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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
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Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
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i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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Dream, Takeda and Fauxpaw found themselves acquainted apparently. It seeks Dream was already familiar with this little spy. That didn’t exactly come off as a shock, Fauxpaw was good at this sort of thing, finding things out and learning about people. ”Huh, so I guess we all know each other.” Except Takeda, of course. ”This is Madame Fauxpaw. She’s familiar with pretty much every vigilante in Tenebrae, and always has a good nose for sniffing out the truth. If she can’t figure something out, no one can.” Turns out she knew him, something about running from a relationship to “save the world.” Weird.

"I—uh, t-then you know why we're here,"

"Perhaps. I hope you plan on getting your eyes on that lab sooner rather than later. They make their move tonight, judging from the extensive sabotage."

What was happening exactly?

”What sabotage? Is something going on? Dream” Dream seemed stressed about something, and was already preparing to leave again... "If I'm not at the pier for our coffee date, start the mission without me. You'll be fine with the doc watching your back."

”What’re you talking about? Where are you going?”

Then she left.

"w-what's going on?"

"Maybe ask her yourself. Speaking of which, have you told Ellie about our unexpected guest?"

"You mean the hydrokinetic? Well, yes, uh, of course."


”Let’s not.”

"Did you consider her history before opening your yap?"

Ellie shot Takeda a look that practically screamed “Not another word,” but Fauxpaw didn’t seem to take a hint. She began rattling off a dead man’s reputation, she was right on the mark, as usual. But the things she said were really just the surface level facts.

If he didn't fake his death, he would have wound up on the military's wanted list."


Everything else they said just went out the other ear. If anyone knew it was true, it was Fauxpaw. It felt like hours went by in the span of seconds. Ellie’s demeanor went from the usual to nothing short of a distant, detached feeling of despair. Ellie had to do something. Carver was locked up. Fadeaway disappeared, and the only person who actually stood a chance against that man was dead thanks to Ellie. She had to do something about this. This wasn’t good, this was bad. Whatever brought him back from wherever he went, she had to see it for herself.

”...Look. If, if what you’re saying is true, this is way worse than Takeda knew.” She spun around and looked to Takeda with a sharp, jagged gaze. ”Now, listen to me and listen good. I don’t care what you’ve read or hacked into, that man is not our friend. I don’t know why he’s here, but let me put it so you get my point. He could snap his fingers, and this city would disappear. Faux-“

She strutted around her room gathering things, her shoes, a jacket, a glock.

”If you got any idea where he’s at right now, I need you to find him and give him a message. Tell him, “Seven. Where five fingers make a hand...Sunrider.” He’ll know what it means-“ There was a fervent, uncharacteristic haste in her movements. ”If you need to find me, the Valks are gonna hear about this when I get to the bottom of it. They need to. Takeda, you’ve got my number but stay the hell away from where I’m going.”

”I’m taking the drone, I’m gonna follow through with the mission, don’t worry, just text me when it’s time, I’ve got that covered, it’s fine.”

And grab the drone she did, and with a flash of light, she jumped off the several stories high balcony without even thinking about it. Not even two minutes later, a motorcycle churned away into an unknown location.


”Terrorism and Humanists still, figures. Thieves? Sounds fun.” Linus took a long drag on the noticeably stronger drink. What wasn’t noticeable however, has his reaction. He’s had stronger. It was definitely a good drink to indulge in after a day on the sea, though. Linus sat there, taking in the buzz of the day, until a change stifled the air. The lights around the place took to dimming, and the bartender seemed to feel it too.

”Hello Oshus.”

A familiar name, a similar voice.

An old acquaintance.

”Mm. It’s been a while, Helasdottir. Hasn’t it?” He uttered another name back, in an improvised Germanic accent, very obviously not intimidated by the presence of such a woman. Lady Hel, ruling leader of one of the older gangs. The Valkyries. They had worked together a decent amount, enough for both of them to know one another’s skills and capabilities quite well. A rocky history, with a discordant ending. Sure enough, who could picture them meeting like this? ”You sound...different. New cover?” He joked, quite literally having a laugh with death.

"Word was, you managed to burn yourself to death."

”Hm. You sound surprised. You know me better than that-“ A coy, snarky undertone in his voice that few people would have the nerve, let alone the right, to speak to her with. ”You don’t think I’d die in a fire, do you? That guy? Even if old Sparky wanted to trap me for real, you think he’d hold a candle to me? Know what, don’t answer that.” Eluding to irony, Rainsinger took down another half of his drink in one breath.

