"Dont under estimate me or it will be over in an flash"
Basic Info
Name:: Sora Tensai,
Nickname/Alias:: Ten
Gender:: Male
Age and date of birth:: 23
Guild:: Harpy wing- The guild mark is in the middle of his upper back. It's normally covered by his coat or his rather long hair.
Rank:: B
Personal Information
Personality::Tensai is cocky and will normally will make light of everything. He will go through most things in a light hearted mood and just have fun with things. Unless someone crosses him personally. Insults his guild, harm his friends or tries to force him to go against his personal code of honor. If something sets him off he gets 'serious' He shows no remorse or mercy towards those who anger him when he is in a heat of battle. Tensai will even seek out those who harm his guild and guildmates and seek his form of revenge.
Tensai likes spending time in the guild hall, drinking and fighting with guildmates or taking up jobs along with guildmates. He is rather talkative and rather friendly when it comes to guildmates in the guild. He will get into tons of competitions in the spirit of fun when deals with people who are in Harpy Wing. At the same time he pretty much treats the guild hall as his home as he pretty much lives with in the hall itself.
Tensai does have a rather destructive side to himself. When he fights or does missions he tends to forget his magic is destructive he also tends to get out of hand when he is having fun when fighting. The better the fight the more fun he is having the more he tends to exert himself and his magical abilities.
Tensai has a personal code of honor that is followed,
Comrades should never try to kill each other
Tensai will never 'seriously' harm children
Never treat someone inferior, always treat all the same. With the expectation when Tensai decides to start joking around with someone.
Magic is to treasured but is to never be used to conquer or to try and rule over others.
If someone harms his friends he is to avenge them with the same what was inflicted to his friend.
History:: Tensai was born to a rather poor village in fiore. While growing up Tensai mostly raised himself with in the mountains of the north. He grew up as a thief stealing things so he could just eat.
Tensai at eleven years old mostly a orphan he tried to rob an old man who was passing through the mountains. This was when he was introduced to magic as the old man was a wizard. Tensai was both figuratively and literary blown away by the abilities displayed by the man he tried to rob. He could have been killed by the old man but instead of killing Tensai the man decided to take Tensai in after seeing the boy that he was and that he was just a kid trying to survive the old man decide to help Tensai. The old man called himself Seta.
Over the next several years Seta became Tensai's master. Teaching him in the way of his magic. Tensai grew up quick in the ways of becoming a wizard. At fifteen years old Tensai believed he was invincible and decided to hunt down a local very small dark wizard group. Against his master's wishes he went and sought them out to test himself. Tensai found the group of five dark wizards it didn't go well. Tensai was nearly killed he only lived because his master stepped in and saved him. Seta stepped in the way of a fatal attack when he was able to catch up with Tensai. His master dispatched of the dark wizards but he was going to die. Before he died he told Tensai to find a guild to join.
After that Tensai did just that to fulfill his master's dying request of him he joined a guild he found himself joining Harpy Wing. From there he slowly rose up as a guild member until made it to a B rank wizard.
Magic and Abilities
Magic Name:: Heavenly Body magic
Description:: fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Heavenly_Body..
Known Spells::
Grand Chariot
Birth Mother- Sora Isobe condition unknown. She left Tensai at a very young age and just never came back.
Possessions:: He possesses a locket that he keeps in his pocket. Its the only thing he has from his mother and its his most prize possession.
Theme Song:: N/A