Avatar of Blizz


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2 mos ago
Current Absolutely fucking not
2 mos ago
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5 mos ago
Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
5 mos ago
Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
5 mos ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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<Snipped quote by Blizz>

You better not be biting off my character idea! (JK)

I called the arsonist zombie first

A preview
@Blizz It is indeed some fuckery, yes!

@WanderingDragon@SilverPaw OOC is up!


Already have a funky idea

It involves arson
Like I said: Fuckery
This sounds like some fuckery
Ellie and Rainsinger

"This way, if we keep following the arrows on this floor then we'll be just fine."

They weren't just fine.

Ellie and Linus weaved through packs of rattled scientists being escorted by security, who thankfully ignored them thanks to the coat they nicked off that one guy they ran into. They found themselves in an open room that seemed to act like a junction point for other locations. It was flocked with personnel trying to get clear from whatever was going on. Was somebody else here?

"Those guy didn't have time to get a hold of anyone 'fore we got here. Didn't hear the alarm start up either."

"Yeah, it wasn't us. It had to be someone else. If what Takeda said was true, it's probably someone else trying to steal it." Ellie said, watching where everyone went.

"So we're racing people?"

"I guess, we just need to get to it before th-"

Ellie saw Dream, who made eye contact with her. She got caught, and was being taken somewhere by a guard, who looked noticeably pleased by his little catch. She didn't rat them out.

"Someone go escort them."

They were being waved to go in the opposite direction, and now someone was about to expose them.

That was before Dream took the "Full Send" option.

A flash of light

A bridge

And a whole lot of guards.

Dream was trying to score them a way out. If they took the play, then the whole facility would know that all three of them were in kahoots, but if they didn't they could keep a semblance of cover, maybe even solidify it more with that option. If they did that though, they'd be rerouted further away from their objective, and they'd have wasted their time trying to get this far. In the time it took them to get back to here, someone else might steal the heart, or it may already be taken out of the lab and into the city. That was Linus' thinking. If they could rush forward off that bridge, they might have just enough time to get to cover. Even if they did, everyone would be on maximum alert. It was all or nothing.

"Go!" Ellie shouted as she raised her rapidly brightening hands, Linus vaulted upwards and was now making a mad dash for the gate that the girl mentioned. Ellie's hand began glowing enough to warrant shielding one's eyes. Next, she slammed them together in what the old dogs back in the day would've called a Solarclap. It was similar to the maneuver she did a few minutes ago, only a lot more disorienting. A huge, golden flash of light following by the entire room being shook like it owed someone money. Meanwhile, a sliver of the sunlight was transferred to Ellie's legs, as she darted forward to slam her boot into the chest of the guard at Dream's side. She then grabbed Dream by the arm to bring her with them. Once Dream was in her grasp, the light that was still slowly building in her boots helped her leap forward enough to make up some distance. The rumble of the room ceased just a hair's breath before Ellie managed to start running.

"Keep running!" She called out behind her to Dream as they rounded a corner. However, as they all went down the right side, like Dream, said, they were met with a great big metal gate.

"Okay- great rescue, but now what?"

They both darted their gazes back and forth between the long hallway full of rapidly recovering guards, and the dead end where they were. A swirling stream of water snaked out of Linus' coat and curled into a sphere of water a little larger than a basketball. He prepared to slam them if they came around the corner. Ellie looked the gate up and down, it looked like it went somewhere, but this place was on lockdown, pushing it open, much to her disappointment, did nothing.

The gate wasn't gonna open easily. Alright, fine.

"Get back-"

Ellie squared her legs up as her right foot seemed to glow more intensely, like a rod of steel coming out of a forge, she then brought it into the air, and dropped all of her weight into the motion as she slammed her boot into the gate with a very loud and solid crashing noise. The kind that cars make when they smash together.

Whether that worked or not, determined whether or not they would get hounded by the guards.


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