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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
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Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
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i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

Most Recent Posts

Interactions: The Calamitous Congregation of Cohorts
The burning church

Those guns did not elicit the response that the PRA might have expected. Jack stood still as a statue, knowing damn well (and egotistically) that the shadows at their feet were all he needed to get them off their power trip, and make them resort to magic or grenades. When the one who Jack assumed was in charge spoke to him, he kept his eyes on as many places as possible. He saw Tayla come out of the bushes, and she was powerless without her Lux. If these vermin started shooting again, she was who he'd try to shield first, long enough for her to escape. Liao seemed to know Auri, and by extension the rest of them by name.

"She was injured, but she's alive. Head trauma." That was all he'd explain to anyone at the moment. The PRA did not need to know how or why this happened to Auri, but simply explaining the nature of her injury was enough to address the fact that she needed medical attention. Jack didn't actually know the extent of what Furio did to her, but he certainly wasn't about to get into details with the feds. They didn't need to know that he could take people to places beyond Shimmer whenever he wanted.

At least her subordinates seemed to have more professionalism than her, as they all started talking her down after they attacked the church and seemingly set it on fire. Jack could've strangled them all right then and there for endangering lives, but he was busy keeping Auri's unconscious body safe... Why were they arresting Everleigh? She was the problematic one in this group of problems, was she the reason for all this? He kept quiet until Cindy walked over to him, offering a lukewarm apology and one of their other agents to heal them. Either these people considered themselves to be in control right now (they were, but Jack was being Jack about it) and just wanted to sleep at night, or one of them actually had basic common sense and regretted how this went down. To Jack, it seemed like a genuine apology, so maybe he was being irrational about her intentions.

"You already know about Father Wolf, from what the others have said. You can imagine that I'm less than thrilled to see that you've attacked my friends," he responded, wearily. Looking up at the burning church, he took a second to reflect on the day so far. Everything was a disaster. He thought that sealing the Void Heart would be a step in the right direction, maybe Auri would look somewhat more dependable, and the coven might've used it as a morale boost.

One step forward, another step back.

"But if you're offering, I won't refuse. She needs it more than me... Thank you." He wasn't about to turn down healing at someone else's expense. "We-" He was interrupted when Linqian and Evelynn started bitching. Jack's whole head snapped to their direction as they started yelling at each other. Lynn had tears on her face. Disappointment crept up on his. Of course they were going to be angry about whatever the hell happened while he was gone. Of course, but they didn't have to fight over- What were they fighting over? Accepting help from the PRA?

And Jack might've let them scream it out, until he heard something from Evelynn that would have made him join the shouting were it not for the fact that he was carrying Auri.

“I am glad Father Wolf took Jinhai from you, you deserve as much.”

His blood ran cold at the idea that Lynn would dare fall so low. And the yellow-hot slap that Linqian delivered

"Excuse me," he said to Cindy, not hiding the contempt in his voice as he stomped over. They argued, and argued, and argue on. For once, he was the angry one now, and he hated that he was angry at these two. Jack didn't want to be.

"What did you expect to happen, saying something so heartless?" He asked Evelynn, trying to sound calm and mostly succeeding. "Do you remember how we all felt, watching one another fall in battle as children, Evelynn? We all hated ourselves for not being the ones who died in someone else' place, told ourselves that we might have been able to change the outcome if we were there. You lost more than most of us. Did you forget? that the rest of us cared for Jinhai as well?"

Jinhai and Jack were close. They were good friends who plotted strategies to fight back against the Stygian Snake together. They knew how to hit apparitions where it hurt, and they bonded over their abilities. "We all want the same things. Vengeance, survival, answers; Opening each others' wounds will only put all of us in a shallow grave sooner, rather than later." He really, really wanted to believe that Lynn simply wasn't thinking straight, because that was way out of line.

They were done, so Jack got off their asses about it, taking in a deep breath after chewing Lynn out.

"Which one of you is the healer?" He asked the agents.
Ryder didn't miss the fact that Cyclops was giving her a look, and shot it back just for the sake of it.

Looking back at Jean, in visible disbelief. "I don't care. I know damn well you don't have to run DNA tests to verify if someone's allergic to certain medicines. You just run a blood type test," She was bickering at Jean as if she were the adult, and Jean was the child. "It just so happens that I got subjected to a lot of those back at Umbra, so I know you're bullshitting me when I see it."

"Something you're gonna need to get used to is that I wasn't born yesterday. I know better than to just take all of you dumb fucks are your word. You might have someone else fooled by telling them you're just doing innocent little things here and there but that doesn't get past me." In Ryder's mind, all they had done up to this point was one shifty thing after another. They hadn't earn a single ounce of trust, and were only digging themselves deeper with no clear way to get on her good side...

...If she had one.

