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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
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Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
5 mos ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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Was that fucking reverse psychology? Some of the subhuman garbage at Umbra used it from time to time, to trick her into doing things she didn't want to.

Ryder didn't feel safe here, even if she had eyes on the entire place. Ryder didn't want to be here. But honestly where on this godforsaken planet would she want to be? Her powers gave her a connection to the entire world, and from her cage, she knew the tragedy that mutants lived in place of a life. Country after country passed laws that labelled them as beneath the ordinary human. All it would take was for someone to hold eye contact with her for long enough to get the feeling that something was up. And then it was all downhill from there.

And yet, she didn't trust Xavier. She had little reason to, beyond the fact that they poked at her and kept her alive. But that only made her want to atomize every square kilometer of the building and its surroundings. So in her brutal, survival-oriented mind, Ryder came to a crossroad: Take what she could get and risk another imprisonment that she could, realistically, get out of if she tried; Alternatively, just walk away now and figure it all out later. Ryder didn't leave things up to chance, she didn't just figure things out whenever, or leave something unaccounted for in her plans. Ryder was many things, unhinged, brave beyond logical reasoning, absolutely visceral; Chief among those qualities was strategic.

What else did she stand to lose, other than time?

"...Fine. But only because I don't want you following me after the bullet holes are gone for good." The implication there was that Ryder would leave eventually. Was she pressuring Xavier to show an unseen hand? To try and make sudden plea for her to stay in spite of what he had already said? Who could say?

Interestingly enough, not her.

"I still don't trust you, or any of you. I dare you to forget that. Now, where were we going?"
Leah Jordan

Location: The Dance
Gear: A hot ass dress, now smeared with blood
Skills: The insurmountable will to not lose her cool under any circumstances
Oh god oh fuck

Very quickly, everyone of April's friends, along with Sabine, came over at the sound of her screaming. They were all concerned, and for some weird fucking reason, Danni just started ordering her around and wanting her to carry April. The only way she could've done that with her busted hand was if she carried April over her shoulder, which would put her face or legs-first in Leah's hair. Bad idea. "Easy, now. We'll go when April feels like standing. April, just breath and catch your breath, then we'll get out of here, okay? Everyone, give her some space to relax. Please." Leah said with with all the gentle calmness one would associate with the eye of a storm. Leah was being gentle for April's sake, but like Sabine, she was infuritated.

Leah assumed that there was simply something incredibly freaky inside the haunted house. A chained up monster, a very realistic zombie actor, or something along those lines. But Leah ended up fighting some weird being she didn't know or had ever heard about. And the reaction April had suggested she had either faced that same lunatic or worse. She didn't know who "him" was. But it didn't matter. Her functioning hand balled up tightly into a fist and Leah turned around, and looked for any fucking teachers who happened to be around. Sabine was right to call them out.

"Which one of you MOTHERFUCKERS put this thing here?!"

She demanded to know whose idea this was, with the thunder of an earthquake in her voice. No one harmed her girls. NO ONE. Her heart hammered with fury, not fear. Someone was going to pay for this.
”Destroying the place wasn’t on my mind until you decided to chase me down, like you had a deathwish.” Ryder practically spat the words out at him. ”I could’ve been two thirds of the way to Newcastle by now, but you two had the bright idea to get in the way. You could’ve just left me the hell alone, but then you got a mob on your tail, so they got on mine. then you drag me off to another hemisphere.”

She stood up, in spite of her injuries, rather suddenly. ”The only reason I didn’t feel like wasting my time in the first place was because I didn’t care until you gave them enough of a chance to catch up with me.” That might not have been a very fair assessment of the situation, but it was the one that Ryder believed was true. To her, she could’ve escaped and would have been long gone before Umbra had their shit together in the wake of her system-wide attack. But the time they had control of the place, and verified there wasn’t an outside party hacking their systems, Ryder could’ve been in an entirely different country.

But what would she have done then? The world didn’t know she existed. She had no friends here or in the outside world. It would just be her, running for her entire life until she possibly found someone she could trust. Assuming, of course, Ryder’s ability to trust people wasn’t further eroded at such a point in the future.

Her tea was getting cold.

”So, I’ll ask you again. Why should I stick around when I don’t want to?”

Jack Hawthorne

Location: The Twilight Pass
Skills: Magic Expertise, Supernatural Lore

Now that the fighting was over, and Klara got her soul back, all that was left was to get the hell out of the Everdark.

