straight at Senshime. The two going straight at Senhime looking to go right at it with taijutsu, having no issue with throwing punches at his new Sensei. The armband was the goal they had to do whatever to get it and that is exactly what Tenshi was going to do with his clones. Seemingly not paying attention to the silk that is surrounding the area, looking to go right at his goal.
Tenshi Uchiha

Nagasaki Hitori @Thecrash20
Uchiha Ria @Masaki Haruna
Osuushi, Senhime @RyoRyoRyoken

Tenshi was taken back a bit when Ria said that he might never get the sharingan since not every Uchiha can awaken it. Then she said, the next part that brightened him back up. 'From now on, we don't work as just teammates but friends, brother and sister. We'll all work together as a family.'

He then listened to her speech and felt bad as he noticed her crying. It was strange, she seemed so sure of herself before then she broke down. They were all human after all they have feeling. The one thing he learned in the academy that a shinobi doesn't show emotion. It was a concept that never was right to Tenshi, how could they stop being human? It is human nature to have a wild varity of emotions.

Tenshi felt like he should say something to try to cheer Ria up like she did not too long ago when she was telling him about the sharingan and how he might not awaken it. He then says, "It is as you said before Ria. We are all to work together as a family. We'll all help you find your goals, your ambitions. Senhime Sensei, Hitori, and me. We will all help you find what is missing. We are brothers and sisters now in one squad and family is there to support and help one other to find their goals and dreams and help them live them out." He ends his little speech off then quickly adds, "Meanwhile I am pretty sure we'll find something to be sliced."
Lol we have enough Uchiha for an entire squad now :D JK
Tenshi Uchiha

Nagasaki Hitori @Thecrash20
Uchiha Ria @Masaki Haruna
Osuushi, Senhime @RyoRyoRyoken

Listening to his other squad teammate introduce himself Hitori. What amused Tenshi was his Hitori's little brother and the comment about Uchiha controlling people. It was something that Tenshi heard stories about the wide variety of powers of the Uchiha. Tenshi even has heard stories wild of his father own father before he lost his one eye. That's all he really thought of them really as stories. Not once has Tenshi even seen a Uchiha control anyone against their will. He knows genjutsu of almost any kind can do that so what makes that special from the Uchiha?

Then Senhime started talking to the squad. Tenshi was happy she said they would have time to get ninja gear, he would have time to supply up before their first mission as a squad. Then she went on eating her soup after that she started asked the squad 'What is it that you all believe you can work on' Tenshi was going to answer, then she went on to revealing that he was a genin and he quickly figured out he was the only one in this squad that was a genin. It didn't really both him that he was the only genin it just meant that he was the least experience of the group and he had room to learn.

He thought about how he would answer his new Sensei's question he says, "Well I am a genin, there is a long list of things I can work on. I don't know where to even begin I don't even have use of the sharingan yet. Although, that really isn't something I can work on it will come when it comes. I have only a few jutsu I know how to use, I guess I can work on what I already know how to do and improve what I know. Then I can learn new things as I improve what I already can do."

Tenshi knew he had a lot to left to learn but being paired with in a squad where he is the only genin he had a lot more to learn to even keep up with his squad. He was a Uchiha and he didn't want to make his clan look bad by not living up to the reputation of the clan. So he is willing to go to any lengths to improve his skill as a shinobi.
Well there is a chance Wildcard fails and they don't get paid...or they just get this 'relic'. I am interested in what it maybe. Can't wait to see what it is.
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