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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
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Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
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i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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Great. Action.

Just what they needed. Just what she needed.

On the bright side, Jane got to play around with the tech she got to work on with Fashionista. That part actually interested her a lot, so she made her way down through the hallways of the wall-doors a little quicker than everyone else, and when she got there and into the locker rooms, making sure no one was around her as she changed, she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. It was actually built in one piece. Jane’s costume, her armor, and the frame that she put together from materials that Fashionista helped her get her hands on. The best part was that the materials were actually pristine, and not reclaimed junk that still had rust clinging to it. Jane felt…more than a little floored that this was all hers.

A pale blue and white layer of fabric underneath hardened layers of armor protecting her at arms, legs and chest with a full-face helmet that was no doubt made of something bulletproof…Hopefully. One of the arms of this suit was actually built to encase her mechanical right limb. Where the left arm of her cape outfits consisted of arm guards and a nylon glove for finger protection, the right one had what was essentially a mechanical sleeve with internal components designed to sync between her arm and what she wore over the outfit. Jane’s tinkering had no room for autonomy, therefore, she was both the battery and the computer for whatever she built, even if she was working with other tinkers.

She slid everything on. It all fit so perfectly. Everything Jane had been wearing over the last year was either stretched too thin, or clung too tightly to her. But this…It was made for her, and it actually felt like it. The inside felt so soft and smooth against her skin, it felt breathable, but also warm on the inside. Jane wasn’t prepared for realizing that it mattered so much that the inside felt warm. It was like wearing a blanket. Jane couldn’t help but stand there, looking at herself through the tinted visor of her helmet and feeling the connection of her right arm’s shell. Jane could feel the sensation of air over her arm, even though it was made of steel and layered with more metal. Her arm almost felt like flesh again.

There was something about seeing herself look so different, so unlike what she was once that caused Jane’s eyes to grow rather misty the longer she stared. She didn’t know why, but this just felt right. It felt cathartic in a way, like things were going her way for once. Maybe this would actually be a good thing, Jane thought to herself. Maybe she could feel like this more often, feel like she was comfortable in her own skin. She felt like she would like that, if she could choke back the tears she could feel welling up. Jane had to pull the helmet back off and rub her eyes for a minute and breathe. Fashionista put up with her long enough to construct all this just for her, and Jane struggled the whole way through to even get the idea across. She was so nice about it all, and it came out so good. The only reason she wasn't sobbing like an idiot right now was because she knew the others were still around and might hear her losing herself over a costume.

This was almost too much for her, and she hadn't even stepped inside the actual suit just yet.

Waiting in one of the HQ's wall-doors with the rest of the secured tinker-related gear was Jane might have called the "Rig" to her Scrap. It was a foot taller than her, about as bulky and heavy-duty as it could possibly be and was built to interface with Jane. It was a very bare machine on the inside, only having as much information to display as the driver's seat in a car, but it had all the necessities that a person would need for being classified as a Brute. While it didn't share the mechanical arm theme of her costume, it was equipped to receive signals from her brain, draw power from her passenger once she was inside, and if there was a god willingly to throw her a bone, function properly when a villain swung something at it. Jane walked around behind it and reached her arm towards the hulking shell as the plates in its back and midsection slid away with a loud whirring noise, revealing a hollow chasm that Jane was to climb inside with hand grips on the shoulders, and footholds in the back of its legs. When she climbed inside, Jane found her legs fit cozily inside of its own upper legs as comfortably as she did her costume. Her left arm was no exception, and once her right arm was slid into place, Jane felt a jolt of sensation go across it and up into her shoulder. The entrance she crawled into closed like a vault door, and the interior of the Rig came to life. The sound of hydraulics flexing and steel plates groaning signaled its rouse from slumber like a pair of lungs drawing in the first breath after a coma. The arms were heavy, but they felt like an extension of her own body. The midsection rumbled with the chime of interlocking, galvanized steel grates. The Rig's joints, made from free-spinning motors, all reached for the shard of Jane's powers, and she could feel the tug in her mind. Everything steadily stretched and loosened like muscles as her power filled the machine.

The gentle hum of metal sliding across metal was the sound-off she had been waiting for. When the lights flickered on inside the dome that served as a near 175-degree field of view, and the rails locked into place, the Rig was now declared alive. There was a hissing noise like a can of pressurized air being sprayed, and the limbs bent into alignment at their joints.

