Tenshi was already finished with his ramen and as soon as Senhime told them were to go he was ready.
"I'll see you all at the training Field 6. I got to pick up some tools first but I'll be there as quickly as I can!" He left and picked up some ninja tools on the way, spending what was left in his money pouch. Tenshi picked up two extra items stopping at home first, a bottle of saké and a lighter. His little way of using the clan's well-known fire-ball jutsu. While it isn't really a fireball it doesn't mean he can't try to fake it. He put the little bottle in a little ninja tool holder on his leg along with the lighter. Then making a bee line straight to the training field.
Location: Training Field 6
At the training field he stretches out a bit, getting loosened up before the little test. He takes his backpack off not before grabbing his ninja tools pack and grabbing his chakram and hooking them too his belt along with attaching the ninja pack to his belt. Tenshi goes and gathers a few tools provided for them. Mostly shuriken, wire and a quite a few smoke bombs. When Senhime told them not to worry about using real weapons he grabbed a few more shuriken and stuffed them in his little bag. He took note on the wooden sword, taking the mental note.
Tenshi was nervous but he was also filled with excitement to show off what he can do.
"Alright we need to get that armband, Let's get started!" 'Want me to fight dirty, fine I can fight dirty.' After some quick words and thoughts Tenshi throws down a smoke bomb and claps his hands together into a single hand sign, the tiger hand sign. Chakra flowed out of Tenshi wildly as he prepares to use his jutsu. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" With in the cloud of smoke another cloud of smoke appears from the out burst of the jutsu. With in the big cloud where one stood, is now three. Two shadow clones and the original.
All three rush out of the smoke in a wild like formation. The original going left, one clone goes right, and the last clone goes straight at Senshime. The two going straight at Senhime looking to go right at it with taijutsu, having no issue with throwing punches at his new Sensei. The armband was the goal they had to do whatever to get it and that is exactly what Tenshi was going to do with his clones. Seemingly not paying attention to the silk that is surrounding the area, looking to go right at his goal.