"You think you're clever, acting like you're just here to help people and protect them, but you turn around and pull shit like that. Next time it happens, I'll just crack someone open and strangle whoever tries to stop me with what comes out." a disturbing threat, but not an unrealistic or even far-fetched one coming from Ryder. She really did not appreciate being poked at.
@Punished GN

Here have an NPC. I have like zero plans for them but I wrote them for funsies and you can do whatever with them. Maybe they'll show up and have a beer with Meifeng or smth. Literally just a free NPC for our overlord lmfao

Leah Jordan

Location: The Dance
Gear: A hot ass dress, now smeared with blood
Skills: The insurmountable will to not lose her cool under any circumstances
Oh god oh fuck

Diana's younger brother, the little Murdertwink™️ that Dorian had started dating a while ago, came over and teleported April away. Did April want to go? Honestly, Leah was glad she wasn't present anymore after this whole thing happened. She didn't think about it yet, but Leah may have made it worse by shaking the whole damn building just by asking a question... She'd have to apologize for that, probably. But right now, she was pissed that Nimue had left this thing in here. So when the fucking watery tart made her way over to them, followed by Nemo and some purple-haired guy, she locked eyes with her and started bitching like crazy.

"Why the hell would you stick something like this in here? We all showed up to this dance to have just one normal day without training like hell. Walking into a magic... Whatever that was, full of strangers trying to attack us without warning is the complete opposite of that!" She glared at Nimue like she was about to deck the aquatic bint right where she stood.

All things considered, Leah sounded surprisingly in control as she vented out her fury on Nimue. She definitely sounded pissed, but not to an irrational point. "Everyone's been walking out of there crying and scared to death, and I just thought there was something really convincing in there. Look at me-" She lifted her bloodied, flayed, broken hand and absolutely refused to acknowledge the pain that shot up her arm. "I got tossed around like a sack of flour, and beaten into the damn ground. What if someone walks in there and they get hurt worse!? And before any of you give me the superhero-in-training speech, you do NOT leave magic death traps just laying around to attack people! I saw Victoria's sister walk in there way before I did, and I'm pretty sure she hasn't come out yet."

"What are you going to do when someone gets killed in there?!"
Britney craned her head at the two newcomers, her jaw agape. She turned her head towards Auri, then back to the strangers. She asked a question,

”... Who the hell are you two?” Britney eyed the gun like the deadly serious instrument it was.

Void recognized them instantly. But how? How did the Temple know? He was this close to biting the bullet and spending an eternity in darkness. But now?

Now, maybe he had a chance.

Void twisted in Jack's grasp, hissing as he pushed against the debilitating chains Stormy had placed on him. This was so much more different than when Alizée had been chained down. Much more severe.

He sweated, drawing up on his reserves, before a single phantom hand clutched onto Jack's grip. Slowly, with gritted effort, he tried to pry one digit off. Then another. Hallucinations circled at the edges of his vision. He was pushing himself too much.

This wouldn't work. He was already so weak.

With a snarl, Void reached out with his hands, and began to launch everything within reach. Ornaments, furniture - he launched them at Jack. At the same time, he twisted in Jack's grasp, trying to shake him off. He just needed Jack to flinch for a second.

Layla froze as she saw the mirrors and newcomers, immediately disoriented. Immediately panicking. All she could focus on was the gun.

“They're… Temple!” Void wheezed in her mind. [/color]

Layla sucked in a breath. The Temple? She didn't know much about them, but if they were here, that was good news, right?

The vines were constricting her entirely. It would take too long to pry them off, especially when time was of the essence.

Her eyes were fixated on Jack, Void in his grasp. The man she had only respected in these years. Now, he wanted to take away her only companion. The entity that promised she'd see her family again!

She couldn't bear it, fresh tears pricking her eyes. Agony, heartbreak and anger bubbled up from her chest, and in a heart-wrenching scream, she lashed out at Jack with a massive phantom hand. Whether he moved or not, the impact would be enough to shatter and destroy the floor and a bit of the wall behind him.

Furio flicked the fingers of his gun hand across the room, the thumb held down causing a continuous stream of darkness to rip across Britney’s vines. Like hot butter, they cleared away foliage section by section as Clarissa advanced toward a different portal and slipped in. It only took another instant for Furio to cram together a wall of dark black coal; carbon in its solid form, and it pushed itself forward across the room.

Hitting four different portals, it split across the room and began to play pinball as they scattered further and further. Both of the assailants had managed to slip across the mirrors in the chaos: Clarissa came back through one of the standing portals and let a shot loose at Jack wholesale. The bullet whizzed by with all the noise and air of a freight train, a basic telekinetic spell boosting its speed and power to leave a dinner plate sized hole in one of the walls.

Furio’s path was a bit more dramatic, the speed of his Magnatomic spell splitting the air literally as it unzipped the atoms across its pathway. He was aiming for the intimidating beefcake, eyes full of rage as he thought about the envy he felt toward Leon.

Every six foot plus giant on the planet, all of them so full of it.

He had come through one of the window portals sideways, high off the floor and diving downward through toward one of the standing portals. He took four shots of his spell across the room at Stormy, none of them connecting, before he slipped through another portal and wound up hitting the floor back out on the porch.

