Avatar of Blizz


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Current Absolutely fucking not
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5 mos ago
Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
5 mos ago
Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
5 mos ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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I’m fine either way, I wrote down potential stats for a character as well as a concept of moves but I’m okay without them. If it brings in more players maybe dropping the stats would be beneficial.

Also, do you plan on making a discord any time soon? We could probably discuss things easier in a server.
This seems kinda cool

I already have an idea not gonna lie

Physic technological bullfuckery and treason

The warm morning sun had been sorely missed in many seasons. The clear, lovely sky of a new day never dulled in Caesonia. Another day of sun and calm winds. This, however, would not be so typical a day for the royalty.

A woman on horseback made a long and winding journey to this kingdom, weeks had passed since she set out from old Baltyria. Through rain, snow and the turning of the seasons, the castle of Sorian finally stood in the distance out from the rocks and trees. The horse she rode was adorned with dark brown fur and the occasional fleck of beige-white. The saddle was not cheaply made; Cream-tinted leather sewn with red trim and silver metals decorated the beast. He trotted along the main road to the Sorian proper with confidence. The woman who he carried was no less decorated, wearing a militant uniform of red and white. There were medals and badges of honor sewn into the front, rose-tinted metal cuffed the ends of her sleeves and the buttons of her uniform. She wore boots high to her knees made of black leather that looked old, but very well-loved. At her hip rested a scabbard equally adorned; Silver plates with lines of red and stark white, surrounding a worn emblem of a kingdom, or perhaps a house, that one would be hard-pressed to identify. The hilt of the sword was curious, aesthetically speaking. Sharp points of solid metal led to shaped, ornamental roses acting as a guard and pommel.

Her hair swayed faintly in the calm breeze, and she eyed the distant buildings with a curious, quizzical expression, like she could discern a dozen truths about the kingdom from the very architecture it consisted of. Her head was raised in confidence, or even familiarity with the kingdom itself. This was not a woman to be doubted. The kingdom drew closer as she patiently nudged her steed along with little more than a single syllable, and soon enough, beyond the gates they were. Her stature, and the air of confidence gave the guards little pause. They took her for the official type of visitor. She inquired at the gates about locations, and found one of the more respectable stables for her companion.

Major General Lyra Carris left her distinguished steed to rest after a long journey and continued on foot. The three-inch heels of her boots clacked against the stones of the roads and sidewalks she crossed. The sword at her side and the uniform on her body meant that people were quick to not walk in front of her and clear the path. Though she looked intimidating, her expression showed no signs of hostility. The general was, in every sense of the word, a stranger to this place. Rumors would no doubt spread before long, but they would be only just that. She was hungry.

Soon after, she found herself at a breakfast bar. To say she stood out was an understatement. A military general dressed in the colors of a place that were not the colors of this place, with an equally strange weapon hanging off of her side. She paid for a meal with the typical Caesonian gold currency, leaving a generous tip as she ate her breakfast in peace. Seven frosted pancakes ringed with fresh berries and syrup. It was good, especially after the long trip she has arrived from. While General Carris enjoyed her food, she took in the scenery, listening to the gossip that occasionally passed through the place while intentionally paying little attention to what stares or whispers by be about her presence.

She, of course, had her own itinerary to keep to, but for the time being, what harm could come from enjoying the atmosphere?
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Isolde Ryder

Time: 2pm
Location: Guarav Village
Interactions The Fuckwit Brigade and Corporal Yiffenheimer

In four months of being trained and drove into the proverbial dirt by wolves, Darius' hardass brother, and the entire world turned Isolde into what passed in her books as a badass. Physically being worked to the bone by military-level training was a slog unlike anything else, learning about Avalia was draining, and being pestered by the occasional furry that snuck past the no-crossing line was awkward, but, god damn, did Isolde feel nothing short of alive as a result. She gained a few pounds over the months, but they were pounds of muscle from the exercise, and more importantly, she gained a very useful knowledge of lightning magic that she got rather intimately acquainted with. Between the humidity and the overall mugginess of being in a forest, Guarav was actually a nice place in her opinion. She didn't seem to mind when she was developing the attitude she was. Of course, being shoehorned into the training was annoying at first. Isolde could appreciate someone trying to train people, but she wasn't a soldier like Dante, let alone his lackey. Still, she stuck with it because it lit a fire inside of her, ironically enough, that made her want to push herself. The others were nice company. Mostly Darius and Aidan. Darius had a similar mindset to her, they both just let things come as they went, and Aidan? God damn. She just got it. Dante meant well, but he was nothing short of the hardest hardass she ever met, and Aidan knew it too. The two female members of the Goon Squad had little trouble connecting and kicking back when they weren't being slowly killed by the training. Their individual mindsets towards freedom and authority made them natural friends in this environment. Menzai was odd one out for her. He was always distant and objective enough that he didn't seem to ever fit in despite his thinly veiled curiosity regarding humans. Isolde never had any difficulty getting worldly information out of him, though. He was a big help in finding their ways in the world, and for that, she respected him.

