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So there was a time skip. So I could actually be able to work with my original character to without any problems. I could put the new one on hold and use my orginal. Seeing how both are in the same boat needing to be introduced after a timeskip. I didnt know a really big timeskip happened. It might be easier with my original character, since he had just joined phoenix wing at the end of the grand magic games I already introduced and he had actually met a few of the members of the guild. It shouldnt be so forced if I reintroduce him again rather then introduce a new character who's backstory had him already in phonex wing and try to force stuff.

I'll get something together in a bit, hopefully it'll work out alright. Its time to get back into swing of things.
So what is going on in the rp? Any suggestions on how to introduce my character into what is going on?
Alright, if I remember correctly I need to get accepted by a co gm as well, before moving my CS over to the Character section.
Well here is my attempt at a new character. Still not very good when it comes to making a history or backstory but I hope this works.


Would it be alright for me to rejoin this? I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while I have been meaning to but just couldn't really think of a post. I do want to get back into this though, maybe or most likely make a different character then the one I had originally signed up with. If you it would be alright for me to rejoin that is.
Im still a bit interested. I keep popping in here to see if anyone has posted anything every once in a while if some life can be kicked into this but I understand a lot of people are busy with finals, work and other things keeping people away from here but if we can get enough interest this rp could see some life again.

Well here is my character. I hope I got everything right let me know if I have to change anything or add more of anything if I am missing something or got something wrong.

@BladeSS4Nowhere in the OP does it state that the Brotherhood is part of the NCR. The opening post mentions that Elder Elijah still controls the Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood, but not anything about them being part of the NCR.

Oh I miss read that, thanks for the clarification. I hope I could be allowed to make a brotherhood character then if that would be allowed.
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