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I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

Most Recent Posts

Jack Hawthorne

Location: The Twilight Pass

The plan was simple: Jack supports the others while they go scorched earth. That was made clear when Max suddenly incinerated 10 of them at the same moment that Annika stepped through. And then he... Oh dear. He was flirting with Jack suddenly, that seemed quite a bit different than his demeanor in Limbo. Jack turned and gave him a look that conveyed a mix of befuddlement and surprise. "Save that for after reality as we know it has been saved." He was also pretty sure that Max was about half his age, so that was a bit off-putting. Unless Max was into that sort of thing. Alas, they had something to do. Runa seemed to be preparing for a spell herself, and it was anyone's guess what Prudence and Annika were going to unleash. Klara wasn't suited for this.

"If we stay close to one another, we'll be alright," He assured the tiny, sword-brandishing Asgardian. "They won't let us annihilate them forever. Allow me..." Jack took a few steps forward, and raised his hands into the air. The sky seemed to sway and churn as he called on his magic, causing the ground at the feet of all the Green Eyed ones to turn blacker than it was before. As if there was something there, and now replaced with nothing. A thick wave of shadows rolled over their legs and ankles, spiraling up over dozens upon dozens of them in the shape of vines and thorns. Their limbs were clamped down on tightly, held in place to prevent them from escaping or taking action against the sorcerers. Jack didn't trust the Green Eyed Ones to simply sit still while a band of magicians vaporized them.

"They won't be able to move. Take your time, and use whatever you have at your disposal. I'll make it as easy as possible. I'm going above to get a better view of the battlefield." Jack pushed off of the ground, and floated upwards for about two or three seconds. And then... He suddenly fell back on the ground, right on his ass.

"...Or not. Just how long were we in Limbo..." He pulled his watch out and looked at the time. It was 3am in California's time when they left...

Location: A Fucking Swamp
Interactions: The Team

Stormcaller took off like a bird, flying forward through the swampy trees and scanning the water for any sign of trouble. Talos was still dramatically faster than her, but she could likely control which direction she went in easier as a result. As the boat shrunk into the distance, Cora started making mental notes of where exactly she was, in case she got lost. It was just trees and rivers, until she caught up with Talos jumping through the trees. She didn't have time to get close to him before he took off like a bullet, onto what looked like a wooden dock where... Oh shit.

Guns were drawn- Those were guards down there, pointing them at some guy who looked like a highlighter with legs. Talos messed up their guns quick enough, and Stormcaller heard their chatter over the radio. Fast and violent. Just what they needed, a complete shift in gears the moment they actually found their objective. Stormcaller grimaced behind her helmet as she watched Talos rough the guards up, and surged herself full of her power to get over there quicker. Her skin started to prick and feel numb from the sudden overload, but she flew way quicker, and found herself flying straight over Talos and whoever the hell the big guy was. She... Probably should've brought her less-than-patented Fuck Off Glove for this. Stormcaller began to fall, quicker and quicker, while being just slow enough that she wouldn't get hurt as she landed on Vincent's opponent.

This was the closest thing to a subtle sneak attack she could manage with her powers. She landed on the guy's back like a brick against concrete, and flooded him with electricity to stun him into submission. Sparks raced outwards and crackled through the air, and Mr. Bad Guy Man dropped like a rock. He was intentionally not dead, and might've had an electrical burn or two, but he definitely wasn't moving anytime soon. Stormcaller stood up off of his limp body and looked around for a second. "We can't be too far, if there are guards patrolling around here..." Then she looked at Florida Man. "Get lost before someone isn't around to save you, okay?"

Tapping the side of her helmet, she opened up the comm channel again, "Stormcaller to team. Me and Talos got the guards, but there's some guy here. Talos found him, he's just... Hunting for elephants or something. I think we're near the compound. Can everyone still hear each other?"
Void should definitely get ahold of Jack so they can drag the Wolfpack into another reality together

Yesterday’s hunt had gone well. And now, Velhass inspected the skin he cut away from the rakthir they caught. He laid it over the fire last night, to dry it out and make it easier to clean for the colder seasons. It was large and would make a good covering.

