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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
5 mos ago
Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
5 mos ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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So this is where you’ve been lol

Count me in

I have been informed of this rp by a certain someone and that it eventually opens and accepts characters by vote.

If I have the time I might give it a shot. Maybe after Zoey does because I can't compete with her.

Also hello to the 10+ people in this that I recognized, y'all just left me behind, huh.

Those pancakes were very easily done away with when the plate was sat down in front of the General. and when the utter work of art in the form of a woman sat next to her, her day just got considerably better. Fiery red hair, eyes greener than seafoam, and a sword. Her type, through and through, so she learned when a drink was sitting down in front of her.

That armor was well-worn, Lyra could tell by the way it moved under the woman’s weight. She was comfortable in it, and it said something when she didn’t move under the weight of a sword for so long. Lyra’s eyes traveled over her curiously for a moment, deciding that she wasn’t about to turn down the company of someone this attractive.

”Not at all. It gets boring in this city without company.” A small smile crept up on Lyra’s face as she took a sip of the offered drink, appreciative that the first person to speak to her was so easy on the eyes.

Ashe took the seat and admired for a few seconds the lady in front of her. Those eyes, the hair, the muscles, exactly what she wanted in her bed every night.

My name is Ashe. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. ” said Ashe with a grin and a clink in her eye, while taking a sip of her own drink.

Your accent doesn’t sound from around here. May I take a guess and say that you’re not from around here?

”You could say I was raised here. Many, many years ago, when I was young. I left when I was old enough to swing a sword. I’ve come home today after retirement.”

Lyra sipped the drink graciously. ”General Carris, a pleasure to meet you.”

Ah’.That makes sense, it felt familiar, your accent yet different. I don’t think I’ve heard it anywhere else and I’ve been everywhere else. ” replied Ashe with a wink.

Old enough to swing a sword? So, that sword isn't just for show? ” asked Ashe with a grin.

”Ah, it certainly is not. It is a weapon of war, after all.” Lyra met Ashe’s eyes with a grin herself, as she slowly emptied the glass in front of her. ”I take it your weapon is not for show either?”

All weapons are made for war. Either a war between men or a war with yourself. ” answered Ashe almost immediately. To master the way of the sword means to master yourself. “ My odachi? Surely it is for show. After all, dueling is part show and part mastery of the sword. If you’re into this particular show, maybe you’ve heard of Silver Fang?

Silver Fang. The name of Ashe’s odachi and her nickname among duelists of any repute, a name which would normally attract the admiration of the men and ladies.

”Indeed I have,” A hint of admiration could be heard in her voice. ”I am sat before a world-renowned duelist. This is certainly an honor I hadn’t expected to enjoy today.” General Carris was well-versed in the stories of men and women who rose to such status, being one such woman herself, and the name was quite familiar to her.

Ashe grinned and leaned closer, shifting her body to allow the odachi to shine in the light at the same time.

Ah, so, you do know who I am. Honor or pleasure to make my acquaintance? ” continued Ashe, adding a wink at the end.

But enough about myself. I am at a loss here, you seem to know who I am. Yet, I don’t know who you are, Carris. Beautiful name, if I may say so.

”Oh, you flatter me, Ashe.” She suppressed a giggle that would’ve sounded like a schoolgirl laugh. ”I am a retired Major General from my late homeland, Baltyria.” The General rose straighter in her seat as she spoke with pride in her deeds. ”I am retired now, and I have been feeling homesick in recent years… I decided to come home.”

Ashe lifted an eyebrow in surprise. A major general stood in front of her. Her military hunch seemed to be right. In years past, Ashe spent a few months in a minor campaign between two distant lords as a mercenary for one part, only to double cross him and join the otherside when it seemed they would win. A bounty of her head ensured but she fixed that one herself by turning someone who looked almost similar to her in.

I am honored to sit at the table of a major general and a foreign one at that. Can’t say that I’ve traveled to Baltyria yet. Been pretty much everywhere in this world in my younger years but not Baltyria. You could say I felt homesick as well, hence why I’m back after long years in this place. As much as I hate it…” said Ashe with a grin and then towards the end, tried to keep a straight face but regret creeped into her voice.

