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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive), Electrokinesis

Andy frowned at the cage. It wasn't that she was upset about its existence but more that she didn't know if it would conduct. Or if the cage was less than real and her lightning just passed through it. She had no desire to send a blast of electricity out and have it grabbed by the cage turning it into a giant lightning trap with them inside. That'd be a great way to fry them all.

She hurried over to an edge and released a little spark of electricity. The cage didn't conduct. Andy smiled. She lifted the sword up pointing at the swarm of bats again. Maybe it was because they were made of water, or maybe it was because she had just had a little Mads snack. Whatever the cause, a huge swath of the bats, half of them, were wiped out, becoming water.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 24 min ago

Zelda Flynn

Location: Gym - Training Room B
Skills: Emphatic Constructs

"Yeah, only really here because I'm not allowed to just not do anything, that would be so much better," personally she wouldn't since she very much didn't care much for fighting. When Percy made his comment she shrugged, "Who says that I didn't try something like that first. Actually my first attempts was to just not have to do it..." she muttered, not entirely sure what all was supposed to happen with the whole thing. Personally she very much did feel like running or something, but she was going to stick around, at least for a little longer. A part of her was curious as to what they were supposed to be doing eventually anyway.

They apparently were supposed to be doing an obstacle course, and all basically got attached to one another with a rope. This was really really stupid in her opinion. And she was not too thrilled with this. At least she wasn't the one stuck in the middle. She rolled her eyes at Dorian when he made his suggestion. "That is way too complicated... I'm going to just try to make a bridge instead... Since you are so keen to rely on my powers..." she didn't exactly have much faith in her constructs. It was reasons like this that she chose not to use her powers, because she knew that if her emotions went out of whack, that she'd cause issues. Hence her preference to not use her powers at all.

The bridge she crafted didn't even make it halfway across the gap, she tried to make it go farther, but cracks started to show in the construction. This was going bad, really really bad, her brain was going a mile a minute as she tried again to make it go better. There was what sounded like breaking glass, as the bridge shattered entirely. Her powers were starting to go haywire, and her mind was going to the other thoughts from before. That she didn't belong there, that she shouldn't be on that team, that she shouldn't even be participating in the whole thing at all, and the thought that the two people with her had seemingly made it clear that they hadn't wanted her there.

Without thinking, Zelda grabbed the rope that Dorian had tied around them, and immediately started messing with it. Suddenly, there looked to be almost like a spark of light, as her powers ended up seemingly disintegrating the rope that was around her. Zelda didn't say anything else to Dorian or Danni, and she left the obstacle course. She ignored Ser Nemo, and took off out the door of the room and into the hallway and she kept heading away. One thought was still playing throughout her mind.

What the hell was she even doing at the school?

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Framework
Skills: N/A

Zari glanced over to see Diana heading her direction, and she smiled and waved at her. "Sure! Sounds like a lot of fun. Who knows how things will turn out, though we should be careful. Personally I worry a little more about Leah then I do Victoria, cause Victoria's got her suit which is all tech. Then again, I don't know about whether or not to worry much at all? I mean turns out I can do a few minor sort of glitches to mess with the system, don't want to do anything too big though mainly because I don't want to break the system entirely, that might end badly." she said, rambling a bit.

She started looking around and heading off, going straight towards the chaos that was going on with Leah and Victoria. It was a small battlefield, so they probably were close by. Zari didn't even wait to see if Diana was following her or not, but based on their conversation she was pretty sure that she was. Eventually she came across the pair in their sort of standoff, but she didn't openly say anything to draw attention towards them. Though she was prepared to glitch things again if something got fired off towards them.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Diana Novikova

Location: Avenger's Academy, Outside of Framework Hub
Skills: Quantum Teleportation, archery, hand to hand combat.

Diana smiled she was glad that Zari decided to work with her. "Perfect lets mess with the two of them a bit then." Diana said as she thought up a plan, Victoria wouldn't be much of a challenge for Zari since Victoria relied more on her armor. And she could simply cause the armor to glitch out or not work at all pretty easily. "I'll go after Victoria then and you can go for Leah." Diana said as she quickly followed behind Zari hopefully neither of them would be spotted by either of them. Diana felt the ground starting to shake as Leah messed with the battlefield some more making cover between herself and Victoria.

Diana thought about how to fight Victoria as she thought up a bit of an idea that could work against her. Victoria would expect Diana to come at her with a bow and arrow and shoot at her. So she needed to think a little bit outside of the box, as Diana started to look through her quiver of arrows hoping to find some trick arrows in there she then went to try and string her bow as well to.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Avenger's Academy, Training Room A
First Day Fit
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: Fireball, Eldritch Blast

Madalyne watched as Mary-Sue summoned up some caging around the group to protect the group from the oncoming bats and April was using her powers to keep the bats pinned up to the ceiling. "Awesome work you guys." Madalyne said as she watched Andy use her powers Madalyne still felt really bad for stabbing Andy with the sword and was really sorry for using one of the swords that Mary-Sue used to make them. "Andy i'm sorry for stabbing you I didn't mean to i'm not sure what came over me.." Madalyne said to Andy

hopefully she'd accept her apology she still wasn't even sure what made her transform either that was really weird experience as well to. "Lets get rid of the rest of these bats." Madalyne said as she thought about how to take on the rest of the bats and what to do as she came up with an idea to kill the rest of them.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Danny Kingston

Location: Training Room B
Skills: N/A

Every decision set in stone? Did Poisson-Pas know how many decisions Danni made a day? Wasn't that the whole reason for erasers, with those weird posters with pencils for people who never make mistakes, sometimes make mistakes, and always make mistakes? Poisson-Pas really needed to live in Danni's shoes for a day (mini Poisson-Pas, hehe) and maybe he'd change his stance. Danni couldn't even settle on a color scheme some days - asking him to set anything in stone was a task.

"Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa. You want me ta what?!" Danni squeaked, the events of his try-outs flashing before his eyes, just with Dee and Zelds instead of dummies. "Are you, like really really, sold on t'at? I'm a fan of Zeld's plan 'ere 'cause it doesn't involve people meltin'. Like, I just got t'e trick down but me and t'e flyin' are still kinda new, we ain't goin' steady yet and yes, you should 'ave confidence in me because I am, in fact, t'e best, t'is is also a lot of fire. Like, melt your face off, melt my face off, melt his, her, their face off kinda fire." Danni's voice got higher and higher as he worked himself into a panic, the idea of fire while their movement was restricted like this turning the panic dial up. It felt like when two of his toes got taped together with a bandaid and Dee had to possess him before the fact he couldn't spread his toes turned him into a sobbing fire bomb.

So when Zelds made a bridge, Danni gave a heavy sigh of relief as he slumped as much as he could onto Dee. "If I 'ad more practice wit' t'e flyin' stuff, I'd be down but I'd probs fuck someone up right now, tbh." Danni reasoned with Dee. And it wasn't a bad plan, but the chances of him freaking and exploding were… very, very high.

Like from where their flaming corpses would fall from!

Zelds abilities were fly as fuck though. Making shit out of nothing was just so nifty, he was low key jealous. He'd always have a mirror, or some firecrackers, or a coffee! He wanted to cheer when the bridge extended across the gap a bit and he was about to point out they could just jump the rest of the way as it shattered and Zelds was fucking off out the room. Danni looked between the doors and empty space where a bridge was a few times as he process before he looked at Dee.

"Did… Did she just leave? Danni asked, dumbfounded. "Did t'e t'ird person on our team just fuckin' walk out on us? Did she… Does she know who she's… Oh, 'ell naw. We ain't quitters, we don't give up, and ain't anyone goin' ta bail out on Danni and Dee." Danni struggled with the knots on the rope, Poisson-Pas apparently displaying his weird old man knowledge by tying irritatingly difficult knot, so he abandoned them and went charging with Dee at his side after her. No one walks out on Danni Kingston. Not a god damned person.

"Oye, Zelds! Get back 'ere!" Danni demanded, his stride completed unhampered by Dee at his side. It was as natural as walking by himself honestly and he barely noticed he'd pulled Dee into his little crusade. "We are gunna finish t'is course come 'ell or 'igh water and you are absolutely not allowed ta abandon us. So ovary up, and get t'is shit on t'e road!"
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 13 days ago

Mary Sue Sullivan

Location: The Gym- Training Room A
Skills: Friendship

A smile flickered across Mary Sue's face for the first time in this excercise, it felt like they were handling this much better than the Questing Beast, but her lips faltered for a moment as she caught the stony expression on Lady Nimue's face. Exhaling, she tried to reasses where they could have gone wrong, and they words she had cried out at the start echoed in her head. Was this sufficient protection? Sure, they were focused on eliminating the threat, but what had they actually done to directly protect her? All Mary Sue had done, was protect her and her team mates.

Since it seemed like offense was being appropriately handled by everyone else, she turned her attention to trying to remedy her percieved error. She imagined a bubble appearing artound Lady Nimue, soemthing that would hopefully protect her from stray attacks, but she couldn't pull that into reality. Gritting her teeth, she thoughtshe might be able to dismiss things she'd already made in an attempt to make the process easier for her, but she felt nothing change. It was moments like this where she felt like she was still over her head with her powers. She shook her head, and said, "I'm not sure, but I think we're not doing the right thing right now. Lady Nimue said to protect her, but all we're really doing at present is protecting ourselves..." Her void trailing off, as she tried to come up with some kind of solution for the situation they found themselves in.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

8:50 AM - Wed. Sep. 15th, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

In the hallway, the three would find that they weren’t entirely alone. The staff didn’t tend to really patrol the hallways of the school, so usually running out of class was fine. Danni, Dorian, and Zelda just ended up being unlucky. Firestar was walking down the hall, frowning, her heels clicking. “You three better have a note,” Firestar warned them sternly. “Or you’ll be spending your evening in detention.” She crossed her arms, looking at them expectantly. She was the dorm supervisor for Danni and Dorian. “And you two will be cleaning the toilets for a week.” She expected better from her own students.

Sabine would manage to cause Dorian’s memory to essentially short. This basically meant that he ended up losing time, forgetting what happened from when the knots were finished being tied and then till they were with Zelda in the hallway.

Leah would manage to construct five different pillars of earth dispersed throughout the arena.

Diana would be able to get the string on somewhat, but it’s loose and is going to not function properly. She would then be able to expertly teleport right behind Vicky. She tried to stab her arrow into Vicky’s thrusters, but ended up missing and hitting more of the chest area of the suit. This turned out to be for the best though, as she got lucky enough and the arrow tip seemed to jam some sort of essential mechanism - Vicky’s electric field didn’t end up going off.

Mads’ magic works out perfectly - she sends out a great wave of fire and eldritch blasts, killing a great deal of bats. There’s barely any left now - a mere 25. But something strange is happening to the water, as it begins to glow…

April Flynn

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: Hydrokinesis, Ice Generation

April looked on with glee as they were killing more and more bats - it felt like a success, like a victory! They had rallied and surely now Nimue was going to be impressed with all of them. Their coach had to know that they were the real deal, that they would… April’s happy bubble burst. If she won, it meant Danni and Dorian had to lose. She took the moment’s pause to sneak her phone out of her pocket. They hadn’t messaged her. Those two lived together. They were like brothers. April was… maybe she was just a passing distraction. Maybe they didn’t need her. Maybe she wasn’t really their best friend. She was just a third wheel.