”Anyway, what I just heard, something rough’s goin’ on around here. Never changes, I guess. How’s the gang doing? You ever take over for Jörm while I was out, or did someone take the man’s seat after he died?” He asked casually, like he didn’t just come back from being dead 20 years and accidentally throw an unforeseen wrench into an unknown amount of plans on several fronts. Lady Hel probably had better things to do than shoot the breeze with an old ally, but it’s not like he did.

Nikushimi Shinsetsuna
The Malicious Hero

"Good...Good." The number of heroes with a desire to improve under serious conditions was indeed fortunate. Japan needed this kind of heroism. As the interns gathered around their chosen pro heroes, it became clear where everyone was going, Yozoru, Keiji, Shinon, Konig, and Emiho would be her interns. "Well, students. I like what I am hearing...But - and let this sink in - the training you are going to endure under my guidance will, as they say, separate the heroes from the dreamers. You will either emerge from Emerald Miasma as a group of professional heroes with the skill and capability to surpass Zeal as if he were a child, or you won't at all." There was zero pull in the punches of Nikushimi's words, she was being dead honest. They would endure something very harsh, if they can't give it their all in training, they can't give it their all in practice. "Now. Your teachers will excuse you whenever you need to be, and I will see to it that you're brought to the agency whenever it is time to train, which will be every day of the week after your classes. The logistical side of it all will be handled, all you need is to act like you want this. Let's go." She turned around abruptly and walked out, with her anklebiting promises in tow. When the lot of them made it to the entrance, a number of vehicles sat outside belonging to various pros, the one closest to the was a black, spacious vehicle with a well-dressed man with goat horns waiting outside. This was Haikeo, the driver. "Good evening, Eirei students, shall we?"

"We're ready, take us back."

Roughly a half hour drive later, and the entire group appeared outside a rather unsuggesting penthouse. It simply looked like the home of a wealthy person who lived in mellow comfort. A gate opened, and they were brought inside.

There wasn't much to say, provided the students kept their jaws off the floor.

"This is the Emerald Miasma Agency. Do not be fooled by the citizen-like interior. Everything you will need is below the floor. Hidden away." They all stood in the common room, like guests to a party, but Nikushimi strode across the floor to a wall, as she tapped a certain spot on it, the entire wall opened up to reveal an elevator.

One trip later, everyone was in a training ground. They stood atop a staircase flanking a balcony to a vast, spacious field that was designed to accommodate virtually any quirk and fighting style. The entire room felt several times larger than the house they were just in.

"This is where we will all train for most of your time spent here. In this room, you do not need to worry about damage, or casualties, unless told otherwise. Whatever you could do with your quirks at Eirei, you can do better here. I will push every single one of you to the absolute limit in this very room, and you will be lucky to leave here alive. To restate: There are no limits here. A real hero knows the absolute limits of their quirk, and you will only find that limit, when you're able to explore it."

A moment of silent passed, as Nikushimi allowed her interns to take in everything she just said, needless to say, they were already moving quite fast, they had to, to keep up with everything around them that was changing. This was their world now.

"There's a catch though. Your first assignment, is to face me." She declared, leaping off the balcony down to the open arena below.

"The five of you have proven to show great promise at Eirei; Emiho's empath quirk, Yozoru's speed, Shinon's power...it's all useful. But the question I have is, how will all of you fare against an opponent who greatly outmatches you?!" She shouted, cracking her knuckles. "You are all going to come at me with the intent to kill, however you want, and you will earn your place here. Coordinate, overpower me, form a strategy, or fumble over each other, I don't care."

She stared at the lot of them with the most unintimidated look she could make.

"Do your worst. All of you. Prove to me that you deserve to be heroes."

Every student at Eirei academy is issued a nanotechnology watch that is configured manually to match the schematics of their hero outfits. For example, Yozoru’s engine of creation immediately forms out of nowhere with a radiant glow of light, while Shinon’s priestly vestments seek to just flow into being. In short, you press a button, you’re ready for battle.

