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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
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Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
5 mos ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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<Snipped quote by Blizz>

Haha, yeah, sounds like a cool idea, but certainly the students would not have access to Necromancy unless they did it in secret, but if they god caught, they'd instantly be expelled from the Academy XD.

Hmmmm... Okay, that actually gives me an idea. I think one of my characters will have parents who are secretly members of the newly-recruiting Cult of Tiamat, and they want their child to recruit other student to take part in secret dark magic classes. So, anyone who wants to play a dark character, feel free to choose a Forbidden Art as a secret Tertiary Arcane Art, but they won't actually learn anything in that field until the secret dark magic classes start. So, even for dark characters, still pick from the eight approved Arcane Arts to start. As for how the secret class works, my character will lead any interested students through a hidden tunnel system under the mountains around the Academy. Members of the Cult were secretly part of construction crews who were refurbishing, repairing, and updating various parts of the Academy over the Summer, and they often stayed late to work on building the tunnels and the Secret Arena after everyone else went home for the night.

When the students/aspiring villains come to the Secret Arena, they meet five members of the Cult, each one a master of a specific Forbidden Art that they will teach. The leader of these is an older woman who is very similar to a Sith Sorceress, having specialized in Cerebromancy and Electromancy during her youth, and then Psychomancy after she joined the Cult. She is wise but has a sharp tongue and issues a warning to the students: "You will see things during your time in this Arena that are not for the feint of heart, but I do not tolerate cowardice. If you want to leave now, I will wipe the memory of this place from you mind, but if you commit and then betray us later, your exit will be considerably more... violent. Are we clear?"

Gives me another idea. Someone who is, for lack of a better word, sick in some way. No doctor can help them, no healer can heal them, and the only people who can make the slightest degree of progress, even if its ultimately futile, is someone with dark magic. The character is afflicted with some kind of illness, either magic or mundane that is killing them slowly, and they believe the secret to finding a cure is through necromancy or hemomancy. Therefore, their motivation for wanting to study the forbidden arts is self-preservation. Their life would literally depend on it.

I'm gonna think about other ideas for a forbidden character because I like the idea of the whole Sith teacher vibe. Totally not because my monk is basically a Jedi lol.
I want one of my characters to be a Native American Cryomancer/Aeromancer named Winterhawk, and he's got a tattoo of wings on his back done by his village's witch doctor that can grow out into actual white-feathered wings. As a Battlemancer, he will likely take flight and then fling ice spears from the sky XD.

Two other character ideas: Someone with a powerset similar to Luck from Black Clover, combining Electromancy and Cerebromancy; and a guy who used Ecomancy and Pryomancy to create green flames that heal people.

One thing I want to remind everyone - because there are so many potential uses for each combination, please don't worry about having too many people with similar powers. If someone else has already shown interest in two Arts you wanted to use, it's still fine for you to use them, just make your application of it unique.

Oh now this gives me a weird idea.

Necromancy paired with electromancy... Magic cyborg who's permanently at death's door but magical stops the door from opening with some magic stuff. How that works when necromancy is taught under strict circumstances... I dunno but ideas go brrrr
I’m not sure what my character’s secondary would be, but I’m open to suggestions lol
<Snipped quote by Blizz>

So it would look kinda like this but with a staff? EPIC. XD.

Yeah, pretty much.

Basically Rey but cooler
That’s a good point actually… Hmmm

Edit: Oh nvm then

Here have a picture

<Snipped quote by Blizz>

Sounds good! And now I suddenly envision what social media might look like for Magi in this reality, LOL! I can just picture your character being homeschooled and looking up magic guide videos on ArcanaTube or something LOL.

This, but boosted by cerebromancy so it’s basically effortless lmao

I’m thinking I’ll go with a Cerebro martial wizard after all. I have no idea what their secondary will be though.

Here’s what I’m thinking about: Trained by a “retired” Bahamut paladin in their home, who also did Cerebromancy. This paladin taught them psionic techniques, such as telekinesis and some levitational stuff, as well as fighting skills. This paladin was like a role model for them, and they learned a lot about Bahamut’s entire ethos, though wasn’t really interesting in worshipping Bahamut. That means that they have a healthy respect for Bahamut and the teachings of honor and Justice, like growing up with someone who’s openly Christian and passively learning about the religion as a result.

Coming to the academy they’ll have some basic, homeschooled psionic knowledge and hand to hand skills, but they won’t have a level of power comparable to someone who had more formal studies because being taught by a paladin isn’t the same as going to magic school. They use their martial training to use magic, those two things are essentially intertwined. What that means, I don’t know yet but that’s what I’m going with

Focus is probably a magic staff or some other small thing they got from their teacher
So Bahamut's generally seen as the "good guy" god and tiamat the "bad bitch but not in the good way" right?

I have a bard character who beat tiamat in a card game once (astral drifter background) but I don't know that much about her lol
Okay, so here's the ideas I have

- Technomancer (Electro and geomancy)

- Cerebro monk who uses psionic magic in a more martial way, sort of like in DnD. Maybe some ecomancy for healing

- An aspiring paladin of bahamut/tiamat with pyromancy

that's what I'm considering right now
I'm put in the mind of someone who uses technomancy. Their primary is cerebromancy and secondary is electromancy, they don't necessarily build machines but they use their primary to bend the "wills" of machines (such as an AI) and their secondary to manipulate the body.

I got a question though, if the Crystal Mirror reveals someone has a "dark" aura such as the one for Necromancy, what's the procedure then? Is that student pulled from the side to be vetted for secret necromancy classes? What if they're really unfortunate and have two dark mana shades? Such as both necromancy and hemomancy?
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