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Current Absolutely fucking not
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5 mos ago
Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
5 mos ago
Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
5 mos ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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You may now make as many Deep Rock Galactic jokes as you see fit.

Does Teddy play Skyrim

Just another day in Redline.

Bastion sat with her back against the wall of the van, arms crossed in her new armor, internally thinking of what this team could do when they worked together. Sure enough, priority number one was to evacuate the building, and then do what needed to be done. Based on the information given to them, Bastion was led to believe that both attacks were legit and that the intention was to keep the PRT distracted two separate ways. Bastion had been to this museum a few times, and was well aware of the deactivated tinkertech it held. "Deactivated" only meant it didn't have a power source, and could be activated if a power source was introduced. That was an alarm for Bastion, and she made a mental note to lock down any access to that tech if she had the chance. In the meantime, she needed to consider what the others would do. Not everyone had experience like her.

"The museum is a big place, with a lot of places to break in from. If we're going to evacuate people along with security and the Guardians, we'll need to keep an eye on them, and make sure there aren't any ways we can be surprised once the people are out." Bastion spoke up finally, sounding confident. "The Guardians will know what to do, but if any of you are nervous about this, don't be. Siren's one of the scariest shakers in the city, and the museum will have security guards already protecting it. It's very possible whoever is staging this attack will want to go after the tinkertech in the museum, and I'm certain the Guardians know that too. Anything can happen, but if we'll be fine."

Bastion told this to the others mostly because she wasn't sure what kind of experience they had with the cape world. Bastion had been all over Redline for the last two years and had seen more than her fair share of chaos. It's easy to get overwhelmed by it all when something first happens. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face, after all, especially when they were an absolute baby like Carmen seemed to be. Her other reason was for peace of mind. It was always hard to adjust when multiple powers got thrown into the same scene, and the last thing any of them needed was panic thrown on top of that.

"Some of you might already know who I am, but if you don't, my cape name is Bastion." She raised one of her armor hands up between all of them and used her power, a golden light flickered into existence, taking the shape of a thick, circular plane no bigger than a frisbee. "I make forcefields. It's a very straightforward power, and I can make them big enough or make them in a big enough amount to shield everyone here and in the other convoy if I have to. These shields I make are sturdy enough to stop a speeding car, and explode to take it out. The best part is that my forcefields disrupt powers. If a breaker touches it, they're forced out of their breaker state. Blaster attacks fizzle out, and master-stranger powers stop affecting anyone touched by them."

The small shield evaporated out of her hands. "I'm also pretty strong. I could tip this van over if I tried hard enough, and I mostly apply that in the form of either punching someone until they stop putting up a fight, or tossing a bigger shield at them at full force ." Bastion said in her usual matter-of-fact tone. Anybody who had seen the news roughly a week ago may have remembered seeing her get shot in the side by a villain named Daggershot, only to spin around and cave his chest in by hurling a forcefield at him with extreme prejudice.

He still isn't out of the hospital.

"What about the rest of you? What are your powers?"
Remember me? Bean talked me into looking at this one since it's new and not as massive as the one I tried to join last time.

If you'll still have me, I'm down to join. Since Bean asked so nicely.

Haylen had managed to get roughly a hundred dollars into his hands before he was caught red handed. A kid, by the looks of it. She didn't seem like much to him, but his human eye flicked up to her like a scavenging animal confronted by a predator. This incident could very well have been an isolated one, since Haylen hadn't blown his cover in the slightest recently. Internally, Haylen was already thinking heavily about what to do, the machine in his mind running through his thoughts at a speed most ordinary humans could not achieve. He was on the far side away from the entrance, so if he had to, he could slip into-

All of that went out the proverbial window when the girl snapped her fingers to pull out a hundred dollar bill. Magic. There was no sleight involved, she quite literally pulled it out of thin air, and she offered it to him. It read like a trap, but there wasn't much to be taken from this cash register. If Haylen followed, on of two things would happen. Either nothing, or he'd be taken out. It was a risk, but he could handle her, probably. When she walked off, Haylen followed, flexing his grip around something in his jacket pocket tensely. It wasn't a machine he could control, but it would help if she tried to make some sort of move.

@Ever Faithful
holy shit hes old
Somehow missed this and I am always up for a detective rp. I will probably go with a IRS person turned cop.

Oh hey I remember you

"...No. That noise is unfamiliar to me. What in the name the Myriad is that?" Shirk said, immediately opting to run towards the source of the noise with a rather firm stomping of the ground with their staff. A flame was lit, and as the two of them paced down the road, there it was. A bug of some kind. Massive, hulking, angry, and ugly. Shirik watched it thrash about, trying to run down a Glen. Shirik flicked their staff across the air in front of them and Kareet to launch a small flame at it, partly to get the thing's attention, and partly to lead into another spell. In that motion, Shirk swung the staff over their head in a spin, which resulted in a trail of sparks that seemed to grow brighter by the second.

"I don't like bugs. If that thing doesn't stop screaming, I'm going to bring the whole sky down on it's head. You! Move!" Shirik called out through a strained voice to the Glen as a warning. The glowing sphere of sparks announced the presence of both them and Kareet like a campfire as Shirik held it over their head. Like an axe waiting to fell a tree, Shirik held the angry ball of sparks and flames at the end of their staff over their shoulder, in a position implying they intended to throw it somehow. They were keeping one eye trained on the raging creature, and another on the Glen they didn't want to incinerate with their spell.

"Kareet, be ready to run for cover when I say so."
Would anybody like to have connections with a former murderer turned cop???

Sounds intriguing... I like the sound of that
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