But then Mary Sue added more to her crumbling joy - Nimue had asked for them to protect her. And so far they were only protecting themselves. That wasn’t the task they had been given. And from inside this cage, what could she do? Part of being a hero was being comfortable with being unsafe.

“Can you throw down the cage? I think you’re right, we need to protect Nimue before-“ April gasped. It was like the bats had suddenly realized that too. They had swarmed around Lady Nimue, and the water goddess just took the assault like a statue. April turned the water on the ground into whips and lashed as many of the bats as she could, and then flash froze the water. But it wasn’t enough. She had gotten about fifteen - there were ten left.

And the water on the ground began to glow, and an eerie moan sounded. A hideous beast rose up from its depths. It looked like Mothman - a gigantic horrifying creature with a perfect ass and abs. That was the real challenge. And in one clean swoop, it grabbed Nimue and started to fly for the exit with her.

Percy Novikov

Location: Gym - Training Room B
Skills: Temporal Teleportation, Small Space-Time Displacement Jumps

Percy raised an eyebrow at Sabine’s reaction, not too sure if she would bite off his hand if he attempted to help her in any way. He ultimately decided that the brilliant diva probably wouldn’t take too kindly to that. Especially as he hadn’t warned her about the bends. His head felt a little clearer after that jump - probably because he was a little further away from the toxic waste dump of bad vibes that was Ser Nemo… and maybe Dorian Gray as well.

He eyed Sabine again for a moment. What would she think of Agatha’s ridiculous prediction?

"I can give it a shot. Never teleported somewhere I didn’t have line of sight on before. But there’s a first time for everything,” he said somewhat dryly. "… What are you doing to them? I’m not protesting. I’d just like to know.” He didn’t know much about Sabine’s abilities, mostly that she was some sort of psychic. If he had to guess, he’d say she was a mutant too like him. Most psychics were. There weren’t enough non-mutant psychics to run a season of the Bachelor.

He turned his head to the challenge ahead of them - the tall wall, covered in thorns. He could make out what looked like handholds behind the thorns. If he had to guess, Danni was probably going to burn the thorns away and clear the path for the others. Zelda could maybe make handholds of her own with her powers. And Dorian could… Percy had no idea. He could annoy the other two, he guessed.

"Try not to vomit this time,” Percy requested, before the air around them shimmered. Percy and Sabine reappeared right in front of the wall. He frowned and took a breath, before they shimmered and disappeared again. This time, they made it over the wall - but barely. Percy looked extremely pale, his nose bleeding. Their clothing was torn up as well - as if they had been attacked by something with claws. But otherwise, the pair were unscathed - and although they didn’t know it, they were winning the challenge so far with ease.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Leah Jordan

Location: Framework
Skills: Battlefield Manipulation
Today’s Fit

The ground pulled up and formed into five pillars between her and Vicky. Great. Leah ran to one of the and slid into cover as she heard a thunk. Peeking over her head she saw that Vicky’s suit now had an arrow in it… Ouch. That might’ve hurt if it went deep enough, but it was about to hurt a little more. Leah spread her power out and the ground started to shake again. With a rumble, the battlefield was defaced even more as two large boulders floated into the air, taking grass and dirt with them.

Leah ran from one pillar to the next, taking aim as she hurled both of the floating boulders straight for Vicky, one after the next. The boulders hit her hard, giving the suit a nice dent, but not much more. Leah had to wonder what that damn thing was made of, but she didn’t particularly care right now. This meant it wasn’t totally unbreakable and she already began to think of other ways to compromise that fucking nuclear vault of hers. While Vicky recovered from the impact, Leah ducked behind yet another pillar to keep some semblance of covert advantage here. If she couldn’t pinpoint Leah, then she couldn’t vaporize her.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Dorian Gray

Location: Training Room B
Skills: First Day Fit

Dorian’s beaming smile faltered for a moment as Zelda offered a different course of action. Not because he disliked her or the plan she offered, no, it was because the gears in his head grinded off to a halt as he began to take in the new information he was given by her as he attempted to think about what she’d just said. She was right, his plan was more complicated than hers, but he was purposely trying to keep her part in it as simple as possible given how little faith she had in her powers. But…a bridge to just…walk down there? It could work, easily, what’s more was that it required little to no effort on her part as long as she didn't try to get fancy with it. Hell she could even make a slide to help expedite the process. But before he could offer that counter idea, she’d already begun to make use of her powers and he audibly gasped in amazement as she did. Sure it didn’t stretch the whole length down but…hey she could make more as they went on right? He was about to place a foot on it when cracks began to appear, small hairline fractures spider webbing across the construct before the entire thing just shattered like glass. His foot went back a step, turning his head to look past Danni so that he could tell Zelda it was ok and that they could just try again. But it was too late. Zelda had somehow managed to get free from the bindings and was off with a start.

Danni began to fiddle with the rope himself, trying to break himself apart from Dorian but failing to do so. Dorian rolled his eyes, wondering if Danni had forgotten that he could just phase out of them if needed. Unfortunately for him however, Danni’s quick temper and short processing time meant that they were already off and racing after Zelda while still bound to each other like a three legged race. All he could do was shout and protest for a few seconds before finally giving in and following along with Danni’s plan. With any luck Percy’s powers would malfunction and they'd still have some time to go back and finish the race. He was about to phase out of the ropes himself, opting to quickly do the course in ghost mode while Danni sorted Zelda out, but as soon as they crossed the threshold of the door, it was as if Dorian had forgotten why they had left in the first place. His mind was muddled, he looked down at the bindings on him and Danni and saw Zelda’s were undone as she stood a bit away with clear worry in her eyes. Firestar was with them and threatening Disciplinary action when Dorian just stood there blinking slightly trying to grab anything to tell him what the hell happened.