@ZAVAZggg This ain’t Landrunia go post normie
Poggers in my valentino white bag


In the time it took Ellie to toss her phone, her mind of floored. Grayson was dead for two decades now. The idea of someone like him being back home, let alone alive, put her on edge. Needless to say, she was shaken. Ellie wanted to believe that there was no chance after all this time, but if Takeda could find her, couldn’t he find him too? She hasn’t even had to think about him in twenty years, and now her life could be uprooted. The man they called Rainsinger was the only one left who’d have any connection to Ellie’s past, to think a ghost could just come in, and throw a wrench in everything she’s worked towards to make her life normal...It bothered her. As much as Ellie wanted to just drop the idea, it didn’t sit right with her. Why would Takeda bring him up? Wouldn’t he just be a dead memory if he was dead at all? No, something was amiss. Grayson always did have some unforeseen trick up his sleeve. That’s why he couldn’t be killed so easily now or then, because he was resourceful. ”Fuck...DAMNIT.” Her emotions were jarred. A flicker of a warm glow spurred across her hands before blinking away. He was a threat to her life. Ellie wasn’t the same person anymore, and yet something scared her about this. About being seen as the same person still by him, or by extension, everyone else in her life.

A little while later, Ellie was going to town on the punching bag behind her couch. A flurry of well-practiced punches that never stopped, never overkilled, or preformed sloppily while a song called Over The Neon Lights filled the sound between punches. Honestly, if Ellie was anyone’s type of girl, this would probably have them head over heels. All of this was being done because Ellie needed to clear her head of the thoughts she had. Doubt from this mission, paranoia from the idea of Grayson being alive, it just wasn’t her at her best. Sometimes you just have to take out your frustration on a ceiling-hung target.

Even still, he had to think of something. Maybe Fauxpaw would know something. She always knew something. That would have to wait, though. There was someone at the door. Probably Dream and Takeda. She was a bit hesitant to be confronted about their conversation, of course, that wasn’t gonna stop Tenebrae from getting flattened, so she did it. ”Yeah?” She looked fine but it was apparent she was being physically active for a while now. Ellie wasn’t sweating, or winded, but you could tell by the redness of her hands. There stood Dream and Takeda. ”What’re you guys-“


She turned around and saw a cat harassing the glass of her window. ”Faux?” She immediately hopped across the room to open the window for her. Madam Fauxpaw knew Ellie since her early days of being a vigilante. They always had a good bit of info to share between them. As everyone came in, the scene became more clear, the music over Spotify, the still-wobbling bag strung up, and the morning just-out-of-bed clothes she was still wearing.


Time to hit the town.

Linus strolled away from the pier on the sidewalks of Tenebrae’s south end, hands in his pockets with his things slung over his back. From what he could tell, things looked largely the same, the buildings still touched the sky in the same way. You couldn’t gauge a city by its exterior, though. If this city wasn’t still as morally roundabout as it was when he left, he’d be genuinely surprised. Cars drifted down the road, bikes soared up and down the sidewalks. Everything was visually pretty tame, now to see how things were beneath the surface.

He continued to work his way through the city like he knew it the same as the back of his hand, which, he felt like he still did. Being back after a 20 year pseudocide felt strange. It’s like he just left. Still, the guy he spoke to stayed on his mind. Shadow Knights? They sounded like they carried a bit of weight around here, meaning that things actually had indeed changed in the time he was away. Back in the old days, before metas were called metas, that sort of thing was scarce. There weren’t any kind of meta organizations, they were gangs, groups, bands, and sometimes orders. The most leeway any gang in Linus’ old life had was the occasional family member who could bail them out of a tough situation. Of course, if that happened, it happened once and never again, because people were often killed for helping them. Things like that explained the reason Gray Dragons even existed. It wasn’t about power to them, at least not to him anyway, it was about knowing when your next bite of food was coming without worrying from where.

That was why he felt no obligation to wipe out the man he spoke to earlier. He had made something of himself already, going back to squabbling over terf was past him. If the “Shadow Knights” wanted to go there, who was he to stop them? Besides, maybe someone’s gang was still kicking and evolved as well. Wouldn’t that be something...Oh, look at that. A bar. Linus rolled up to a lightly occupied place called the “Love Street.” Judging from the view from the windows, he could snag a drink here. What kind of sailor doesn’t drink? Not this one. He made his way inside and took a seat at the counter.

Surprisingly, there weren’t a lot of people at a bar in the morning, 10, maybe a dozen people who did something with their weekends were in here. A man came by and slid him something with a kick. And there he rested for a while to watch the news on TV. Time to see what’s going on in the world.