Furio laughed maniacally, finally pushing back up on his hands with a deep breath. On the other side, Clarissa kept them talking.

“Ding ding! The Temple of the Esteemed, of Charming and Graceful Individuals, at your service my friends!”

Britney’s mouth went agape. “... Leon,” She mused to herself as she reached inside the closet while everyone was distracted. She sighed as she pulled out the Noble Vow. She experienced a brief recollection as she did a brief flourish with the sword.

Bullets flew past Stormy. Yet somehow none of them hit, who the hell could possibly get in here with them? These were the cultists that Leon lived with, weren’t they? He had been hidden around the corner when Layla and the Heart were brought in, but he stepped out at the worst time. So the first thing he did was hurl a shield at the man charging towards him, only for Furio to just vanish.

Jack didn’t have time to say, “how did you follow us here?” due to the fact that furniture, bullets, and phantom hands all decided they took offense to his presence. A chair made a solid impact with Jack’s ribs, flinging him against a wall as he got slapped silly by the hands. Wait… Where did those bullets go?

The Void Heart was certainly free after ruining Jack’s living room. But like a dog on a leash, Jack ended up yanking him backwards as he was thrown into the wall, as he himself was set loose.

”I remember you,” He hissed as he felt blood seep into his clothes. ”Furio, Clarissa. Of course, they sent you to track me.”

”Layla- These people, they don’t care about you. That predator tormented Alizee, turned her into his plaything-” Jack hauled himself to his feet and swung an arm in the direction of Clarissa. The shadows cast on the walls by the green glow on the floor reached out to grab and restrain her, in the form of arms from numerous angles.

[color=6644ff]”He just wants to use you, like he used her! I won’t let that happen to anyone else!”[/i][/color]

Layla desperately broke free as vines were cut away, gaining freedom of her limbs. She looked out across the chaos unfolding, and saw Void had once more been taken captive.

It made her want to scream.

Her eyes leveled at Jack, body trembling as she took a step towards him. “It's not true! Let him go!”

Both her phantom hands were raised, and she slung a flurry of open-palmed attacks at him, the impact cracking the already splintered floor. She'd beat him into submission if she had to.

“Let him GO!”

From the corner of her eye, she saw attacks sling from one end to the other. People she had once counted as friends... Now were in an all out war to take away something precious from her.

She hated it.

She saw Jack's attack on the woman from the Temple - Clarissa - and a panicked whimper escaped her throat. She switched her swinging attack to a full-on choke, trying to get ahold of Jack's torso to shake him, maim him, choke him until his shadow arms disappeared and he freed Void.

“Stop now or I swear-”

Instinctively, her hand drew to the knife in her jacket's pocket. It would only take two seconds to cross the floor and end Jack.

Layla's maddened eyes tightened. She'd do what she'd have to.

As the phantom hands tried to choke out Jack, she approached, hand gripped tightly on the knife in her pocket.

Anything to make him stop.

Furio waited a few seconds, catching his breath before taking a long and purposeful stride back through the portal. He was never sure where he was going to end up, but banked on a standing portal; a gamble that he sometimes lost, like now where he came wholesale sideways in mid air through the portal, his orientation all sorts of fucked. The stride hit open air, and he was shunted forward and down onto the floor with a huff of air that left him vulnerable for a moment.

Clarissa, the only person who directly knew the current orientation of everything, backed off into the section next to her and came out by Furio’s side. She saw Britney pulling for the sword and rattled off a couple of shots into the dresser to keep her pinned there while Furio pushed up off the floor and into another portal.

“Jack, this is awful what you’re doing to poor Alizee’s memory! That girl worked with Void Heart until the day she died; is that not beautiful love to you?”

Britney gritted her teeth as she was forced to remain behind cover. ”That wasn’t LOVE! That was manipulation and brainwashing! Britney shouted back at her, hoping that Layla was going to hear and it’ll finally get through to her. ”Like Sloane said at the meeting! It hasn’t been a day, and he went to the next puppet! Doesn’t that set off any alarms to you, Layla!?”

“Shut up. Just SHUT UP!” Layla screamed, not taking her eyes off Jack. Britney couldn't be right.

As Furio pushed up, he unleashed another material spell, this time with a pure liquid nitrogen spray that filled the area outside the portal with thick smokey mist and obscured him as he exited. He was headed right for Auri, fist up as metal expanded across its surface for a haymaker swing.

“False Prophet, failure of the Sycamore!” he shouted as the fist closed in for the Sycamore Leader’s head. There was no telling how hard it would hit, but judging by the momentum alone, it wouldn’t feel good getting slammed with an iron cast. Knocking Auri out, she dropped the Butterfly Staff on the ground, and Britney sighed as they were now up to three fighters.

Against four people that’d gladly kill them.

Void's eyes looked on in grim satisfaction as he wheezed, struggling. That bitch deserved a good clock in the face.

That was, at least, until he noticed Britney flourish, something he expected never to see again. The sword.

He sweated. “Attack Britney, not Jack!”