It was too late, the memory was gone and he had little to nothing to work with. Lucky for him however, Firestar had asked for a note and as fate would have it, Dorian carried one such thing of beauty with him whenever he left his dorm for class. Couldn’t be caught roaming the halls without a plan C after all. ”Oh uh, ‘old on…” He managed to mutter out as he began to pat himself down searching for the damned thing. Finally he found it tucked inside his short shorts back pocket as he pulled it out and handed it over to Firestar for inspection. ”Zelds ‘ere is a freshman on our team. She’s ‘aving a bit of a ‘ard time wit’ it and when she left class in a panic we got permission to go ahead and chase after ‘er. We wanted to make sure t’at she was ok, t’at she feels welcome ‘ere at good ol AA, and t’at she understands t’at no matter what t’ere will always be people in her corner rooting for ‘er and ‘elping ‘er accomplish ‘er dreams. After all t’at’s why we’re all ‘ere isn't it? To reach our dreams?” Dorain hadn’t the foggiest idea why the hell they were in that hallway and why Zelda seemed so freaked out, but he knew that most teachers loved comradery and the idea of reaching out to the freshman in need so Dorian played into that.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 24 min ago

Zelda Flynn

Location: Gym - Training Room B -> Hallway
Skills: Emotion Manipulation

To say that she was full on panicking was a bit of an understatement. Zelda had raced off to try and get away from Dorian and Danni, they were a bit over the top at this point, and she already had an idea of how they sort of felt about being stuck with her instead of April. However what Danni was yelling at her about definitely did not help that perception. Or her emotional state. Her brain was racing and she very much looked like she was going to cry at this point and she was trying very hard to not let her emotions get fully out of control, since at this rate that seemed to be heading straight for the chaos.

And then Firestar showed up and was scolding them, and those emotions started to tumble over.

Zelda didn't even notice or hear anything that Dorian had said or anything like that as she sort of crumpled to the ground a bit, now on her knees and she very much was crying at this point. Her emotions getting the better of her, she ended up sending out a bit of a shockwave at this point. So all three of the people near her for just a moment would feel the emotions that were going through her head at the moment. It was a mixture of sadness, panic at seemingly being in trouble already when she just wanted time away from people to calm down, and anger at herself for not being able to do anything right and the fact that she was proving that she probably shouldn't even be at the school. She wasn't sure what else she could do to calm down, but right now she very much couldn't do anything.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Framework
Skills: Sword Fighting

"Sure, sounds like a good idea to me, since I want to have at least some fun in this fight and going against Victoria wouldn't even be in the top 10 of challenges to me really..." she commented with a bit of a shrug. Victoria was not a threat, and from what she knew about the other guy, he too wasn't much of a threat. Since she knew she probably could potentially take Diana down in a fight if it came down to the two of them at the end, which left Leah as the one actual person she currently saw as more of a threat then any of the others there. So with Diana mentioning her going after Leah, she was more then happy to go after that challenge.

Moving along as quietly as possible, she noticed where Leah was, and saw that her attention seemed to more or less be focused solely on Victoria. Which gave her the perfect opportunity to go up there and do something. Going along, eventually she managed to sneak up on Leah. Usually in more of a sporting sort of situation she probably would have alerted Leah to her presence so she had a fighting chance, but considering the simulation very much wasn't a sport sort of situation and others seemed to be going after each other, she thought nothing of doing that.

Instead, she raised her sword up and in one swift motion she ended up stabbing Leah directly in the back, though she was a bit happy, "Sorry, but did you know that despite my powers being a bit more of a niche sort of thing they are actually very useful in certain situations? Like right now, we're in a computer simulation, and cause of that I didn't have to go to the center area to get this sword, I just had to glitch things slightly, which is really handy, so much fun. But also as stated, sorry for stabbing you, no hard feelings but fights and all are soooooo much fun." she said gleefully.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 13 days ago

Mary Sue Sullivan

Location: The Gym- Training Room A
Skills: Friendship

Okay, this was just about Mary Sue's nightmare scenario. Everything that was going wronmg right now felt as if it was tied directly to the fact that she couldn't follow a simple instruction from her teacher. That alone was enought to make her drop her barrier; she was struggling to keep herself together, much less a quasimagical construct of hopes and dreams. As the cage flickered into nothingness, her mind was scrambled, looking for anything sher could do to stop this from spiraling towards an all out failure. This hellish beast had stolen their Lady, and it was about to get away with it.

Shakily pulling herself together, she mustered up all the force of will she had, and forced a solid wall of force to appear in front of the exit. This was of course, a workplace safety violation of the highest order, but the core of superheroing was exchanging lives for code violations and property damage. She didn't know if there was much else she could do, the idea of trying to manifest something through the beast came to mind, but that sounded risky, and even then, her mind flicered through the possibilty of impaling Lady Nimue on accident, and she wouldn't allow herself the chance to mess up that badly.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 16 min ago

Diana Novikova

Location: Avenger's Academy, Outside of Framework Hub
Skills: Quantum Teleportation.

Diana took a step back looking over at Vicky and giving her a little bit of a smirk as she twirled the arrow she stabbed Vicky with seeing the damage that she had done to Vicky's fancy suit. "Though that wasn't what I was actually aiming for this works just as well to. Though seeing you go flying around like a Mandalorian with a malfunctioning jetpack would have been fun to see." Diana said to Vicky, as she looked around to try and find a way for herself to get back into cover when she heard and felt the ground starting to shake violently.

