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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
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Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
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i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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I might also add my two cents on the subject of relationships and with what my character is. I do enjoy the references to Gundamn that Kaguya is using in her quirk's design.

My character is Yukimura Shinon:
-Musically Talented in singing and using instruments; Harps and Flutes
-Keeps herself Organized
-Follows the Guiding Principle of her mother
-Super girly (mostly wears dresses)
-Embarrassed frequently
-Switch Personality (kind, sweet, bubbly, shy or aggressive, competitive, serious)
-A Perfect Model Student @ Eirei (Perfect Attendance, Follows instructions to the letter, etc.)
-Watches Anime in the limited free time she gives herself, every genre, but she only has enough time to watch a single episode.
-Himura DNA inside of her to keep her looking young

Her Quirk is Tidal Wave. Her family is the Yukimura Family, a well-known family, who are retainers to the Himura Family. Also, The Guiding Water Hero: Glaser is Shinon's Mother, the Number 8th Hero.

I think Shinon would praise Kaguya's quirk as impressively cool. All because she follows her mother's principles of guiding others. It is better to use positive connotations when describing other's quirks. Shinon does understand the concept that Kaguya is going for. She's not a hardcore mecha fan like Kaguya, but she can understand where the concept comes from. It's a bit funny, but she hasn't ever played a video game before and would be lost in trying to play any of them.

@Stern Algorithm

I’ll throw my hat in here about Yozoru

* Has a vested interest in Astronomy as a result of being born with a star in her chest
* Trustworthy
* Respectable grades when it comes to STEM related things (naturally) like space and Astro-tech
*Primary personality traits include emotional intensity, do or die attitude, extroversion and sympathy
*Wears revealing things like fishnets, crop tops and ball shorts because her body doesn’t handle heat well, due to her quirk raising her temperature to a fever temp normally, (she’s used to this of course) basically she always dresses like she’s in Arizona during the summer
*Not exactly well organized, knows where things are but only casually
*huuuuuge lesbian (space is a lesbian, it’s not called a gal-axy for nothing)
*Very proud of herself physically, and treats her body like a temple, because she is the god to which it is devoted. After all, not everyone has neon-violet glowing hair and hydrogen-blue glowing eyes


As co-gm I ban thee

Just kidding
Let’s get this bread

In the midst of taking in the nostalgic sight. A voice made itself very much apparent.

A cold voice, directed right at Linus.

“My my, why do we have here?”

Linus casually turned around on his spot, looking the strangely dressed man in the face. Silvery clothes, a garish hood. He wasn’t exactly dressed to impress. Not to impress him, anyway. ”Metas around her look like that these days?”” He asked, lazily standing up with a turn toward the stranger. Hands in his pockets, and an uninterested look on his face. Linus was used to strangers. The fact is, he was standing in this city as a stranger himself given that he hasn’t been here in two decades.

"What I want to know is...what a man like you, one of the most powerful meta's in Tenebrae history, is doing back from the dead. You go by many names, Rainsinger. Or should I say... Mr. Danvers."

”Is that name supposed to mean something to me?”

Whoever this hooded guy was, he tapped a nerve. It didn’t show on Linus’ face. Rather, he cocked his head backwards in an apathetic gesture. His entire demeanor suggested he was not the least bit intimidated by this encounter. An unusually dressed man approaches you, just as you touch land after a full day of sea travel, and starts rattling off dead men’s names, and demands to know your business? For some, that’s probably a bit touchy, but not Linus. After all, if this guy knew that name, he would know that it would be unwise to try anything funny, given the fact that were standing right beside the ocean. Anyone who had even the slightest idea as to Linus’ dead reputation would know that fighting him in these conditions meant nothing less than suicide.

Wind breezed past the two of them as the sun rose higher into the day. Linus was wearing cargo pants and a button down shirt with sleeves to his hands. The kind that can be closed around you like the coat he also wore. His appearance was very casual, very forgettable, unlike this man before him. Linus could hear the waves crash against the rocks below the pier. The air was cold and unmoving, one would think there was tension between the both of them, but really, Linus couldn’t be bothered to feel any kind of concern for this situation. He stood with the feeling that he could walk right past this hooded man and not give the slightest of a damn if he pulled a knife. There was nothing to read on his face except pure disinterest.