” Local jewellers found their doors and windows blown open last night, along with half of the cars along the street. However, nothing was stolen. Police only have footage of a masked suspect in the store, and then a bright light appears at the edge of the camera. Choppers sweeping the area report a streak of light shooting down the streets toward Near North Side, and police have reason to believe two suspects are behind the bombings. However, at this time, police do not have these suspects identified.”


A streak of bright light? Sounds familiar.

Come to think of it, Sunrider never did get thrown in jail.


Wouldn’t that be a funny reunion? 20 years, pretending to be dead after the big man around town gets pummeled like a sandbag, just to show up saying “What’s up?” On second thought, she’d probably just slam him into the dirt, or run away. They never did like each other too much. They weren’t the same, anyway. Not like they needed too. They both got paid all the same regardless.

Linus shot a look towards a barista behind the counter. She looked visibly disinterested in her surroundings. ”Hey, girl with the gills-“ He spoke to get her attention, and her demeanor seemed to get very tense as he mentioned the gills on her neck poking out from her collar. Linus, of course, being the smooth sailor he was, raised his empty glass in a requesting gesture. The ice cubes in the glass lifted upwards towards the empty rim and started spinning in a circle, to show a sense of similarity between them. The barista seemed to feel relieved at the sight of the floating ice. ”Grab me another round.” He said as his glass seemed to push itself across the counter, after a $20 tip was dropped inside. A disarming gesture of meta abilities never hurt here or there.


”So- hear n’ything interesting around town lately?”

Yozoru Hoshi
The Cosmic Hero

Nikushimi Shinsetsuna
The Malicious Hero

Upon the arrival of Snake-Eyes, the entire room was lit up with intimidation, amazement and awe. A great deal of confusion as well. Not even five minutes ago was she on a live conference, and several other students knew this as well, did she just hack into the feed on her way here? If she did, it went without saying that she was fiercely efficient with her time. That, however was a given for her reputation. Yozoru was certainly amazed to see a woman of her stature emerge out of nowhere...”I didn’t know you’d be here. Are the other pros coming to?”

”I’m getting to that. Now. To answer everyone’s questions. Firstly, I am here to collect my interns. Second. I’m extending the offer to everyone else who hasn’t taken the chance. I was dead serious when I said I’d accept everyone who wanted to train with me. This is your last chance, if anyone whatsoever wants to come, speak right now.” In the grand scheme of things, she only had 6 interns out of an entire school. ”I’m assuming many of your fellow students have already made decisions to join other agencies, either as paiges or pawns, but this is indeed a difficult choice. The agency you choose to work under will train you, and some train you differently than others. I will work with every intern to teach them to the best of their own quirks’ abilities. Make no mistake: There is no measure I will not take for the good of the next generation.” As usual, she was very firm in her words. Mutations, Accumulations, it didn’t matter. Japan needed heroes without discrimination.

”If there is even a hint of dedication in you, I will accept you. Other pro heroes, such as Selica, Ryu, and False Hydra, will be here shortly, if you wish.”

The air went dead silent as she stood around a crowd of shaken and uncertain students. Some of them had already received the rank of Paige, and could work on their own, but most of them were just Pawns, meaning they had no heroic authority in the slightest. Meanwhile, Yozoru’s feet shifted a little, she hadn’t yet decided on an agency to intern with. If she wanted to, she could forgo that, but training is important. ”I’ll go. My name’s Yozoru. Yozoru Hoshi! I want to be as great a hero as I can be...”

”Alright, Yozoru, that’s seven...Anyone else?”

Meanwhile, in Zeal’s hometown...

Many miles from Eirei, in the place called Shakuganshima, where the legendary Zeal was born, the people mourned. The streets were silent and dismal with cold fire. Nichirin tournaments were haulted, and memorials stood as reminders of Zeal’s glory. However, while the land was in sorrow, one in particular stood atop a building with a look of satisfaction on his face. Zeal was dead. His dreams would be carried further now. Not the man staring down at the image in sadness, but the dreams of The Godfather, as were those of the fathers before him. The onlooker was the treacherous, and frighteningly capable Evergaze. The ultimate top dog of the League of Villains, controller of a vast web of actions and info, the Father’s right hand man. He was the bridge between the League and Keyaru, and Keyaru’s greatest instrument. The people were distraught. Weak. They all rejoiced in Zeal’s reign like a pack of bloated lions praise their hunters. They must all struggle to fill the void. It made Evergaze smile.

