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Current Absolutely fucking not
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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
5 mos ago
Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
5 mos ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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<Snipped quote by Blizz>

That honestly sounds really cool! Maybe if my storm trooper idea is approved, there could be some interesting interactions between our characters?

Could be interesting. But she's a bitter spiteful creature deep down. She's doing her best to be better than than but when you corner her, she doesn't really think about bearing her fangs. She just does it.
Hey Theyra remember me

First idea in mind: A former sith apprentice who never completed her training. She was taught by a borderline sadistic sith master, eventually got the better of him and killed his ass, ran away, and somehow got a cool robot arm somewhere in the process. By this time, the lessons had sunk in but only partially, so there is potential in her to be "redeemed" by the Jedi, but the path is gonna be rocky for her. She won't tell anyone she's an ex-sith at first but eventually it'll come up and be a reveal.

Someone else around her might even pick up on the dark anger/general sith energy she has buried deep down. She's essentially unlearning all the cruel shit done to her by the dark side.
I'm thinking on an "outcast" earthbender. Someone who did something bad, stupid or outright dangerous and isn't welcome in their home anymore. So they just wander from place to place and use earthbending to not get killed by some bandit or an angry spirit
Leah Jordan

Location: Agatha's tent > Spaceship
Skills: N/A
First Day Fit

The conversation was starting to slip away from Leah. One minute she was paying attention to Mai tackling April, the next, she was trying to think about- Literally whatever else Zarina, Andy and Sabine were saying that she missed because she was paying attention to Mai tackling April. "Uh- Hey. Maybe don't give out unsolicited advice? Y'know- Bugs people sometimes." She tried to interject, but everyone was mostly talking to each other and Leah didn't feel like she was in the group by now. She was mostly orbiting around them. And then after that, she turned around and heard the tail end of something the tiny charred freshie said in... Italian? Barking at Dorian like a drill sergeant. Leah and Dorian didn't talk much but he was at least pretty chill to her. "Hey- Don't do-" She was trying to diffuse the situation, but Dorian bit back. She hadn't ever seen him act like that, clearly the guy was bugging him.

This was starting to make Leah feel... Skittish. This was a big group forming, and bigger groups had a way of making Leah not want to be in them. She would've said something else after "Percy" had his fancy new jacket shoved in his face, but Dorian was tearing up. Leah's heart started to beat a little quicker, seeing that things were obviously getting tenser. She didn't understand what it was about all of this that made her uncomfortable. Maybe it was the crowd or the fact that she hadn't put her own reading out of her mind yet, but Leah really wasn't a fan of standing here right now. But, she also didn't want to just say that she was uncomfortable. That would've made this even worse, she thought.

"Did-" Oh. He was trying to hug everyone now. Leah wasn't a hugger. Nope.

Before she could get wrapped up in the arms of that many different people, Leah took a long step backwards, pulled out her phone, and turned on her heel. "I got stuff to do, No she didn't. "I'll- Bye." And then she strode off in what could've seemed like a hurry. She happened to be walking in the same direction that Victoria had went- Towards the Kree ship. She typed something on her phone as she walked. April's phone would ding with a message. Just a single sentence from Leah.

Earthbender: Too many people.

Way too many people. Leah walked with her face pointed at her phone for several minutes, until accidentally shoulder checking some green-haired girl from behind. Zarina. "Shit, sorry." She said, not realizing how far she walked just yet.

Looking over the races quickly gave me a couple concept ideas

*An econoid who fused with a dead cyborg and is now this weird mass of flesh and metal. Probably has the body proportions of shrek or something. Basically a walking hulkbuster, resident "big strong guy" and probably has a voice in his head telling him things like "let me die already."

*A discarded suffering from MAS. A fucked up looking motherfucker who fancies himself a "tech priest" who defected from the Old Guard, which probably means they want his head. He attempted to loophole his augmentations in such a way that his MAS is less impactful, to an extent I haven't worked out yet. Probably lives in the labor sector with the metal work union as a repair person.

