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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
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Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
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i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

Most Recent Posts

Jack Hawthorne

Location: Limbo

Belasco… Was dead.

Illyana fucking Rasputina, his “apprentice,” finally killed the bastard. Jack could not stop himself from laughing in a downright haunting, demented manner. Ordinarily, Jack didn’t laugh at anything. Even things that were funny just got a mellow grin out of him. But this is hysterical. It was like the chuckle of a malicious, final villain of one’s story that confirms someone’s demise. Perhaps to another, it was twisted to find amusement in the death of Belasco. But Ananym certainly understood and that was enough.

”Well, that is surprising news, but I’m glad to hear that woman got her retribution.” It may not have been appropriate to discuss the… Finer details of what that was right now. Certainly not with Annika and Madalyne, it wasn’t his story to tell. Magik was powerful in her own right, or was only natural someone like her became the Sorcerer Supreme of Limbo. He just hoped the power didn’t go to her head. But then again… Limbo does that to people.

Ananym led them down the tower, and Jack followed, pondering the fort she made out of Belasco’s tower once they got far enough. ”I see you’ve been busy. How did those demons infiltrate this fort of yours? Did they sneak in? They could’ve have flown to the top, given their fear of gravity. It may be wise to patch the hole in your defense.” At heart, Jack knew she was still a kid. This could’ve been a game for her, but it also was something of a home for her now that the Old Man wasn’t around.

As far as days went, this wasn’t the worst that could’ve happened.

This Kvarr man seemed to Shirik like he had enough common sense to recognize the difference between an argument and a fight. Unlike Nellara, who Shirik could tell was itching to grandstand the Ascendancy’s military might. Surprisingly enough, Esedel was greeting with amicability. And so was Kvarr. It said something about the way this would go when one of Silbermine’s greatest lapdogs was less willing to jump the gun- not that Shirik knew in blazes a gun actually was- than her superior Lord. A surprise, but a welcome one.

Even more surprising was that Shirik’s impromptu feast of fish was met with another. The Mythadians brought out vegetables and beer, and the Ascendancy soldiers brought out meat. If the Iriad had the capacity to smile, they would. This was exactly what they had set out to do. The rift was a step less open now, and the people present were motivated to close it further. Motives that were perhaps... Ulterior, but when a door opens, anything can walk through it. Shirik was incapable of eating, and thus they simply knelt down among the others as they ate. Peacefully, they just existed and basked in the peace for which they lit the spark. They weren't the type to say "I told you so," but they'd definitely say it to Ixtaro right now.

They traced a glowing shape in the air out of raw heat, and the fire they produced earlier to cook their food was renewed. This was not a conventional technique used by Heat mages, as they normally used more somatic gestures in their magic like any ordinary mage. Then again, Shirik was not an ordinary mage. And perhaps that was why the Warden thought she recognized them. They looked at Esedel, holding eye contact with the woman. Shirik didn't feel threatened by her the way Zeynap or the others did, they had dealt with worse.

"Perhaps we did. Perhaps we didn't. I rarely remember interacting with people of rank." If that meant to be derisive, it didn't sound like it. Shirik didn't particularly care about militaristic individuals enough that they held any weight in their mind on a daily basis.
I’m down for that. I deliberately jumped across his backstory a lot for it to be filled in overtime
Behold. The tank.

I’m about halfway done with mine.

I’m cooking with this guy

Location Gotham Harbor
Interactions The Team

This was a far cry from a bank raid. Sitting in the dark for hours when Cora’s eyes glowed in the dark, around old electrical lights and harbor rigging when she set that stuff off by being around it. This was the kind of mission that Stormcaller’s powers were downright antithetical to. It was for this reason she had her helmet fitted with a tinted visor like the kind people wear for riding motorcycles. Not to prevent herself from getting flashbanged- she couldn’t be- but to make sure no one saw Cora coming. Of course, there was nothing she could do about the fact that some electronics around her were just allergic to Stormcaller’s presence. Nothing except hope for the best.

Core sat on top of a shipping container, watching the armed thugs bicker with each other from a distance. Nymph seemed a little quiet, but that was fine. She didn’t know a lot about the girl, but Daphne Al gave her the impression she felt overwhelmed, which was weird given she was here long before Cora, but oh well. She had to wonder what the odds were that these guys were possibly dealing weapons. Weapons that fired bolts of energy such as the ones she looted during the bank robbery. It was a slim chance, but surely the bad guys had crime rings they kept up with, right? A Crimebook, a Felonsapp, or something? Things like that were bound to get around.