Dust suddenly covered her vision causing Diana to shield her eyes somewhat and started to cough slightly getting a bunch of dust in her face was a bit annoying in her opinion. Seeing the dent in Vicky's armor seemed pretty bad as she stared at Vicky once more. "Ouch that looks like it's going to leave a nasty virtual bruise there." Diana said, she was actually kind of happy that Leah managed to hit Vicky and not her which was good then Leah was probably going to have her hands full with Zari now.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Avenger's Academy, Training Room A
First Day Fit
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: Fireball

Madalyne smiled to herself as she watched her handiwork as the bats were burnt or hit with a blast killing more of them. She looked at Mary-Sue for a moment and quietly muttered to herself, she should have seen that Lady Nimue meant to protect her and not themselves. "You are right.." Madalyne said to them as she started to think of a plan. Then something weird started to happen as the water around the gym started to suddenly glow and a new creature appeared in front of them. The Moth Man like creature quickly flew forward and went to grab their teacher and made a run for the exit luckily Mary-Sue summoned up a wall to prevent it from exiting the gym.

She started to quickly think of a way as she turned to look at April Lady Nimue was made of water by the looks of it and April's powers were over water as well to. "April if you can use your powers on Lady Nimue and have her brought back towards us." Madalyne suggested as she looked at Andy. "Andy use your powers and hit him with some lightening, and i'll hit him with some more fire." Madalyn suggested, hopefully the plan would work out well enough.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sabine Bassard

Location: Training Room B
Skills: Memory Manipulation, Psychometry, Perception

Sabine felt fine after a bit, though she hated that feeling. Still, she would by lying to herself if she didn't admit how useful the ability was. Seems the little freshman was good for something other than kindling. She debated letting him in on what she was doing, but figured there was no harm. They were on a team. "Dorian seemed to be the one holding the other two together in that little balancing act. Figured I'd manipulate his memory to make him dizzy and slow them down, though it seems something else happened. Don't know where they went, but we are winning."

Sabine braced herself as Percy set to teleport them. The first was a bust. "As much as I like glimmer, think we can actually move farther?" The second attempt was much better, putting them right where they needed to be. "Ok, that's more like it. Credit where credit's due. That power is sick." Speaking of sick, Sabine fought off the nausea. She was getting used to it, though it still churned her stomach.

The next part of the course saw three doors. There were also three pictures and a box. Sabine pressed forward, assuming Percy would follow. She opened the box and saw the tooth. Sabine picked it up and closed her eyes, getting a sense as to who the tooth belonged to. An image flashed in her head of some white dude with a creepy face. She had no idea who it was, but that didn't matter. The picture of the guy was there. "The tooth is this guy's. Now we just need to pick the right door."

Sabine thought it through. The other two names were important too. Malcolm jumped out at her. Why though? She scoured her brain and remembered a plane trip with her family where she was forced to watch some dumb American tv show for hours. It was so stupid, but the name clicked in her brain.

Malcolm in the Middle!

"Middle door is Malcolm's so that's not the right door. Let me try something." Sabine went in front of the door on the left and used her power to move into the room beyond. Searching for a mind, she couldn't sense anything. Either there was nothing in the room or there was something without a mind. It was a risk, but she was confident enough.

"Door on the left. I couldn't sense anything beyond it. It has to be the correct door." With that, Sabine grabbed the handle and opened the left door.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Victoria van Dyne

Location: Framework simulation
Skills: Armored ground combat
Equipment: Shieldmaiden armor

The day was going well so far. Victoria was happy to see the pillars appear. Hard cover would be much better than for example a dust cloud, both in providing cover form her own attacks, and because her sensors did not rely on visual signals alone. If Leah tried to obscure her position, chances were she would still show up decently on thermal. Good, goooood! she thought with a small cackle. Then, someone who insisted on breaking reality jumped in and spoiled their bout.

Worse, Diana got a lucky shot as her arrow found a gap in her armor, disabling power to the M-F emitter that she allocated to defend exactly against this person. Her continued insistance on spoiling Victoria's efforts towards dealing a blow to her were starting to get on her nerves. It was all the more sweeter when the fool did not teleport out immediately, but instead started talking shit. And as the saying goes, talk shit, get hi- !!! Victoria paused her thought for a split second as a boulder smashed against her armor, the suit earning it's keep today. Both Leah's and Diana's attacks would have severely screwed up an unprotected person.

She expected Diana to have teleported away by now, but to her unyielding rage, she was still there and drawing breath to have another comment. Even as she said her sentence, Victoria's hand was already in motion, and she bitchslapped the blonde - right into the ground, wondering whether she knocked a few teeth or her entire jaw loose. She took a step closer, seething about the fact that the people she was worried about being good enough to best her on any day were being this incompetent. "Since I'm already advising Leah, I'll give you one for free too: Next time, get the fuck out of the range of the person you intend to trashtalk before you do." Then she lifted her foot and proceeded to try and stomp Diana's head into paste, interested in seeing whether the blonde still had enough wits about her to teleport away fast enough. Offhand, she started making a list of lessons learned form this fight.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Danny Kingston

Location: Training Room B
Skills: N/A

Danni stumbled at the sudden wave of the emotions, clutching at his chest as it constricted painfully and he felt his eyes blur. It was an overwhelming moment and he nearly cried himself, April's active silence springing to the forefront of his mind, but it was over almost as soon as it started. Danni fanned himself quickly, willing the tears down. "Oh God, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry." Danni repeated like a mantra. Fake it 'til you make it right?