Jane, now six feet and seven inches tall, strode down through the basement back to where the rest of the Wards were. She was well over a head taller than them all in her Hulkbuster-esque machine.

"Wow, this- this thing actually works. That's two surprises today, I think." Her voice was transmitted from inside the cockpit of that metal statue through a radio speaker, and echoed throughout the halls. Jane wasn't kidding when she made things that were big and heavy. It's footsteps were announced by the sound of parahuman-powered hydraulics, and it had the momentum of a bulldozer.

"Ready to go."
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Isolde Ryder

Time: Night
Location: River Port Beach
Interactions: Dante @Alivefalling, Darius @funnyguy
Equipment: Clothes

The second day was growing shorter and Isolde still didn’t rightly know whatsoever what she was doing here. She spent a while on the beach, taking some semblance of peace in the beauty of the setting sun over the foreign ocean. The brief respite of peace she had was spent taking her mind off of things by trying to understand the lightning she could call from her hands. Earlier, as she ran through the forests like hell was on her heels, the storm she had her hands wrapped around was dancing around her as if she had full control over all the power she didn’t know she had yet. Now, all she was able to do was push it out into the open air and hide it if she wanted. Sparks danced through her fingers and back. Isolde half-heartedly weaved the electricity into strands and fizzled them without really understanding how.

Teal-blue light poured from the lightning and lit the sand up around her, enough that people- humans- noticed her. They called her name, and she almost jumped back given how on edge she had been lately. Her lightning was putting her at risk of being…hunted? Killed? Almost like she lost focus, the crackling lightning faded when she turned and saw the person who walked up to her. He was a human, and he had another human companion not far from him…Was that a person with dog ears?

”Killed? I- What?” Granted, Isolde had been almost killed by four different animals on the way here. ”I don’t know what’s happening. I fell through the ground, then I’m getting chased by…something that looks bears and now this-“ She gestured to everything around her. ”Where are we? What’s going on? How- how did I even get here?” She expected the guy to actually know something considering he didn’t have horns or goat legs or something else humans didn’t have.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Isolde Ryder

The last 48 hours had been nothing short of a fever dream for Isolde.

She was just been leaning against a muggy, brick building with a tired feeling over her eyes, staring out at the cloudy day wondering how many more hours of her dead-end, shitty job she would have to crank out. It was just another day in Rhode Island for her; Go to work, grind at nothing for eight and a half hours, go home, study a bunch of useless books for useless classes in pursuit of a useless associates degree, and get bitched at for the rest of the day by a mother who was either drunk, running around manic, or both. Everything was going as expected in her life, even if it had ran into a corner she saw no way of getting out of. That was before the rift opened underneath her feet and she fell through a hole between worlds.

It started with a spark in the ground, and became a gaping hole through space that she tumbled through. The next thing Isolde saw was green. Lots, and lots of green, and tea blue energy tearing off of her skin like it was…lightning. She hit the ground in Avalia not knowing what happened, and when she looked around, she was in the forest south of Aldrakh. Not that she knew this of course, after all, who would understand this? It was nothing but open, lush forest for miles and the sounds of rustling branches getting fainter and fainter.

Isolde looked up into the sky, and saw no indication of a hole she fell through, but what really distracted her was the crackle of thunder in the palms of her hands. The sudden isolation and utter whiplash from being unknowingly dropped in another reality was completely dashed as she stared intently into the blue glow that snakes off into open air from her fingertips. Sparks danced out of her hands and enthralled her in the sensation. It felt like nothing was real. Maybe she was hallucinating, or maybe she was just asleep.

And then the owlbear showed up.

Isolde recalled turning around and seeing a bear- no, an owl, no, both. It had the body of a bear, but the face of an owl. That was when she this was real. The creature reared up and let out a guttural noise that she didn’t think either an owl or a bear could make, and two more of its kind stomped up like some kind of pack. One of them made a swing at her with its paw…or its talons. The only thing Isolde recalled was throwing her hands up in her face as the owlbear was blasted with the same blue light. She ran for dear life.

The creatures followed.

Isolde spent at least three hours running through a forest she never laid eyes on blasting creatures she never laid eyes on with a power she never knew existed. The rest of that day consisted of wandering through the forest and occasionally blasting a tree to determine if she was losing her mind and scaring off the occasional wolf or other strange animal as she tried to figure out just where in the name of god she was. She also got rammed through the side by a rather uncouth burstag, but that was neither here nor there. It was a wonder she didn’t break a rib before she reflexively turned half of its face to ash.