Looking up into the trees, he saw a pair of birds flying under the midday sun.

”Howlerwings…” Shirik walked out of their quaint abode, looking up at the sky. ”They should be hibernating by now… Odd. Velhass, did you use the ash base I showed you for that?”

Velhass nodded, the underside of the rakthir pelt was dry as bone, in no small part thanks to the curious mix of wood ash, paste from some alarmingly poisonous fruit that Shirik just happened to cultivate last season in their garden, and animal fat. ”How do you know so many things like that? Did one of your hunting ancestors teach you?”

”They do not teach me anything, but no. I learned that from a S’tor in the northern mountains, shortly after I won a god’s crown in a game of Damage.”

Velhass stared at Shirik. This was one of their stories that he could neither confirm nor deny. ”…There is some part of that story which is true, and I have no way of knowing which,” He shook his head, and returned to his work, cutting away bits of sinew that shrunk under the smoke with a chuckle.

Shirik laughed, only it sounded like the death throes of a dying animal. ”One day, you’ll learn that I rarely tell an imagined tale, boy.” Shirik leaned on their walking staff, pondering the forest that lay before them both.

”And just how did you meet a god?”

”By leaving this fragile form behind, while my mind delved beyond what is known, to find peace in my new life,” Shirik retorted, matter-of-factly.

Velhass did not have a witty remark for that. He let the answer go for a moment as he thought about what Shirik just said. They never talked about how they wound up burning alive perpetually.

”…How did that happen? The… Well-“

”The flames?” They could tell Velhass was trying to be polite about it. Not that they needed to be cautious at this point. ”I was burned alive, many centuries ago. Have you heard of the Kolodon?”

”Some. Only stories,” he said, curiously.

”They ruled everything in this world, once. They conquered it all, laying claim to whatever was strong enough to survive their passing. I was young like you, when I witnessed their attack on my home.”

Shirik knelt down beside Velhass, and waved a hand through the air. Wisps of flame shaped into a glowing tapestry, depicting S’tor and Iriad in a war. ”I hadn’t realized what happened, until it was too late. I was set ablaze like the forest around us all, and then I saw things that no living being could understand. I saw the birth of the world, and I saw its end. And it was all one continuous moment… Life and death, cast in golden hues. Burning as a flame.”

The images fell away, one after another, until there was only one Iriad rising from the ground, where tall trees once stood in the background.

”It changed me. I was not reborn, but I was no longer the soldier with ancestry of hunters.”

Velhass listened with rapt attention, marveling at the small tale. He felt small, uninteresting in comparison to the immortal being he took to calling a father. From time to time, Shirik told stories of times long past, of great kings far beyond the horizon, noble heroes who wandered this land before his grandparents could form words, and of places no one but Shirk themself had seen. Velhass often wondered just how many of Shirik’s stories were true, and how many were elderly ramblings. But now…

Was he just another page in the book of someone who would outlive the universe?

”Do you ever miss the Myriad? Could you ever go home if you wanted?”

”The world is my home, boy. Every step I’ve taken, every road I’ve walked. I was here long before the borders of today were drawn out on maps, and I will be here long after they’ve faded,” Shirik looked up at the sky, towards the south where they were born so long ago.

”I often wonder if the faces from my old life still live as we do, but I am just a memory to them all now.”

One day, Velhass would be dead and just a memory as well. He knew this, and it wasn’t particularly a revelation to him. But thinking about Shirik’s age made him feel an emotion he couldn’t put to words. It wasn’t sadness, there was nothing to be sad about.

”My family left me behind too. Before the inquisitors found me.”

”I thought they were…” Dead. Velhass didn’t like talking about where he came from. Shirik knew this.

”I think they are. They told me they’d come home one day, after they were done being soldiers. If they didn’t die, they lied to me.”

Shirik stayed quiet for a moment. Velhass couldn’t tell what was going on behind those burning eyes, but it must’ve been something like understanding.

”You’ll see them again, one day.”

”How do you know?”

Shirik stood, leaning on their staff. ”Nothing is permanent, Velhass. You’ll understand, one day.”