"Yeah, Spicy made it seem like we didn't want 'er and…" Danni tried to explain but Firestar was not the one crying on the floor right now and Dee seemed to have it under control so Danni, forgetting the tiny detail of ropes, all but threw himself at Zelda.

Well, himself and Dee.

Danni didn't consider the addition, but the more the merrier! After all, the best medice for a case of the sads was a cuddle pile and he hugged Zelds, dragging Dee into it. "No, don't worry, you're great, you're amazing, you're just new and need ta get stuff under control. I'm so sorry if we made you feel worse, we're gunna kick butt and rock da shit outta da rest of da teams and t'en we can laugh 'bout t'is later and everyt'in' will be great and yeah, maybe t'e bridge could 'ave killed us but I'm a walkin' fire bomb. Firestar can tell you all da stories about like, spiders scarin' me. Just a PSA, never kill a spider wit' fire, I learned I 'ad bad aim da first year but please come back and show Spicy t'at we're da better team!"
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive)

Andy had hoped the way they would protect their teacher was by killing all the bats before they could get to her. That hadn't worked out, all well. She watched as the water transformed into Moth Man. She blinked. She liked bigfoot more since she had spent so much of her childhood in the Pacific forest's shadow.

She paused watching it fly toward the exit. Andy blinked. She nodded at Mads idea. It was a good one. She was a little nervous about shooting lightning directly at their teacher. Hopefully, she wasn't made of water like her creations.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago

9:00 AM - Wed. Sep. 15th, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute


Firestar couldn't help but feel a little bit guilty - she had clearly misread the situation and now a student was having a psychic panic attack. When the wave hit her and the others, Firestar could feel everything Zelda felt. A single dramatic tear fell down her face. She remembered the last time she had felt like that - it had been when her horse, Butter Rum, had died... She clenched her fist. What she wouldn't give to be able to punch Emma Frost in the face right now.

"Oh no no no no, I am so sorry, I thought," Firestar stammered. "Never mind. Um. Zelds, right? I'm guessing Zelda? You can go back to class with them if you want, or I can go take you out for ice cream. That always cheers me up." She hadn't received any training from the school on mental health moments, but Baskin Robbins really was Firestar's go-to when her mood was foul. She used to grab a single scoop after chemo sessions, despite the doctors telling her to avoid dairy. It was her comfort food.


Both Zari and Diana seemed to have gone to the Dragon Ball Z Kai school of fighting, which involved mostly talking and standing around in between feats. Arcade was more than happy to watch everyone else fight from his hiding spot, no one seemed to really remember that he was there. His strategy was to let them all take each other out, and then he'd show up and stab the last one standing in the back, giving him an easy win. Besides, he got to have the time of his life watching the others go at it - it was better than any Battle Royale rip-off he had ever seen in his life! And it made him want to watch more...

When Zari stabbed Leah in the back with her sword, the sword ended up hitting something embedded in Leah's spine. It wasn't a direct hit, more glancing than anything, but it was enough. The simulated component started to malfunction. Leah would transform...

As for Diana, Vicky's bitchslap really seems to have shaken her concentration. Her attempt to teleport out of the way failed. Vicky's boot connected with Diana's face, crushing her like a rotten pumpkin. Diana wouldn't feel it though - her form shimmered and she would then respawn at the starting platform, her weapon still on the ground by Vicky. She only had two hearts left.

"Woah..." Arcade whispered, his eyes wide. "That's so metal..."

April Flynn

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: Hydrokinesis

"WAIT!" April screamed, but it was too late.

Lady Nimue was made of water. That was why April's powers could possibly spirit her away to safety. But Mads and Andy had both launched off their attacks, Andy's being electricity... They may not just fail to save their Lady. They might kill their Lady. April reached her hand out and clenched the air, pulling her arm back in towards her - trying to grasp the water molecules of Lady Nimue and yank her out of Mothman's grasp. But Mothman's grip was strong - Mothman liked to work out and stay in shape - and April couldn't get Nimue to budge.

For her part, at least Lady Nimue wasn't screaming in fear - that meant everything would be fine, right? Right? RIGHT?

April's heart was beating like the screams of a goat. Mads' fireball soared through the air, colliding with Mothman. His wings caught aflame and he started to fly in circles as he screeched - not in pain, but because he wanted to go to the light. Lady Nimue was still held in his grasp. She didn't seem to be scorched, likely because she was made of water. Andy's attack hit next. The lightning struck Mothman square in the eyes and he screeched, flailing backwards as he let go of Lady Nimue!

Lady Nimue, who had also been hit by the lightning... Her watery form dropped limply to the ground, hitting it with a thud. Was she alive? Was she even conscious? It was impossible to tell from this distance. April broke off at a sprint, not caring if Mothman tried to eat her alive or something, as she tried to close the gap between her and her teacher. The beast screeched, slashing its burning wing at April - she threw up a shield of water out of reflex, the wing slamming into it and becoming extinguished. But the shield held.

"Nimue!! Please, please don't be dead - we can't have killed our teacher in the first week of school! They'll not let us compete for sure if that happened!" April sobbed.

There was no answer from their Lady. But the mothman continued to rage.

Percy Novikov

Location: Gym - Training Room B
Skills: Omnilingualism

A pang of concern hit Percy as Sabine said something had happened to the other team - and obviously, it was just him being worried about Zelda. Yes, maybe he had been somewhat dismissive when he told her to just quit the team, but he did care about her. More than he did for anyone else on the team at least. And most of the people at this school, if he was being frank. He could list the number of students here he'd shed a tear for on one hand and still have fingers to spare. "As long as we win," Percy said. He was competitive. He didn't deny this about himself.

He still thought the pizza reward was stupid.