He wore a matte purple blazer, with a gray shirt underneath. A very formal and forgetful image. He raised his left arm and pulled his sleeve back to reveal a device similar to a watch. On its black, electronic surface was a hand with its five fingers splayed outwards in solid white. He tapped the screen a few times as it began vibrating. Ringing.

”Godfather Keyaru...I’m in Shakuganshima for the confirmation you asked of me. Your assumptions were correct. These people are in absolute anguish over the falling of their beloved firestarter...” He remarked in a singsong voice, clearly amused by these malicious machinations.

A moment of silence...

”No, I’ve not been spotted...Of course, my spies can garner that information while I turn my eyes to the big prize, unless of course, you would rather I see to it myself.”

The next steps shall be taken.

”As you say, Godfather. Worry not, Shakuganshima won’t be doing anything any time soon. Of course, you must know, he will only grow fat from the strength of all this...poetic sorrow.”

”While I have nothing less that unbridled reverence for your word, I do feel we must give Saikyono some attention.” An almost poetic tone in his voice. This grief will only make that man more powerful.

”As you wish, Godfather...I must take my leave now. We will speak again.” A click, and a silent swan dive off the roof later, and the slyest villain in Japan was gone.

”Poor Zeal...Hahaha.”

In light of this, we apologize for the excitement and will learn from this. Thank you for taking interest at least ✌️

Ellie was sat on her couch thinking of things. The girl had spent the last 20 years in this world, keeping people out of harm, and in those days she had seen a considerable amount of morally varying groups in more ways that one. Gray Dragons, the Night Hand, the hardass Valkyrie gang, to name a few. But in all those years, she kept to the streets. Ellie’s domain is the social underworld, where metas gather and conspire, for better or worse. There’re been plenty of vigilante groups around the block, and she looked around for them to keep tabs on them. Ellie never considered herself an authority in meta life, just someone trying to do something good, and keeping up with the word around town past sundown helped do that, it helped make rounds in Tenebrae easier knowing some other vigilante had the block locked down. Despite that, though, Ellie always kept to herself. She never cared much for the bragging rights behind cleaning up, though she’s certainly had a chat or two with other vigilantes, it’s just that she goes about this life differently. To her, it’s always just been the right thing to do, nothing more. It goes without saying, then, that this laboratory wasn’t ringing any bells in the slightest.

Ordinarily, Ellie wouldn’t try to hit up something like this, it was just out of her area to break into places, much less break into fortified facilities. It made her appreciate, to an extent, the differences people had. There was always someone big enough to crack the bigger houses, it seemed. Then again, none of that really helped when it came to the actual plan, in which she was still drawing blanks. ”Damn.” Really, she could only think in circles like this for so long, but that wasn’t helping anyone. Ellie hoped Takeda, or even that fine woman Dream had something they weren’t sharing just yet...Ring. Ring. Ring. Who was that? Sophie? No. Her phone read “Private Number.” Takeda?

”Who’s this?”

"Hello? It's Doctor Takeda."

”Thought so. What’s up?”

"I, uh, hope I'm not catching you at a bad time, but um, have you heard of the Crane Factory? And who died there?"

”Crane Factory? Yeah, I was a kid when that happened, kinda. Who are you talking about?”

"I, uh... Have reason to believe he's, uhm, alive? And if you could talk to him and see if he could help us—I mean, he's—there's his affinity with water and all..."

”Huh? Who’s alive? Not sure I know who you’re-“

Affinity with water...

Factory fire.

”Rain...Night’s on their way!”
”Yeah, I know. Look, kid. Get out of here, I’ll lead them into 8th and drop ‘em. If Fendrix asks, I’m takin’ the detour. He’ll know what it means.”
”You sure about that?”
”Yeah, get moving!”

”Leaving, huh.”
”After last time? Yes. This isn’t what I signed up for, I’m not doing this anymore, I didn’t come here to kill people.”
”Yeah, I wouldn’t blame you. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you, kid. But you know Fendrix isn’t gonna like it. Watch yourself.”
”That’s on me. I’m not gonna ask you to keep secrets, but I don’t need you in this either.”
”Ain’t my place to worry.”

“Um- Ellie?”

”...That man is dead. Gone.” She hung up.