Layla spared a glance for a brief moment. “But Jack is the problem.”

“They're all the problem!”

Layla still had her eyes trained on Jack. “I'm busy.”

“I swear, girl. Defy me and we will die.”

Void gritted his jagged teeth, and pushed hard against the magic on him with all his might. His red-rimmed eyes glared at Britney, memorizing her position. He knew what would happen next.

With a blood-curdling scream, he visibly fought against Stormy’s magic. Steadily, horrors overtook his vision. Steadily, he could feel the chains. Steadily, he could feel where he needed to push to break them. Britney darted her head towards Void Heart.


And like a thousand glasses shattering, Void broke the magical hold. He made short work of Jack’s hold, near tearing apart Jack’s shadowy hand with his own. And, though blind, he set on his next task: Destroy Britney.

Like needles cutting through the wind, his phantom hands shot forward towards Britney, fisted and aiming to pulverize her from the left and right. The impact would leave craters in the wood and stone. He had to act fast. Even though he was now blind, he couldn't, under any circumstance, allow her to use that sword.

Britney’s face remained stony as she saw the hands fly towards her… and she didn’t so much as move. The Noble Vow was in one hand, and with some grace, Britney spun around like a ballerina and created a barrier of thick wood around herself that would block herself and Auri from further attack and sight. She made it thick enough to block any bullets (or she hoped) as Britney heard the hands collide against the barriers and come to a stop. She stumbled momentarily as the sudden plant growth clawed at her health, but Britney used the doorframe to brace herself and stop herself from falling over. She gritted her teeth and panted as she looked down the hall at Auri and Furio, took a few steps out of the cover, and ensured she was seen.

”Get away from my friend,” Britney narrowed her eyes as she spun the Noble Vow in her hands clockwise until it was aimed downwards. ”And maybe I won’t drop your head on the Temple’s doorstep.”

“No- wait!”

The metallic voice hung in the air. Void couldn't see, but he could hear the swish of steel. He could almost feel Furio's turning gaze. The impending doom that the Noble Vow represented. Britney’s looming shadow.

Void's hands hovered in the air before falling limp at his sides, disappearing. The horrors in his eyes only intensified at the idea of the Temple's morgue having one more body.

He couldn't do that. He was selfish. Hell, scared, even, at the prospect of being locked away. But he couldn't do that. Not in the memory of Alizée.

He was blind. Surrounded. And the ones who had put their faith in him these many, many years, would he really pay it back by asking them to sacrifice their lives just for a chance at freedom?

Void stared at the source of Britney's voice. “Wait…”

A breath.

“Just seal me.”

There was a sharp intake of breath behind him. “No!”

“Layla?” His voice raised a bit, in demand of being listened to. “Don't throw your future away. Not for this.”

Of course he knew about the knife.

“But… But we're talking about your life!”

“Just listen to me, okay?”

Void stayed firmly planted where he hovered, making no moves as his unfocused eyes stared over Britney. There was an air of surrender about him. Clear, pure, and dignified.

“I only have a small request to ask.”

He shifted slightly, blurred eyes gesturing in the direction of Layla.

“Keep me close to Layla, and don't abandon her… Layla’s locket will do the job.”

(I will format my shit when I get out of bed- Atom)
Furio and Clarissa both came to a screeching halt as the entity they came to rescue called out for clemency. For a moment's rest. Furio was utterly disgusted by the prospect, and he took a step off of Auri. He turned his back, slow footsteps taking him down the hall.

“What the fuck, Void?”

Clarissa's voice warbled slightly as she expressed her own displeasure.

“Fine, fine! You wanna die, Mr. Hunger? Mr. Can't Help Himself?”

Clarissa coughed to clear her throat, but Furio spoke through gritted teeth before his wife could continue.

“Your life is not yours to decide what to do with, Void! You made a promise to the Temple and I'll see you held to it!”

”Don't you see I'm trying to make it so no one else has to die?” Void hissed in a low voice, feeling backed into a corner.

Clarissa took the opportunity to reposition closer to Jack than Britney, backstepping into a mirror and coming out on the other side of the room.

“If the Entity's Will is broken, the Temple of Charming and Graceful individuals demands the recognition of claim. Allow us the opportunity to separate him from the Host and seal him: Send as many representatives to Alizeé's funeral as you like, but he deserves to see her buried before his own fate.”

The demand was long winded, punctuated by Furio.

“Weak, pathetic mass of Ink… We dirty our boots to traverse your mire and you leave us knee deep!?”

“I never asked you to come here to die!” Void growled.

”Be grateful that you haven’t been cut to pieces for attacking us,” Jack wheezed out, in the grasp of Layla’s phantom hands. His shadow hand had been mangled, but it would regrow in time.

”If you seal him yourself, you’ll just free him the moment you’re out of sight, and we did not stage this for it to be meaningless.” His eyes were locked on Furio like he was trying to set the man on fire with his mind. There was blood dripping from the floor, from his gunshot wounds. ”We aren’t foolish enough to believe that vermin won’t take advantage of her again!”