That is where we go next," Jack said in response to Prudence, as he pointed down past his home, towards a hole in space that led to a bright and sunny city. A far cry from the gloomy land they found themselves in. "With every passing moment, the lines between realms grows thinner. We-" His rant was cut short as Runa suddenly found her body again, which was both good and alarming considering how easy it was to enter this world right now.

"Dominions..." Strangely, Jack little knowledge of that subject. "The Machine Gods. That is uncharted territory for me, I'm afraid. But it can't be good, we must hurry, regardless." Jack held up his watch, which was spinning so fast that the hands were just a blur on the face. "Ananym is tearing reality apart. Let's go." He turned and ran out of the rift. Everdark rifts were curious. One did not walk through a two-way portal. Rather, every rift led to a fixed place in the cosmos, and when you passed through, you were simply there on the other side.

The strange part, however, is that they found themselves in New York City. Ordinarily, this rift led to California. Another grim sign that even the most stable of interdimensional borders were falling to chaos.

New York City had become hell on earth. Literally. Demons soared through the sky, and a blood red miasma hung overhead, surrounding a blazing pentagram stretching over the tallest buildings. It was difficult to see, but Jack could spot human children at the points of it. Looking around, Jack saw where they landed, and remembered this place. Albeit vaguely. The otherwise calm and collected wizard was awestruck in the worst way. [color=6644ff]"This... This is New York, in my time. This is the Sanctum Sanctorum- We're... We are running out of time. Ananym, [i]why?"[/color] He shouldn't have been surprised to see the chaos she had brought to earth. "She was always a wicked child, but a child no less. What did she become that drove her to this? If we don't stop her, there won't be anything left to save of this world."

He hated the idea of killing her. Even if it was a future version of her, Ananym was his friend. It had to be done, so he grit his teeth and found the determination inside that had kept him going this far and pointed at the sky. "Look around us, that is the engine powering all of this chaos! Ananym- Witchfire has brought Limbo to this world, and all the forces we faced and no doubt more are standing between us and Magik. We are walking into grave danger, but we can still make this right! If we can dispel that, we'll cut off the head of this invasion. We'll need help- Stephen Strange didn't work alone. If we can get inside the Sanctum, we can find the people he worked with." There was determination in his eyes, now. Ororo knew the world was calling to him, and maybe now he saw that for himself.

He was just about to walk up to the front door of the Sanctum and attempt to ram his boot through the doorknob when he saw the mailbox attacking Max. That was when Jack ran over and tried to grab it with a hand it couldn't injure. "Get away from him!"

Interactions: The Calamitous Congregation of Cohorts
The church

From the moment Auri shouted at them, Jack’s optimism for this entire thing going good started to crack at the seams. Everyone followed her to this lair, and the entire time, Jack couldn’t help but wonder just how in the name of god they were going to survive this. They all had lived they had to maintain, and they hated each other to the point that it seemed like surviving as individuals was ideal. Adora almost beat the shit out of Sloane. He would’ve stepped in if that happened, and Sloane likely believed he would. Anya, and everyone else there found it stupid. Sloane losing her “collection” might have been connected to Father Wolf, in the sense that neither the thief nor their killer left a trace.

It wasn’t easy. Jack consigned himself, mentally, to being the one who kept them together as much as possible. If they couldn’t bend, then he could.

Once they got to the church, Jack pondered it quietly. He never liked religious places like this, and he never met a higher power, but Jack always imagined they wouldn’t find him to be the most pleasant individual. And by the looks of things, the rest of the group didn’t seem all too amused. Especially not when Auri, Stormy, and Britney immediately left them without a leader. Of course, Jack knew what they were waiting for, but really? The Void Heart didn’t trust her, and it would’ve been better if she stuck around a bit longer. But this worked out. Jack was playing Double Agent right now. He had to ensure that both the remnants of the coven and his two targets were equally oblivious to the plan.

But now he could give them something to talk about. That child had some attention to him. But the rest of them were bickering again. Again.

Jack walked up to Layla and her apparition and whispered, ”Wait a moment after I address everyone, and then walk outside. Wait for me, and we’ll leave.”

And so that was what he did. Jack walked towards everyone else who spoke their minds and inserted himself into the conversation. They were talking about how Auri was a shitty leader, and how they should elect a new one. It was understandable in Jack’s opinion, he knew that Auri was planning something and needed absolute secrecy. This meant that it simply looked like she was absent. Jack was hopeful, deep down, that they’d understand once the secret was out, that they understand that still waters ran deep.