If this was a connection, it would help her side investigation with Rain. He’d eat that stuff up. It could-

”Ohhhhh shit.”

There were bullets flying suddenly- Ballidtic bullets, not high powered lasers. Not immediately ruling out the weapons, but definitely not helping their case if they were selling speciality fuck-off broomsticks. Stormcaller swung her upper body behind the shipping container, back to where she and Nynph had posted up. They were pretty far away, so there was little chance that they could be bit. Nynph could probably take several bullets with that weird royal form of hers, but Cora was unfortunately unable to turn into a bolt of lightning.

If she was being honest with herself, she wasn’t sure what the procedure for this was. If the bad guys were shooting at her then she’d swing a thunderclap, and lift over their heads. But they were shooting each other and Batman ordered them not to get involved. Would they kill each other? Or would they scurry off with injuries less than fatal?

The decision was made, however, when Rain reported a civilian in the crossfire. At least, she hoped it was civilian, since they wouldn’t be armed with so many guns. Talos went in for the attack, and Rain and Iceburn went in for the injured… Cora thought for a second and came up with an idea.

”I’m going in, joining Talos.” When she relayed this, Stormcaller turned to Nynph. ”Our powers can stun the thugs easiest. Let’s go.” Stormcaller scurried over the shipping container, and soared above the ground in a straight line. Cora saw Talos swooping about and eating bullets like donuts. What Talos didn’t see was the thug about to take a shot at him from behind. Cora fell out of the air and landed on him. She planted a metallic, gloves hand on his back and blasted him with a staggering voltage. It was a trained shock, measured enough to stun the man into incapacitation, without causing an harm to him. More importantly, it didn’t cause a blinding burst like a lightning bolt would. Nothing worse than the barrel of a gun.

”Keep them away from the injured so Rain and Iceburn can help. Nynph should be right me,” Stormcaller said to Talos, as she drifted up to search for another in the immediate vicinity. Sure, Batman wouldn’t be particularly happy with them, but that guy’s family wouldn’t be happy if a family member died on them. So as far as Cora was concerned, Batman could go fuck himself.

For now, anyway.

I just saw the int check. I'm intrigued by this, and am thinking of character ideas already.

Had one: A grizzled veteran of the fight against the hunters. the resident tank, an absolute unit of a motherfucker built like a nuclear waste vault with a bit of a draconic theme going on.

L̴e̸a̸h̵ ̷J̶o̸r̶d̸a̶n̵

L̸o̵c̸a̸t̴i̴o̷n̸: Framework
S̴k̵i̷l̸l̶s̵: Battlefield Manipulation
Today’s Fit

The rocks landed square enough, and clearly Vicky was made of sturdier stuff than she thought. Leah had to wonder if the damn thing was made of vibranium due to how little two boulders, each weighing a few thousand pounds, did to that with her still in it. She made a mental note to try a different sort of force against it- Tensile or perhaps cutting actions would have a different effect. Leah was just about to reach for a third boulder, intent of forming a spear out of it, when she felt something sharp and cold slide into her back. Under normal circumstances, Leah would have a very in-control and thoughtful reaction about how to deal with this. She had been stabbed before, in fact, Leah couldn't keep track of the number of places she had been stabbed in, or different things she had been stabbed with.

These, however, were not normal circumstances anymore.

Zarina's sword damaged something on its way into Leah's back, something that Leah didn't realize was actually there. Leah felt a jolt of unusual pain shoot up and down her spine, and like any stab wound, blood began to trickle out. But something else came from the wound, in the form of bone white smoke. It was like watching dry ice sublimate into a gas, and Leah's entire body began to feel as though it was set on fire. She screamed until her throat nearly gave out and fell to her hands and knees. More of that smoke vapor started to boil off of her skin. On the outside, it looked like Leah had just stepped into a warm room, after standing in a snowstorm. On the inside, she felt something primal take over, something powerful that tried to fill every corner of her body with itself. The smoke fumed off of Leah more and more, and between the wispy trails it left in the air, patches of Leah's skin had become gray and glassy, like polished rock, where others simply grew denser.

A feeling of deep, longing stillness crept into her surroundings. Those in the immediate vicinity would be put in the mind of someone staring out into an endless wilderness, alone and unrelentingly at peace. Only it wasn't the kind of peace one felt in the comfort of their own home. No, it was the peace one experienced in an untamed, wild place where "peace" meant isolation from danger. There wasn't safety, there was only the charged atmosphere of wild anticipation. Leah's hair grew thicker, standing up on its ends like the hide of a beast. She felt her muscles grow denser beneath her skin, bones contorted and stretched in such a way that she grew to just over seven feet tall.