They were cornered. The river-dwelling beast was set ablaze, and splattered like day-old salad. But it was still kicking, despite being on fire. The other human, Mallory, was injured and surrounded by the Glen, who were taking hits. Being in the middle of them gave Shirik space to take in the battlefield. They did not need ancestral memory to recall the tactics of yesteryear. These creatures were forneless, they warped and twisted themselves into new forms as if they were made of clay. In this world, it was Life mages who held such power. Shirik wouldn’t put it past a particularly deranged one to create such abominations. Magic opened up possibilities that the denizens of Kanth-Arenek could never dream of otherwise.

The Glen were not impenetrable, and neither were the humans. Shirik elected to kill two birds with one stone. With their staff in hand, they drew a circle of fire in the air, sticking an arm through it one it was completely. The flames went from warm gold, to a bony white color in the blink of an eye, seemingly brighter than they were initially. Palm open, and fingers curled, Shirik pointed the ring at the creature attacking Ixtaro. The end of their staff began forming a glowing ball of heat, with thin, almost invisible strands of light trailing from one spell to the next. The orb of heat grew brighter and brighter, into a miniature sun no larger than a human fist. The more attentive warriors would notice that a much larger orb of mist and fog seemed to be crackling in front of Shirik’s hand, glimmering like winter wind in the moonlight.

”Get back here, Ixtaro!” They bellowed, as the glowing white ring moved forward, past their hand. Shirik spread their fingers, and the shimmering air was sent forth like a spear, the only indication of magic being used to attack. Shirik’s spell was the exact opposite of a fireball, it was a void of heat, colder than what any living being could hope to survive, drained of every scrap of friction imaginable. This blast of ice was intended to flash freeze the monster, and compromise its ability to reform, or successfully get up the bridge to Ixtaro.

And as there was take, so too was there give. All of the heat they sapped from the air directly in front of them was now theirs to use. They closed a hand around the blazing orb, and let it deep through their cracked bark like water into roots. Flame was the lifeblood that gave Shirik the energy to keep going. And after they flew through the air like a Force mage, they needed to boost.

”When I give the signal, shield your eyes, all of you!”

They raised their staff high overhead, and started drawing curious shapes. If this worked, it could turn the tide of battle. But they needed time…

What da dog doin

Interactions: The Queen's Subjects

Perhaps Jack implying Victoria was complicit in the murders was an overstep, Jack could admit that much. Perhaps Sloane asking why Drake couldn't save Jade was out of line. Hopefully Sloane could understand that. Jack had never known Drake to be a particularly violent individual. Sure, they all waged a war against a demigod as kids, but that was to save the world. He liked to believe that Drake was a reasonable person.

But he was clearly wrong.

Jack watched Drake shove Luca off to the side, causing the poor fellow to fall and break his wrist, and bleed. And then he watched Drake punch the living shit out of Sloane, who devolved to tears. At this point, Jack was fed up with Drake's shit. Once his fist disconnected from Sloane's face, Drake would feel his arms and legs being gripped by something. Any normal person would see absolutely nothing, it would simply be like Drake tensed up. But the people at this table would see that the darkness around them folded inwards into the shape of hands, latching onto his limbs like strands from a web. The shadows grabbed Drake and refused to let go. He was trapped, and Jack was on his feet before anyone could protest. On any other day, even a day when their lives were actively at risk, Jack's face betrayed absolutely nothing. He was typically cool as ice, not affected by whatever was happening around him; Always levelheaded, and ready to weather the storm. But right now, anger was etched on his expression. Now, he was pissed, and disappointed. Had time changed them all this much, that they would rather see one another brought low and bloody, than make amends like adults? Did Jade's passing weigh this heavily on him, that it clouded his judgement? If that was the case, then Drake was only a detriment to them all.

The shadowy hands kept their grips on Drake tight enough that they threatened to break his wrists if he didn't calm himself the fuck down, or put away that Abstraction of his. Jack took one step forward, entirely unaware of another familiar face rolling up as he stared Drake dead in the face.