”If you’re serious about this, put away your weapons, leave, and let us seal him!” Britney demanded as she kept her eyes on Furio, keeping the Noble Vow tight in her grip.

”You people don’t seem to understand. That fucking ghost is OURS. You want the girl? You can have her back after we’ve flayed him and-”

Void seemed to visibly flinch.

Clarissa’s mouth gaped open. Shit, he’s not supposed to be going off like this…
“What he means, Kids, is that we’re all in alignment here! If we’re going to drop our pretenses, let’s lay it out! He broke his promise and his contract, and he’s indebted to us! The only way we can make this right is by sealing him ourselves.”

”And why should we trust a word that comes out of your mouths!?” Britney asked, aimed the Noble Vow at them, and continued, ”You attacked us, tried to kill us, all for some floating testicle with a face!”

”The Sycamore Tree Coven renounced its status the moment it disbanded! Simply put, you’re outside of your depth, affecting things that you have no business affecting! Alizee, and by extension Void Heart, are our responsibilities!”

”And you’re acting like the Old Coven was an actual institution!” Britney replied.

Furio looked beyond frustrated, face beet red and veiny from the strain of casting consistent high level material spells. Clarissa was far more calm, and as she spoke she snapped at him.
“Furio, enough! Logic! We’re simply not trying to kill you… You’d already be dead if we were. We just want what's ours, and if you need to be reminded of reason, we’re here to remind you.”

Staring at Jack, Furio spoke again.
“You’ve not been told yet, since nobody can find you normally, Asshole… But you’re expected at Alizee’s funeral! Pallbearer! I wouldn’t kill someone who has such an honor!”

Jack’s expression twisted in a mixture of unresolved grief, and bitter contempt. Her funeral. Of course, they were possessive of their “people,” but they were ceremonious at heart.

”I will be present for it. And once she is laid to rest, you will stay as far away from me and those I care for as humanly possible, or you will join her in death.” It was, ultimately, an irrational threat. Jack had been putting on a brave face since the morning after her death, but now that anger was turned on a man who wasn’t responsible for it.

”Then let us handle it! And give this spirit the dignity it deserves for fuck’s sake!”
Clarissa let the weapon she was holding drop to her side, palming the pistol with a long and slender finger still slipped into the trigger guard. Furio, however, was not so easily moved to peace. He didn’t drop his hand, nor the thick layer of metal that had molded over his chest like a protective plate.

”I don’t remember asking, I think I remember making demands. Give Layla and Void Heart up for now, so professionals can assist in her transition. Void Heart, my friend… You see the damn trouble you cause everyone!?”

Void fell silent, teeth gritted. There was pain in his face.

”Then let us come and oversee ever-” Britney tried to say before she was interrupted.

“What about me?!” Came a shout from across the room.

Layla stood there frozen, torn between pulling out her knife and giving Jack the final goodnight, or stopping the insane words coming out of these people's mouths. Everyone - Void, the Temple, Britney - was just… okay with this. With Void going away forever.

Going away…


She visibly stiffened, tormented emotions breaking across her face.

“Twelve years. Twelve! Years! I've been alone. Doing… unspeaking things to ‘appease’.”

The phantom hands trembled as they tightened around Jack, visibly shaking with anger.

“And now, finally. Finally I don't have to be afraid. Someone to watch over me, and keep the monsters away. And you…”

A sharp inhale. A rustle. A shining gleam as a switchblade was pulled out of Layla's pocket, flicked open and tip balanced downward on her open jugular.

“You think you can take that away from me?!”

She pressed the knife a bit closer, feeling the sharpness dig through a layer of skin.

“Just try, just fucking try it, and watch what happens!”

”Put the knife down, Layla. Is this what you want?” Stormy kept his aura across the floor, since the Void Heart could’ve done anything if he was free from it.

Void didn't move, stunned as he was, staring solely at Layla.

The Noble Vow dropped to the ground, and Britney gently approached Layla, taking very slow steps. She maintained eye contact.

”Look, Layla,” Britney said, ”We can fix this. We can help you. I know things seem bad - and I don’t know all the details - but there’s no need to do anything we can’t come back from! We can help you! That’s what Sycamore is for! To help each other!”

Britney stopped her approach as she continued with, ”We didn’t do this to hurt you, we did this because we love and care about you. And we don’t want to lose you… I know you said you’ve been doing… things for twelve years, but in the bigger book that is your life, you can come back from it. We all can.”

She paused as tears started running down her eyes.

”Just put down the knife! I don’t care what I have to do, but I would give anything - ANYTHING - for you to see another beautiful day!”

Layla blinked back tears of her own. “No, no, no! You're going to take away the one good thing that's happened to me!”

Jack felt ice cold, under the layers of his clothes. Partially due to the bleeding, and partially due to the hands tightening around him. It was almost suffocating. ”Alizee was my friend. We saved all of Shimmer alongside the rest of the coven,” he said, weakly. ”The Void Heart twisted her mind, drove her to hunt down innocent people every night. For years. We were only children, and yet he made her do unspeakable things.”