It smelled horrible.

Everything after that was nothing short of chaos. Wandering through the forest not knowing where she was, drenched in sweat, worn to hell and back, and trying to find something resembling normalcy. It was all like one been blur to Isolde. When she finally found River Port, she realized that she was awake and, in no uncertain terms, shit out of luck. Humans with the bodies of animals everywhere, the occasional human with a human body, and elves? Isolde’s head had been spinning. Just from talking to the occasional person she passed by, she got some lay of the place, learned its name and why she got dropped in, but not what the hell she was doing here.

The cool breeze of the foreign ocean calmed her in the dim light of the twin moons orbiting this world. It was beautiful, but so alien, ironically so considering the fact that her hands were crackling with lightning in the waning light setting over the sea. Isolde was exhausted, she was weary, and in a world she didn’t not call home. Yet, the glow of her hands felt right.

”Where am I…”

Today was a boring day. Siren didn’t enjoy that.

Siren wasn’t the type to chase after pointless fights, or get impatient just because she was bored. No, in her experience, a slow day meant there was something going on in the absence of an eventful day that villains wanted to keep under wraps or it meant that the villains simply took a day off. In 24 years of being a cape, Siren rarely witnessed the latter. She was not surprised, therefore, when a member of the Think Tank had tipped them off about something that would be happening at the mayor’s office and the Museum of Parahuman History. They would be divided between looking after the mayor and watching the PRT’s latest hero initiative, the Wards, to keep them in check and in one piece.

Siren was standing by Risen and Blaster during the Director’s briefing on the entire thing. She was dressed in her usual “costume” she had always wore; the coat, the eyepatch, the whole getup, and she had also been in her breaker form the entire day, which meant there was always a Siren-shaped body of water wearing her face and speaking with her voice walking around. The cold weather did little to bother her after so many years of fighting villains in the dead of winter.

The Director’s annoyance with the way the Think Tank dropped the information on them was not lost on her. Thinkers were complicated, all capes were, but gathering information in ways no one else can through superpowers that affected your brain was hard enough. Siren found being patient with thinkers helped everyone in the long run, and let them spare their time for the real problems. The board decided that the attack on the Museum would be less important, and therefore, they should throw the children at whoever is attacking. The fact that Remembrance couldn’t tell them any more meant they couldn’t assume that.

Whenever the Director cut the feed, and Risen started planning, that was when Siren spoke up. Her voice commanded respect. There was steel in how she addressed the people around her. The tone she spoke with, and her general demeanor as a whole showed that she did not play games.

”Remembrance says she can’t remember anything more than that an attack will happen at both places. Either the Museum attack is a diversion, or entirely unrelated. Whichever is the case, we can’t afford to play favorites. The Mayor’s office will have better security than the Museum, which means the Mayor’s office is less vulnerable. It is a smaller space, and easier to guard. The mayor has guards around him to keep him safe, so if we send capes there, it will be easier to work with them given their experience. The Wards don’t have that experience.”

An attack in a public space was not less important than an attack on the mayor. ”I will be joining the Wards. I’ll see to it that they keep their heads on straight have support when this inevitably backfires. If the incident is resolved before the attack on the mayor’s office, I’ll regroup with the rest of you, with or without the Wards.”

”Who is coming with me?”
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

The sights inside Otaru indeed a terrifying sight, the thick miasma concealing the bodies that strewn across the street was not something that Honoi was prepared to see. There were some of the 30 that had gone missing, the sight of the dead was still something that he hadn't gotten used to even five years in the field. Zeal's cold critique, though still annoying, was probably well justified. If the decision had been left to Honoi he would have sent a few more Jonin in the place of his team, but Father must know what he's doing. He would not have sent them in otherwise. As he quickly shook the fear and trepidation off his face he turned and faced Iori with a raised eyebrow,

"Come now Kusanagi one would think that after all this time a few vampires would be the least of our troubles."

The slightest hint of a smirk crossed his face, something that he did not usually do, but a leader must keep his people's morale up. Hearing Iori's assumptions, Honoi activated his Sharingan to see if he could get a closer pinpoint of the researchers location. As he took a moment to concentrate he closed his eyes and drew his chakra to his eyes and in the next moment his eyes changed to the brilliant cerulean of his sharingan. As his eyes adjusted to the new wave of information he watched the flow of the world's chakra flow around him and to the lesser minds this would have been a true sight to behold. As he focused in on the source of what he assumed was the researcher the flow of her chakra was dark and sickly looking, watching it flow in the direction Iori pointed.