After an eternity of silence he spoke up.

”Do I know you?”


”So, a little drone. Alright.” To say nothing of Dream’s coffee proposal, they talked longer into the night until eventually, it was time for everyone to go back to sleep. Ellie woke up that morning just fine, and made a point to only drink some coffee today. Thankfully, today was a Saturday morning, so there wasn’t much that had to be done in the way of normal human living. The apartment was quiet, dim light coming in through the curtains before she opened them. This was what she was used to. Peaceful. Solitary. Her own slice of calm in this hectic city. So, the first thing she did was check her door, and lo and behold there stood a metal case with a highly sophisticated drone. ”Damn. 50... 220...” She muttered to herself, peeking at the parts, the horsepower of the motor, the voltage it ran on, and such. Takeda seemed...paradoxically prepared at this point. He was a fidgety mess about this mission, and yet he had something like this ready to go. Thankfully, Dream seemed to be more level headed, but still, even if they did manage to get this in successfully, how would they extract the heart from the lab? Things just didn’t add up.

An hour into her day, some milky coffee, and a few swings at the bag in her sweatpants and tank top, like the lazy bee she was, her phone went off. Probably some girlfriends messaging her about the day. Typically, she went out with some girls she knew and hit the town, so to speak. They were good friends, not the kind to know her secret life, but enough to feel comfortable and laugh like she does. Another ding or two sounded before she could snatch her phone off the couch with a stick of French toast in her mouth...Four notifications, three people, one group chat. They’re as lively as ever.

FRANKIE: Heyyy babes
FRANKIE: I got a bonus at the Round anybody wanna go fuck around in the city ;3

SOPHIA@42: Oooh, sounds fun...where’s our girls at?

V: Gonna be busy a bit, this evening sound good?

Ellie giggled a bit, they always were a hell of a time.

ELLIE: Sup hoes.
ELLIE: I might be a bit preoccupied by then. If not I’ll find your asses, dw up for me tho. Have fun~

Ellie plugged her phone into a charger and left it at that. Her first thing to do today? Finish that French toast. Her second? Think about what in the name of Nicolas fucking Cage she was gonna do about raiding an underwater lab with an 8 pound drone on the weekend. Hopefully, Dream and Takeda hadn’t told her everything yet. As of right now, she was a bit unprepared. They had the whole sun’s time to figure something out, at least.

"So...you're takin' that walk?


"This it for you? Going home, I mean. Ever coming back?"

"Don't think anyone else is."

"Yeah, but what if, you know?"

"Maybe, not holding my breath any time soon. Tell the boss man's family I said hello."

"I hope we see you again, Linus."

"Yeah, well, here's hoping. See you around, boys."

A small motorized boat careened through the coastal waters of Tenebrae, guided by the distant haze of neon. A single person was aboard, though there was enough seats for several, as it quietly drifted in. Tenebrae was sleep, but the midnight scene was alive and well, the nocturnal people of this urban landscape tending to their vices, their people, and themselves. No one noticed the boat, nor did they hear it as it sailed clout from the distance into the tide pools of the Navy Pier, whose old ferris wheel stood like a sleepy monolith of the calm waters. The driver of this boat knew the water, knew it quite well...Too well. There were no floodlights coming from the front of it, and there were no sounds, all that could ne hear was the faint noise of a motor, which even its night owl of a pilot didn't find terribly loud. The driver steered into a long, wooden dock flanked by a series of long poles to keep boats in the shore. In a few minutes, the boat was tied, covered by a tarp, and everything not nailed down was secured as a man in baggy, rather comfortable clothes stepped onto old, familiar shores once more. The smell of saltwater and nostalgia permeated the haze of the big city. The man was known today as Linus, Linus Malden; Though, many years ago, such a person did not exist, he does now, and he has returned. It was as quiet, and peaceful as the waters he spent days travelling along. For a moment...he just stared out at the distant buildings, remembering the old days. They were right in front of him. Eventually, he took a walk up to the pier, where everything was closed until morning. Not even a skeleton crew. Just alone time.