He could feel the knife digging into his skin, despite how cold he felt. Shadows writhed hidden from sight, daring the knife to draw blood further.

”I tried to help her, I tried so much, and I failed her. I was not there when she was murdered. My friend has not been laid to rest, and he has already moved on to you, Layla. Is this what you want? To be his disposable plaything? You are one of us. You were, and are Sycamore. You will not be alone, in his absence.”

Layla shivered at his words, fresh tears pouring from her eyes. “Being a plaything is better than what I was before! And you'll send me back to that hell?! You try to help me, but you don't…”

A breath. A heart-wrenching cry. “You don't understand!”

“Of course they don't understand! Now stop this, sweetheart!”

Void was staring over Layla across the floor, eyes unfocused. He could feel the effects of Stormy's magic snaking into his inky depths once more, like a specialist's numbing blanket before an operation. He wouldn't be able to fight it again, not now.

Instead, he focused entirely on Layla, on what he could guess she was trying to do.

“You're right, okay, sweetie?” He dropped his tone, trying to hush her. “You're completely right. But right now you need to be brave. This isn't gonna go away by hurting yourself or anyone else.”

With their minds linked, Void silently sent Layla a picture in her mind. ‘2321 Ash Ave’ was painted on a black sign. A looming alleyway, and a hidden door.

“You won't be alone,” He said, a smirk cracking his face.

“Now… let these people do what they're going to do. I've lived long enough. A thousand years of sleep doesn't scare me.”

A pause.

“Alright, sweetheart?”

Layla stared, transfixed on Void, before her bottom lip trembled, and a whimpering groan escaped her lips. The breaking point. The release of grief for what was to come.

The knife was dropped, Layla’s phantom hands disappeared, dropping Jack, and she fell to her knees, weeping openly.

Void listened for a moment, eyes tight. In his calmness, parts of his vision had returned, so he could directly look at Furio as he addressed the man.

“Sir, just let them do what they're going to do. If you're going to punish me, punish me here and now.”

His eyes glanced towards Britney. “I'd… like to see Alizée, one last time.”

”You don’t deserve it… but whatever it takes to end this.” Britney said as she put a hand on her hip.

His chin set. “If you're going to do this, get it over with. I only have so much courage left in front of my charge.”

Layla cried out, weeping more loudly. “No…”

There was silence from the two Temple members as they stared into the face of another sad situation. They both, without consulting one another, immediately considered their own teenage daughter Ivetta.

The poor thing. Clarissa connected every bit of sorrow she'd ever felt, and remembered back to her own Kindling.

She had almost been Abjured, but the spirit had taken pity on her. Showed her the way. A mentor when she needed it most, and a parental figure she never had.
It was hard for a young woman to give up her ghost when it made her feel powerful.

Furio only grew more impatient, the thought of his daughter crossing his mind. They were only making this worse for the poor girl, and it was incredibly clear to him that the Temple was the only place with resources qualified to help this girl heal from this experience.

”You small minded children… You see now? How your actions affect those around you? This girl… She doesn't care how dangerous the spirit is, only that it gives her power! The chance to stand taller than she has!” Furio asserted through gritted teeth.
”And our people tried their best! But Void Heart won't tell you about the long process and many hardships we faced trying to help Alizée! How devastated we are that she's gone… Now you all want to try and do something about it? All of a sudden, once it's affected you, you feel the need to lash out!? Fuck y-”

Clarissa stepped through a portal and settled next to her husband, letting the entire house of mirrors fade away. Her touch brought him to a halt like a stone golem, and she took her turn.
”Britney, love… You can observe our methods all you want. Lets just set things right here: We all return to the Temple, Void Heart can see Alizée one last time, and we can begin the process of helping poor dear Layla! Together! And if we're all so concerned about the process, have Jack stick around! Redeem himself for a decade of being a real shitty absentee friend!?” Clarissa stared at him with a snarky smirk forming across her face.

”This is the last time we're offering.” Furio made sure to punctuate his wife's fluffy speech with actual reality.

Britney was silent for a moment, as she stared at the portal and the two goons that just tried to murder them. ”I’ll go, just to make sure Layla is okay,” She let her words hang in the air.

Layla sniffed, rubbing her wet eyes. “I'd be fine…” Defeated bitterness in her tone.

Britney walked over, and grabbed the Noble Vow, and looked over her shoulder at Jack. ”I’m… sorry for touching Reza’s sword, but I am going to hold onto it for a little bit longer if you don’t mind.” She awkwardly chuckled. ”Take Auri back to Shimmer - but before you go, don’t tell ANYBODY what happened here.”

Britney looked between Jack and Stormy for confirmation.

”You want to hide the fact that we were attacked? We can’t be keeping secrets from the others, right now. We’re all struggling to trust each other.”

“Trust. That’s the crux of it all, isn’t it?” Britney answered, “There is no way we can explain this without them thinking it’s bullshit.”