The best part of it all, though? The lightning. The power in it.

Isolde needed only to twitch her fingers, only to reach into the open air and sparks would erupt in a brilliant fulmination of magical energy. Teal blue tines of forking plasma that were an extension of her own willpower moved through the air, snaking out to lash out in a grasp for conductivity. And she would reel it back in as easily as she had brought it forth. It was exhilarating, and only compounded the satisfaction that Isolde gained from the last four months of training. In this time, she spent a great deal of money on things ranging from more Avalian-like clothing and the usual self-care products to a horse and arms. A brown and white horse named Miri, who she bonded with rather swiftly. Her weapons were a simple dagger used in times of emergency, and more overtly, a spear composed of solid, magically treated cobalt. The head of the spear ended in a blue-tinted, convex blade no longer than Isolde's hand. It had weight to it, but it was hers, and by now it felt natural to wield. This spear was her main weapon, which she had been teaching herself to use in tandem with her magic, since cobalt was one of the most conductive metals that could be used to forge a weapon with. Silver was objectively the most conductive metal known to man, but Isolde's knowledge of Avalian metal was limited.

The day was approaching fast when they would be finished with their training, and it looked like the others were already gathering. Menzai, Aidan, and Darius. They were all three just as badass as she had become in their own rights. All three of them had ways their magics could be paired for more nuanced affects. Seeing everything come together this way was something they all deserved to be proud of. Earth never gave her this kind of life. Isolde felt more like herself now than she ever did before the rift opened under her feet, and she loved it. Having moved through Guarav to the meeting spot on Miri's back, Isolde looked just as different as she had become. Her earth-bound clothes long gone, she was dressed like the wizard she was. With her spear across her lap, the atmosphere she gave off said, "I am ready." "Your brother too busy dreaming about giving us work to get her on time?" That was very obviously a joke, one they all could relate too. Isolde slid off the horse's back with her spear. Isolde's grip flexed around the weapon as sparks danced into the air, scattering with faint traces of turquoise light. This had become second nature to her, it was in her blood and flowed through her like breath and life itself.

Isolde radiated confidence now, with an unflinching, upturned expression that the group hadn't seen until recently.

"What's going on today?"


Striding out in front of everyone and standing over a head taller than the taller people in the team, while they had costumes and she had a veritable tank with legs was an interesting feeling. Ever since she got her powers, Scraprig's mind had been full of ideas pertaining to things that were like this suit. Heavy, imposing machines where she was the computer running them. The arm she had built for herself fit that, considering it weighed at least 30 pounds on its own, but seeing the shock and surprise on the faces of her fellow Wards was almost as gratifying as putting on her costume. Bev's fainting gave her pause, but the Vice-Director and Gray Man had her covered. Everyone else's costumes were just as damn good-looking as the one she had under the several-ton coffin she was piloting right now. Hearing the explanations of everyone's powers, a few of them really stood out to her. Crosspoint had some kind of blaster power that gave him shaker-like control over a spot if he put enough swords in it, and V- what the hell did you even classify that as? Striker?

In the times Jane spent at the library between scrounging for crumbs and building freakish tech, she logged a lot of hours on Parahuman forums looking into all manners of cape knowledge. Strikers made things happen by touching something. Based on what V said, she just made things with no major stipulation. It was a weird kind of power, she heard about others doing the same thing where they produced objects- they really needed a 13th classification at this point- that had their own rules. If you specifically produced only guns, were you a Blaster? Whatever, she thought, it was weirdly complicated, and Jane didn't like weirdly complicated things. There was other shit to worry about. An attack on the museum wasn't good. Why there? She wasn't the most tactically intelligent person, but who attacks a place full of cape history unless they're just pissed? It didn't add up, but if they were going to attack, then obviously someone had to be there to do something about it.

