Just as the girl Tashiro was talking to seemed to ease up. Tashiro was starting to feel relieved that this girl wasn't feeling threatened anymore, or at least she didn't seem like she was going to attack if Tashiro did or said the wrong thing by accident. He listened as the girl spoke about why she was out here. It seemed she was out here for the same reason as he was to do a bit of training. When she showed him her arm he said almost instantly and wincing slightly, "Ouch, looks like it would hurt a lot. Yeah I wouldn't be climbing any mountains either if I was hurt like that either."
Quickly Tashiro understood why she was training even though she had an injury just like that. He himself remembers training through pain when he was much younger. Training almost day in and day out with his father to hone his skills with a sword, fighting through the pain so that he wouldn't be burdened in a fight when he was in pain. Enduring pain was a way that Tashiro learned to over come injuries. Part of him felt bad for the girl he just met even though he doesn't know her he understands.
Tashiro also noticed something else seemed to be wrong with her, he quickly came to the conclusion she might be more hurt then just the arm and hasn't fully recovered. He was going to ask if she was alright but it seemed she would most likely dismiss that anything was wrong with her since she was out here training in this condition.
Soon Tashiro says, "Well it seems we both had similar ideas, I came out here too to train like I said earlier. I was going to go to the mountain to train myself, and maybe catch a bit of game while I was at it. I haven't been in Gobigakure long, I figured it would be best to get some training done. You're from the village too right?" That question was asked a bit unsure, while Tashiro did just said he just came from the village he didn't know if this girl was or not though He then adds a question quickly after that last one, "Well if you are, would you like some help with your training?" Tashiro asks this question instead of asking if she was alright since he already assume how she would have answered that question anyway.