For maybe an hour, he strolled down the old Navy Pier, and took in the sights, many things were different, but he recognized them all the same...

"I'm back..." He whispered to himself.


I'm Dream. I've seen some of the work you do and I'm impressed, though I would have preferred to meet over coffee during daylight hours. From what I recall, you don't have a codename. What should I call you?"

The doc must’ve thought of everything. Ellie took the girl’s hand. Dream. ”Just call me Ellie. I don’t use code names. Not worried about people knowing me out there in the ‘Vig world.” she said plainly before they sat down to eat. Ellie wasn’t particularly familiar with the names of Japanese food, it was just sushi to her, tasted like Mahi. ”Mm.” According to Takeda, the police were too pressed working on regular day-to-day crime, or saving their asses. They’re not willing to go out of their way to hunt down meta-terrorists. ”Doesn’t really surprise me. Police aren’t trained for the things I gotta deal with.” That was putting it mildly.

Now, the weapon.

A weaponized storage unit. A meta battery. Designed to steal abilities from metas and and turn them wild. An unknowable number of individual, widely diverse abilities could be put together in such a thing. The very thought of it was unnerving, by the way Takeda explained it, any ability could be snatched up. To have that much power at your fingertips, only to be limited solely by your ability to capture people...Not a good idea. It became clear why Takeda needed Ellie for this: She had experience. 20 years old living under the guise of a run-of-the-mill mechanic and taking people down.

But this weapon wasn’t complete. It needed additional pieces to be complete. “The heart,” one was called. It was guarded. Very well guarded. ”How are we supposed to get behind that kind of defense in a covert mission? And underwater? My powers aren’t breathing underwater. I can blast in there if we get past that, but that’s if. And even then, the entire place would be as alert as it could be. Unless this woman next to me can breathe underwater, or teleport, or go something else, I don’t see what we can do. I don’t really know anyone who could either.” Anymore. Ellie finished off her food.

”If it means Tenebrae doesn’t get destroyed, then I’m in. But still, how are we getting there?” Ellie asked with genuine curiosity. Ellie could definitely light up and swim terribly fast, at maybe 20 mph underwater, but then she’s have to bust through walls kept under atmospheric conditions for people to live in, meaning it would be flooded, and locked down, or worse. ”I’m not exactly built for this kind of environment.”
@GrizzTheMauler@Hitman@King Cosmos

”Huh...” That snake sure didn’t last long. Oh well. ”Right- yeah let’s get out of here. Anyway, I’m S- the fuck?” A raven emerged of nowhere above Sam’s head, which damn near careened into his face. Behind him emerged a couple of guys, one claiming to recognize the god of which San was the communicator. One had Ansuz over his eye. The other didn’t seem to be talking much. ”Hey. Yeah, my name is Sam,
I’m Bragi’s mouthpiece. Anyway, I’m guessing we’re all here for the same thing right? Might as well get through it together so we don’t wind up like-“
He made a zombie-arm impression with his hands -Those guys out in the snow.” He joked following the rest with the acoustic bludgeoning instrument over his shoulder.

The way ahead wasn’t terribly long, just a stone corridor to a stone gate. The one with the torch pushed it open as light poured in. Warmth seemed to creep up as the doors showed something out of a movie. A grand castle hundreds of feet below them, and...other communicators? ”God damn. Bragi, this is what we’re here for right?”


”Damn, how do we-“ Teddy’s hand shot out a bunch of bandages like a rope down to the ground. That was a pretty neat ability to have, too bad we couldn’t hang it anywhere. ”Hm, wait- I know what to!” Sam remarked as he slung his guitar around to knock off some notes. Only three. As he did, a pair of glowing orange tunes lit up in front of everybody, they were Isa, Nauthiz, and Thurisaz. ”Let’s see if this- works!” He declared with a grunting sound as he slammed the neck of his guitar into the rocks at their feet like a spear. The instrument embedded itself in the rock with such rigidity that you’d swear it was apart of it. That was because the runes he strung together created a magic spell that made the ground rigid, the guitar unmoving, and the rock it was stuck in strong enough to hold. Normally, something like that would shatter a guitar, but this wasn’t any normal guitar.