*A renegade ghost who acts like a glorified mercenary in the Cloud. They do whatever the hell they want and accept payment for reasons no one is really sure about. Most people probably don't even realize they're a ghost because they tend to play tricks on people to avoid anyone looking for them. "I'm just a really lucky econoid who bonded with some armor." or "I'm a discarded with a few hydraulic muscles." That sort of thing. The reason they do things for money is because they're trying to fund some private operation to get off the Cloud and out to god knows where.

Regarding the mechanics im a bit between 2 and 3. I don't mind them as long as it isn't DnD levels of stats and numbers.
<Snipped quote by Blizz>

I am new to this site??? IC/OOC tabs are not something I am accustomed to

That's fair. I overlooked that.

Usually any out of character information such as lore or rules would go in that tab. The post at the start of this thread, for example.
I find this interesting.

Is there a reason there's nothing in the OOC tab of the thread though?
Leah Jordan

Location: Agatha's tent... again.
Skills: N/A
First Day Fit

Seeing all of these people interact with each other, Leah felt like a fly on the wall for a moment. She paid close attention to what Mads was saying, and it made sense to her. The runes were divination tools, and each one apparently meant something in the context of something else. "If you two are still planning to go later, I'll catch up with you." She told Mads, before sticking her hand into the pouch of runes. Leah felt around in there, and something about them clicked in her head. The very first rune she pulled out happened to be the one that Mads had described- The trident-shaped Algiz rune. Leah practically stared hole through the tiny rock. Her power always made her acutely aware of the fact that something was made of stone, but there was something odd about how her power was interpreting the stone in her hand. It was magic, so maybe that had something to do with it, she thought. It felt like there was power in the stone itself. Maybe that was normal. Mads had have felt it too, right? Or maybe she didn't, since Mads wasn't holding one.

"We'll, I'll worry about that later. Wh-" Whatever words were about to some out of Leah's mouth were halted by the fact that another one of Leah's... friends had appeared out of literally fucking nowhere. Phan Le Chi Mai. Everyone's favorite goblin. She attacked April like a predator stalking its prey, and she smelled like she had gotten high before doing so. God... Danni's chaotic energy was overwhelming for Leah, but Mai's was just... Something else. They got along, but Mai always knew the right buttons to press to get beneath the stone wall of Leah's exterior. It was weird, but Mai was weird in her own gremlin-y little way. "Holy shit. Mai. Where the hell did you come from, a stoner party? You smell like you've been baking like a cake." Leah was somewhat amused by the way she appeared out of thin fucking air. "Way to make an entrance, you damn goblin." She joked before putting the runes away again.
In Pariah 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Who tf are you
Leah Jordan

Location: Agatha's tent... again.
Skills: N/A
First Day Fit

"That's a lot of people." Leah said flatly as she and Andy found the small crowd forming by Agatha's tent. She recognized a grand total of two people she resonated with somewhat. Mads and April. Dorian, she didn't really have anything against. He seemed alright. Leah just couldn't keep up with Danni's energy in any way, shape or form, though. He wasn't even annoying, he was just too damn fast for her to process sometimes. And Sabine. Sabine fucking Bassard. Every word that came out of those lips made Leah's teeth grind against her jaw. That bitch always had some snarky comment in her back pocket, or some don't-give-a-fuck attitude to walk around with, like the owned the place. Whenever Sabine turned that bitchy, no-good, prissy little attitude towards her it made Leah want to grab her by the throat and-

"Hey, people." She said as she walked up to them. "I met my match earlier," she pointed to Andy. "We went to go and box earlier, she laid me out cold on the floor with one kick to the face. Even Teddy can't throw a punch like that. Put me to sleep for a few seconds before I could even react to it." She told them all, looking around for Zarina and whoever the fuck "Vicky" was. "They not here yet?" The concert still wouldn't be starting for a few hours. Leah figured she'd just go and lift something heavy in the meantime. Though, Mads was right there. "Mads, before I forget-" Leah fished a bag of runes out of her pocket and showed them to the witch girl. [/color=ff9a4f]"-Agatha gave me these earlier. I figured you'd know something about magic rocks. Think you can help me figure out how to use them later?"[/color] Leah knew a thing or two about rocks, but magic rocks were a little out of her wheelhouse.
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