When Sabine said his power was sick, Percy almost vomited. His symptoms were getting better, but they still weren't gone. He managed to cover though, doing his best so no one could tell something was wrong. The dream he had about young Tony Stark taking him to the nurse had been enough. He didn't need to actually go there and be seen. He'd shake off whatever it was Teddy infected him with - as long as it wasn't M-Pox, he guessed. Or X-Pox, but he hated that name. It felt silly. They didn't need to slap an X on everything - he had no interest in being X-Percy. Or Percy X? X-Percy Too X Too Novikov?

The next room was fascinating. It was an intellectual puzzle. Percy tilted his head quizzically, not at the tooth, but at the photographs in front of them. They were three different men, all with their names written at the bottom - Sinister, Malcom, and Benjamin. Percy's subtler power began to work without him thinking about it. To him, the letters on the page rearranged themselves, as the names translated:Harmful, Evil, Of the Left Hand Side || Devotee of Saint Columbia || Son of the Right. Sabine already had her hand on the door handle for the lefthand door, after identifying the tooth belonged to Sinister. The name was vaguely familiar to Percy, but he couldn't place where.

"Sinister means of the left hand side - and Benjamin means son of the right, so it has to be the door you're opening," Percy informed Sabine. "I didn't know you could deduce things from a tooth. Was that a power or a lucky guess?" he asked. Again, all he knew about her powers was that she could mess with people's heads, pulling out things about them they'd never share. As far as he knew, teeth didn't have heads. Maybe Sabine really knew her dentistry though.

The door opened, and the way was clear to the next and final stage of the obstacle course. There was a homemade explosive on a table. There was a single pair of pliers, the sort that had a sharp edge as well to let you cut with. And nothing else. "...Do you happen to know how to disarm a bomb?" Percy asked Sabine.

There were seven different wires at least, from what he could tell - each of them a different color of the rainbow. It felt to him like pandering. His vision spun for a moment, before settling down again. He wanted to go lie down. But more importantly, they had to win. The other group could've gotten their act together and be right behind him... although Percy doubted they could identify the correct door and make it on through, with the last challenge.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

L̴e̸a̸h̵ ̷J̶o̸r̶d̸a̶n̵

L̸o̵c̸a̸t̴i̴o̷n̸: Framework
S̴k̵i̷l̸l̶s̵: Battlefield Manipulation
Today’s Fit

The rocks landed square enough, and clearly Vicky was made of sturdier stuff than she thought. Leah had to wonder if the damn thing was made of vibranium due to how little two boulders, each weighing a few thousand pounds, did to that with her still in it. She made a mental note to try a different sort of force against it- Tensile or perhaps cutting actions would have a different effect. Leah was just about to reach for a third boulder, intent of forming a spear out of it, when she felt something sharp and cold slide into her back. Under normal circumstances, Leah would have a very in-control and thoughtful reaction about how to deal with this. She had been stabbed before, in fact, Leah couldn't keep track of the number of places she had been stabbed in, or different things she had been stabbed with.

These, however, were not normal circumstances anymore.

Zarina's sword damaged something on its way into Leah's back, something that Leah didn't realize was actually there. Leah felt a jolt of unusual pain shoot up and down her spine, and like any stab wound, blood began to trickle out. But something else came from the wound, in the form of bone white smoke. It was like watching dry ice sublimate into a gas, and Leah's entire body began to feel as though it was set on fire. She screamed until her throat nearly gave out and fell to her hands and knees. More of that smoke vapor started to boil off of her skin. On the outside, it looked like Leah had just stepped into a warm room, after standing in a snowstorm. On the inside, she felt something primal take over, something powerful that tried to fill every corner of her body with itself. The smoke fumed off of Leah more and more, and between the wispy trails it left in the air, patches of Leah's skin had become gray and glassy, like polished rock, where others simply grew denser.

A feeling of deep, longing stillness crept into her surroundings. Those in the immediate vicinity would be put in the mind of someone staring out into an endless wilderness, alone and unrelentingly at peace. Only it wasn't the kind of peace one felt in the comfort of their own home. No, it was the peace one experienced in an untamed, wild place where "peace" meant isolation from danger. There wasn't safety, there was only the charged atmosphere of wild anticipation. Leah's hair grew thicker, standing up on its ends like the hide of a beast. She felt her muscles grow denser beneath her skin, bones contorted and stretched in such a way that she grew to just over seven feet tall.

She was in agony.

This was a kind of visceral pain that she hadn't experienced in her entire life. Imperator had broken most of the bones in her body over the course of roughly 12 years, she had been set on fire, stabbed and subjected to magic during combat training. Leah had never before felt like something was ripping her apart at this level. Her lungs felt as though they were ready to give out, but when she breathed, it was like she could breathe a thousand times over and still breathe again before a single exhale. When she got to her feet, she expected them to be weak from the pain, but they were stronger. Leah turned her gaze to Zarina, but there was nothing reminiscent of the usual, stoic, brown-eyed expression Leah wore. Instead, the white in her eyes had become golden yellow, and the brown became vibrant orange. She looked at the green-haired girl with an expression that sat on the verge of animalistic, like she was contemplating rip Zarina in half with nothing but her bare hands.