"Looks like your right Kusanagi, we need to head east. Stay behind me, this whole area is covered in genjutsu."

“Yeah i guess so, but still they creep me out.” Iori mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. He really hoped that the group would miss any vampires or supernatural creatures on this mission. He was glad however that the group was with him to protect him. “Roger boss.” Iori looked around for a moment trying to follow the scent from the dirt. The scent was foul which made the young man wretch in disgust. “Gross.” He thought as he moved behind Honoi. Had his sword in hand in case they ran into any creatures. Using his sense of smell to direct the group toward the scientist. Iori was not going to mention how afraid he was, wanting to look competent in front of the other members.

The rancid smell of the scientist was starting to grow stronger as the group headed east. The blonde checked his surroundings for not only clues, but for any enemies trying to ambush them. “Boss I smell something and it’s not the scent of the scientist.” Iori looked around sniffing a few times. Turning his head to the west of the group. “I believe there is someone following us.” squinting his eyes at the rows of trees in front of them. His sword was pulled out of his sheath readying himself.

The captain of the Hokkaido squad, Mizo Aberashi, felt the presence following them as well. Her hands were stuffed into her pockets and her body language proved far too comfortable for a living creature in the City of the Dead. Deep brown markings were manifested over her face, and her eyes resembled that of a toad. Whatever presence was creeping up on them did so without the element of surprise.

”I know. Use your senses, pin them down.” Mizo ordered in a quiet voice, audibly detached from the stress of the environment. She could feel the supposed adversary moving through the moondust clouds around them, but in the spirit of her calm demeanor, Mizo chalked it up to a teachable moment for the sensory abilities her squad possessed. She was channeling chakra into her hands while she looked around. ”Whoever it is, they’re around somewhere. Honoi, keep guiding us through. Iori, see if you can track their movements like I am. Let’s just keep moving forward. With caution.”

Honoi’s eyes cut in the direction of the sound, hand already wrapping a paper bomb around a kunai in his pouch. He could see the chakra build up clearly indicating the presence of a person/persons there although he could not clearly see their face,

”Sensei…There, around a meter distance in the tree line. I can see at least two bodies there. They don’t appear to be dead but their faces are obscured. Ready to strike on your order.”

He continued to walk forward eyes scanning the route in front of them making sure their path was clear,

”Kusanagi, can you get a feel for their intent?”

Iori took another couple of deep breaths of the air around him, using his eyes off where the potential threat could be. His nose could smell whoever was following them was getting closer to the group, “They are moving from the west at an alarming rate.” He could tell were two of them, something that was common for ninjas to do. “It seems to be a pair of them…” He took a few quick breaths, “Both female and I would assume heavily armed. They do not seem to have good intentions. Or should we continue on our way? Or perhaps try to lose track of them?” His question was answered by Mizo saying they should continue forward, Nodding his head in agreement. His sword was half way extended from his sheath, Once again using his keen senses to read the bodies up ahead.

”They seem gravely wounded, I can smell the blood on them.” He covered his nose with one hand for a moment, feeling something was off with the two bodies ahead. ”I believe we should proceed with caution, just in case the two are hostile.”

”If they’re bleeding, this is about to get interesting.”

Mizo withdrew her hands from her pockets, and adorning them was a pair of knuckle dusters emblazoned with a glossy red sheen. It was not paint, it was red Nichirin steel. The air against her hands would feel warm to the touch in this frozen graveyard of a city.

Anyone who might have been observing Mizo’s chakra would notice that it suddenly changed. It grew and felt dense like stone. Her hair began to stiffen like hide, and she cracked her knuckles. The markings on her face became more pronounced. The very atmosphere around her just because a pound heavier. Even the rocky soil under her squad’s feet started to hum in sync with her heartbeat. Whatever Mizo just did, it had weight to it.

”From here on, we treat this mission as critical. Assume the worst possible outcome. Sensory techniques stay up permanently, weapons out.” There was an sudden, authoritative steel in Mizo’s voice that her squad grew accustomed to over their many hours of training in the past. Their captain just took off the training wheels.

”This is what separates the ninja from the Shinobi. get ready.”

Facing: @YummyYummy, and @Pirouette alongside @Eviledd1984 and @Archangel89
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I just found this and it sounds really neat.

I just started reading but you had me at lightning magic.

When I read through everything else I might consider a character if that's okay, I haven't done proper fantasy in a hot minute

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