So, naturally, the kids got to do it.

"Well, I got this thing-" The radio-conveyed voice said as the machine's arms deliberately moved in a presenting gesture. "It's big and heavy, takes some pretty big punches. Not much else it does, so- you know, just let me handle that? Pretty much a Brute cape when I get in this thing and it's built like a tank. It doesn't really do a lot more, unless you hide behind it so you don't get shot." If nothing else, Jane was at least somewhat less squirrely inside her robot. Maybe it was the fact that she looked like she could punt Gaia across a football field like a sack of potatoes. One damn day...

"So- the museum, huh? Who's gonna attack it? Are we all that's there aside from the security around the place? Is- Is anyone coming? Do we get backup?" She sure as hell hoped so. Honestly, she hoped the Directors would answer all of the above. If it was anyone who turned everybody into arsonists again, that would've been a dealbreaker right then and there- it would've been just like those guys to do that- and she'd go right back to the junkyard. Overclock had experience, but he already looked like a total hardass. Not the most leader-like dude she's met. Not that she met many leader-like people, but impressions mattered.

"It's not just us...right?"
You followed me here didn’t you lmfao
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Isolde Ryder

Time: Night
Location: River Port Beach
Interactions: Dante @Alivefalling, Darius @funnyguy, Aiden @Potter
Equipment: Clothes

Disguises would have helped immensely, especially if it meant she could breathe for more than a minute at a time. Hearing them all talk to the newcomer as casually as they would each other was disarming in a sense. Isolde felt safer than she had since she first arrived in Avalia the other night now that she was around other humans who actually understood her situation. Elemental magic, summoning, a war, disguises, it was all starting to come together as a picture in her mind. Isolde wasn’t many things, but she was one to push through rough moments; she wouldn’t be alive right now if she didn’t have plenty of grit. These two were brothers from earth. The fox-man was a native of Avalia. This Aidan girl was probably a human given she mentioned being in a disguise. Isolde felt a lot more at peace now that there were others around. If she stuck with these people, she’d have numbers and maybe even a sense of composure from being in a group.

”Okay…right. I need a disguise. I need to stay hidden from dark elves because light elves are fighting them and they need help. Okay. I get it now.” She looked down at her hands again, and this time she made the sparks come to her fingers. Clarity in this moment meant clarity in the mind. The way the energy flowed, the way she could reach for the particles to take hold…it felt clear on this night.

”And I’m supposed to figure this out and put it to good use. Lightning at my fingertips to win a war. I think… I think I can do that.” Maybe she couldn’t, but she also couldn’t just stand on this beach and do nothing at this point.

”My name is Isolde Ryder, by the way. I think I should with you guys since you know what you’re doing better than me right now.”
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Isolde Ryder

Time: Night
Location: River Port Beach
Interactions: Dante @Alivefalling, Darius @funnyguy
Equipment: Clothes

Ah. She was in another plane of reality to fight in a race war. Fantastic.

This Avalia place looked beautiful, at least. Light elves summoned Isolde to this world, got killed by her new friends from the forest, and left her to die to them and figure out how to blast lightning from her fingers her own damn self. Faaaaaantastic! By the looks of things, Isolde wasn't the only one in this world that had magical powers. In fact, every human did, even if they didn't know it yet. That magic was supposedly the key to solving this war that was going on. These brothers, Dante and Darius, both seemed to know their way around the place. And...the dog man. Menzai. Isolde looked between them and at the guy standing far off to the side. He looked like a character out of a generic anime-adapted manga with that hair and those dog ears. Their chaperone, huh?

"Okay. Dante. Darius...Menzai. Okay." Isolde was doing her best to take all this in, which was easy considering she was fatigued out of her mind. "We're here to fight a far. In a place we don't understand or belong in. Where there are elves trying to hunt us. And the ones that aren't...Left me for dead."

Oh boy.

"Something tells me I need to stay with you three. Since, well, you sound like you know what's going on better than me."
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