He’s gone. He died in a fire. Was Ellie just trying to ignore someone like his dying to flames, or did she genuinely believe someone of that level was capable of being killed so easily?

No. Grayson died 20 years ago.


Meta this. Meta that. The man who was apparently named Solomon revealed his face, nasty scar, some kinda haze. Sheesh. The getup was tacky, but hearing what he said, it probably made sense. ”Funny mask. Hell, back in my day we just didn’t get caught.” No use hiding your face if no one sees it.

"My name is Soliman Kader, I'm in charge of keeping the balance in this city, and with me are a team of Shadow Knights to carry out my mission."

New players. Interesting.

”Balance? Tch. That’s a new one.” There was never any “balance” in Tenebrae. You could always find some kook with a flashy ability out there stirring the pot. The idea just wasn’t there- balance? Unless the city’s just changed that much, Linus didn’t buy it, and this guy sure didn’t sound like a vigilante, let alone a guy to get stuff done. It seemed to him that this guy gave out orders instead over doing things himself. But, what would that type be doing, sticking his neck out by coming here? He had no idea Linus would he visiting. Did he just happen to be walking along the pier? No. He’s keeping his sources close to the chest.

"Metas have always suffered a power struggle in Tenebrae, fighting each other and fighting this city. But with you here...It's a whole different story."

”Your point?”

"A lot of corruption has happened in your lifetime. But, perhaps the years have changed you. I'll admit, I'm nervous that you're here. So, I wanted to approach you directly, and ask you to not get involved in anything that'll 'sink the city', so to speak. Or I'm going to have to deal with it, and I won't want to."

”Good one.” Linus’ body language gave nothing away, because there was nothing to be given away. Solomon obviously did his research, and yet still, he would openly threaten someone he outright admits to fearing. In his mind, Linus rolled the details in his head smoothly, something wasn’t adding up. When you’re in a position that he claimed to be in, you don’t tell someone you’re scared of them and then try to threaten them into complacency. That kind of behavior makes you look stupid, and weak.

”I see the game you’re playin’ with me.” He said, bluntly. It was a mind game. An inconsistent one.

”To put this in a better way, you've come at a critical time. I am days away from completing a certain project that will change the face of the world. There will be a struggle to get there. At present, I can contain it, knowing which metas will be in play."

”Uh-huh.” So, they’re still called metas around these parts. In the old days, that was unofficial slang that no one with any brass recognized. Back then, the official term was “freak.”

"You though, are what is known as an alpha-class meta. Something I was not expecting, which is half the reason for our unexpected encounter."

”I’m flattered.” Like hell he was.

"I can offer you to join me. But, of course, I have a feeling you didn't come here looking for a job. So, I would ask that, for the next few days, move in the city peacefully. After that, it won't matter."

Linus cocked a grin full of amusement. Peace.

”Alright, Kader? Was it? Look, I can tell you got receipts on the people ‘round here. Trouble is, all you just said don’t add up. First, you say you’re nervous about me showing up in town. Then, you say you’ll...”deal with” me, knowing I’m an alpha, or whatever they call me these days.” He let the words sink in before slinging his pack over his body. A drawn out moment of silence between them.

”You ever consider practicing your speeches in a mirror first? I’m no expert, but I think you expected me to jump on the whole “You scare me” box so you could bait-‘n-switch me. I guess you thought you’d pull a fast one. Close- no cigar.” He proclaimed, cool as can be.

”Know what? We’ll see what happens. If I feel like layin’ low for a while, then I sure will. Maybe I’ll go for a drink or two instead.” With that, he started to stroll down the pier, up towards Solomon and behind him. ”And by the way, if your...Shadow Knights wanna come and “deal with me,” here’s a bit of advice, since you know me.” He added as he passed Solomon, dropping a hand into the man’s shoulder out of humor.

”Tenebrae’s a coastal city.”

If Solomon Kader really did know as much as he did about him, he’s remember that the geographical conditions gave Linus a terrifying advantage. They don’t call him Rainsinger for nothing.

Without another word, he left.
Emerald Miasma Agency

Agency of Nikushimi Shinsetsuna

Approximately 2.4km or 1.36 miles from Eirei

A beautiful penthouse on the outskirts of the city easy on the eyes in quaint, yet lovely colors. Iron gates guarded exterior, and curtains prevented looking in from a distance. This was the agency of the Fourth Pillar Hero, Nikushimi Shinsetsuna: The Malicious Hero. Behind the walls, one could tell this was the home of one who greatly appreciated herself: a living room space large enough to house an entire showroom of cars, a pantry stocked with delicious sweets and alcohols you seldom ever knew the name of, and warm lights that make the room feel fuzzy and quaint in your heart. You wouldn’t think that this was an agency for a Hero, but the truth is beneath the layer of finery and hedonism. This house held secrets.