She was in agony.

This was a kind of visceral pain that she hadn't experienced in her entire life. Imperator had broken most of the bones in her body over the course of roughly 12 years, she had been set on fire, stabbed and subjected to magic during combat training. Leah had never before felt like something was ripping her apart at this level. Her lungs felt as though they were ready to give out, but when she breathed, it was like she could breathe a thousand times over and still breathe again before a single exhale. When she got to her feet, she expected them to be weak from the pain, but they were stronger. Leah turned her gaze to Zarina, but there was nothing reminiscent of the usual, stoic, brown-eyed expression Leah wore. Instead, the white in her eyes had become golden yellow, and the brown became vibrant orange. She looked at the green-haired girl with an expression that sat on the verge of animalistic, like she was contemplating rip Zarina in half with nothing but her bare hands.

"...What... What did you do to me?!" She demanded, with a ragged breath that spewed more pale smoke into the air. Panic could be heard in her voice as she essentially accused Zarina of causing her to become this thing. Around Leah, the simulated stone in the Framework started to splinter. Cracks formed in the ground, fissures split in random places, and everyone touching the ground could feel a tremor ring out in response to Leah's very words. Her heart was hammering in her chest out of confusion and distress; She did not understand what was going on. The only person here who had a chance at realizing what just happened was the person who stabbed Leah through the back.

Jack Hawthorne

Location: Limbo
Spells: Shadow Scythe Spear???

Watching the demons run away with their tails between their legs, Jack had half a mind to unleash the almighty Broken Comet on their heads just to know they wouldn't climb back up the moment he turned his back to them. Jack floated to the ground and laid a hand on Ananym's shoulder before she could fire one of those twisted spheres of hers. "We need to do something else right now, Ananym. These two are Annika and Madalyne. And this-" He turned to the two who joined him up here, "-Is Ananym. She is the daughter of a man named Belasco. I mentioned the Sorcerer Supreme of our world is dead currently, Belasco is the Sorcerer Supreme of this world." If Jack had a nickel for every Sorcerer Supreme he was personally familiar with, he'd have two nickels. That wasn't a lot, but it was more than one.

"Ananym, it really is great to see you. I know it's been some time, but I'm quite concerned that you're here and not with your father. Does he know you're here? Is he looking for you? And more importantly, did those demons hurt you in any way at all? Because I will scatter every last atom of their remains across the cosmos if they did." Jack threatened their collective demise with all the gentleness he had in his heart, but an equal amount of sincerity. "I wish we could've met under better circumstances, but-"

Something tugged at him from afar. Jack turned his eyes to some place in the liminal distance of Limbo's everchanging landscape. Whatever he was aware of held his attention for a few seconds, and it haunted him. Like the last trace of an echo he had heard too many times to ever forget for the rest of his days. A feeling of empty, hollow negative space.

It couldn't be...

"...Right now, we should all get away from here so we can talk in peace." He knew Ananym was terrifying in her own right and wasn't a frail, weak creature in need of protection, but Jack also knew that he himself was a protective man, unafraid of tearing someone to shreds for someone else's sake.

And that feeling did not bode well to him.

Leah Jordan

Location: Framework
Skills: Battlefield Manipulation
Today’s Fit

The ground pulled up and formed into five pillars between her and Vicky. Great. Leah ran to one of the and slid into cover as she heard a thunk. Peeking over her head she saw that Vicky’s suit now had an arrow in it… Ouch. That might’ve hurt if it went deep enough, but it was about to hurt a little more. Leah spread her power out and the ground started to shake again. With a rumble, the battlefield was defaced even more as two large boulders floated into the air, taking grass and dirt with them.

Leah ran from one pillar to the next, taking aim as she hurled both of the floating boulders straight for Vicky, one after the next. The boulders hit her hard, giving the suit a nice dent, but not much more. Leah had to wonder what that damn thing was made of, but she didn’t particularly care right now. This meant it wasn’t totally unbreakable and she already began to think of other ways to compromise that fucking nuclear vault of hers. While Vicky recovered from the impact, Leah ducked behind yet another pillar to keep some semblance of covert advantage here. If she couldn’t pinpoint Leah, then she couldn’t vaporize her.
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