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Current Absolutely fucking not
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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
5 mos ago
Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
5 mos ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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Behold. The Newport Monk. The Cancer Crusader. The man, the myth, the legend.

I've got most of my dude's sheet done

Also, you got any plans for a discord server for us to chat back and forth in?

All of my partners in crime are descending upon this thread like crows to a dead raccoon

Gotcha. He doesn't mind being approached by NOVA agents when he's out and about, and they're free to ask him whatever they need, as long as it isn't personal information.
I got a question about notoriety

My guy keeps his civilian identity a closely guarded secret, but as a vigilante he's also very public for lack of a better term. He's almost always out on the streets in bone mode, and people even take pictures with him sometimes.

Would he count as indistinct or watched?

for reference he walks around dressed in this
In case anyone is wondering, my character will basically be immune to heat and can infuse metal with solar energy to heat it to searing temps (in a nutshell).

That sounds really interesting...gives me Ghost Rider vibes

Ghost rider but as a monk. Lol.

I'll work on a sheet

I already know who I'm going for. A character I haven't had the chance to use yet.

He's a bleeding heart vigilante that hides his true identity as if he has something to keep secret, but does his best to be one of the "good ones." He's not licensed but people out in the streets see him enough that he's not an unknown entity. He's out there in costume for lack of a better word virtually every day and if he isn't busting some bad guy's face wide open he's doing good old fashion good deeds like getting cats out of a tree or lifting something absurdly heavy.

His power is that he turns into a skeleton. In that form he weighs roughly 60lbs, has a degree of super strength he can use to move around like a ninja, and is really good at turning breakdancing into martial arts. The catch is all of this runs on fuel. His powers run on smoke, so in virtually every conflict he'll be seen with a cigarette in his mouth.
I remember this one.

I wrote a character for this once but the rp never took off

Time: 11am
Location: Sorian Festival
Interactions: Sadie @Potter | Verrick @Aerandir

”Caesonia is a bit far for just passing through if you are from Baltyria.”

The presence of someone else behind Lyra elicited a sense of trepidation from her. The General was a combative woman, always on alert against a threat. That this man offered the Princess something to eat, opposed to her snack, implied he did it out of security, which further implied he was with her in some formal capacity. A bodyguard, perhaps. It meant nothing ultimately, but what stuck out to Lyra was that he seemed to be marginally familiar with the kingdom she had came from. That was certainly an interesting thing to her, but internally, Lyra knew that navigating around what he knew would be a challenge. What did he know of the place? She could not simply ask, as that would imply she was offering information. No, she had to think carefully about what tidbits of information she would and would not compartmentalize into a mental box, just to let him peek inside.

In the moment between his next question and her response, that was exactly what Lyra did. Their eyes locked, and Lyra didn't so much as blink in the face of this strange man's scrutiny. ”To my recollection, there never has been a party who’s traveled out of there…for any reason. So why now?”

"I am retired. My days as a warrior on a battlefield are behind me, and I've decided that I will let them stay there. Caesonia is far enough that the troubles of a militant life will not reach me. I heard that it was beautiful this time of year." That was her story. It was dismissive and concise enough that it gave Verrick a believable answer. War was harsh on a person, and who could blame them for retreating far away from it? Her mind was formulating various responses to multiple questions he could have asked. I'm wearing the uniform to signify I'm not to be bothered with. I look young because you're trying to flatter me. I came here and not to Alidasht because I don't like sand. The sword is a going-away gift from a friend. Being in the presence of royalty, and the general public, was something Lyra also took note of for navigating this conversation. Word would surely spread of the foreign woman in uniform from a distant kingdom, but for the time being, others were content to enjoy the festivities. If Verrick pressed and accused her of being suspicious, he'd look bad in the company of a princess. The General was content to leverage every degree of insulation, social or formal, that she had to keep herself at arm's length from both of these people.

Information was a weapon of the battlefield, and Lyra knew battlefields like the back of her hand. It was paramount that she maintained her cover if she wanted to find what she was looking for.

I just found this and you got me interested.

Also, Hi Shu

What I'm thinking of is an Iriad fire mage. Someone from the Myriad who, through hibernation/meditative states, was there when parts of the forest were incinerated. Through some weird mind-opening shenanigans, it opened their mind to the heat domain. After that happened, they're pretty much a perpetually burning tree person who can light things on fire.

Their theme song would probably be smth like this. Space wizard from a far off place who looks like they'll kill you just by breathing on you.

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