”This thing’s unbreakable, won’t budge now. We could all climb down at the same time and it won’t move an inch unless that cloth snaps. Tie it up around there, we’ll be fine. I can pull it out of my pocket when we’re back down.” Sam told Teddy in a “fuck-you-giant-cliff manner. ”Just- make sure it don’t snap on the way down, y’know?

"Right...people going missing. Tell me what you know about this weapon. I've never even heard of such a thing." She said as Takeda punched in on his phone. "Who's that?" Takeda must've called for backup. Multiple people working together on this would make things easier, at least. One stranger in her place was already unusual, though. "Anyway, what does this weapon have to do with me? You can't just talk to the authorities about it? There has to be someone else out there who's at least somewhat more equipped to go after something like that. I need to know everything you know, or I can't help you." Ellie told him bluntly, she didn't expect he was hiding anything, but at the end of the day, he was a total stranger in the apartment of a metaphysical human's apartment in the dead of night. She had spent the past couple of decades helping people with her powers, but she always at least had some idea as to what she was getting herself into on these cold, quiet nights in the city of Tenebrae. Robberies, stick-ups, organized criminal machinations to move against the good people of the city, you name it, she's seen it and dealt with it. All without being caught just yet by the authorities who should've been doing their jobs from the start, which she always seemed to do better herself since high school.

Sometimes she had to run from the police just to make it through the day, other times her job as a mechanic only a short walk away from where she and Takeda were now served as the barest fraction of a cover-up to keep her hidden. Vigilantes are loved by the people who protect them, and vilified by the ones who should've done the protecting to begin with. Ellie has been well accustomed to working behind the backs of the government and the city for the better of its people; The police aren't trained to handle the things she handles, so she handles them instead. Villains who kidnap innocents and escape by flying with wings, fire-breathing gas station robbers who just needed money for their sick children, homeless meta kids in underground fighting rings. Tenebrae's cops don't know how to deal with those things, how do you imprison someone who can melt a cell door? You don't. More often than not, Ellie simply roughs them up beyond belief, sometimes she convinces them to see things differently, and surrender for a chance at a better life. There have, of course, been instances where she had to get blood on her hands. It's not something she's particularly proud of, but it's the truth.

Coming from that kind of life makes you have a bit of respect for that kind of person.

A bit of time passed, and while Takeda got into a more thorough background on this "Meta Weapon" he knew about, a car pulled up on the ground below, and minutes after came the sounds some someone yelling. “Ah! Don’t kill me, please!” Then Silence. It was past midnight. Who'd be doing that? It jarred Ellie a little, naturally, but when someone actually opened the door, a woman stood there with a bag of food, looking about as unamused as could me. "Food delivery." What? "Takeda. Who's this?" This was about as much company as she'd be willing to put up with this late at night, was this woman another vigilante? Hell, maybe this is all some kind of B-movie spy gig going on like in Fast and Furious. Any second, one of these two would probably flash a badge or something. Wouldn't that be amusing...Thankfully, no one in the entire building was awake right now, which was surprising after this woman just scared the life out of some poor bastard just trying to make a check. She seemed to have a rather...professional, serious vibe to her. Definitely Ellie's type. Doesn't mean they're getting along just yet though, surely.

"Uh, who're you?"

Sam Jester




Those were the three runes burning along the body of Sam’s magic guitar, which generated a respectable supply of heat, like a very large hand warmer, or a torch that’s hotter than usual. “Well done,” said the god in the drifter’s head. Bragi, bard of the Aesir tribe and the first mortal musician of the nine lands. Sam held the guitar up over his head like a lighthouse to shine through the snow that whipped through the air. He had two layers over his chest, and a pair of jeans and boots, he wasn’t exactly miserable thanks to his magic, but on the downside, the runes made the snow just ever so slightly blinding. If anything, he stuck out like a sore thumb while being somewhat warmer than anything else that was probably making its way through this slog of a storm. Anything could easily see the warm, orange glow between the snowflakes and sneak up on him no doubt. The howls of the wind were deafening, but Bragi seemed to know the way.

”Damn...how much further?” Sam called out in a raised voice, as if Bragi wasn’t between his ears already.

“Just keep moving and remember what I said.”

