Avatar of BladeSS4


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Caught my interest, seeing how I am a big Naruto fan. The AU's village has me more interested, maybe more so then the winter years one you had going a few months ago Buddha. I'll try and put something together as soon as I can.
@The Mad Hatter
Yeah, I cant really judge a CS that was put together way better then mine.
As for the five things for my character

1. Tashiro can cook almost anything rather decently
2. His favorite colors are Black and red, if you couldn't tell what one of his favorite colors was from his outfit being almost all black.
3. Tashiro liking hanging around water. Lakes, rivers, oceans, spas and place with water.
4. Tashiro has tendencies to 'over' do stuff, whether it is train to hard, cook too much food, or use more effort towards small tasks then is needed.
5. Tashiro loves to duel with people who has any skills in Kenjutsu, even if he could lose he likes dueling with swordsmen
How many people do we need to start?
@The Mad Hatter
Yeah I figured as much, when it comes to in character posts. I'm a bit better when it comes to making an posts that don't deal with Character sheets.

Now the Kenjutsu Storm user is ready. It's going to be interesting to see how he can be used within this small village.
I think I fixed most of the problems you had with it. The history could still use more beefing up I will admit that. As for the Jutsu, I think I fixed the format of them. Unless you want me to go and break down each of the canon jutsu into the same format as the custom one. Let me know if there is anything else or what more I have to do to make the Character sheet acceptable.

Edit- I'll bump the Jutsu down a bit and remove the laser circus, and the dragon bullet. Had trouble finding actual canon Jutsu for the Storm Release.
Edit Again- Ok now I think I have things fixed. Beefed up the history more explained what happened to his father and why he decided to stay in the Village of the End.
Edit 3- Moving the character sheet here after editing the bits of his mother and why he was treated the way he was even when he should have been celebrated for his abilities.

Well, here I threw this character together let me know if I have to change anything or if I got something wrong. (accept)

Here you go, hope you are still accepting people into this. I filled out the character sheet I hope this fits with the rp. Let me know if it doesn't or if I have to change anything.

A Quick Survey
A few questions for those involved. Your opinions matter! Communication is key.

How often are you comfortable and able to post?
I can most often if needed, or as fast as the rp will actually go. If I cant post will try to let others know.

Do you think there should be a post limit ?
This only depends on how fast or how slow the rp will move. If it is moving really fast we might need a post limit. Also there might be need a limit to how much you might need to post in a week or two. To keep the rp from getting too chaotic or keep it from dying from waiting for people to post.

What would you like to focus on?
A little bit of everything that deals with my character I guess. Story development , my own character's development and interactions with my character. Some drama, action, seeing how things go within the rp.
Any other notes?
Not at the moment, nothing i can think of.[/hider]
Im quite interested in finding out what is making everything shake. Some black figure coming out of the water? Forming a pillar of water. Only have a few guesses of what it could be, in the world of fairy tail. A big black figure over the ocean could be a few things. A lot of interesting things cant wait to see what it really is.
Carver Fewkes

Location: Phoenix Wing Guild Hall

How many months has it been? Is it two? I think it's two, yeah it's two I think. I cannot believe I joined this guild and still haven't taken a job. How many times have I stared at that job board now looking for a job... Carver thinks to himself as he stares at the job board thinking what job could he take.

He had been down this road multiple times, he would stare at the job requests and find himself unable to pick a one. He would first look at the high paying jobs but most of the jobs looked a bit difficult for himself. He wasn't part of any team as of yet he wanted to get to know the members of Phoenix wing before taking a job. It had been two months since he joined and still no jobs taken. Looking at the current job requests. There was a rogue magician that caught his eye but the sum of which was the largest amount he sees at the moment. A rogue mage it seemed simple other than this person partly killed a guild master and is a sand wizard hiding in a desert. He shook his head that wasn't a good first time mission.

He then sees another job 'Thieves on the paradise' Dealing with thieves seemed simple enough to Carver, even get a chance to stay at a resort. Doesn't take long for Carver to decide on it as he rips the job request off the wall with a smile. "My first job, decent reward just got to deal with some thieves." Carver says to himself almost talking to himself out loud. Just as he was getting ready to celebrate things began to shake?

After sighing he puts the job request back to where it was nice and neatly. Then asks a question most are already asking but asking anyway loudly, "Alright what in the world was that? Just as I found my first job too..." Not really waiting for an answer he goes towards the nearest door to get outside to see if he could see anything not really looking where he was going just trying to get outside as quickly as possible.

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