”Our “leader” has been making it difficult to trust her, lately. If we wish to vote on someone else, perhaps we should do so once we all have the time to. As Tayla said before, some of us don’t have the time to meet constantly. We’re all adults, mostly-“ He added, nodding to the kid at the front with Sloane. ”-And we have lives. Family, children, that we can’t neglect, even now. So, I’m going to suggest something else for us all to think on that does not require Auri’s input.” Hopefully, this would bring them just a bit closer together.

”With my purple Lux, I can get across St. Portwell in seconds. I can transport people to and from anywhere I need to, during that. I’m volunteering to use that to keep all of us connected. Instead of having to drive somewhere, you can contact me, and I’ll bring you here, or to somewhere else. We can also use this to our advantage to avoid being tracked down by the PRA, or the Wolfpack.”

”And lastly, I am willing to arrange a schedule to teleport directly to anyone’s location on a regular basis. Your homes, your workplaces, wherever you feel the least safe, to be there in case something dangerous happens. That way, we lower the chances of being killed off individually. And if someone is actively in an emergency, they won’t have to send a message, since I’ll already be on my way.”

He was offering to set up regular check-ins with whoever felt more comfortable knowing someone was about to show up at exactly the same time every evening with the ability to whisk them away from danger. The idea was simple on paper, and opened up opportunities for them to communicate more. If someone lost access to the internet or their phone, they could just go with Jack to talk in person with someone. Or, if someone was looking for them, they could get to a designated spot and Jack could discreetly get them out. This gave everyone an extra resource to pull from in spite of adult obligations.

[color=6644ff]”That offer is open to everyone present, and everyone, regardless of where we stand with one another. I want to help all of you, and prevent as many of us being buried as humanly possible. I have more time to myself than most of you combined, it will not be difficult.

”Think on that. Auri may have something for us to investigate once she is done wasting precious time… He was trying to work the crowd a little, but Jack was admittedly a little disappointed. Auri needed to lead these people.

Jack walked up towards the front of the church, where Sloane was taking to the boy. Something about him resonated with Jack. ”When we were all children, Ashley Stone was the reason I had a home. I remember very little from before I met her, but she created the Sycamore Tree coven, along with two others. It was my home, and the coven itself… It was family to me,” Jack spoke fondly of the old days, fonder than he did of most things. It was a side of him he didn’t often show.

He reached into his coat, and pulled out a pocket notebook. He sat it down on the bench behind Clancy, as a piece of his magic hand flaked off.

”Were it not for Ashley, I would have never found a place to call home, a place to feel welcome. That was not why the coven formed, but despite all the mistakes she made, she left this world warmer than it was when she arrived. I owed her my life, and her murderer will pay.”

He pocketed the notebook again, leaving behind a single sheet of paper that he subtly folded up, and kept in his hand. ”My name is Jack Hawthorne. Sometime soon, in the future, I’d be glad to speak with you more. But for now, I need to go and ask our competent leader why she is taking so long.”

Jack walked past Sloane, almost close enough to bump into her. But instead, he slipped the folded note into her hand. When she opened it, it would be written in a wispy, black substance that was from neither a pencil nor pen.

We are sealing the Void Heart. Pretend you do not know this. Auri, Britney and I have a plan, but we could not risk the Heart knowing; I am pretending to deceive all of you on his behalf, as we speak. I am telling you this because everyone is growing impatient of this reunion, and trust is scarce.

Auri is difficult, but clever in her own ways.

Jack opened the door, and loudly said, ”Are you finished playing with magical butterflies?” The doors shut behind him, and the writing on the paper seemed to fade away like smoke from a candle.

Moments later, Jack teleported outside the church doors, where Layla and the Void Heart were waiting. He quickly tore open the fabric of reality, opening a black fissure wide enough for people to walk through.

”This is our chance. Let’s go.”

The Shadowzone

Magic was the gateway to a boundless, infinite myriad of possibilities. One person could exist in every reality, the dead could return to the land of the living, and worlds could be created from the will of human beings. In all his years, Jack had learned this lesson time and time again, and to always take advantage of it.

Jack, Layla, and the Void Heart arrived in a land beyond Shimmer. And yet they stood in a house that had Jack’s personality all over it. Bookshelves containing esoteric paranormal knowledge stood from ceiling to floor, curious objects could be seen on shelves, and the living room they were dropped into felt chilly. There was no question that someone lived here, and yet there was total silence. Not even the sound of electricity humming through wires, or the sound of bugs buzzing outside. It was like they were in a place that humans had no place being in. It was unnaturally peaceful.