"...What... What did you do to me?!" She demanded, with a ragged breath that spewed more pale smoke into the air. Panic could be heard in her voice as she essentially accused Zarina of causing her to become this thing. Around Leah, the simulated stone in the Framework started to splinter. Cracks formed in the ground, fissures split in random places, and everyone touching the ground could feel a tremor ring out in response to Leah's very words. Her heart was hammering in her chest out of confusion and distress; She did not understand what was going on. The only person here who had a chance at realizing what just happened was the person who stabbed Leah through the back.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Dorian Gray

Location: Training Room B
Skills: First Day Fit

Dorian could tell it was working. It helped that he had some practice with this sort of thing. After all being a prankster was hard work if you were constantly caught, so it was best to try and reshape the reality of the situations to help weasel his way out of them and avoid punishment. He was about to suggest that if Firestar had it handled they could head back towards class if that was what Zelda wanted, but just as his lips parted to speak, he was blasted by a wave of energy that overwhelmed him emotionally. He looked towards Zelda, empathy rolling off him in waves as he was able to experience just how much she was going through at this moment. A part of him wondered if she could feel others emotions too, and maybe she’d felt just how strongly Danni and him had wanted to have April alongside them all along. He looked back towards Firestar watching as a single tear rolled down her cheek. They clearly got the coolest Dorm Mom out of all of them, but he was glad that Zelda’s emotional wave was able to help sell the story he’d given her before. It seemed that Firestar would be willing to take Zelda with her, though Dorian now wanted to join in on the ice-cream fun, but he understood if it was just the pair of them. It’s fine, He, Danni, and April could go for ice-cream later in the day since they all missed a morning coffee date already.

It all felt nicely wrapped up, like nothing else could possibly happen at this moment. But that wasn’t the case. That was never the case when Danni was around. He must’ve forgotten the ropes again, because he threw himself towards Zelda for a hug with so much force that it dragged Dorian alongside him to her. There was a loud yelp as his body got dragged around once more, flailing him towards the crying mutant on the ground as he instinctively wrapped his arms around her as well, like a skater grabbing a pole for stability when stopping. ”Really Zelds, you did such a good job back t’ere you don't even know t’e half of it.” Dorian added with a tight squeeze before offering her some circular back rubs. His attention diverted as he needed to find a way to casually unbind himself from Danni so that he wouldn't get flung around anymore. Dorian quickly shifted his body into the Astral Realm, letting the ropes fall down slack as he moved just an inch towards the right before shifting back into place and continuing to console Zelda.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sabine Bassard

Location: Training Room B
Skills: Memory Manipulation, Psychometry

Percy's words might have said he didn't care as long as they won, but she got the sense there was more to the story. It was part of the reason she had the teams set up like she did. Dorian and Danni needed to get along better with Zelda (who in turn needed to be ready to use her abilities for the team) and Percy needed to be away from them all to work on his own shit.

Sabine was already perfect so no need to change anything.

After Percy confirmed her door choice and explained why, she felt enthused. This was going a lot better than she thought. "I think it's a power connected to my main one. Objects have memories attached to them and since I can manipulate memories, I can gauge memories from objects. I don't question it since it has come in handy, as you saw."

Soon, inside the next room, they were faced with a bomb. Surely it wasn't going to actually explode, right?

Who was she kidding. She knew where she was. Of course it would explode!

"No, no bomb diffusal experience, but I have an idea. Hold on." Sabine walked up to the bomb and put her hand on it. She used her psychometry power to see if she can determine how the bomb got made. She doubted she'd see how to diffuse it, but it wouldn't be turned down. At first, she saw the bomb the weapons room on campus. No information. She strained harder, seeing the label on the bomb. C4. So it was DEFINITELY a real bomb. She also saw Nemo grab it so that confirmed it more.

Finally, she delved deeper and got info on the bomb's innings. How it was made and all that. She got out and turned to Percy. "Ok here's my idea. I just saw how the bomb was made. If we know how it's made, we know how to unmake it. So, with your permission, I want to alter your memories. I can't implant memories into someone that I am unaware of, so I can't make people rocket scientists or extreme sports people, but I saw how to make the bomb. I can use that info to manipulate your memory to make you a bomb-diffusing expert. It shouldn't last long but it should be enough to fix this. Do I have your permission?"

After her explanation, Percy nodded in response, so Sabine got inside his head (literally) and used her knowledge of the bomb-making to make Percy the best bomb diffuser ever. Once the memory was implanted, she got out. "Okay, that should do it. You're up." Sabine was confident. This would work.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 24 min ago

Zelda Flynn

Location: Hallway
Skills: N/A

To say that she wasn't too thrilled that the others had decided to hug her at the moment was an understatement. She very much did not like people touching her, or hugs really in general. It just crowded her a bit too much, and Danni and Dorian weren't seemingly wanting to leave her alone. "Can you two let go of me? I don't care much for hugs..." she muttered, not exactly speaking too loudly. Zelda was feeling really overcrowded and the other two were trying to get her to go back, but that's just it. Everyone expected her to use her powers or something like that, but right now she was very much proving if her emotional state went out of whack things didn't exactly go right.

"I'm not a hero and never want to be one, ever. And people don't exactly seem to get that through their heads," she mumbled, still sniffling a little bit with regards to everything. Her attention shifted towards Firestar as her brain registered what she had said finally. The mention of ice cream was definitely comforting to say the least, and she nodded her head in response to the suggestion of getting some ice cream or something.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Framework
Skills: N/A

Zari instantly moved backwards after Leah started to sort of shift and freak out. This was not something she had expected, and Leah shifting into a much larger figure of sorts was definitely odd to say the least. Since usually from just stabbing someone nothing horrible would happen aside from a sword stab injury. This was a curious case to say the least, unless things were hidden from Leah herself. The thing she didn't appreciate was basically being accused of doing something to cause this.

"First of all, I'm a technopath, and don't know Asgardian magic, so that is not something I could have caused. Secondly, I did mention I can mess with things in here but I wouldn't do something that big. Because you know, destabilizing the entire program and screwing up everything. I'm actually really curious and would happily figure out what the hell happened later if you want?" Zari offered with a shrug, unsure what else to really say or do.

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