”It is a very distant place from here. Much further from Caesonia than Alidahst is. Half a year to travel home from that place in the world, by sea and then by horse.” Lyra was taking in what she could, reading this woman like a book. The slight changes in her expression implied something, but she would have pried within minutes of meeting her. ”It is beautiful there, if you ever find yourself far enough west, but I felt called back here, so I made the journey again after many years.”

I grew up here. It looked different back then. It’s a shit-hole right now. In all honesty, I don’t think I’ll ever leave this place anymore. I’ve returned home to do what I couldn’t when I left and after that? I don’t know but something tells me I won’t be able to do much more… ”. Ashe’s tone was intended to be neutral but towards the end it turned into the tone of a woman who knows that she will die and she’s welcoming it. The tone of the soldier volunteering for a suicide mission. The finality of death, a sweet embrace for one such as Ashe.

Ashe sounded like she was hiding a sense of remorse for things. Lyra knew how that felt, being in a place full of bad memories and dead ends. Although she would have loved to delve into the inner machinations of this stunning woman, they had just met, and thus more time would be required. ”There is only ever what you decide you are able to do, Ashe. I have decided I will do little more with my life than what I choose to do, else I would not have made such a journey home. I didn’t think I’d ever leave home for the first time myself, and yet I left and rose to greatness in the eyes of distant kings. You sound sure enough of your imminent future for someone who says she won’t do much.”

Taking another sip of her drink and finishing it, Ashe shook her head and then smiled. All traces of regret, death and all else removed from her face. It was a facade she kept for a very long time in front of everyone.

I didn’t leave home because I had a choice but apologies, here I am, sharing a drink with a charming woman and ruining the mood. I know what my far future will bring me and I’m ready for it, but I'm more interested in the near future or in other words, you. What do you say, another round and then…we leave this place? There’s a place close-by where we can get to know each other better. ” said Ashe with a sparkle in her eye.

”Mm. Where would that be? If I didn’t know better, I’d assume you were inviting me to a duel, but those will take place later this evening.”

General Carris finished her drink with a sly smile. ”Another drink does sound wonderful right now.”

She was curious about this woman, as she was about many women.

Ashe laughed out loud and grinned at Carris. “ My, my. You don’t know me for half an hour and you already know what I plan to do. You certainly were a good general. Those duels as they call them? Those are not real duels, mere fights that are meant to imitate the art of dueling. Real duels happen on the spot, in the heat of the moment. Feeling your adversary fighting for their apparent life, now, that…That, is a real duel.

Let’s agree then on something. I’ll buy you another drink and then you’ll follow me. Trust me, you’ll have fun and if you’re as good as you look, you won’t need to fear getting mugged or whatever else. Will that work for you?

Her expression remained set in a smile. ”You, my lady, have a deal. Buy me one more, and we’ll see if that sword really is for show.” Lyra slid her glass to Ashe’s, mentally running through observations of this woman and the way her sword was shaped. A lot could be gleaned on presence alone, after all.

Ashe smiled, took the glasses and went over to the bar, occasionally looking behind at Carris. A beautiful woman, smart and with military experience. Just that was enough for Ashe’s plans but the beauty was certainly a nice bonus.

Ordering 2 more drinks from the bar, she made her way back to Carris. Putting one in front of her and Carris’s side of the table.

Got us two more of the same as before. Hope that’s not a problem. My odachi isn’t just for fun. I spent a small fortune to get it done. Three times the iron was heated, cooled down and forged. It’s a masterpiece. ” said Ashe, continuing to explain how the odachi was made and how it was different from all other types of blades that the three kingdoms are using.

Odachis were long weapons that valued reach. Lyra knew this much. She was no stranger to curiously designed weapons. Her own sword was decorated with metal roses across the guard and on the pommel-end. The entire weapon gleamed with a reddish tint in the right lighting once it was pulled from its scabbard. General Carris happily took the drink and savored it. ”It takes a certain type of skill to handle a weapon with such reach. That is impressive. I look forward to seeing how you wield it.”

It did take me a long time to learn how to use it properly but reach isn’t everything about it. The blade can cut through armor with relative ease, not going to say what it can do to unarmored targets but I’m pretty sure you can imagine. It’s a weapon made for killing the opponent in a duel or injuring them permanently. I will not be using this for our duel. We’ll be using dull swords, heavy enough to stimulate a real duel but not enough to cut through something. ” said Ashe, the odachi she had made was for the sole purpose of fulfilling her goal. Duels with it were just training. It takes a lot of skill not to kill someone with a weapon specifically made to kill people.