The day was growing long, and as the school of Eirei Academy was prepared to release its students for the dorms, a black car rolled up to the perimeter, the driver presented an identification with the name ”Emerald Miasma.” This was the transport for the students who had been approved for Snake-Eyes’ internship training, which would only be undeniably thorough. Officially. a number of students were chosen over the rest to train under her: Keiji Matsushima, Shinon Yukimura, Konig Dietrich, Kato Emiho, Heidi Thomas, and Phoebe Carmichael. This was the start of their internship with Snake-Eyes. Prior to this, Nikushimi had received a message from Glaser herself, asking to take Yukimura Shinon in as one of the interns. That, of course was her decision, not her mother’s.

The common room was buzzing with concerned and fear. Nikushimi stood outside in the hallway waiting for them, they would be unable to miss, or confuse the presence of someone such as her. She didn’t care about rounding children up, besides, they were no doubt rattled from the news, so it would be best to let them take things in while they could, before they had to train. The Malicious Hero wore a dark green overcoat, with her jet black hair braided behind her hair. Her piercing jade eyes and jagged razor teeth made her stand out among most. Snake-Eyes had an air of domination about her, like she could stomp anyone into the ground at any second, hence her reputation. After Zeal’s demise, along with virtually all of the modern day heroes, the survivors have been put in a position where overtime is the new normal. No one can grow complacent. In that sense, Zeal was one of the very few real heroes society every had. She could overhear their conversations, they were al gathered in class A to discuss what happened. Communication was vital. This much they all understood, with everything that’s happened, they had to.

Yozoru Hoshi
The Cosmic Hero

Needless to say, Yozoru was distraught.

Between the absolute massacre of so many heroes, the number one hero Zeal’s death, and Enka’s abandonment, nothing was okay. Everyone was in distress, Keiji was now the new rep for class 1a, and Sasuke was drilling everyone about this situation. ”This really isn’t the time to be nagging each other.” Said the girl with neon bioluminescent hair, and glowing blue eyes. Yozoru stood up and marched over to Sasuke, Keiji, and Amaya. She wore a crop top, and a skirt with thin leggings. A little underdressed by comparison, but no one bothered her over it, given her quirk. ”We’re all in need of someone to help us. Zeal’s gone. That means we gotta help ourselves right now. I...I don’t know what happened with Enka, I miss him. His family misses him, but missing him isn’t gonna bring him back. It won’t bring Zeal back!” There was a tone of intensity backed by genuine sympathy for her classmates. Sasuke always gave them this kind of talk. He definitely felt right at home in the position of class B’s rep. While Amaya was easily one of the more powerful in her students in her class, Yozoru filled that role in her own. However, Snake-Eyes was right.

”It’s like they said in the conference, we can’t just fill in seats in a hierarchy or whatever, everyone needs to make Zeal’s legacy the bare minimum. Heroes are crippled right now, we can’t sit here and lecture each other all day, we need to train! We need to get out there and handle villains, the league, and everyone who threatens society!” There was no denying the fact that Ryukazuki was waging war with the world, even if no one wanted to say it. ”Whenever the pros arrive, we all need to be there and get a spot. Japan needs every hero it can get right now. The death toll was over 140,000. I don’t like it either, but someone has to step up, and it’s gonna be us.”

Wherever Enka ran off to, he left a hole in his wake. He was a symbol of dignity and respect at Eirei. The students looked to him for guidance, he was like a leader to them. Yozoru felt the impact of his betrayal just as much as the rest, but she couldn’t let it get to her. That’s what the League of Villains wanted them to do: get complacent. They will inevitably take advantage of this vulnerability that has been exposed in hero society. Everyone has to step up, there is no room for waiting.

”Everybody needs to become greater than Zeal.”

In the corner of her eye, she spotted the presence of someone intimidating...Yozoru turned around to see the fourth there behind them. ”Snake-Eyes? Are you here for the recruitment?”

”Yes, I am.” she replied with a smooth, devilish voice.

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