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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
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Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
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i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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In Pariah 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Pariah 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

7pm. Closing time.

Zahariel would take care of that, so while his boss was locking up, Shawn watered everything that needed water, made sure everything was put up, grabbed the tiny backpack he carried things in, and ducked his head out the door.

”Later, bossman!” He said as the door closed behind him. He tossed his bag over his shoulders and made his way towards Brigitte. It was a cloudy evening in New Haven, and it looked like it was going to rain soon. Shawn didn’t pack an umbrella, so he’d have to hurry. As he trotted down the sidewalks of the city, he saw police cars fly past. Someone he passed mentioned a fire over their phone. That worried Shawn. It couldn’t have been good.

”Okay, detour.” Shawn quickly ducked into an alley and sped down far enough that no one would see him, and pulled something from his jacket. A pack of cigarettes and a flip lighter. He lit one up and let the power flow through his lungs.

Rooftop after rooftop, Grassbones flung himself in the direction of the cars, barely touching the ground long enough to correct his course. He recognized those Variants running in the opposite direction of the smoke. Flea. That jumpy little son of a bitch stole his lighter once. Graphite would’ve taken the longest to deal with, being a Brute himself, and Grassbones wasn’t touching Noxia with a ten foot pole unless he had to.

When they split, Grassbones made a mental note of which direction Flea and Noxia went, and opted to chase down Graphite and Ruby. Those two stopped, and Grassbones recognized the person in front of them. Good old Sear, busting their chops like it was daycare. She looked like she had this covered, but the cops were on their way, and Sear was the kind of woman who gave Pariah Underground a good name, at least in his eyes. People like that deserved to be looked out for.

And so, like a 25-pound cloud, Grassbones dropped down into the alley, landing right on top of the very angry Variant named Ruby. Grassbones was surprisingly light for someone who was an actual person, so Ruby would’ve been fine. Though, having 25 pounds dropped on their body from atop a building still hurt. In the dim light of the alley, smoke rolling off of his body was hard to see, but the glow of the cigarette between his teeth gave him away. A skeleton dressed in a cargo vest, sweatpants and slip-on shoes, as if battle-readiness came secondary to comfort for him.

He looked over his shoulder towards Sear, and it genuinely looked like he smiled, despite not having facial muscles. ”Hey, Sear. Been a while. Staying outta trouble?” He jokes. Grassbones had a voice like a blender. Gravelly and airy. He turned and looked at the bag stuck to a wall by a knife, and then to Ruby and Graphite.

”Didn’t your parents ever tell you it’s dangerous to play with fire and chemicals?” He brought his bony hands up and gave his knuckles a nice crack. ”Cops’re comin’ any second, Sparky. Lemme help you wrap this up.”

In Pariah 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
you already know what the fuck 'boutta happen

The voice that Shirik heard was of a Tekeri, apparently. She was dressed rather well, and had the put-togetherness of a low noble. By her appearance, the burning being could tell who she was. Shirik studied the Tekeri's presence for a moment. Groomed feathers, unbothered body language, and yet she didn't look like a noblewoman. There didn't seem to be a weapon in her hands, but she could've been a mage if Shirik's assumption was correct.

After a long pause, they finally broke the silence. "You are from the Ascendancy." They said, more for the sake of implying it was obvious than asking. Their voice was like sandpaper against wet stone, yet distinctly resembled that of an Iriad of great age. "It is unwise to stalk someone. Dangerous, in fact." Those eyes were incapable of expressing emotion like other creatures, but it was not difficult to perceive that Shirik did not appreciate the sudden intrusion. Still, someone followed Shirik this far for a reason, and they knew it would be easy to fend off someone such as this, who had no weapon or was actively attacking them.

Whoever this woman was, they weren't a simple bandit. The Ascendancy did not send people after specific individuals for nothing. "...Sit." They said, agreeing to the woman's request.

The night was coming, and the air was growing colder. Shirik had left the town of Ertiseda a few hours ago, having stopped to rest and check their map. The usual odd looks and skittish trepidation had been expected, but Shirik was just lucky they stayed dry after the talk with that innkeeper back in town. Stars began to come out as the distant moon soon would rise into the sky. Shirik had been all over the world of Kanth-Aramek by now, but the mountains were always a sight to behold. Even in the quiet company of an eternal flame, they felt at home when they could travel from place to place. Shirik threw their hood overhead as the sky began to darken. It was easier to travel at night when they didn't glow as brightly.

It had been a very long time since Shirik first emerged from that cave, since they became a new person altogether. Since then, their life became much simpler than their days in the Iriad. Walking from place to place and lending a burning hand to those who could benefit from it, and resting for the sake of quiet contemplation were most of what Shirk did. They had considered going to the Ascendancy to make a life there, but that was a decision that they never made. Shirik took a turn off the regular road, and made their way up the mountains into the woods. They were always so peaceful at night.

In one hand, Shirik held a staff made of wood and small stones of various origins. It was part walking stick, for trekking through unexplored places, and part magic instrument, for when Shirik needed it. In the growing gloom of the forest, Shirik glowed like a warm candle. Anyone following them would be able to track them easily if they paid attention, as they had their guard down enough to let the flames do as they pleased under the cloak they wore. Eventually, Shirik came to an open spot between the trees, a meadow of undisturbed grass and flowers atop a peak overlooking a valley beneath. Not a sound could be heard, and overlooking Shirik's surroundings was a cloudless, black sky glittering with stars and the moon of Kanth-Aramek. It was a beautiful night, and it was quiet.

Shirik liked quiet.

Shirik lowered their hood, and walked to the edge of the cliff they stood over, breathing in the night air. The flames that seeped from under their skin seemed to settle and burn more gently at the sight of the sky. There were many things that irritated Shirik, and many things that pushed them into a jagged mindset all too easily these days, after the things they endured. Anyone who had to fight and claw their way to survival had a short fuse. But it was evenings like these, so peaceful and wonderous, that reminded Shirik that they were still here in the present. Life had moved on, and they were there to catch up with it. They were alive. Shirik bent down and sat on the ground, with a tree at their back. On their right was the moon, and on the left was the path they took up here. Shirik's cloak had come open, and yet the forest was untouched by the fire that rolled against their skin when they touched the forest floor. They shut their eyes, and let everything fall away. Twere at peace.

At least, they were until they heard a twig snap behind them.

Shirik's left arm shot upwards, pointing straight in the direction of the sound, as they made a gesture with their hand. Ring finger curled inward, thumb pointed to the ground, with their remaining fingers pointing outwards in a trident shape. Suddenly, a streak of brilliant sparks was sent in the direction that their middle finger was facing, splattering against a nearby tree. Oddly enough however, the tree was completely unharmed. Not even a trace of singed bark, as if nothing happened. The rest of Shirik's body had stayed completely still until after this spell was cast, at which point they turned their head to face whatever had followed them, their eyes flickered like glowing coals from a furnace in the moonlight.

"Show yourself."

In Pariah 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Gives me the urge to write another character who’s a technomancer

Manipulates machines and cybernetic stuff with their mind
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