She then quickly added : “That is, unless you want to try it but I’d feel bad if I would cut off your hands. They might…be of use later. ” and ended it with a wink.

Lyra considered Ashe’s words for a moment. ”Hm. Let me assure you. I won’t allow a woman, even one as striking as you, to harm me to such an extent. In my days, I’ve learned that a duel is only a duel when a real weapon is in your hands. I trust you aren’t attempting to underestimate your opponent, or more importantly, your own skill by using fake weapons.” She paused, ”Unless of course, you are admitting your skill is not to such a level that you have the restraint necessary. There is no shame in that.”

Ashe sipped on her drink quietly, listening to Carris talk.

No one said anything about you allowing me to harm you. Sometimes it just happens but I do agree that a duel works better with a real weapon. ” making a small break, Ashe took another sip of her drink and smiled at Carris before continuing “ Underestimate my own skills? I wouldn’t be where I am in the dueling world if I would do that.

As Carris said her last piece, Ashe laughed out loud, attracting the looks of different patrons.

Oh’ my lady, now you’re provoking me. Our duel will surely be fun. Want to make a small wager on it, to keep things going?

This was starting to get interesting. Lyra was at least halfway through her glass when Ashe mentioned a wager. ”Well, that would certainly make this day better. What did you have in mind?”

Depends. Money? ” said Ashe, pondering it for a second then shook her head.

Nah, that would be boring but I’ve got an idea. What about a kiss if I win…or more?” continued Ashe while grinning

If Lyra’s smile could get any wider, it would have.

”Oh, I’m almost inclined to forfeit were it not for the fact that I have a reputation to maintain. I’ll accept that wager. But, what if I win? What do I get in return?” She asked with a sip of her drink.

If you win? Good question. I don’t lose duels but for the argument's sake, Let’s say…I’ll make you happy? ” replied Ashe almost instantly with a wink at the end then quickly downed her drink.

”Oh, I’m sure that you will. Some extra satisfaction after a quick victory sounds lovely at this hour, if I do say so myself.” She caught the grin on Ashe’s face, and was already formulating a battle plan.

A quick victory? Now, who’s underestimating whom? I didn’t earn my reputation for nothing. Let’s up the wage then. I win, you make me…happy. You win, I will make you happy. Agreed? ” said Ashe, half laughing-half grinning.
”It’s a deal. Where will we be drawing swords, my fair lady of the morning?” Lyra asked with a quick downing of the last quarter of her drink.

Ashe stood up and motioned Carris to follow, after leaving one coin on the table as a tip to whomever will get to it first. She knew very well that some urchins or children of the street would occasionally go around pubs early in the morning, looking for lost coins.

Please follow me. I’ve got the perfect place in mind. I trained there when I was younger and still hiding from my parents who didn’t want their daughter to be unlady-like as they called it. ” her tone dropped a bit at the mention of her parents. A verbal tic that she never managed to remove.

”Mm. Lead the way, then.” Lyra stood up, straight and dignified with her hand resting on the pommel of her sword out of habit as she adjusted the collar of her outfit, following Ashe out and toward a battlefield.

I was originally thinking about chalking his presence in this setting as a mystery but saying Trinity's Deluxe skin had a hand in a cyborg psychic being wanted by the state sounds comical
@Omega Man

My dude basically has an unnaturally high brain power as a result of cybernetic augmenation done to him without his consent, it also means he can stand some environmental stuff most humans can't but it's mostly mental stuff. He can skim someone's mind, give people a nasty migrane to deter them or just shoot them with a brain blast, he's a kind off evasive dude who isn't really geared for head on fights but he can find solutions to shit in a pinch, smarter-not-harder is his whole thing

@Omega Man

I was honestly thinking not humanoid but human entirely. He doesn't remember how the hell he got here
Thats a lot of stuff lmao

My character's concept is a lab rat who doesn't have a lot of distant memories, experimented on with off-the-books tech that gave him psychic powers which can influence technology. He escaped and took some people down on his way to freedom and now the united planets and probably other people treat him as a massive criminal who is "highly dangerous and highly unpredictable" when he's just trying to figure out where his next meal's gonna be
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