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Im kind of interested. Do the characters have to be part of one of the major factions? Also how much of the brotherhood is part of the NCR? Is it the whole Brotherhood of Steel or is just a faction of them?
Finally was able to post. I think I got the situation right. Sorry if my post wasn't very good had trouble thinking of a way of getting my first post into this. Wasn't sure how to introduce my character but that first ic post is that I came up with. I hope it is alright.
Cole Surik

Location: Jedi Temple
@Princess of God@mattmanganon

Walking through the halls of the Jedi temple was a young man who goes by the name of Cole. His full name is Colejul Surik, he was walking down the halls dressed in grey black like robes, much like that the robes of a Jedi. Cole was a former Jedi Guardian, he left the order a few years ago to pursue his own endeavors. After he left the order Cole turned into a freelancer or mercenary for hire, this was his first time returning to a Jedi temple in three years. He returns now as he was summoned for a 'job' Cole was rather reluctant to accept any kind of work from the Jedi but he made an except this one time or at least that is what he says if he was asked why he showed up for a job by the order.

After a bit of walking he spots the small green Jedi that he was looking for Yoda. He seemed to be talking to others, Cole then says, "Its been awhile Master Yoda hasn't it? So what is this mission that I have been summoned for Master?" Cole speaks rather casually for just entering the room and speaking to the Jedi master Yoda. Even though Cole spoke to Yoda as if he knew him Cole had only met Yoda a few times never really got to know him other than he is a well-known Jedi master to most Jedi and most that aren't Jedi. Out of all the Jedi Cole respected Yoda the most it is why he went straight to him to ask about why he was summoned and what is the job he was going to be hired for.

While he waits for Yoda to respond Cole starts to take mental notes of those who are standing around Yoda . Cole wasn't sure if those who were talking to Yoda were part of his job or not but he was taking in his surrounding as he prepares to find out why he was there for and what was he going to do.

Sweet, I'll move my cs over to the character tab. Just gotta figure out where how to begin my first post ic any suggestions on where to start off let me know. For now I'm going to read each post until I can find the right place to have my character begin at.
@BladeSS4 I like him. Love the suit as well, does he have the Darth Vader "I need this suit to live" deal going on? Because that'd be cool.

I guess he could. I was going to have the suit like Kylo Ren's but in the more of a light side approach with it, a suit where he doesn't need it to survive. I could go either way with the suit, which ever is better. It isn't very important where or not his suit is why he is alive. It would be cool either way what the suit does whether its is part of what keeps him alive or not.
Hope there is room for another character. Well here is my character I hope it is alright.

How much of an AU is this going to be? Is this Alternate Universe just what if certain characters of Naruto didn't do something or did do something that would change the story, or is this an Alternate Universe with characters what weren't in the canon story of Naruto along with a few canon ones?
@Darth Revan@TheUnknowable@jeroukoo

Carefully listening and taking in all that is said Cole had ultimately waited for Anna to put her light saber away and to speak before doing anything. Cole decided to answer Anna first almost appearing to ignore the rest of the situation, "Yeah, I headed out early to get in some meditation in the jungle this morning. I was going to get a few morning warm ups out of the way first but I took a bit more time meditating."

Almost right when he was done answering Anna's question his eyes snap towards Kurt to address him, "I saw the sabers Kurt, I didn't see the need to draw either of my sabers. It is easier to talk to people when we aren't trying to threaten each other. Besides Anna had her saber on for the ready. We'd only get in her way if she did need to use it anyway." Cole's tone towards Kurt was still casual like a friendly conversation. Cole hears the conversation that Kale started to talk about, and Cole didn't want to get involved. The discussion wasn't something Cole was interested in even though he had his own ideas and perspective towards the force.

Cole looked back over at Anna after she asked Kale while did he come here that question was something Cole wondered. Why would someone come out here alone towards a group of like theirs? Cole then says jokingly, "He must have came here to see all the wonderful trees and wildlife here in the forest. Maybe to even see some of the wild nexu around here, its like a petting zoo that will eat your hand when you try to pet them." Cole trying to lighten the mood with a joke about why someone would come out to their location.

I was but, it doesn't really matter, it could be directed at either or. I could have misunderstood the situation entirely but this works out as well.
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