”Then what are we supposed to tell them? That we’ve just been in the back of the church this entire time? Doesn’t time work differently here? A day might’ve passed already.”

”That isn’t quite how it works.”

“Heh, knowing them, they might believe it,” Britney scoffed.

”Secrets are all part and parcel. The cost of business… I'm sorry, but our organization has put too many resources into this for us to back down. It simply can't happen.”

Clarissa turned her body, lifting her pistol and firing a round into nowhere. One of Jack's many left behind portals ripped itself open like a cloth barrier. It swirled with purple energy.

”Layla, Void Heart… Come. Now.” Furio outstretched a hand, motioning for the poor girl to follow.

Layla shivered, feeling eyes on her as she picked herself up off the floor. She pocketed the knife, wiped her eyes dry, and crossed the floor without as much as a whimper. Void was at her side, eyes glancing between Stormy and Furio.

“Let's get this over with.”

”Whatever you intend to do over there on the temple’s territory, I am not letting you do it alone,” Stormy answered. ”I don’t fully trust this organization to not have other motives. And I’m sure they can understand looking out for one’s own people.”

“Then, join me,” Britney gestured for Stormy to come along. She looked over her shoulder at Jack, “You can take it from here?”

Jack’s eyes flicked down to the Noble Vow, a sword he never imagined seeing in the hands of anyone else. For a moment, he felt relieved in some weird way, that he had more than one friend who could wield it. Wherever Britney went, Jack knew she’d be safe.

”Go. Keep that sword close to you, and please be careful. If I don’t hear from you soon, I’ll pay the Temple a visit.”

Britney nodded, smiling as she looked back at Jack. ”I’ll be okay, trust me, I’m probably the most dangerous person in here!”

Layla stood at the threshold of the portal, grimacing at the Noble Vow. Her eyes glanced from Britney up to Void.

“Is… is everything gonna be okay?”

There was a pause, before Void smirked. “I won't feel pain, if that's what you mean. Go on, sweetheart. I'm right behind you.”

Layla's bottom lip trembled ever so slightly, unsure if Void was lying or not, before she slowly stepped into the portal. Void sighed, giving Furio a pained look, before slipping into the portal as well.

Furio followed behind the girl and her phantom, keen on ensuring there was no more funny business on behalf of any guilty parties. Andrade was waiting, and the meal had to be prepared for the girl to eat. If the Sycamores were so keen on seeing the deed, maybe they too would stay for dinner. It’d be a pain, but not unexpected of Lynette’s eccentricities.

Clarissa held her portal open, eyeing the Coven members for a moment.

“C’mon, you two. You better take a look at that Auri girl, Jackie. Furio really nailed her, it seemed like.”

She waved her hands toward them all, ushering those who chose to come along into the portal through. One final deep breath.
“And, Jack… Alizee’s service. We expect you early, two days from now. Before seven in the morning. There’ll be coffee.”

She blew him a kiss. It wasn’t some kind of flirty thing; rather a recognized habitual gesture. Something she always did and had always done, the countless times he’d seen her in his old visits to the Temple. A request, a wink and a kiss. A sly smile as if the recipient is the only other person in her world at that moment who can do what she’s asked…

And then she was gone. They all crossed the barrier, leaving Jack and Auri behind to deal with their wounds.

Once they left, Jack looked around at his ruined house, disappointed. He stepped over to Auri’s unconscious body and pressed his fingers to her pulse to check that she was still alive.

He felt the tiniest bit lightheaded, thanks to the bullets in his side. Jack lifted her up off the floor. There was absolutely no conceivable way they could explain this in a different way. Void picked up a gun and shot Jack. Void punched Auri’s lights out. No, he didn’t just drain the life out of them. And even if they could, then what? Would it just be some secret the Temple agreed to keep as well?

They could blackmail the Sycamore that way. No, Jack had a better idea: If Britney and Auri wouldn’t come clean about this disaster, he would.

With their unconscious leader in his arms, Jack reached forward and pulled open a void rift.

He stepped back into Shimmer, outside the church, and directly into the sight of their new lair burning to the ground. Everyone was on the ground, handcuffed at the feet of PRA agents. There was no other explanation for this. One of them had a compound bow, why else would they if they were ordinary law enforcement? And Bianca was there. With them?

Fear gripped him. Not because federal agents had caught wind of them. He considered the PRA to be beneath most people. No, he was afraid that more of them had just been killed in a fire. Quickly looking over the group, they were all accounted for. [i]Good.[i]

”What is the meaning of this!?” He demanded, glaring daggers at the agents. It was midday, so he couldn’t teleport faster than they could raise their guns, but that wasn’t a problem right now.

He wasn't the most menacing sight to behold, holding an injured woman while blood dripped onto the grass.