And keep moving he did, for what felt like an eternity. The mountain was cold, but thanks to the half-baked magic Sam still didn’t exactly know like the back of his hands, it was manageable. If you had told Sam he’d come here, to a frigid mountain in New Hampsire, a few months ago then he’d look at you like you had two heads. Still, it’s not like he hasn’t been to cold places before, but usually this amount of wind isn’t present. God, that damn wind. ”Shoulda’ brought a hood.” Frankly, Sam couldn’t see shit. Bragi had to call out like the ground was on fire once or twice to stop him from veering off a ledge. To make matters worse, the light was starting to dim. Rune magic only lasted a while, not permanently. It didn’t matter anyway, Sam was warm enough for a while. Once it faded, he flicked his wrist, and if anyone saw it, it would be like the guitar defies reality and vanished.

Which it did.

“Sam, continue on. There is a passage way out of the storm just ahead of you. Yet be ready for danger.”


“Spiders, large enough to ride as a horse.”

”You're shittin’ me.”

“I am not.”

”Well, fuck...Ay. Bragi. The dead guys are up ahead.”


Scandinavian warriors who never had the chance to find peace, cursed to wander Midgard until they can exact vengeance upon some figure in their lives. In the haze of the snow, Sam made out the look of one covered in an animal skin cloak, with an axe dragging through the snow as it stood with the stance of someone with dementia. Bragi told him about these things, said that lots of things guarded the entrance to the castle, or palace, whatever. It didn’t see them just yet, meaning it wouldn’t take Sam by surprise...meaning he could just walk up to it. Sam stared at the poor zombie motherfucker for a moment before waking slowly forward.

“Do you recall what I said?”


Finally, the Draugr laid eyes on Sam, and stared at him with cold, dead eyes. Sam stopped dead in his traps with the most deadpan, unconcerned look he could give. It wore armor made of hide and leather, a rusted knife plunged deep into its throat, and an arrow in it’s shoulder, it had clearly never been one to care for pain, and could easily fold Sam like a lawn chair with or without the axe it weakly cling to. Still, Sam maintained a look of apathy. That was the trick to dealing with Draugr: Never show fear. The Draugr simply grunted and lost interest in Sam as it turned to hobble away, Sam simply slowly strode past it as he reached for something in the winter air in front of him, a weapon. Or an instrument? No, both.

”Fuck you-“ In a flash, the untreatable guitar materialized in his hands as he swung it into the side of the Draugr’s decayed skull. A wet, stiff crack filled the air before it made a loud thud in the snow. Surprisingly, nordic zombies don’t go down that easily, so with a hiss and an angry attempt to get up, the Draugr’s grip cling to its axe tighter, before a musical sound followed suit. A glowing symbol lit up in between the two.


Suddenly, the cold became much colder for the Draugr’s whose movements became much slower until rime encased its limbs. The rune had frozen it solid. Sam followed this up with a shattering stomp of his guitar into it’s body. Now the dead fighter was just a pile of ice.


”Back to the hall of the Wave Mother with you, creature.”

”Where’m I going?”

A short while later, Sam found the entrance of a cave. It was quiet, which was good. Dark, wet, and cold, but still better than out there. Sam strung the torchlight runes again to light the way, emitting enough light to see much more clearly from his instrument. Several minutes of walking showed little resistance as his footsteps echoed off the walls of the cavern. For a spider cave, there weren’t any spiders, oh wait, there’s one. Dead. Cut in half? Damn. Sam stared at the half dead corpse for a moment, someone else was here besides him. Other communicators, maybe?

”Man, this one got- what’s that?”

Sam could hear voices.

That was people!

”Well damn, hello?” He called out as he kept moving onwards, seeing a bat in a cocoon, and eventually coming to a wall, there were people here trying to get past a wall. He stood a few feet away from them shining light from his guitar against the wall like a floodlight. A man and a woman, the man held a torch, the women held a sword. ”Hey, god people?” When the wall actually opened, there was a snake in the way. Shit. That’s a big snake. ”I’m guessing I picked a bad time to show up...” Sam raised the guitar overhead like a baseball bat in case the snake lunged at them.

”Uh- YEAH we should kill it!”

@King Cosmos@Hitman
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