"Who do you think you are, lashing out at her? We owe each other our lives, and this is how you treat your childhood friends? Getting angry with Sloane when she asks you about Jade is one thing, but you have no excuse for behaving like a child! This is why we all fell apart, because we couldn't settle things without fighting! Is that the same fate you want to doom us all to again, now that some of us have been murdered?!" He'd grill Drake like this all night if it weren't for him realizing Evelyn was present. He... Was surprised she even came, honestly. But it took his mind off of Drake right now, who he really wanted to punch with a fist that was magically hard as stone.

Instead, he turned and walked over to where Sloane had fell, and held out a hand for her to stand up. That punch must have been awful. "Try not to move quickly, that looked painful. I'll take both of you to a hospital. It'll be faster than driving there," He offered, to both Sloane and Luca. He noted that Sloane was a teary mess right now, but chose not to comment on it. Of course she would be.

Interactions: All the fuckers
Veni Whatever the Fuck

The first thing that grabbed Stormy’s attention amidst everything was, unsurprisingly, the giant fucking ball of fire in the shape of a bird. Stormy watched as it crashed down near him and Bianca, and became… A person. A person dressed like a cop. Yeah… That totally checked out. This stranger immediately started talking through some sort of earpiece and talking to Bianca as if they knew each other. Stormy put two and two together quickly.

”Nah. I’m mostly sure we haven’t met. Mostly. So tell me something, stranger. What took the PRA so long to get here?” Stormy might’ve had a reputation as a member of Drake and Sully’s “jock squad” but he was far from an idiot. There was no way in hell someone like this guy- Who Stormy assumed was an aberration of some kind- Was just a regular cop. ”Not that I’m complaining, but-“


Stormy’s attention was grabbed by the sudden gunshots. Alizee fell over, dead before she hit the ground.

For a brief moment, Stormy was a kid again. He was there on the battlefield, raising mile-long barricades and holding up the sky with his magic. All of the original members of the coven were there beside him, fighting for their lives. Even still, he could never save everyone. Bodies hit the grass, and no amount of defense could make them stand up again. Magic reflected the soul like a mirror, and Stormy was a protector at heart. He liked to tell himself that he was unbreakable, and skill, others around him died.

The moment passed, and he was on his feet. Alizee had a problem, but her problem was their problem. Adrenaline surged through him, wrath lit his bones ablaze. Stormy felt Bianca’s boost multiple in him, and it emboldened him to summon two more shields, which tethered to his arms.

”I’ll kill them all…” He flung both of the shields towards Alizee’s killer- The fool who brought a gun out. He put every ounce of muscle he had into the throw, fully intent on shattering the bastard, even killing then outright if he was lucky.

The Wolfpack just dug their graves.
Poor Sloane.

Introducing a new plaything. Bit dark with this one, my apologies in advanced.

Leah Jordan

Location: Training Room B
Gear: A hot ass dress
Skills: The insurmountable will to not lose her cool under any circumstances
Oh god oh fuck

This wasn't the reaction she expected from them. So this "Swift Wind" individual was a flying horse that Sabine's character flew around on? If Leah understood the multiple explanations, and whatever indescribable non-Sabine French that came out of Danni's mouth, that was basic knowledge. And, unsurprisingly, everyone wanted to watch it together, in a big marathon. It sounded nice, but Leah didn't really understand what was so special about it. Still, she'd be happy to spend time with the girls, no matter what.

"That sounds fun, but I-" She forgot what she was saying saw the look on April's face. Good god, she's fucking cute.

Yes. They were in lesbian together.

Wait a damn minute, that was their names that were being called. "Oh, shit. We won something? Our teams are all in, but what did we save everyone from?" She was, indeed, led up the stage to where the royals got their shit. Leah wasn't accustomed to the whole homecoming royalty thing, but she figured it out once she realized they were getting crowned for this. Although... Unless one of those crowns were made of something stronger than vibranium, Leah definitely wasn't putting any of them on. April won first place, and she and Sabine won second... Were they supposed to kneel like servants before an emperor or something?
Void Heart and Jack team up for revenge
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