”Welcome to the Shadowzone. My home, away from Shimmer. I apologize if the atmosphere is unsettling. We’re in a place that wasn’t meant to be occupied by mortals. You’ll get used to it with time. Make yourselves comfortable, we are alone. You are my guests here, for as long as you need.”

Jack did not take his boots off. Rather, he walked over to a couch and sat down. ”Entropy does not exist in this reality, so you won’t grow cold or hungry- either of you- but I always make it a point to offer food to people who sleep under my roof. Shortly, we’ll eat and discuss what we do in the future.”

This was the moment where the Void Heart’s guard needed to be at his lowest. ”And a word of advice- Do not look outside the windows, or open the doors. Most mortal minds aren’t capable of comprehending what is out there, and the damage cannot be undone. You are safe behind these walls. Do you understand, Layla?” They both had to be fooled. He’d apologize to Layla for the deception once it was safe too.

So now, all he had to do was stall.
@Blizz Yep, I'm down!

Also, this Temple stuff is awwwesome.


I’m gonna write a post and then we’re going to the Void.
<Snipped quote by Blizz>

Ahhhhh- #panic #feeling trapped
Okay! I'm ready when you are. Post when you can, and at Ghost's discretion I can either post right after or after Ghost's next post.


If you want, I can mini-timeskip us to the void after I have jack do his best bullshit impression and trick layla and void into thinking he's got everyone focused on other shit

that way you can instantly respond once the two of them are in the void, and everyone else is waiting for the trap
@Estylwen According to PGN Jack needs to get Layla and VH to the place in the void hella soon are you down for that
Leah Jordan

Location: The Dance
Gear: A hot ass dress, now smeared with blood
Skills: The insurmountable will to not lose her cool under any circumstances
Oh god oh fuck

Her entire head felt like an axe was splitting through it, her ribs were fucked to hell and back, and she was definitely going to be bruised tomorrow. Leah's hand felt... Basically numb now. The fact that she had all these injuries after that, and yet didn't have a fractured skull anymore had a few implications that Leah wasn't sure she wanted to dwell much on. Did that stranger just knock her out, by pulling punches? Did they not want her dead for good? Why? Or was her skull simply thicker than she thought? It was a strange thing, and yet they knew her birth name on top of it all. Leah had absolutely no memories of anyone like them. Their hair was like her own, but they didn't even resemble a human being. Leah zones out for moment, thinking about it before a scream tore her clean out of her own thoughts.

That was April's scream. Immediately, she turned to the direction of her girlfriend and ran.

She stopped and saw that April was in tears, and at the exit, some ways away from where Leah seemed to just blink into existence. Despite her hand being mangle and her dress being covered in blood, and the possibility that part of her broken rib could be stuck in her lung right now, April's distress was more important to Leah.

"Hey- Hey, what happened? Did they hurt you?" Needless to say, she was very, very concerned. Logic dictated that April went through the haunted house to catch up with her, but Leah assumed that April also faced the same being as her.

Jack Hawthorne

Location: The Twilight Pass
Spells: Weightless Body, Star of the Abyss

Runa performed some sort of astral projection while they moved. Jack didn’t know what the point of it was exactly, but it had to have been for a reason. Jack saw no reason to doubt the old woman’s magical abilities. But everything changed when he saw a fucking rift open right before her. An unstable rift, here in the god damn Everdark. Such a thing did not normally happen here, all of the rifts that dotted this vast world were persistent, and this only cemented the doom they were facing. The woman’s soul was gone now. That was two of them that had their souls torn from their bodies. Worst of all, if her body was left here, she’d never see it again.

Jack had to fill the void she left behind in their offensive. He tossed his watch to Max, who seemed curious about how much time they had. He’s find it was only ticking faster and faster, never slowing down. And then he did something arguably very stupid. He broke into a dead sprint down the hill, and took to the air remarkably quickly. He floated up, higher and higher, until he was a hundred or so feet above the house. It was at this moment when the sky came alive. With the numbers whittled down so much, that this was worth the gamble.

Thunder crackled overhead, loud enough that Jack’s companions could feel it through the ground, and further still when the air changed around them. It felt as if they were all being watched from a hundred million unseen places all at once. A vast, groaning noise rang out like straining metal, when the sky split wide open. Jack stretched his hands out, and tore down a fragment of it. A comet of black and lilac purple energy fell down to the earth below, like a monochrome sun. It struck everything around the Green Eyed Ones, incinerating the monsters, yet somehow now corrupting them further and spawning more, or harming the countless souls they had devoured over their lifespans.

It was almost beautiful how they were annihilated. In a haunting sort of way.
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