Jack Hawthorne

Location: The Sanctum Sanctorum
Spells: Renewal

The universe was his home. Every reality from here to the Astral Spheres, every planet, every fringe civilization beyond the scope of humanity. It was all just a stone's throw away, the same distance, to Jack. It was ironic, then, that he never noticed the dangers threatening the world until now. He should have been here at Strange's party. Maybe he could've stepped away and caught the man being murdered. And now, he walked through the mystical halls of the Sanctum, a place he hadn't set foot in for a very long time, not since Strange first took up residence. The place had his personality all over it, from the curtains to the countless knowledge stacked to the ceiling. Did anyone notice that he was missing? Did anyone notice the most powerful magician on earth was no longer present, or did they simply run without a passing thought when the demons arrived?

Everything could be swept away so easily. Nothing lasted forever.

Zelma caught them up about the Veil. It would be a matter of minutes before it fully collapsed and the lines between Earth-616 and Limbo no longer existed. Like water and paint, they would blur together, and both would be irreparably changed forever. They had to renew the Veil as one, all in unison.

Jack was suddenly very, very grateful that he had come here once before. "The Renewal spell can theoretically be cast by anyone, regardless of their magic background," Jack offered. "I know it. I was here when the title of Sorcerer Supreme was passed down to Stephen Strange. I remember when he used it. It requires the soul of the Sorcerer Supreme, and there are eight of us."

He looked out a window and saw that things were getting decidedly worse. "If we work in unison to cast the spell, it should be enough to save earth. It is verbal, so listen closely and follow my lead."

Jack took in a deep breath, and cleared his mind. He thought back to the feeling in the air when Strange said the words. The feeling of worlds growing further away, of distance unfurling upon itself into infinity. The horizons growing distinct, more like themselves, and ever more distinct.

"Through heart and soul of the Fifth Eternity, the world hears my call,
Invaders from horizons unbound, and hunters of the frail,
In the name of Agamotto, son of Oshtur, the Earth rejects your might,
May the Divide of the Cosmos stand tall, and never fall to ruin,
Lest we wither and lament the endless war of chaos everlasting.

May those who trespass these sacred bounds mourn their fate,
And the wicked from lands unseen be banished from whence they came,
The land, the sky, and the soul of Life defy the Great Beyond,
By decree of the Sorcerer Supreme, none shall trespass upon this Veil!"

Ryder scoffed at Xavier's response, turning around and looking at him with a marginally unamused look. "I wasn't born yesterday. Is doing DNA tests on me and running MRIs to look at cybernetics you can't poke at your definition of "avoiding further discomfort?" Or did you just think I didn't know about that, too?" Ryder tipped her hand, to prove a point more than anything. She knew more about what they were doing than she let on, even more so than what she had screamed into Xavier's subconscious by trying to scare the shit out of him. While she pretended to be out cold, Ryder had physically listened to their conversations through speakers in electronics. Their phones, microphones in computers, everything that could make a machine hear things was an extension of her senses.

But there was also the admission that Ryder knew about the tech rooted at the center of her brain, too deep for anyone without outlandishly advanced facilities to even consider embedding in someone's brain without leaving them in a vegetative state. "I'm not sure what your definition of "comfort" is, but I know damn well mine doesn't involve DNA tests when people think I'm out cold. So you're both gonna have to try a little harder than that if you don't wanna seem like massive fucking hypocrites."
Ryder watched the kids use their powers to toss the ball around, momentarily zoning out to look around at everything else. These kids were just playing without a care in the world out here, and it felt almost weird to witness. No one was looking over their shoulders, staring holes through the back of someone else’s heads, or looking suspicious in the corner of her vision.

It was not the sort of environment she was accustomed to.

So maybe that was why she didn’t appreciate Jean walking up to her and apologizing. And the first thing she jumped to after that was Umbra. Umbra this, Umbra that.

Jean saw the hole she lived in, the glorified prison cell that was her entire existence.

The mere mention of that dig into her like toothpicks under her fingernails.

”Of course I didn’t invite you in. Why in the hell would I do something like that? You’re lucky I didn’t put you in a catatonic state after that. Or for picking at me like a thresh corpse for the last three weeks.” Venom, vitriol and everything between. It was always that and nothing more with her. The first words she properly spoke to Jean, the first impression, was that Ryder was not a kind individual.

She didn’t care if the other kids were looking at her funny for that. If they were intimidated, good. If not, oh well.

”You seem pretty shortsighted for someone who’s supposed to be some sort of scientist.”
Ryder followed the old man out, and chose to ignore the laser-eye person and the psychic bitch who stitched her up. They were doing their own thing, so she really hoped they didn't turn and see her, only to run over and act all happy and outgoing. Ryder would've just yelled at them to fuck off if such a thing happened, and since it didn't, she just kept her eyes peeled on the numerous kids running around. It was, admittedly, a nice day out. Ryder's eyes fell halfway shut, she was unaccustomed to being out in the sun on a day as clear as this. She lived in a cell, several floors below the ground, with only fluorescent lights and a clock to tell her what the time of day was. This was unusual, in a way.

She didn't make eye contact with the three kids running around. She just watched.

"Doesn't seem very special to me," she commented.
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