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Seems we have a sudden lack of activity as of late, although that is expected after a holiday weekend. Hopefully things will balance out soon. Can't wait to get back into things.
Tenshi Uchiha

Nagasaki Hitori @Thecrash20
Uchiha Ria @Masaki Haruna
Osuushi, Senhime @RyoRyoRyoken
Location: Training Field 6

While trying to formulating a plan with his teammates, but before they could forrm a plan Senhime attacked. Tenshi paid the price for having his back to Senhime. He wanted to keep the plan making a secret, so he had turned away to hide his mouth movements, but he paid for it not seeing the silk bullets.

The young male Uchiha gets hit and captured by the hardened silk. Almost with instinct he begins thrashing about trying to escape. "Somebody get me out of here!" Tenshi growled thrashing about his hands trying to reach for the lighter in his pocket. He was hoping he could burn himself free but yet he could reach it. He thrashed more trying to get his arms free, but all hope seemed gone for him. Noticing Ria was more inclined

'Is this all I can do? I am a liability to my teammates if I get captured this easily. I am a disgrace to my clan, to my family....' Tenshi's thoughts started to build a fire up in him. They weren't going to beat Senhime alone and Tenshi knew this "Ria! Hitori! We need to work together! Only together can we even hope to get to that armband! I might not be very big, and I am still a genin. I don't have a large variety of jutsu, and I cannot use the sharingan. I am not going to give up without even trying first. Work with me, we are a team. There is no I in team. If we don't work as a team then we will never win!" Focusing building up chakra Tenshi was preparing for when or if his teammates would free him. He had one trump card left, and it would use up most of his remaining chakra but it should make a big enough distraction for the other two take advantage Tenshi hoped as he prepares for the Shadow clone shuriken Jutsu.
@Masaki HarunaPart of me doesn't want to make a second character, cause I don't want to forget about my other. Tenshi was fun to make, and has so much room to grow, don't want to forget about him.
I think team wildcard is waiting for Crash to comeback Friday. In the middle of the training test, so it would be weird to go on without him. So I understand the waiting. The only problem is I am wanting to fill out a CS with a chunin. Feeling creative again...
I figured this might happen. D:

Not only Kei fanboys on her but Tenshi is beginning too D:

You don't choose your nature though but author wise, yes.

Jedi Ria now takes Tenshi as her Padawan.

So we're gonna basically be Anakin and Asoka? xD

Well this was your suggestion in the beginning to have Ria teach Tenshi how to use chidori.

Ria can take Tenshi in as her Padawan but he isn't Anakin. He isn't that moody.

Chidori would be a nice jutsu for Tenshi to learn up in the future, it sort of fits his style of combat. Up close combat. Although I like Chidori not my favorite jutsu. One of my favorites is the lighting lariat, although my all time favorite is the rasengan. Its so simple but yet one of the most power jutsus. Also it is suppose to be the most difficult to learn. Except Naruto and Konohamaru learned it in a shorter period of time then its creator did. It still very simple. No hand signs, just needs a lot of charka, or very good control over ones charka it is almost perfect for misfits who don't use a lot of hand signs with jutsu.
@BladeSS4I mean, I can see Tenshi's picture just fine, but I guess there's no harm in a change.

Really? If that is the case im not going to change it. Guess it might only be me that cant see it.
<Snipped quote by BladeSS4>

All are gay Sasuke rips but the last one, who looks like a edger Obito, use it.

Alright, I actually really like that one, just that nose scar is just a bit meh to me. Its weird trying to find a good male Uchiha who doesn't look like Sasuke. There are about hundreds of them when you look them up on google. Quite a few look like Madara and some look like Shisui. Then again there about hundreds different female Uchihas its kind of weird how many different kinds there are.

Thanks for you insight though. It helps a lot.
So I am thinking I am going to need a new Appearance image for Tenshi since I think the picture might be broken or an Alt appearance So here are some possible ones I am thinking of. I found them on google and I am not the best of picking out a picture to fit my characters. The first one I used originally was great, it just sucks that it is messed up now. If someone can find one better then these that fit my character let me know.

This one I find really cool other then the scar across the nose, but I guess it could work.

It was shaved down to two clones not four. Also Tenshi doesn't use Fire style yet. He doesn't use any actual jutsu so he would lose badly. Maybe after several months of training he will have something that would actually would work and might be able to stand a chance against anyone. Although his trickster moves might throw someone off guard once, he would still lose so badly.
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